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Preprint en Inglés | bioRxiv | ID: ppbiorxiv-432837


Wearing a facial mask can limit COVID-19 transmission. Measurements of communities mask use behavior have mostly relied on self-report. This studys objective was to devise a method for measuring the prevalence of mask-wearing and proper mask use in indoor public areas without relying on self-report. A stratified random sample of retail trade stores (public areas) in Louisville, Kentucky, USA, was selected and targeted for observation by trained surveyors during December 14-20, 2020. The stratification allowed for investigating mask use behavior by city district, retail trade group, and public area size. The average mask use prevalence among observed visitors of the 382 visited public areas was 96%, while the average prevalence of proper use was 86%. In 17% of the public areas, at least one unmasked visitor was among the observed visitors; in 48%, at least one improperly masked visitor was observed. The average mask use among staff was 92%, but unmasked staff were observed in fewer public areas, as an unmasked staff member was observed in 11% of the visited public areas. The average prevalence of proper make use among staff was 87%, similar to the average among visitors. However, the percentage of public areas where at least one improperly masked staff was observed was 33. Significant disparities in mask use and its proper use were observed among both visitors and staff by public area size, retail trade type, and geographical area. Observing unmasked and incorrectly masked visitors was more common in small (less than 1500 square feet) public areas than larger ones, also in food and grocery stores than other retail stores. Also, the majority of the observed unmasked persons were male and middle age adults.
