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Rev. argent. mastología ; 42(154): 28-40, jun. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1568358


Introducción: En la actualidad entre un 25 y 30% de los cánceres de mama se representan por lesiones no palpables. Es por eso que ha aumentado y se nos exige cada vez más en la detección de estas lesiones y posterior tratamiento de las mismas. Presentamos en este trabajo nuestra experiencia desde 2014 a 2020 de la realización de Biopsia radio quirúrgica guiada por radioscopia intraoperatoria. Objetivo: El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es evaluar si la BRQ asistida por radioscopia permitió mejorar ciertos parámetros, como la evaluación de márgenes quirúrgicos, tasas de retumorectomias, volumen de tejido resecado y tiempo quirúrgico empleado. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo de tipo corte transversal, incluyendo las pacientes con lesiones mamarias no palpables a las cuales se les realizó punción biopsia y colocación de clip metálico, y que luego fueron sometidas a BRQ en el Centro Mamario del Hospital Universitario Austral entre noviembre de 2014 a noviembre de 2020. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 128 pacientes. En el 100% de las cirugías se logró la extracción del clip, colocado preoperatoriamente. No encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas, entre ambos grupos con respecto a la edad de las pacientes, tipo de cirugía, piezas obtenidas, márgenes quirúrgicos y necesidad de re operación. Sí se constató una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto al volumen total resecado, siendo esta menor en la técnica de BRQ con radioscopia, infiriendo un mejor resultado cosmético. Conclusiones: La biopsia radioquirúrgica asistida por radioscopia es un procedimiento sencillo que permite extirpar las lesiones no palpables de la mama, minimizando la probabilidad de fallo del procedimiento, y con menor volumen de tejido mamario resecado. Con la sistematización de la técnica, se podrían mejorar otros parámetros, inclusive los costos del procedimiento, lo cual creemos que da un gran beneficio en la práctica diaria para la resección de estas lesiones(AU)

Introduction: Currently, between 25 and 30% of breast cancers are represented by non-palpable lesions. That is why it has increased and we are increasingly required to detect these lesions and later treat them. In this study we present our experience from 2014 to 2020 of performing intraoperative fluoroscopy-guided radio-surgical biopsy. Objetive: The objective of our workis to evaluate whether radioscopy-assisted BRQ allowed to improve certain parameters, such as the evaluation of surgical margins, re-lumpectomy rates, volume of resected tissue, and surgical time used. Material and method: A retrospective cross-sectional observational study was carried out, including patients with non-palpable breast lesions who underwent a biopsy puncture and metal clip placement, and who then underwent BRQ at the Breast Center of the Austral University Hospital between November from 2014 to November 2020. Results: A total of 128 patients were included. In 100% of the surgeries, the clip was extracted, placed preoperatively. We did not find statistically significant differences between both groups with respect to the age of the patients, type of surgery, pieces obtained, surgical margins and need for reoperation. A statistically significant difference was found in terms of the total volume resected, this being less in the BRQ technique with fluoroscopy, inferring a better cosmetic result. The aesthetic result is very good. Conclusions: Radioscopy -assisted radio surgical biopsy is a simple procedure that allows the removal of non-palpable breast lesions, minimizing the probability of procedural failure, and with a smaller volume of resected breast tissue. With the systematization of the technique, other parameters could be improved, including the costs of the procedure, which we believe is of great benefit in daily practice for the resection of these lesions(AU)

Rev. argent. mastología ; 42(154): 41-58, jun. 2024. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1568375


