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Death Stud ; : 1-10, 2024 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38970782


Social network support can be important when adjusting to life after the death of a close family member or friend. However, research has yielded inconclusive results regarding the relationship between social support and complicated grief reactions. Persons bereaved after a drug-related death (DRD) are a group of people who are at high risk of developing bereavement complications. Based on a Norwegian study on DRD bereaved close family members and friends (n = 250), this study examines the association between perceived social support, societal stigma, own social withdrawal, and prolonged grief symptoms (PGS). Own social withdrawal predicts the most variance in PGS symptoms: 8%, perceived social support: 3%, and societal stigma: 1%. Together the three focal variables explain 17.5% of variations in PGS. Results from the study point to the importance of social network support, which could reduce bereavement complications after a DRD.

Omega (Westport) ; : 302228241238907, 2024 Mar 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38477736


The loss of a close one to drug-related death (DRD) has been characterized as a form of stigmatized bereavement, and research has shown that there is a high risk of bereavement complications. Social support can be a buffer against bereavement complications, but because of stigma, DRD bereaved persons access to social support can be challenged. Based on data from a Norwegian sample of DRD bereaved persons (N = 252) the present study examines (1) bereaved persons' perceived access to different aspects of social support, and (2) the association between bereaved persons' experiences of societal stigma, own withdrawal, self-blame, and their perceptions of social support. Results show (1) that bereaved persons' access to contact with persons in the same situation is particularly low compared to other support aspects, and (2) that perceived stigma (4%) and own withdrawal (5%) predict variations in drug-related death bereaved persons' perception of social support.

Nordisk Alkohol Nark ; 40(5): 463-481, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37969900


Background and aims: Individuals bereaved after sudden and unexpected deaths can benefit from professional help to cope after the loss, and the bereaved call for proactive, early and flexible help from professional services. Most drug-related deaths (DRDs) happen suddenly and unexpectedly. DRDs are a significant public health issue, yet few studies have examined DRD-bereaved people's needs and experiences with professional help. This article investigates the needs for help and received help reported by DRD-bereaved family members and friends, and suggests improvements in services based on the findings. Data and method: A heterogeneous convenience sample of DRD-bereaved family members and close friends (n = 255) were recruited for a survey from February to December 2018. Descriptive analyses were conducted for experiences with professional help, chi-square analyses to find predictors for help needs and received help, and logistic regression analysis to find predictors for satisfaction with the help provided. Results: Most DRD-bereaved individuals reported a need for professional help after the death regardless of family relation to the deceased, and about half of the participants received help. Nearly half of them were satisfied with the help. Our results indicated higher satisfaction with help among older bereaved, and the participants who received help from a crisis team or psychotherapist. The latter was particularly stated for younger participants. Few participants with children in the family reported that the children had received help, and less than one-third were satisfied with this help. Conclusion: The study shows that younger age groups and children need particular recognition, and a family perspective from services is essential. When assessing the help needs of the DRD-bereaved, relations of both psychological and biological closeness should be recognised. Help efforts should be tailored according to established knowledge of the provided help that bereaved populations deem effective.

Nordisk Alkohol Nark ; 40(4): 371-390, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37663058


Aim: To broaden our knowledge from the perspective of municipality first-responder services of what prevents and what facilitates the provision of professional assistance to the bereaved after a drug-related death during the acute phase. Method: A reflexive thematic analysis was applied in six focus group interviews with 27 first-responder personnel in Norway. Results: The acute phase presented a challenging and complex support situation. We identified two main barriers: failure to initiate services and difficulties meeting with bereaved persons who use drugs. Facilitative factors were associated with competence and proactive cooperation. We discuss the findings in light of associated stigma, disenfranchised grief and an ecological approach to public services. Conclusion: First-responder professionals must understand drug-related death as a potentially traumatising event and initiate the procedures set out in the national guidelines. To achieve this, first-responder health and welfare services must become more knowledgeable about drug-related loss and bereavement, acute grief reactions and the need for psychosocial follow-up.

Omega (Westport) ; : 302228231178870, 2023 May 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37253588


Bereavement following drug-related losses is potentially traumatizing and may cause adverse health outcomes. These bereaved experiences are unacknowledged and omitted in municipal health and welfare service delivery. Reflexive thematic analysis was applied to six focus group interviews with 26 municipal managers. Knowledge about municipal managers' perspectives for improving psychosocial follow-up to drug-death-bereaved persons was perceived as vital for improving the quality of public services. The findings show how the services are perceived to be affected by macro-, meso, and micro-level processes. The participants suggested that service delivery should be based on an integrated organizational approach. Political, organizational, administrative, financial, and communicative processes are addressed and discussed in light of Osborne's theory of public service logic. The managers argue that a broad, contextual frame and infrastructure, enhancing managers' latitude of action regarding employees and facilitating collaborative service flexibility, would provide more sustainable, competent services.

