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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 6764, 2022 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35473944


We derive the Hamiltonian of a superconducting circuit that comprises a single-Josephson-junction flux qubit inductively coupled to an LC oscillator, and we compare the derived circuit Hamiltonian with the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian, which describes a two-level system coupled to a harmonic oscillator. We show that there is a simple, intuitive correspondence between the circuit Hamiltonian and the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian. While there is an overall shift of the entire spectrum, the energy level structure of the circuit Hamiltonian up to the seventh excited states can still be fitted well by the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian even in the case where the coupling strength is larger than the frequencies of the qubit and the oscillator, i.e., when the qubit-oscillator circuit is in the deep-strong-coupling regime. We also show that although the circuit Hamiltonian can be transformed via a unitary transformation to a Hamiltonian containing a capacitive coupling term, the resulting circuit Hamiltonian cannot be approximated by the variant of the quantum Rabi Hamiltonian that is obtained using an analogous procedure for mapping the circuit variables onto Pauli and harmonic oscillator operators, even for relatively weak coupling. This difference between the flux and charge gauges follows from the properties of the qubit Hamiltonian eigenstates.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(18): 180504, 2020 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33196217


We have implemented a Walsh-Hadamard gate, which performs a quantum Fourier transform, in a superconducting qutrit. The qutrit is encoded in the lowest three energy levels of a capacitively shunted flux device, operated at the optimal flux-symmetry point. We use an efficient decomposition of the Walsh-Hadamard gate into two unitaries, generated by off-diagonal and diagonal Hamiltonians, respectively. The gate implementation utilizes simultaneous driving of all three transitions between the three pairs of energy levels of the qutrit, one of which is implemented with a two-photon process. The gate has a duration of 35 ns and an average fidelity over a representative set of states, including preparation and tomography errors, of 99.2%, characterized with quantum-state tomography. Compensation of ac-Stark and Bloch-Siegert shifts is essential for reaching high gate fidelities.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(18): 183601, 2018 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29775324


We report on experimentally measured light shifts of superconducting flux qubits deep-strongly coupled to LC oscillators, where the coupling constants are comparable to the qubit and oscillator resonance frequencies. By using two-tone spectroscopy, the energies of the six lowest levels of each circuit are determined. We find huge Lamb shifts that exceed 90% of the bare qubit frequencies and inversions of the qubits' ground and excited states when there are a finite number of photons in the oscillator. Our experimental results agree with theoretical predictions based on the quantum Rabi model.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 8902, 2017 08 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28827757


The hybrid organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite materials have emerged as remarkable materials for photovoltaic applications. Their strengths include good electric transport properties in spite of the disorder inherent in them. Motivated by this observation, we analyze the effects of disorder on the energy eigenstates of a tight-binding model of these materials. In particular, we analyze the spatial extension of the energy eigenstates, which is quantified by the inverse participation ratio. This parameter exhibits a tendency, and possibly a phase transition, to localization as the on-site energy disorder strength is increased. However, we argue that the disorder in the lead halide perovskites corresponds to a point in the regime of highly delocalized states. Our results also suggest that the electronic states of mixed-halide materials tend to be more localized than those of pure materials, which suggests a weaker tendency to form extended bonding states in the mixed-halide materials and is therefore not favourable for halide mixing.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(1): 010503, 2014 Jan 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24483877


It is theoretically known that the quantum interference of a long sequence of Landau-Zener transitions can result in Rabi oscillations. Because of its stringent requirements, however, this phenomenon has never been experimentally observed in the time domain. Using a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center spin in isotopically purified diamond, we observed the Rabi oscillations resulting from more than 100 Landau-Zener processes. Our results demonstrate favorable quantum controllability of NV centers, which could find applications in quantum metrology and quantum information processing.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(11): 113601, 2008 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18517785


We propose an approach to coherently transfer populations between selected quantum states in one- and two-qubit systems by using controllable Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passages. These evolution-time insensitive transfers, assisted by easily implementable single-qubit phase-shift operations, could serve as elementary logic gates for quantum computing. Specifically, this proposal could be conveniently demonstrated with existing Josephson phase qubits. Our proposal can find an immediate application in the readout of these qubits. Indeed, the broken parity symmetries of the bound states in these artificial atoms provide an efficient approach to design the required adiabatic pulses.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(7): 077001, 2006 Aug 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17026265


The two-level systems (TLSs) naturally occurring in Josephson junctions constitute a major obstacle for the operation of superconducting phase qubits. Since these TLSs can possess remarkably long decoherence times, we show that such TLSs can themselves be used as qubits, allowing for a well controlled initialization, universal sets of quantum gates, and readout. Thus, a single current-biased Josephson junction can be considered as a multiqubit register. It can be coupled to other junctions to allow the application of quantum gates to an arbitrary pair of qubits in the system. Our results indicate an alternative way to realize superconducting quantum information processing.