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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 31(1): e26729, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565774


Abstract Beak deformity have a frequency of 0.5% in wild bird populations. In addition to being rare, beak deformities are also poorly reported in the Brazilian scientific literature. Here we report beak deformities in the species: Dendrocincla merula, Amazona ochrocephala and Pheugopedius genibarbis, all of which occurred in southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Dendrocolaptids make intensive use of their beaks in the search for insects and small vertebrates, where they explore in cracks in wood with lateral blows. In the case presented here, this behaviour may have been the cause of the breakage of the tip of this individual's maxilla. In Brazilian territory, few species of parrots were recorded with deformity in the beak and in the individual in this work, everything indicates that Amazona ochrocephala was a captive animal, as it was excessively thin and its diet probably had a low content of vitamins and calcium, where their deficiency even when the animal was a puppy may have contributed to the deformity of the maxilla. Cases of beak deformities in species of the Troglodytidae family are rare, but the individual in this work presented an unusual curvature in the maxilla not observed in other individuals in museum collections. Only with more reports will we be able to better understand the occurrence and causes of these beak deformities in wild birds.

Resumen La deformidad del pico es una característica rara y tiene una frecuencia baja, con 0.5% de casos en poblaciones de aves silvestres. Además de ser raras, las deformidades del pico también son escasamente reportadas en la literatura científica brasileña. Reportamos aquí deformidades en los picos de aves de las especies: Dendrocincla merula, Amazona ochrocephala y Pheugopedius genibarbis, en los cuales todos los registros ocurrieron en el sudoeste de la Amazonia brasileña. Los dendrocoláptidos hacen uso intensivo del pico en la búsqueda de insectos y pequeños vertebrados, explorando en grietas de la madera con golpes laterales. En el caso aquí presentado, este comportamiento de exploración pudo haber sido la causa de la rotura de la punta del maxilar de este individuo. En el territorio brasileño, pocas especies de loros fueron registradas con deformidad en el pico y en el individuo de este trabajo, todo indica que Amazona ochrocephala era un animal de cautiverio, ya que estaba excesivamente delgado y su dieta probablemente tenía un bajo contenido de vitaminas y calcio, donde su deficiencia incluso cuando el animal era un joven puede haber contribuido a la deformidad del maxilar. Los casos de deformidades del pico en especies de la familia Troglodytidae son raros, pero el individuo de este trabajo presentaba una curvatura inusual en el maxilar no observada en otros individuos de esta especie depositados en la colección científica. Sólo con más informes podremos entender mejor la ocurrencia y las causas de estas deformidades del pico en aves silvestres.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(3): 714-728, jul.-set. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-1518924


Este relato apresenta reflexões sobre uma experiência interdisciplinar que envolveu idealização, planejamento, organização, realização e divulgação de um evento científico virtual como requisito da disciplina Seminários Avançados de Pesquisa 1, oferecida pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Informação e Comunicação em Saúde desenvolvido pelo Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde, uma das unidades técnico-científicas da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Os doutorandos da turma de 2020 promoveram o webinário "Para além dos limites da saúde: cuidado em perspectiva interdisciplinar", como parte da formação acadêmica, e este relato é produto científico daquele evento. Além do desenvolvimento de habilidades e atitudes, essa experiência representou um aprendizado pessoal, intangível e emocional do cuidado para além dos limites da saúde, e também ético sobre as "coisas negligenciadas" e acerca da força dos consensos diante de um cenário complexo marcado por uma pandemia causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, a pandemia de covid-19

This report presents reflections about an interdisciplinary experience that involved the idealization, planning, organization, implementation and dissemination of a virtual scientific event as requisite for the Seminários Avançados de Pesquisa 1 (Advanced Research Seminars 1), one of the disciplines offered by the Programa de Pós-graduação em Informação e Comunicação em Saúde (Postgraduate Program in Health Information and Communication) developed by the Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde (Institute of Communication and Scientific and Technological Information in Health), one of the technical-scientific units of the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation). The students who began in 2020 their classes to obtain the PhD Degree promoted the webinar "Beyond the limits of health: care from an interdisciplinary perspective" as part of the academic education, and this report is a scientific product of that event. In addition to the development of skills and attitudes, that experience represented a personal, intangible and emotional learning of the care beyond the limits of health as well as an important ethical learning about the "neglected things" and the strength of consensus in the face of a complex scenario marked by a pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2, the Covid-19 pandemic

Este relato presenta reflexiones sobre una experiencia interdisciplinar que implicó la idealización, planificación, organización, realización y difusión de un evento científico virtual como requisito de la disciplina Seminários Avançados de Pesquisa 1 (Seminarios Avanzados de Investigación 1), ofrecida por el Programa de Pós-graduação em Informação e Comunicação em Saúde (Programa de Posgrado en Información y Comunicación en Salud) desarrollado por el Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde (Instituto de Comunicación y Información Científica y Tecnológica en Salud), una de las unidades técnicas y científicas de la Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fundación Oswaldo Cruz). Los doctorandos del curso de 2020 promovieron el webinario "Más allá de los límites de la salud: cuidado desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria" como parte de la formación académica, y este relatoes producto científico de aquel evento. Además del desarrollo de habilidades y actitudes, esa experiencia representó un aprendizaje personal, intangible y emocional del cuidado más allá de los límites de la salud, y también un importante aprendizaje ético sobre las "cosas tratadas con negligencia" y aún acerca de la fuerza de los consensos ante un escenario complejo marcado por una pandemia provocada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, la pandemia de Covid-19

Humanos , Salud Pública , Comunicación Interdisciplinaria , Investigación Interdisciplinaria , COVID-19 , Informes de Casos , Salud , Prácticas Interdisciplinarias
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;42: e51485, fev. 2020. map, ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460940


Seed dispersal is one of the principal ecological processes that determine the richness and distribution of plants in tropical forests. Birds play an important role in the zoochoric dispersal of seeds in these forests.The present study investigated the bird-plant interactions involving the ingestion and dispersal of seeds by the birds found in the edge habitat of an isolated forest fragment on the Catuaba Experimental Farm in eastern Acre, in southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. The birds were captured using mist nets, and the seeds were collected from fecal samples obtained during the handling of the animals. These seeds were sorted and identified. The bird and the plant species identified during the study were used to calculate the connectivity and nestedness of the bird-plant interactions. We captured 82 species of birds, with a total sampling effort of 203,180 h.m². Fecal samples obtained from 19 of the bird species contained a total of 2,086 seeds, representing 23 plant species. The interaction network had an intermediate connectance, and significant nestedness. Ramphocelus carbohad the highest importance index and was the bird with the largest number of plant interactions, while Cecropia latilobawas the plant with the highest importance index, followed by Schefflera morototoni. Most of the seed-dispersing birds identified in the present study are generalists found in both the forest core and its edge. The results of the study indicated that the community of generalist-frugivore birds interacts extensively with the plant community of the fragment, providing seed dispersal services that include the deforested areas adjacent to the fragment.

Animales , Aves , Dispersión de las Plantas , Bosques , Semillas/química , Ecosistema