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iScience ; 26(6): 106950, 2023 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37378340


Millions of minute, newly hatched coral reef fish larvae get carried into the open ocean by highly complex and variable currents. To survive, they must return to a suitable reef habitat within a species-specific time. Strikingly, previous studies have demonstrated that return to home reefs is much more frequent than would be expected by chance. It has been shown that magnetic and sun compass orientation can help cardinalfish maintain their innate swimming direction but do they also have a navigational map to cope with unexpected displacements? If displaced settling-stage cardinalfish Ostorhinchus doederleini use positional information during their pelagic dispersal, we would expect them to re-orient toward their home reef. However, after physical displacement by 180 km, the fish showed a swimming direction indistinguishable from original directions near the capture site. This suggests that the tested fish rely on innate or learned compass directions and show no evidence for map-based navigation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 125(16): 161802, 2020 Oct 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33124867


The XENON1T collaboration recently reported an excess in electron recoil events in the energy range between 1-7 keV. This excess could be understood to originate from the known solar neutrino flux if neutrinos couple to a light vector mediator with strength g_{νN} that kinetically mixes with the photon with strength χ and g_{νN}χ∼10^{-13}. Here, we show that such coupling values can naturally arise in a renormalizable model of long-range vector-mediated neutrino self-interactions. The model could be distinguished from other explanations of the XENON1T excess by the characteristic 1/T^{2} energy dependence of the neutrino-electron scattering cross section. Other signatures include invisible Higgs and Z decays and leptophilic charged Higgses at a few 100 GeV. ALPS II will probe part of the viable parameter space.

Curr Biol ; 26(24): R1266-R1267, 2016 12 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27997833


Many coral reef fish larvae spend days to months in the open ocean before settlement on coral reefs [1]. Early in development, larvae have limited swimming capabilities and will therefore be greatly affected by currents. This can potentially result in dispersal distances of tens of kilometers [2]. Nevertheless, up to 60 % of surviving larvae have been shown to return to their natal reefs [2]. To home, the larvae must develop strong swimming capabilities and appropriate orientation mechanisms. Most late-stage larval reef fish can, after being passively drifted for days to weeks, swim strongly [3], and Ostorhinchus doederleini larvae have been shown to use chemotaxis to identify their natal reef once in its vicinity [2] and a sun compass for longer distance orientation [4] during the day. But how do they orient at night? Here, we show that newly settled fish caught at One Tree Island (OTI) at the Capricorn Bunker Reef Group (Great Barrier Reef) can use geomagnetic compass information to keep a south-east heading. This behavior might help them return to their natal reef in the absence of any celestial cues at night.

Peces/fisiología , Campos Magnéticos , Taxia/fisiología , Animales , Arrecifes de Coral , Larva/fisiología , Orientación
Wilehm Roux Arch Dev Biol ; 190(3): 143-149, 1981 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28305164


The effect of increased temperature on the tissue integrity of polyps and medusae ofPodocoryne carnea is described. Animals exposed for 10 to 20 min to a temperature of 35°C are easily dissociated into single cells. These dissociated cells round up, form reaggregates and, depending on their origin, regenerate polyp or medusa structures. However, as the exposure time is increased, the dissociated cells gradually lose the ability to reaggregate or to regenerate defined structures. At incubation times exceeding 50 min, the tissue separates into single cells which retain their normalin vivo shapes but which do not form reaggregates. These are termed macerated cells. The ultrastructure and protein profile of macerated cells demonstrate no major changes from those of untreated cells. Both the dissociation and maceration methods are applicable to other cnidarian species for developmental, histological and biochemical studies.