Introducción: Las mujeres con predisposición genética-familiar presentan un riesgo más elevado de desarrollar cáncer de mama. La vigilancia es una de las estrategias más efectivas para ofrecer a este subgrupo de mujeres, sin embargo la adherencia a la misma puede ser dificultosa. Objetivo: Analizar la adherencia de las pacientes con Alto Riesgo Heredo-Familiar (ARHF) al programa específico de "Seguimiento de pacientes de Alto Riesgo" del Hospital Universitario Austral. Material y método: Se revisaron de forma retrospectiva datos de 104 mujeres sanas con ARHF que ingresaron al programa de vigilancia: "Seguimiento de pacientes de Alto Riesgo" del Hospital Universitario Austral en el período comprendido entre junio de 2016 a febrero de 2022. Resultados: La adherencia al programa fue total en 38 pacientes (36,54%) y parcial en 42 (40,38%). Se observó falta de adherencia en 24 pacientes (23,07%). La causa más prevalente fue la incomodidad al realizar la resonancia (54,16%). Analizando la adherencia según el año de ingreso al programa se observa una caída significativa a partir del 3er año de seguimiento y solo 48,98% completaron la sexta ronda. Conclusiones: La falta de adherencia observada fue significativa. Los datos demostrados apuntan a una necesidad de continuar desarrollando estrategias que faciliten el seguimiento(AU)

Introduction: Women with a genetic-familial predisposition have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Surveillance is one of the most effective strategies to offer this subgroup of women, however adherence to it can be difficult. Objetive: To analize the adherence of patients with High Risk of Familial-Hereditary (HRFH) breast cancer to a specific program: "Follow-up in High Risk patients" of the Austral University Hospital. Material and method: Data from 104 women with HRFH who were admitted to the surveillance program: "Follow-up in High Risk patients" of the Austral University Hospital in the period from june 2016 to february 2022 were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Adherence to the program was complete in 38 patients (36,54%) and partial in 42 (40,38%). 24 (23,07%) patients had lack of adherence. The most prevalent cause was discomfort when performing the resonance (54,16%). When we analyze adherence according to the year of admission to the program, a significant drop is observed from de 3rd year of follow-up and only 48,98% completed round six. Conclusions: The observed lack of adherence was significant. The demonstrated data points to a need to continue developing strategies that facilitate monitoring(AU)

Cumplimiento y Adherencia al Tratamiento , Enfermedades Genéticas Congénitas
Rev. argent. cir ; 115(1): 52-64, mayo 2023. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441169


RESUMEN La seguridad del paciente es un elemento imprescindible de la calidad asistencial. Al menos la mitad de los eventos adversos en pacientes hospitalizados están en relación con la práctica quirúrgica. El Análisis Causa-Raíz es un estudio sistemático de estos eventos mediante una revisión paso a paso de la cronología de los hechos, para identificar las causas que podrían haber llevado a la producción del evento. El Diagrama de Ishikawa o "espina de pescado" es una herramienta gráfica es una herramienta útil. El éxito radica en lograr responder qué sucedió, por qué sucedió, y qué puede hacerse para evitar que suceda nuevamente algún evento que vulnera la seguridad del paciente. El propósito último es la mejora de los procesos asistenciales impidiendo la repetición del evento adverso y priorizando el aprendizaje y mejora a partir de su análisis. La comunicación institucional de los hallazgos del análisis y las medidas para implementar, la discusión de casos en ateneos de morbimortalidad y la educación continua del personal son pilares para el cambio en la cultura hacia una centrada en la seguridad y calidad, sustituyendo la cultura "reactiva" por una "proactiva", que toma los eventos como instrumento para el aprendizaje y la mejora continua.

ABSTRACT At least half of the adverse events on hospitalized patients are associated with surgery. Root cause analysis (RCA) is a systematic way of analyzing these events to find their causes through a step-by-step review of the chronology of facts, identifying those that could have caused the event. An Ishikawa diagram (also called fishbone diagram) is a visual method for root cause analysis that allows the identification and categorization of all possible causes of an event. The goal is to answer what happened, why did it happen, and what can be done to prevent it from happening again. The ultimate goal is to improve healthcare processes by preventing the recurrence of the adverse event and prioritizing learning and improvement based on its analysis. Communicating the findings of the analysis and the measures to be implemented, discussing cases in morbidity and mortality meetings and continuous education of staff are the cornerstones for changing the culture towards one centered on safety and quality, replacing the "reactive" culture with a "proactive" culture, which considers events as an instrument for learning and continuous improvement.

