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Mycotoxin Res ; 25(1): 3-10, 2009 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23604930


Alternariol (AOH) and alternariol-9-methyl ether (AME) are major toxins produced by fungi of the genus Alternaria and are frequently found in various food items. Because AOH has three hydroxyl groups and AME two, the formation of various glucuronides must be expected. When AOH was incubated with hepatic and intestinal microsomes from rats, pigs and humans in the presence of uridine diphosphate glucuronic acid, two glucuronides were detected and tentatively identified as AOH-3-O-glucuronide and AOH-9-O-glucuronide. Under the same conditions, AME yielded predominantly AME-3-O-glucuronide and only small amounts of AME-7-O-glucuronide. The activities of all microsomes for the glucuronidation of AOH and AME were in the same range. Nine out of ten recombinant human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) were able to glucuronidate AOH, and eight out of ten UGTs had activity for AME. These data suggest that AOH and AME are readily glucuronidated in hepatic and extrahepatic tissues, implying that glucuronidation constitutes a major metabolic pathway in the disposition of these mycotoxins.

Mycotoxin Res ; 24(3): 117-23, 2008 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23604745


TheAlternaria toxins alternariol (AOH), alternariol-9-methyl ether (AME), altenuene (ALT) and isoaltenuene (iALT) undergo extensive oxidative metabolism, but the cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms responsible for the reported hydroxylation reactions are yet unknown. In the present study, the activities of twelve human CYP isoforms for the hydroxylation of AOH, AME, ALT and iALT at different positions have been determined. The most active monooxygenase for AOH and AME was CYP1A1, and lower activities were observed for CYP1A2, 2C19 and 3A4. Hydroxylation at C-2 of AOH and AME was the preferred reaction of most isoforms. For ALT and iALT, CYP2C19 had the highest activity, followed by 2C9 and 2D6. The dominating metabolite of all active isoforms was the 8-hydroxylated ALT and iALT. The activities of the CYP isoforms are consistent with the pattern of metabolites of theAlternaria toxins obtained with pooled human hepatic microsomes. Based on the activities of the CYP isoforms, a significant extrahepatic hydroxylation must be expectede.g. in the lung and esophagus for AOH and AME, and in the intestine and ovaries for ALT and iALT. As all major hydroxylation products are catechols, the extrahepatic metabolism ofAlternaria toxins may be of toxicological relevance.
