From 2003 through 2007, serum samples from 5594 dairy and beef heifers and cows in Argentina were assessed to quantify the association between presence of Neospora caninum antibodies and history of abortion, type of exploitation, and age category of animals. Animals with a history of abortion were 85% more likely (P<0.01) to be positive to N. caninum than animals without a record of abortion. For a given category (age) of animals, being in a dairy operation increased the odds of being N. caninum-positive. Replacement dairy heifers were 76% more likely (P<0.01) to be N. caninum-positive than beef cows. These results suggest that postnatal exposure may be more frequent in dairy operations than in beef herds and provide insight into the epidemiology of the disease in one of the most important livestock production regions of the world.