Ann Med Surg (Lond) ; 68: 102668, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34408866


BACKGROUND: Acute appendicitis is the most frequent non-obstetric surgical emergency during pregnancy. The benefits of laparoscopy during pregnancy are well known, but complications can occur, and these can affect both the mother and/or the foetus.We present results of laparoscopic surgical treatment of acute appendicitis in pregnant women, analysing the occurrence of adverse postoperative, obstetric and foetal outcomes and reviewing literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective observational study on pregnant women with a preoperative diagnosis of acute appendicitis. RESULTS: n = 63, mean age 28.4 years, average gestational age of 17.7 weeks (3-30 weeks). 6.4 % exploratory laparoscopies, 92 % laparoscopic appendectomies and one right colectomy were performed. Conversion rate was 3.2 %. When symptoms begun within 48 hours prior to surgery, a perforated appendicitis was found in 11 %; whereas when the time from symptom onset to surgery was greater than or equal to 48 hours, it was evident in 31 % of the cases (p 0.008). The only independent variable associated with the presence of postoperative complications was symptom duration prior to surgery greater than or equal to 48 hours (OR 4.8; 95 % CI 1.1-16.2; p 0.04). Seven minor and 2 mayor postoperative complications were observed. Patients with complications spent, on average, twice as many days hospitalized (p < 0.001); and had 8 times more risk of preterm delivery (p 0.03). Obstetric complications were more frequent in pregnant women operated during the first trimester. Foetal mortality was 1.6 %. CONCLUSION: Surgical morbidity of acute appendicitis in pregnant women is linked to the delay in the diagnosis and treatment of the inflammatory condition. Laparoscopic appendectomy during pregnancy is not exempt from postoperative, obstetric and foetal complications. It is necessary to standardize the definitions of "complication" in order to collate reliably the outcomes presented in the literature.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 36(3): 487-492, 20210000. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254326


Introducción. Debido a la pandemia por COVID-19, se decretó el aislamiento social, preventivo y obligatorio. El miedo de asistir al hospital, generado por la pandemia, pudo provocar una demora en la consulta y el retraso en el diagnóstico de pacientes con apendicitis, llevando a complicaciones como perforación, absceso, peritonitis, sepsis y muerte. Métodos. Se realizó un análisis comparativo de los hallazgos quirúrgicos y su desenlace, en los pacientes con diagnóstico de apendicitis, previo a la pandemia y durante ella. Resultados. No se encontró diferencia en el tiempo de la consulta, pero durante la pandemia se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en las características del apéndice. Discusión. Los hallazgos durante la pandemia muestran cuadros de apendicitis aguda más avanzados que antes de la misma, sin impactar en las complicaciones quirúrgicas y postoperatorias

Introduction. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and as social and preventive isolation was mandatory, the fear of going to the hospital generated by the pandemic, could cause a delay in the consultation and delay in the diagnosis of appendicitis, leading to complications such as perforation, abscess, peritonitis, sepsis and death. Method. A comparative analysis of the surgical findings and their outcome was performed in patients with a diagnosis of appendicitis prior to and during the pandemic. Results. No difference was found at the time of consultation, but during the pandemic a statistically significant difference was observed in the characteristics of the appendix. Discussion. The findings during the pandemic show more advanced acute appendicitis than before, without impacting on surgical and postoperative complications

Humanos , Apendicitis , COVID-19 , Peritonitis , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2 , Abdomen Agudo
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 40(2): 163-167, Apr.-Jun. 2020. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134975


