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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36498438


(1) Background: This systematic review supported by a bibliometric analysis identified quantitative and qualitative empirical studies that allowed us to respond to the objective of identifying and discussing the scope and limitations of the clinical-psychotherapeutic supervision in virtual modality or telesupervision. (2) Methods: The articles were selected according to the Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, and the eligibility criteria proposed by the PICOS strategy (population, interventions, comparators, outcomes, and study design) based on 396 records of scientifically identified articles in the Journal Citation Report databases of the Web of Science. (3) Results: The literature review stages allowed the selection of three articles, which were added three others that were already included in a previous review, to enrich the analysis and discussion. The results of the present review highlighted aspects of nonverbal communication, alliance, comfort, preference, trust, and construction of professional identity, among others, both considering only the telesupervision format and comparing it with traditional face-to-face supervision. (4) Conclusions: The contributions that these results are providing to the understanding of the scope and limitations of the practice of telesupervision are discussed, also considering its interference in the construction of the professional identity of supervisors and supervisees.

Bibliometría , Psicoterapia , Investigación Cualitativa , Investigación Empírica
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36361366


The main aim in this research was to validate a scale for measuring technostress in Chilean university students under the context of hybrid education. There were 212 university students as participants from the central-south zone of Chile. For measuring technostress manifestations, a technostress questionnaire for Chinese university professors and its adaptation for Spanish university students was used as a base instrument to adapt the scale. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis generated an adequacy of the psychometric scale by eliminating three items from the original scales but generated important changes by reordering the other 19 items into only three factors, establishing an important local difference with previous versions that contemplated five factors, but retaining as a central axis the stress produced by a misfit between the person and his or her environment. The resulting scale was based on factors such as Abilities-Demands Techno-Educational, Needs-Supplies Resources, and Person-People Factor. It also has a good internal consistency with a scale that allows for the continuation of technostress measurements in the local context; adding to studies on this topic which have already been carried out on diverse actors of the Chilean educational system; proposing a reliable and valid psychometric scale of technostress in Chilean university students; and giving researchers and academic managers the ability to know the adverse effects of the use of technologies and propose mitigation actions.

Estudiantes , Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Chile , Universidades , Psicometría , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 17(2): 148-169, jul.-dic. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043047


Resumen (descriptivo) Se presenta un modelo de intervención en atención temprana en niños y niñas con SD, inscribiéndose en el enfoque de derechos y la perspectiva de la educación inclusiva en primera infancia. Para abordar las necesidades educativo-sanitarias especiales de estos niños y niñas, de entre 0 y 4 años, se diseña un programa de intervención asociado al grado de discapacidad cognitiva-afectiva-relacional previamente diagnosticado. El seguimiento se desarrolla en un taller de acompañamiento con progenitores y en atenciones con los niños y niñas en un centro universitario de atención temprana. Este programa entrega a la familia herramientas para constituirse en agentes activos de cuidado en el proceso de desarrollo y aprendizaje de sus hijos e hijas. Se evidencian sus resultados y las propuestas de mejora que provienen de progenitores y cuidadores. Palabras clave: Atención temprana, Síndrome de Down, enfoque de derechos, discapacidad, familia. Tesauro de Ciencias Sociales de la Unesco, Iresie.

Abstract (descriptive) An intervention model for Early Childhood Assistance (ECA) is presented for children with Down's Syndrome. This is based on a human rights approach and an inclusive early childhood education perspective. To address the special educational and health needs of children with Down's Syndrome between the ages of 1 and 4 years, an intervention program based on the previously diagnosed degree of cognitive-affective-relational disability was designed. The follow-up session is carried out during a workshop with parents and in a practical session with the children at an ECA university center. This program gives families tools to become active agents in the process of their children's learning and development. The results of this work and the improvement proposals developed by the parents and caregivers themselves are described in the article. Keywords: Early attention, Down's syndrome, rights approach, disability, family.

Resumo (descritivo) Apresenta-se um modelo de intervenção em Atenção Precoce em crianças com síndrome de Down, registrado na abordagem dos direitos humanos e perspectiva da educação inclusiva na primeira infância. Para atender às necessidades educacionais e de saúde especiais destas crianças, com idades entre 1 e 4 anos, um programa de intervenção associada com o grau de deficiência relacional-afetivo-cognitiva é desenhado previamente e diagnosticado. O monitoramento ocorre em uma oficina de acompanhamento com os pais e os cuidados com as crianças em uma universidade atenção precoce. Este programa fornece ferramentas familiares para se tornarem agentes ativos no processo de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem dos seus filhos. Resultados e propostas de melhorias que vêm dos mesmos pais e cuidadores são evidentes. Palavras-chave: Atenção precoce; síndrome de Down; enfoque de direitos; deficiencia; família.

