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Cureus ; 9(10): e1769, 2017 Oct 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29238628


Purpose Prostate motion occurs during radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer. We evaluated the input of intraprostatic fiducials for image-guided radiation therapy and compared it with bony anatomy and skin marks. Methods Eleven patients were implanted with three fiducial markers in the prostate. Daily sets of orthogonal kV-kV images were compared with digitally reconstructed radiography. Data were recorded for skin marks, bony anatomy, and fiducial markers. The variations were analyzed along three principal axes (left-right: LR, superoinferior: SI, and anteroposterior: AP). Results A total of 2,417 measures were recorded over 38 fractions of radiotherapy (76 Gy). Fiducial marker movements from bony anatomy were ≤ 5 mm for 84.2% (confidence interval: CI 95%±1.5), 91.3% (CI 95%±1.1), and 99.5% (CI 95%±0.4) of the measures along the AP, SI, and LR axes, respectively. Ninety-five percent of the shifts between a fiducial marker and the bony anatomy were < 8 mm in the AP and SI axes, and < 3 mm in the LR axis. Fiducial marker movements from skin marks were ≤ 5 mm for 64.8% (CI 95%±1.9), 79.2% (CI 95%±1.6), and 87.2% (CI 95%±1.3) of the measures along the AP, SI, and LR axes, respectively. Bony anatomy movements from skin marks were ≤ 5 mm for 84% (CI 95%±1.4), 92% (CI 95%±1.1), and 87% (CI 95%±1.3) of the measurements along the AP, SI, and LR axes, respectively. Conclusion Using fiducial markers provides better accuracy of repositioning of the prostate than using bony anatomy and skin marks for image-guided radiotherapy of prostate cancer.