ABSTRACT Purpose Pelvic floor dysfunction has a high prevalence in the adult population. The Dynamic and Multiplanar Evaluation of the Pelvic Floor (DMRIPF) represents an ideal tool for multidisciplinary management. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the added value of the Dynamic and Multiplanar Evaluation of the Pelvic Floor in patients with suspected pelvic floor disorders. Methods Retrospective analysis of a consecutive series of patients who underwent a DMRIPF due to suspected pelvic floor disorders between April 2005 and July 2019. Results 359 patients were included. The average number of diagnoses achieved by physical examination was 1.2 vs. 2.5 by the Dynamic and Multiplanar Evaluation of the Pelvic Floor (p < 0.001). Physical examination found a single pathology in 80.8 % of cases. Anterior rectocele (AR) was the most frequent isolated diagnosis on physical examination (68 %). On the Dynamic and Multiplanar Evaluation of the Pelvic Floor, anterior rectocele was diagnosed as an isolated condition in 10.9 %. In 231 cases, anterior rectocele was associated with up to 5 other pelvic floor disorders. The number of individuals with associated pathologies of the posterior and anterior compartments tripled. It modified physical examination findings in 17 % of individuals and, in 63.5 %, allowed the identification of additional pelvic floor pathologies that were missed by physical examination. The Dynamic and Multiplanar Evaluation of the Pelvic Floor had greater added value in patients with anterior rectocele (59.6 % vs. 20.9 %; p < 0.001). Female gender was also associated with a greater diagnostic yield (p < 0.001). Conclusion The Dynamic and Multiplanar Evaluation of the Pelvic Floor allows the detection of multi-compartment defects that could otherwise go undetected, or even alter the initial clinical diagnosis, representing an ideal tool for multidisciplinary approach of pelvic floor dislocations, allowing a comprehensive therapeutic planning.

RESUMO Objetivo A disfunção do assoalho pélvico tem alta prevalência na população adulta. A avaliação dinâmica e multiplanar do assoalho pélvico (DMRIPF) representa uma ferramenta ideal para o gerenciamento multidisciplinar. O objetivo desta análise é avaliar o valor agregado da avaliação dinâmica e multiplanar do assoalho pélvico em pacientes com suspeita de distúrbios do assoalho pélvico. Métodos Análise retrospectiva de uma série consecutiva de pacientes submetidos à avaliação dinâmica e multiplanar do assoalho pélvico por suspeita de distúrbios do assoalho pélvico entre Abril de 2005 e Julho de 2019. Resultados 359 pacientes foram incluídos. O número médio de diagnósticos alcançados pelo exame físico foi de 1,2vs. 2,5 pela avaliação dinâmica e multiplanar do assoalho pélvico p < 0,001. O exame físico encontrou uma única patologia em 80.8 % dos casos. A retocele anterior (RA) foi o diagnóstico isolado mais frequente no exame físico (68 %). Na avaliação dinâmica e multiplanar do assoalho pélvico, a retocele anterior foi diagnosticada como uma condição isolada em 10.9 %. Em 231 casos, a retocele anterior foi associada a até 5 outros distúrbios do assoalho pélvico. O número de indivíduos com patologias associadas dos compartimentos posterior e anterior triplicou. Modificou os achados do exame físico em 17 % dos indivíduos e em 63.5 %; permitiu a identificação de outras patologias do assoalho pélvico que foram esquecidas pelo exame físico. A avaliação dinâmica e multiplanar do assoalho pélvico teve maior valor agregado em pacientes com retocele anterior (59.6 % vs.20.9 %; p < 0,001. O sexo feminino também foi associado a um maior rendimento diagnóstico p < 0,001. Conclusão A avaliação dinâmica e multiplanar do assoalho pélvico permite a detecção de defeitos multicompartimentários que, de outra forma, poderiam não ser detectados, ou mesmo alterar o diagnóstico clínico inicial, representando uma ferramenta ideal para a abordagem multidisciplinar das luxações do assoalho pélvico, permitindo um planejamento terapêutico abrangente.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética/métodos , Trastornos del Suelo Pélvico/diagnóstico , Examen Físico/métodos , Diafragma Pélvico/patología , Rectocele/diagnóstico
Rev. argent. cir ; 112(2): 105-108, 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125791


El brote mundial de COVID-19 durante el primer trimestre de 2020 constituye un desafío sin precedentes para el sistema de salud. El objetivo es describir las estrategias adoptadas por los residentes de Cirugía General de un Hospital Universitario de la Argentina, para salvaguardar la salud de los residentes, reducir el riesgo de exposición de los pacientes quirúrgicos, mantener la formación académica continua y fomentar el trabajo en equipo. Minimizar la exposición de los residentes dividiendo el personal total en dos equipos que trabajan por quincenas; dividir las actividades, las horas dentro del hospital y los turnos por igual entre los residentes; usar telemedicina para controles posoperatorios/ ambulatorios; suspender la actividad de consultorio; organizar clases diarias en línea y revisiones de artículos publicados. En el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19 se deben utilizar todos los medios para minimizar el riesgo de exposición para así optimizar los recursos humanos. A pesar de que estas estrategias pueden aplicarse fácilmente a otras residencias, se necesita más investigación para evaluar su impacto en la transmisión de enfermedades, y en la salud física y emocional de los profesionales de la salud.