Death Stud ; 47(8): 926-937, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36347016


People bereaved by traumatic deaths are vulnerable to long-lasting impairments in social health, including the quality of social relationships and the capacity to manage their social lives. In this Norwegian study involving 255 participants bereaved by a drug-related death, we aimed to investigate their social health and associations with professional help. The results of a cross-sectional survey showed that participants on average rated their social health as poor, though with large variations within the group. Participants who reported high satisfaction with professional help reported significantly higher scores on most social health-related variables. More research is needed on professional help focusing on the social health of traumatically bereaved people.

Aflicción , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Apoyo Social , Relaciones Interpersonales
Front Psychol ; 13: 982667, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36092064


Introduction: Drug-related deaths (DRDs) are a major public health challenge. Losing a child to a DRD can be a very stressful life event, which places parents at risk of mental and physical health problems. However, traumatic experiences like losing a child to DRD can paradoxically also lead to positive psychological changes. A mixed-method approach was used to understand the complexity of the phenomenon of post-traumatic growth experienced by parents following a DRD. Method: By combining data from a survey (n = 89) and interviews (n = 14), we explored positive growth experiences among Norwegian parents. We conducted descriptive analyses of the sample's demographic characteristics and mean scores for Post-traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-SF) items. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to examine the influence of the ability to perform daily activities (WSAS), self-efficacy (GSE-SF), social support (CSS), and symptoms of prolonged grief (PG-13) on the outcome variable of post-traumatic growth (PTGI-SF). Reflexive thematic analysis was applied to analyze the qualitative data. Finally, we integrated the results of the survey and the interviews. Results: For items measuring post-traumatic growth, parents scored highest on the item "I discovered that I'm stronger than I thought I was" and lowest on the item "I am able to do better things with my life." Self-efficacy and social support had a statistically significant relation with post-traumatic growth. Two themes were generated from the interviews: (I) new perspectives on life and (II) new paths in life. Even though the "New Possibilities" subscale had the lowest mean score for the PTGI-SF, new paths in life were important for many of the interviewed parents. Discussion: Parents described traumatic stressors associated with having a child who uses narcotics and hence experienced positive changes even before losing their child. We argue that on an individual level, the consequences of spillover stigma, low self-efficacy, and intrusive rumination can hinder potential post-traumatic growth. On a group level, enhancing network support may increase post-traumatic growth experiences. Hence, parents who have experienced a DRD can benefit from help to activate their social networks and strengthen their self-efficacy.

Omega (Westport) ; : 302228221129372, 2022 Sep 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36154325


Drug-related deaths constitute a significant challenge that strongly impacts the lives of the bereaved and the risks of mental and social problems are well-documented. This paper is the first one to explore how bereaved siblings experience informal support after drug-related deaths. Reflexive thematic analysis is used to analyze ten semi-structured interviews with bereaved siblings. Three main themes were identified: (1) valued support elaborates on the range of desired support and content of the support received; (2) barriers to support were connected to complex family relations, different grief reactions, and stigma, shame, and devaluation; (3) ways to promote support focus on openness and mutual closeness. The discussion revolves around the 'strong' sibling role, complex family relations, stigma, protective silence, and disenfranchised grief. Interactional aspects involved in social support and the importance of addressing this in clinical practice, to utilize the vital support potential for the bereaved experiencing drug-related death, are discussed.

Nordisk Alkohol Nark ; 39(4): 453-465, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36003124


Background and aims: Drug-related death (DRD) is a major public health concern in the Nordic countries, in the rest of Europe and in the US. After a DRD, approximately 10-15 next of kin will be left behind. People bereaved after sudden and unexpected deaths have a documented higher risk of reduced quality of life, daily functioning, and early death. It is important to know the resources professional helpers have available to them, the barriers and possibilities they face in their work, and how they can respond to the needs of the bereaved. This knowledge can help prevent severe health and social consequences of bereavement following a DRD. In this systematic review, the aim was to explore knowledge regarding professional helpers' experiences of providing assistance to people bereaved after a DRD. Methods: Inclusion criteria were empirical studies of professional helpers' first-person perspectives on meeting the bereaved after a DRD. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method studies were included. Results: The results show that there are no studies addressing professional helpers' experiences of providing assistance to the bereaved after a DRD. Conclusion: There is a vital need to develop more knowledge of professional helpers' perspectives. This knowledge is important not only to improve education and the quality of health and social services, but also to help raise awareness of the bereaved after a DRD.

Glob Qual Nurs Res ; 9: 23333936221085035, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35434201


This study aims to broaden our knowledge of how professionals in municipal health and welfare relate to bereaved persons during the acute phase of a drug-related death. A reflexive thematic analysis was applied to six focus group interviews with 27 first responding personnel in Norway. The article describes the complexity and simultaneousness of the professional response. Three main themes were identified: (a) establishing contact, (b) diverse, supportive assistance, and (c) a complex helping context. The analysis showed that experiences from previous encounters and the deceased's illicit drug use affected many of the professionals' assessments, and implied an evaluation of the bereaved as not in need of emergency services or psychosocial follow-up. Professionals should be trained to understand drug-related death as a sudden and unnatural death, and to initiate immediate psychosocial crisis intervention. There is a need for further research on the perspective of professionals in the health and welfare services on the drivers and barriers to support (bereaved persons) during the acute phase.

