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Chemistry ; 6(11): 1955-62, 2000 Jun 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10894395


New [3]- and [4]-dendralenes bearing electron-donor 1,3-dithiole and ferrocene substituents have been synthesised. Compounds 8, 15 and 17 have been characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Two of the dithiole rings of 8 are conjugated (dihedral angle 9 degrees), while the third dithiole ring is almost orthogonal to this plane, and hence its pi-electron system is isolated. For the dendralene precursor molecule 15, the substituted cyclopentadienyl ring, two C=C bonds and fused dithiole and dithiine rings comprise an extended pi-conjugated system. In molecule 17 the potential conjugation path C(6)C(3) C(4)C(5)-C5Hs is distorted by an 8 degrees twist around the C(3)-C(4) bond and a 7 degrees twist around the C(5)-C(21) bond, and the delocalisation along the chain is insignificant. Solution electrochemical data demonstrate that the dendralenes are strong pi-electron donors, which give rise to dication, radical trication or tetracation species. Spectroelectrochemical studies on compounds 7 and 10 suggest that the radical species are situated within the linear 1,2-ethylenediylidene moieties and that a conformational change may occur at the dication redox stage. UV/Vis spectroscopic data are consistent with poor cross-conjugation in these systems.

J Org Chem ; 65(10): 3053-63, 2000 May 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10814197


2,4,5,7-Tetranitro-9-fluorenone (1b) reacts readily with n-butanethiol in dipolar aprotic solvents with selective substitution of nitro groups by butylsulfanyl groups in positions 2 and 7 (2, 3); the 2,5-isomer 4 was formed only as a minor product (<1%). Condensation of fluorenones 2-4 with malononitrile yielded 9-dicyanomethylene derivatives 5-7, which showed strong intramolecular charge transfer (lambda approximately 510-560 nm) and were found to sensitize the photoconductivity of carbazole-containing polymer films. Oxidation of sulfides 2-4 gave sulfoxide 8 or sulfones 9-11, which then were converted into their corresponding dicyanomethylene derivatives 12-15. All these novel acceptors showed three reversible single-electron reduction waves (cyclic voltammetry) yielding radical anion, dianion, and radical trianion; moreover, acceptors 13-15 showed also a fourth reduction wave, representing reversible tetraanion formation. Substitution of the oxygen of the carbonyl group in the fluorenones by a dicyanomethylene group increased the thermodynamic stability (K(SEM) growth) of the radical anion; K(SEM) ranged from 3 x 10(5) to 3 x 10(9) M(-1). CV measurements characterize compounds 3, 4 (EA = 1. 86-1.89 eV) as poor acceptors, 2, 6-11 (EA = 2.13-2.31 eV) as moderate acceptors, and 5, 12-15 (EA = 2.53-2.66 eV) as strong electron acceptors. Charge-transfer complex (CTC) formation between acceptors 9, 10, 13, 14, and anthracene as a donor was monitored by the appearance of additional low-energy bands in the visible region (CTC bands) of their electron absorption spectra. Increasing the EA of the acceptors from 9-fluorenones to the corresponding 9-dicyanomethylenefluorenes increases the complexation constants K(CTC) by 2.5-3 times, while sulfonyl substituents present substantial steric hindrance for complexation (as compared to the nitro group), decreasing K(CTC) values. Two CTCs for acceptors 14 and 17 with tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) were obtained, and their structures were solved by single-crystal X-ray diffractometry, giving the stoichometries 14:TTF, 2:3, and 17:TTF:PhCl, 1:1:0.5. In the former complex the packing motif is a mixed.DDAD'A. stack; in the latter complex the D and A moieties form unusually close CT pairs, which pack in a herringbone motif.