The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 during the first quarter of 2020 constitutes an unprecedented challenge for the health system. The aim is to describe the strategies adopted by residents of General Surgery of a university hospital of Argentina, to safeguard the health of residents, reduce the risk of exposure of surgical patients, maintain continuous academic training and promote teamwork. Minimize resident exposure by dividing the group into two teams that work by fortnights; divide activities, hours within hospital, and shifts equally among residents; use telemedicine for postoperative / ambulatory controls; suspend office activity; organize daily online classes and reviews of published articles. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, all means should be used to minimize the risk of exposure in order to optimize human resources. Although these strategies can easily be applied to other residencies, more research is needed to assess their impact on disease transmission, and on the physical and emotional health of health professionals.

Cirugía General/organización & administración , Infecciones por Coronavirus/prevención & control , Internado y Residencia/normas , Cirugía General/normas , Estrategias de Salud , Telemedicina/métodos , Educación a Distancia/métodos , Prevención de Enfermedades , Hospitales de Enseñanza
Rev. argent. mastología ; 38(139): 62-79, oct. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116520


Introducción El cáncer de mama hereditario es el 10% de los cánceres mamarios a expensas principalmente de los genes brca 1 y 2. La identificación de pacientes de Alto Riesgo inicia el proceso de Asesoramiento Genético en Oncología (ago). Objetivo Presentar nuestra experiencia inicial de Asesoramiento Genético, evaluando las Estrategias de Reducción de Riesgo y las variables que influyeron en la toma de decisiones. Material y método Se analizaron en forma retrospectiva los registros clínicos de las pacientes consideradas de Alto Riesgo Heredo Familiar (arhf) que concurrieron a la consulta desde junio del año 2000 a enero de 2019. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, antecedente personal de cáncer de mama, antecedentes familiares de cáncer de mama y ovario, derivación a ago, concurrencia a la consulta, solicitud de test genético, realización del mismo y Estrategia de Reducción de Riesgo adoptada. Resultados Analizamos 420 pacientes, 228 (54%) con cáncer de mama y 192 (46%) sanas. Fueron derivadas a ago 335 (80%) de las cuales concurrieron 224 (67%). Se les solicitó estudio genético a 195 (87%); de ellas 164 (84%) pudieron realizarlo, con el siguiente resultado: 46 fueron brca positivas, 90 negativas y 22 con Variantes de Significado Incierto. Se realizaron 68 (16%) Mastectomías de Reducción de Riesgo, 293 pacientes (70%) ingresaron en Vigilancia, 1 paciente en Quimioprevención y 58 pacientes (14%) quedaron pendientes. El 67% de las pacientes brca positivas eligieron cirugía. El estado brca positivo y la edad menor de 50 años fueron variables independientes significativas para la conducta quirúrgica. Conclusiones Las pacientes de Alto Riesgo deben ser tratadas en equipos multidisciplinarios a fin de optimizar el proceso de Asesoramiento Genético. La decisión de la Estrategia de Reducción de Riesgo puede estar influenciada por la edad, el antecedente personal de cáncer y un resultado brca mutado