Familia , Niño , Síndrome de Down
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 15(1): 357-371, ene. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-836182


Se presentan los desafíos y las posibilidades de un programa piloto de tutorías entre pares en el contexto de una institución universitaria de acceso abierto y de carácter no selectivo. Se plantean los fundamentos del programa, las fases de reclutamiento y selección de tutores, el proceso de formación de los tutores, el programa de tutorías diferenciado por comunidades de apoyo ‒lectoescritura, razonamiento lógico y matemática‒, su implementación y los resultados de efectividad obtenidos en los tutorados. Para ello, se consideran las demandas de apoyo académico de los estudiantes y los porcentajes de aprobación luego de implementado el programa en las actividades curriculares del semestre lectivo cursado. Se discuten los resultados del plan piloto y se plantean ciertos desafíos referentes a la cobertura del programa, las estrategias utilizadas para la captación de la motivación y la persistencia del estudiante en la instancia de acompañamiento y la focalización en las ®inter‒comunidades¼ como cristalización paradigmática de la perspectiva transversal, competencial, incremental y dialógica de la propuesta presentada.

This article highlights the challenges and possibilities of a peer‒tutoring pilot program in the context of an open access and non‒selective university. The authors describe the basic elements of the program, the phases for the recruitment and selection of tutors, thetraining process provided to tutors, the tutoring program that is differentiated depending on the needsof participants ‒ including literacy, logical reasoning and mathematics. The article also describes theimplementation of the program and the effectiveness of the results obtained by the students. The studyaddresses the demand for academic support among students and the changes in pass rates after theprogram was implemented. The results of the pilot scheme are discussed by the authors and certainchallenges regarding the program’s coverage are noted. These specifically include the importance ofstrategies to maintain motivation and commitment among students achieved through accompaniment,as well as a focus on “inter‒communities” as a paradigmatic crystallization of the cross‒cutting,competency‒based, incremental and dialogue‒focused perspective used in the proposal for the pilotprogram.

Apresentam‒se os desafios e as possibilidades de um programa piloto de tutoria entre pares no contexto de uma instituição universitária de acesso aberto e de caráter não seletivo. Planteiam‒se os fundamentos do programa, as fases de recrutamento e seleção de tutores,o processo de formação de tutores, o programa de tutoria diferenciado por comunidades de apoio ‒lectoescrita, raciocínio lógico e matemático‒, sua implementação e os resultados de eficácia obtidos nos tutorados. Para isso, foram consideradas as demandas de apoio acadêmico dos estudantes e os percentuais de aprovação após o programa implementado nas atividades curriculares do semestre letivo cursado.Os resultados do projeto‒piloto são discutidos e certos desafios em matéria de cobertura do programa surgem, as estratégias utilizadas para atrair a motivação e persistência do aluno na instância de apoio e concentração na “inter‒comunidade”, como cristalização paradigmática da perspectiva transversal, de competência, incremental e dialógica da proposta apresentada.

Humanos , Preceptoría , Aprendizaje
rev. psicogente ; 19(36): 311-323, jul.-dic. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-963536


Resumen Este artículo aborda una lectura relacional y dialógica del sistema solar o círculo familiar. Con ella, se pretende ejemplificar cómo la técnica puede beneficiarse del aporte de la teoría del self dialógico, actualizando y enriqueciendo su posibilidad analítica y comprensiva cuando se focaliza el sistema de identidad personal. Su utilidad se ejemplifica con un caso único, segmentando los episodios por sesiones y con las viñetas clínicas respectivas. El análisis se complementa con una matriz relacional para visualizar las funciones desempeñadas y con la aplicación del Repertorio de Posiciones Personales (RPP, Hermans, 2001). Se concluye que la estrategia es pertinente, con sus desafíos en la construcción de subjetividad y los intercambios con otras experiencias actuales que diagraman repertorios relacionales.

Abstract The aim of this paper is to show a relational and dialogic reading of the solar system or family circle. This new reading seeks to illustrate how the technique can benefit from the contribution of the theory of dialogical self, update and enrich their analytical and comprehensive system focused on the possibility of a personal identity system. Its utility is exemplified as a unique case design, segmenting instances of supervision with clinical vignettes respective sessions. Analysis with a relational matrix is hereby supplemented in order to display the functions and also the Personal Positions Repertoire (PPR, Hermans, 2001). We conclude, on the relevance of the pertaining strategy, the existence of challenges in the construction of subjectivity and inter changes with other current experiences trying to diagram a relational repertoire.