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Med Educ ; 2024 Jun 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38877994


PURPOSE: There is a shortage of generalist physicians globally impacting health equity and access to care. An important way in which medical schools can demonstrate social accountability is by graduating learners interested in careers in generalism. While generalism is endorsed as a matter of principle in medical education, how this translates into curricula is less clear. The aim of this study was to identify how generalism is understood and supported by family physician educational leaders in undergraduate medical education (UME) in Canada. METHODS: We conducted a qualitative study, interviewing 38 family medicine leaders in UME across all 17 Canadian medical schools. We examined the data with template analysis, informed by the iceberg model of systems thinking. RESULTS: Four themes were identified: (1) Teaching and learning strategies in support of generalism-a consistent range existed across UME curricula; (2) Curriculum patterns-changes in leadership and curriculum reform created positive or negative feedback loops that promoted or hindered initiatives to support generalism; (3) Curriculum structures-organ-system-based curricula and availability of generalist faculty presented particular challenges to teaching generalist approaches; (4) Mental models and ways of knowing-the preponderance of biomedical frameworks of thinking in curricula unconsciously undermined generalist approaches to patient care. CONCLUSIONS: UME programmes promoted generalism through a range of teaching activities and strategies, but these efforts were countered by curriculum structures and mental models that perpetuate epistemic inequity between biomedical approaches to medical education and generalist models of care. Novel curricular frameworks are needed to align undergraduate programmes' commitment to social accountability with community-based need.

Can Med Educ J ; 14(4): 157-159, 2023 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37719388


Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is a complex process involving the person seeking care and their relatives. MAiD involves physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs, and consequently the involvement of an interdisciplinary team is beneficial. Therefore, updating the knowledge and skills of healthcare and social services professionals is critical. An interdisciplinary team from Laval University (Quebec, Canada) has developed a continuous training program for all health care and social services professionals who could be involved in the care of persons who request MAiD and their loved ones. It is crucial to assess whether the objectives of the continuous training program are being met, especially since this new training addresses several complex issues (legal, ethical, and clinical). Bandura's self-efficacy theory has been widely used to develop scales for assessing the impact of training programs and identifying knowledge gaps. Bandura's theory states that feeling secure in one's self-efficacy leads to self-determined motivation. Although there are various scales intended to measure self-efficacy in palliative care, none include self-efficacy for participating in the process surrounding MAiD. As a result, we aim to create a bilingual (English-French) interdisciplinary scale to assess self-efficacy for participating in the process surrounding MAiD. The scale will allow decision-makers and researchers to identify current knowledge gaps. It will also be useful for assessing the impact of current and future training programs addressing this end-of-life practice. In this work in progress, we briefly introduce the training program and the future steps in the development and validation of the scale.

L'aide médicale à mourir (AMM) est un processus complexe impliquant la personne qui demande le soin et ses proches. L'AMM implique des besoins physiques, psychosociaux et spirituels. Par conséquent, l'implication d'une équipe interdisciplinaire est bénéfique et la mise à niveau des connaissances et des compétences des est essentielle. Une équipe interdisciplinaire de l'Université Laval (Québec, Canada) a développé un programme de formation continue destiné aux professionnelles de la santé et des services sociaux susceptible d'être impliqué es dans ls soins et services des personnes qui demandent l'AMM et de leurs proches. Il est crucial d'évaluer si les objectifs du programme de formation continue sont atteints, d'autant plus que cette nouvelle formation aborde plusieurs questions complexes (juridiques, éthiques et cliniques). La théorie du sentiment d'auto-efficacité de Bandura a été largement utilisée pour développer des échelles permettant d'évaluer l'impact des programmes de formation et d'identifier les lacunes en matière de connaissances. Cette théorie stipule que le fait de se sentir sûre de son efficacité personnelle conduit à une motivation intrinsèque à accomplir le comportement visé. Bien qu'il existe plusieurs échelles destinées à mesurer l'auto-efficacité dans le domaine des soins palliatifs, aucune n'inclut l'auto-efficacité pour la participation au processus entourant l'AMM. Par conséquent, nous développons une échelle interdisciplinaire bilingue (anglais-français) pour évaluer l'auto-efficacité à participer au processus entourant l'AMM. L'échelle permettra aux décideuses, décideurs et aux chercheuses et chercheurs d'identifier les lacunes actuelles en matière de connaissances. Elle sera également utile pour évaluer l'impact des programmes de formation actuels et futurs portant sur cette pratique de fin de vie. Dans cet article, nous présentons brièvement le programme de formation et les étapes futures du développement et de la validation de l'échelle.

Muerte , Autoeficacia , Humanos , Canadá , Emociones , Asistencia Médica