Introduction Hereditary breast cancer is 10% of breast cancers at the expense mainly of the brca 1 and 2 genes. The identification of High Risk patients begins the process of Genetic Counseling in Oncology Objective We present our initial experience in the Genetic Counseling process, evaluating the Risk Reduction Strategies and the variables that influenced decision making. Materials and method We retrospectively analyzed the clinical records of patients considered to be High Risk Family Inheritance (arhf) who attended the consultation from June 2000 to January 2019. The variables analyzed were: age, personal history of breast cancer, family history of breast and ovarian cancer, referral to ago, attendance at the consultation, request for genetic testing, performance of the same and Risk Reduction Strategy adopted. Results We analyzed 420 patients, 228 (54%) with breast cancer and 192 (46%) healthy. 335 (80%) were referred to ago, 224 (67%) attended. 195 (87%) were asked for a genetic study and 164 (84%) were able to do it. Of these, 46 were brca Positive, 90 Negative and 22 with Variants of Uncertain Meaning. 68 (16%) Risk Reduction Mastectomies were performed, 293 (70%) chose Surveillance, 1 patient in Chemoprevention and 58 patients (14%) pending. 67% of brca + patients chose surgery. Positive brca status and age under 50 years were significant independent variables for surgical behavior. Conclusions High-risk patients should be treated in multidisciplinary teams in order to optimize the genetic counseling process. The decision of the Risk Reduction Strategy may be influenced by age, personal history of cancer and a mutated brca result

Neoplasias Ováricas , Neoplasias de la Mama , Genética
Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 30(1): 27-37, mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1023695


Introducción: La ligadura con banda elástica es un procedimiento efectivo y de bajo costo, para el manejo de hemorroides grado I-III, que no requiere internación. Sus complicaciones, cuando presentes, son habitualmente leves. Aunque poco comunes, existen complicaciones graves asociadas a este procedimiento. El objetivo de este estudio es realizar una revisión de las complicaciones infecciosas pelvi-perineales de la ligadura con banda elástica, características comunes de presentación y alternativas de tratamiento en aquellos que sufren estas complicaciones. Descripción del caso: Se expone el caso de un hombre de 71 años de edad que presentó una sepsis pelviana severa posterior a la realización de una ligadura con banda elástica. A las 48 horas del procedimiento consulta por dolor perianal, dificultad miccional y fiebre. Se realiza el drenaje quirúrgico de ambas fosas isquiorrectales, luego de lo cual intercurre con shock séptico, realizándose una laparotomía, drenaje de retroperitoneo, colostomía sigmoidea. Posteriormente, debido al desarrollo de un síndrome compartimental abdominal, el abdomen se dejó abierto y contenido con una malla. Discusión: Se han descripto complicaciones sépticas posteriores a escleroterapia y crioterapia hemorroidal, ligadura con banda elástica, hemorroidectomia convencional y con sutura mecánica. Se exponen 20 casos de sepsis pelviana post-ligadura con banda elástica. La relación hombre:mujer fue de 3:1, con un amplio rango de edad (27-82 años). Sólo 2 tenían antecedentes de inmunosupresión. La progresión o la persistencia del dolor asociado a fiebre, dificultad miccional, edema perineal y/o genital fueron signos y síntomas comunes que se manifestaron dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la ligadura. Tal como en el caso aquí referido como en otros ya publicados, la realización de imágenes ayudó al diagnóstico y a la planificación quirúrgica. Todos recibieron antibioticoterapia de amplio espectro y 13 requirieron además cirugía. El espectro de tratamientos quirúrgicos fue desde el drenaje incisional hasta la amputación rectal. Ante la progresión del cuadro séptico, la realización de una ostomía fue la conducta más usual. Cinco pacientes requirieron más de una cirugía, y 8 fallecieron. Conclusión: Es importante conocer las complicaciones infecciosas mayores y su presentación clínica, para realizar un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz de las mismas, con el fin de disminuir su elevada morbilidad o mortalidad. (AU)

