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J Anim Ecol ; 93(4): 377-392, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38482727


Climate change has well-documented, yet variable, influences on the annual movements of migratory birds. The effects of climate change on fall migration remains understudied compared with spring but appears to be less consistent among species, regions and years. Changes in the pattern and timing of waterfowl migration in particular may result in cascading effects on ecosystem function, and socio-economic and cultural outcomes. We investigated changes in the migration of 15 waterfowl species along a major flyway corridor of continental importance in northeastern North America using 43 years of community-science data. We built spatially- and temporally explicit hierarchical generative additive models for each species and demonstrated that climate, specifically the interaction between minimum temperature and precipitation, significantly influences migration phenology for most species. Certain species' migratory movements responded to specific temperature thresholds (climate migrants) and others reacted more to the interaction of temperature and precipitation (extreme event migrants). There are already significant changes in the fall migration phenology of common waterfowl species with high ecological and economic importance, which may simply increase in the context of a changing climate. If not addressed, climate change could induce mismatches in management, regulations and population surveys which would negatively impact the hunting industry. Our findings highlight the importance of considering species-specific spatiotemporal scales of effect on climate on migration and our methods can be widely adapted to quantify and forecast climate-driven changes in wildlife migration.

Les changements climatiques ont des influences bien documentées, mais variables, sur les mouvements annuels des oiseaux migrateurs. Les effets des changements climatiques sur les migrations automnales demeurent peu étudiés par rapport aux migrations printanières, mais il semble qu'ils soient moins constants d'une espèce, d'une région et d'une année à l'autre. Les changements dans le patron et le calendrier de la migration de la sauvagine en particulier peuvent avoir des effets en chaîne sur la fonction des écosystèmes et des impacts socio­économiques et culturels. Nous avons étudié les changements dans la migration de 15 espèces de sauvagine le long d'un corridor de migration d'importance continentale dans le nord­est de l'Amérique du Nord, en utilisant 43 ans de données scientifiques communautaires. Nous avons construit des modèles additifs généralisés hiérarchiques spatialement et temporellement explicites pour chaque espèce et avons démontré que le climat, en particulier l'interaction entre la température minimale et les précipitations, influence de manière significative la phénologie de la migration pour la plupart des espèces. Les mouvements migratoires de certaines espèces répondent à des seuils de température spécifiques (migrateurs climatiques) et d'autres réagissent davantage à l'interaction entre la température et les précipitations (migrateurs d'événements extrêmes). La phénologie des migrations automnales d'espèces de sauvagine commune qui ont une grande importance écologique et économique connaît déjà des changements importants, qui pourraient simplement s'accentuer dans le cadre des changements climatiques. S'ils ne sont pas pris en compte, les changements climatiques pourraient induire des décalages dans la gestion, les réglementations et les enquêtes de population, ce qui aurait un impact négatif sur l'industrie de la chasse. Nos résultats soulignent l'importance de prendre en compte les échelles spatio­temporelles spécifiques sur la migration et nos méthodes peuvent être largement adaptées pour quantifier et prévoir les changements induits par le climat dans la migration de la faune.

Migración Animal , Ecosistema , Animales , Estaciones del Año , Temperatura , Cambio Climático
Oecologia ; 192(3): 713-722, 2020 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32100152


Population decline and the threat of extinction are realities currently facing many species. Yet, in most cases, the detailed demographic data necessary to identify causes of population decline are unavailable. Using 43 years (1975-2017) of data from a box-nesting population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), we identified reduced survival of offspring as a probable demographic cause of population decline. Poor fledging success was associated with increased predation and poor weather conditions during early nestling development. Low juvenile survival and subsequent recruitment was linked to poor weather conditions during the post-fledging period and may also be linked to conditions on the wintering grounds. Regional weather conditions during critical stages of breeding (early nestling and post-fledging) have become progressively worse over the 43-year study period. None of the other factors linked to offspring survival have similarly deteriorated. Overall, our results suggest tree swallows should be added to the growing list of species challenged by climate change, and that other species of aerial insect specialists may face similar impacts of climate change.

Golondrinas , Animales , Cruzamiento , Cambio Climático , Árboles , Tiempo (Meteorología)
PeerJ ; 7: e6702, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30972261


To date, the majority of authors on scientific publications have been men. While much of this gender bias can be explained by historic sexism and discrimination, there is concern that women may still be disadvantaged by the peer review process if reviewers' biases lead them to reject publications with female authors more often. One potential solution to this perceived gender bias in the reviewing process is for journals to adopt double-blind reviews whereby neither the authors nor the reviewers are aware of each other's identity and gender. To test the efficacy of double-blind reviews in one behavioral ecology journal (Behavioral Ecology, BE), we assigned gender to every authorship of every paper published for 2010-2018 in that journal compared to four other journals with single-blind reviews but similar subject matter and impact factors. While female authorships comprised only 35% of the total in all journals, the double-blind journal (BE) did not have more female authorships than its single-blind counterparts. Interestingly, the incidence of female authorship is higher at behavioral ecology journals (BE and Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology) than in the ornithology journals (Auk, Condor, Ibis) for papers on all topics as well as those on birds. These analyses suggest that double-blind review does not currently increase the incidence of female authorship in the journals studied here. We conclude, at least for these journals, that double-blind review no longer benefits female authors and we discuss the pros and cons of the double-blind reviewing process based on our findings.

Proc Biol Sci ; 286(1898): 20190018, 2019 03 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30862285


As species shift their ranges and phenology to cope with climate change, many are left without a ready supply of their preferred food source during critical life stages. Food shortages are often assumed to be driven by reduced total food abundance, but here we propose that climate change may cause short-term food shortages for foraging specialists without affecting overall food availability. We frame this hypothesis around the special case of birds that forage on flying insects for whom effects mediated by their shared food resource have been proposed to cause avian aerial insectivores' decline worldwide. Flying insects are inactive during cold, wet or windy conditions, effectively reducing food availability to zero even if insect abundance remains otherwise unchanged. Using long-term monitoring data from a declining population of tree swallows ( Tachycineta bicolor), we show that nestlings' body mass declined substantially from 1977 to 2017. In 2017, nestlings had lower body mass if it rained during the preceding 3 days, though females increased provisioning rates, potentially in an attempt to compensate. Adult body mass, particularly that of the males, has also declined over the long-term study. Mean rainfall during the nestling period has increased by 9.3 ± 0.3 mm decade-1, potentially explaining declining nestling body mass and population declines. Therefore, we suggest that reduced food availability, distinct from food abundance, may be an important and previously overlooked consequence of climate change, which could be affecting populations of species that specialize on foraging on flying insects.

Reproducción , Golondrinas/fisiología , Tiempo (Meteorología) , Animales , Femenino , Masculino , Ontario , Dinámica Poblacional , Lluvia , Estaciones del Año , Golondrinas/crecimiento & desarrollo