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Food Chem ; 200: 167-74, 2016 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26830575


The recent development of fused-core technology in HPLC columns is enabling faster and highly efficient separations. This technology was evaluated for the development of a fast method for the analysis of main curcuminoids (curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin) present in extracts of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). A step-by-step strategy was used to optimize temperature (40-55 °C), flow rate (1.0-2.5 mL min(-1)), mobile phase composition and equilibration time (1-5 min). A gradient method was developed using acidified water and acetonitrile combined with high column temperature (55 °C) and flow rate (2.5 mL min(-1)). Optimized conditions provided a method for the separation of these three curcuminoids in approximately 1.3 min with a total analysis time (sample-to-sample) of 7 min, including the clean-up and the re-equilibration of the column. Evaluation of chromatographic performance revealed excellent intraday and interday reproducibility (>99%), resolution (>2.23), selectivity (>1.12), peak symmetry (1.24-1.42) while presenting low limits of detection (<0.40 mg L(-1)) and quantification (<1.34 mg L(-1)). The robustness of the method was calculated according to the concentration/dilution of the sample and the injection volume. Several combinations of methanol and ethanol with water as sample solvents were evaluated and the best chromatographic results and extraction rate were obtained using 100% methanol. Finally, the developed method was validated with different extracts of turmeric rhizome and products that use turmeric in their formulation.

Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Presión/métodos , Curcuma/química , Extractos Vegetales/química
ROBRAC ; 22(61)abr./jun.. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-691760


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a condição dental e periodontal dos dentes pilares diretos de próteses parciais removíveis de extremidade livre (classes I e II de Kennedy), em comparação com os dentes pilares diretos de próteses intercaladas (classes III e IV de Kennedy). Foram avaliadas condições clínicas como o índice de placa bacteriana, presença de inflamação gengival, profundidade de sondagem, presença de cárie e cálculo e grau de mobilidade dental. Para a avaliação clínica foram selecionados, aleatoriamente, 37 pacientes (6 do sexo masculino e 31 do sexo feminino), totalizando 44 próteses, sendo 21 de extremidade livre e 23 intercaladas. Os pacientes não receberam qualquer tipo de tratamento prévio e foram avaliados por um único examinador. Os resultados indicaram que houve diferença significativa no índice de placa e na inflamação gengival entre os dois grupos de próteses, sendo maior no grupo de extremidade livre. De acordo com os resultados, concluiu-se que as próteses parciais removíveis de extremidades livres apresentaram maior efeito adverso sobre os dentes pilares diretos, em comparação com as próteses intercaladas.

The aim of this study was to assess and compare dental and periodontal condition of direct abutment teeth of extension base RPDs (Kennedy classes I and II) and tooth supported RPDs (Kennedy classes III and IV). Clinical conditions such as plaque index, gingival inflammation, pocket depth, presence of carious lesions and calculus, and tooth mobility were assessed, Thirty seven patients were assigned at ramdom for clinical assessment, 6 males and 31 females, totalizing 44 prostheses (21 extension base prostheses and 23 tooth supported prostheses). The patients did not receive any kind of previous treatment and were evaluated by only one examiner. Results showed that plaque index and gingival inflammation were significantly higher in the extension-base group. According to these results, the extension-base RPDs showed greater negative effects on direct abutment teeth than tooth-supported RPDs.

ROBRAC ; 22(61)abr./jun.. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-691766


A distribuição correta de forças oclusais deve ser uma preocupação constante para os profissionais da odontologia, isto para que propicie a manutenção do equilíbrio entre os elementos do sistema estomatognático. Quando as forças oclusais excedem o limite fisiológico dos tecidos, pode ocorrer injúria nos tecidos periodontais decorrente do trauma oclusal. A paciente MLC, branca do sexo feminino 53 anos compareceu à pesquisa de oclusão e dor orofacial da Faculdade de Odontologia da UFG com quadro clínico de mobilidade no primeiro pré-molar inferior esquerdo, hipersensibilidade ao toque no mesmo e reabsorção óssea na região face mesial. Ao exame clínico observou-se desvio da mandíbula para a esquerda, devido a interferência na vertente mesial da cúspide mésio palatina do primeiro molar superior esquerdo, a referida interferência projetava a mandíbula para anterior e para a esquerda resultando em trauma oclusal no segundo pré-molar inferior esquerdo. O dente sob trauma não apresentava bolsa periodontal e respondeu positivamente ao teste de vitalidade pulpar. Observou-se que a dor e a mobilidade foram causadas pela interferência, caracterizando trauma oclusal primário. Para eliminar o contato prematuro, o tratamento indicado foi o ajuste oclusal por desgaste seletivo, num total de cinco sessões. Após quatro meses de acompanhamento verificou-se ao exame radiográfico neoformação óssea na região mesial do referido dente, com desaparecimento da mobilidade e de toda sintomatologia associada. Concluindo, assim, o ajuste oclusal por desgaste seletivo pode ser indicado em casos de trauma oclusal, desde que este seja o fator tiológico.

The correct distribution of occlusal forces should be a constant concern for dental professionals, to ensure that conducive to maintaining the equilibrium between the elements of the stomatognathic system. When occlusal forces exceed the physiological limit tissue, injury can occur in periodontal tissues resulting from occlusal trauma. The patient MLC, white female 53 years old attended the search occlusion and orofacial pain, School of Dentistry of UFG with clinical mobility in the first premolar left, hypersensitivity to touch and even bone reabsorption in the mesial region. On clinical examination there was deviation of the jaw to the left, because interference in mesial aspect mesial palatal cusp of the maxillary first molar left, the interference projected the mandibular anterior and to the left resulting in injury in the second premolar left . The tooth under trauma showed no periodontal pocket and responded positively to the test pulp vitality. It was observed that the pain and mobility were caused by interference, characterizing primary occlusal trauma. To eliminate premature contact, the indicated treatment was occlusal adjustment by selective grinding. After four months of follow-up was found to radiographic bone formation in the region of the mesial said tooth, with disappearance of mobility and all associated symptoms. In conclusion, therefore, occlusal adjustment by selective grinding can be used in cases of occlusal trauma, since this is the etiologic factor.