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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18238420


A micromachined Fresnel zone-plate has been used to focus ultrasonic waves in air over a range of frequencies (450 to 900 kHz). The zone-plate was mounted upon a planar micromachined air-coupled capacitance transducer, which was capable of generating toneburst ultrasonic waves in air over a wide frequency bandwidth (<100 kHz to 2 MHz). A second air-coupled capacitance detector (apertured to 200 microm) was scanned in the field of the zone-plate source in order to image the generated ultrasonic field at various frequencies of operation. It was found that the ~680 microm spot size of the experimental zone-plate did not vary appreciably with changing frequency, whereas the focal length increased markedly with increasing frequency (from ~5 mm at 450 kHz up to ~15 mm at 900 kHz). These findings are shown to be in excellent agreement with previously reported theoretical predictions by the authors.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18244189


Investigations into the characteristics of water-coupled ultrasonic capacitance transducers have been undertaken for a range of transducer configurations. The radiated fields have been scanned in water using a miniature hydrophone detector, and the results compared to theory based on a plane piston approach. Micromachined backplates in conjunction with thin Mylar and mica membranes have been investigated, together with aperture modifications such as an annulus and Fresnel zone plate. The measured results agree well with theory, thus demonstrating that wideband predictable performance (>8 MHz) is obtainable with such transducers. Additionally, pulse-echo C-scans of a Plexiglas plate containing an artificial defect have been undertaken with the capacitance transducer, in order to demonstrate that the capacitance transducer has sufficient sensitivity to allow routine nondestructive testing within immersion applications.
