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Rev. senol. patol. mamar. (Ed. impr.) ; 18(3): 278-281, 2005. ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-76505


Los Sarcomas Granulocíticos (S.G) son tumores sólidos y muypoco frecuentes, localizados en hueso, periostio, tejidos blandosy ganglio linfático, cuya expresión clínica está relacionada consu ubicación. Pueden presentarse en diferentes entidades clínicasy se caracterizan por escasa maduración mieloide, pobrerespuesta terapéutica y corta sobrevida, progresandohabitualmente a Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA). Existendiferentes propuestas terapéuticas, la más recomendada es laQTP e.v. con protocolos para Leucemia Mieloide Aguda.Describimos una paciente de 31 años con diagnóstico de SGaislado de glándula mamaria, en ausencia de Leucemia Aguda.Fue tratada con radioterapia local, presentando buena respuestaterapéutica, cursando 24 meses de sobrevida Hbre de enfermedaden la actualidad(AU)

The Granulocytic Sarcoma (GS) are salid tumours, not veryfrequent, placed in bones, periostium, soft tissues and theIymphatic nades, which clinical express ion is related to itsplacement. There can be different clinical entitites and they havelimited myeloid maturation, a poor therapeutical answer andshort survival, habitually evolving towards an Acute MyelogenousLeukemia (AML).There are different therapeutical proposals and the mostrecommended one is with protocols for Acute Leukemia.We describe here a 31 years cid woman, with diagnosis of SGisolated gland mammary, in absence of Acute Leukemia, whowas trated with local radiotherapy, having a good therapeuticalanswer. She has survived 24 months, remains free from illness.Plasmocytomas are not common tumours, formed by plasmaticcells in different maturing stages. There are two kinds of entities:the Bony Plasmocytoma and the Extramedullar Plasmocytoma.Both occupy from 2 to 10% of all the Plasmaticas Neoplasiasand are characterized by significant absence of anemia, numerousbony destruction, not enough plasmocytary medullar infiltrationand appropriated answer to the therapy.Its main place is the head and neck; 82,8% is at an aereodigestivelevel. Only 14 of the cases published in the literatureshow lonely renallocalization, habitually having a palpable mass,hematuria or peripherical neuropathy. We present an adult patientwith diagnosis of 10 Kidney Plasmocytoma, of fast and fatalevolution, whose initial diagnosis was renal carcinoma(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Sarcoma Mieloide/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de la Mama/diagnóstico , Células Precursoras de Granulocitos/patología , Leucemia Mieloide Aguda/patología , Sarcoma Mieloide/radioterapia