Background: Rubber band ligation is an effective, low-cost procedure for grade I-III hemorrhoids, and does not require hospitalization. Its complications, when present, are usually mild. Although rare, there are serious complications associated with this procedure. The purpose of this review was to identify common presenting features and treatment alternatives in those who suffer pelviperineal infectious complications after rubber band ligation. Case Report: The present case is that of a 71-year-old man who presented severe pelvic sepsis after rubber band ligation. He complained of perianal pain, voiding difficulties and fever 48 hours after the procedure. Surgical drainage of both ischiorectal fossae was carried out. He developed septic shock. Laparotomy, retroperitoneal drainage and sigmoid loop colostomy were performed. In a subsequent operation due to abdominal compartment syndrome, the abdomen was left open and contained with a mesh. Discussion: Septic complications have been described after sclerotherapy, cryotherapy, rubber band ligation, conventional hemorrhoidectomy and stapled haemorrhoidopexy. We describe 20 cases of pelvic sepsis after rubber band ligation. The male: female ratio was 3: 1, with a wide age range (27- 82 years). Only 2 had a history of immunosuppression. The progression or persistence of pain associated with fever, voiding difficulties, perineal and / or genital edema were common signs and symptoms that appeared within 14 days after rubber band ligation. In the case here referred to as in others already published, imaging studies helped the diagnosis and surgical planning. All received broad spectrum antibiotic therapy and 13 required surgery. The spectrum of surgical treatments ranged from incisional drainage to rectal amputation. In view of the progression of the septic condition, performing an ostomy was the most usual conduct. Five patients required more than one surgery, and 8 died. Conclusion: It is important to acknowledge the major infectious complications and their clinical presentation, to help with an early diagnosis and treatment, in order to reduce their high morbidity and mortality. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Infección de la Herida Quirúrgica/etiología , Sepsis/etiología , Hemorroides/cirugía , Ligadura/efectos adversos , Ligadura/métodos , Enfermedades del Recto/cirugía , Enfermedades del Recto/terapia , Reoperación , Infección de la Herida Quirúrgica/terapia , Sepsis/terapia , Ligadura/instrumentación , Antibacterianos/uso terapéutico
Dis Colon Rectum ; 58(2): 241-6, 2015 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25585084


BACKGROUND: Anal incontinence is a common and multifactorial pathology that affects patients' lives and imposes considerable socioeconomic consequences. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a bulking agent, polyacrylate-polyalcohol (PP), in terms of diminishing the severity of incontinence and improving the patient's quality of life, assessing any adverse events. DESIGN: Data were obtained through a prospective, nonconsecutive, multicenter, noncomparative, postmarket study with a maximum expected follow-up of 3 years. Four investigational centers from Argentina and Brazil participated in this study. SETTINGS: Injections of the bulking agent were administered in the operating room of tertiary hospitals. PATIENTS: Fifty-eight patients were enrolled. Five patients were lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 53 patients, 41 (77.4%) were females. All patients scored between 6 and 12 on the Cleveland Clinic Florida-Fecal Incontinence Score as part of the inclusion criteria. INTERVENTIONS: The injection of the bulking agent (PP) was administered under intravenous sedation in the submucosa of the anal canal through the perianal skin to generate a bulk. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary efficacy end point was the Cleveland Clinic Florida-Fecal Incontinence Score (or Jorge and Wexner index). The Rockwood-Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life index was also recorded. The treatment was considered successful if patients achieved a postoperative improvement of at least 50% on the Cleveland Clinic Florida-Fecal Incontinence Score. RESULTS: Successful treatment was met by 60.4% of the patients according to the last follow-up data. Quality-of-life indices showed consistently significant improvements. LIMITATIONS: Selection bias and the lack of a control group to evaluate the potential placebo effect of this novel bulking agent were limitations of this study. Because of the eligibility criteria, the resulting patient sample is representative of only a limited portion of the population with fecal incontinence at all 4 centers involved in this study. CONCLUSIONS: The injection technique was easy to perform, safe, and ideal for use as an outpatient procedure. This bulking agent (PP) significantly improved continence and quality of life in selected patients.

Resinas Acrílicas/uso terapéutico , Alcoholes/uso terapéutico , Canal Anal/fisiopatología , Incontinencia Fecal/terapia , Polímeros/uso terapéutico , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Incontinencia Fecal/fisiopatología , Femenino , Humanos , Inyecciones , Masculino , Manometría , Persona de Mediana Edad , Membrana Mucosa , Estudios Prospectivos , Resultado del Tratamiento