Studien har som mål å gi økt kunnskap om hvordan ansatte i kommunale helse-og velferdstjenester møter etterlatte i akuttfasen ved narkotikarelatert død. Refleksiv tematisk analyse ble brukt på seks fokusgruppeintervjuer med 27 akutthjelpere i Norge. Artikkelen beskriver kompleksiteten og samtidigheten i den profesjonelle responsen. Tre hovedtemaer ble identifisert: (a) etablering av kontakt, (b) variert, støttende bistand og (c) en kompleks hjelpekontekst. Analysen viser at erfaringer fra tidligere møter og de avdøde sin illegale rusbruk innvirket på mange av fagpersonene sine vurderinger, og førte til en vurdering av de etterlatte som ikke å være i behov for krisetjenester eller psykososial oppfølging. Fagpersoner bør opplæres til å forstå narkotikarelaterte dødsfall som brå og uventet død, og til å iverksette psykososial akuttberedskap. Det er behov for ytterligere forskning om profesjonelle i helse-og velferdstjenestenes perspektiv på hva som muliggjør og hindrer hjelp til etterlatte i den akutte fasen.

Omega (Westport) ; : 302228221098584, 2022 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35482973


Despite rising rates of drug-related deaths (DRDs), the consequences of DRDs for bereaved family members are scarcely investigated. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of prolonged grief (PG) symptoms in bereaved family members after DRDs, identify predictors of PG and examine whether symptom levels decrease with time. A cross-sectional design based on survey data from parents (n = 93), siblings (n = 78), children (n = 24) and other family members (n = 39) was conducted (n = 234). Descriptive analyses, a multivariate linear regression, and ANOVA were performed. 60 family members (26%) suffered from high levels of PG symptoms after DRDs (parents 31.2%, siblings 21.8%, children 20.9%). The strongest associations were found between a high level of symptoms and 'months since the loss', 'suicidal thoughts' and 'withdrawal from others'. The ANOVA analyses showed that time does not always 'heal all wounds', and the bereaved who lost one to 2 years ago had the highest level of PG symptoms.

Death Stud ; 46(6): 1354-1363, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33427100


Drug-death bereaved parents are at risk of high levels of prolonged grief (PG) symptoms. We included 93 Norwegian drug-death bereaved parents in a cross-sectional survey and aimed to explain PG symptoms. High levels of PG symptoms (M = 30.69) were identified. Low level of self-efficacy and withdrawal from others were the most strongly associated with high levels of grief symptoms (p < .001). However, contrary to our expectations, social support, gender, employment, demanding life situations, and perceived proximity did not correlate significantly to PG symptoms. Our findings can enhance individual follow-up of drug-death bereaved parents.

Aflicción , Pesar , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Padres , Prevalencia , Proyectos de Investigación
Nordisk Alkohol Nark ; 38(6): 615-630, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35309856


Aims: The objective of this study is to contribute to an improvement of bereavement services and experiences for the bereaved after drug-related deaths (DRDs) by investigating their expressed opinions on what would constitute improvements. Methods: As part of a larger survey questionnaire, we asked people bereaved by DRDs what advice they would give to politicians to improve bereavement services. Out of 255 respondents, we received 196 written statements of advice, 83 focusing on the time after death. Two-thirds of these respondents were either parents or siblings, the other third were other family members or close friends. A thematic analysis was conducted to examine the written statements. Results: We found four central themes: broad-spectrum help, routinised help, respectful help and competent help. The advice represents a long list of psychosocial support to ideally be offered on a regular and long-term basis. Furthermore, the bereaved also discussed the cognitive and normative side of the services by including considerations about stigma and respect, and the need for more research- and experience-based knowledge about their experiences both before and after DRDs. Conclusions: Many of the services sought by the bereaved are already in place and described in national guidelines for follow-up strategies after sudden unexpected deaths. DRDs, however, has not been included as a task for the services and are not explicitly mentioned in these guidelines. The scope of research and policymaking on drug problems and DRDs should be broadened to include families and social networks in order to make the group more visible and strengthen their influence on policy.

Omega (Westport) ; 82(3): 351-369, 2021 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30486738


This article presents results from one of the first longitudinal studies exploring the effects of losing a close friend to traumatic death, focusing on complicated grief over time and how this is affected by avoidant behavior and rumination about the loss. The sample consists of 88 persons (76% women and 24% men, mean age = 21) who lost a close friend in the Utøya killings in Norway on July 22, 2011.Quantitative data were collected at three time-points; 18, 28, and 40 months postloss. Main findings are that bereaved friends are heavily impacted by the loss and their grief reactions are affected negatively by avoidant behavior and rumination. This indicates that close bereaved friends are a group to be aware of and that there is a need for better strategies for identifying individuals in need for follow-up.

Aflicción , Amigos , Adulto , Femenino , Pesar , Humanos , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Noruega , Adulto Joven
Death Stud ; 45(7): 508-521, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31390307


Despite high rates of drug-related deaths (DRDs), drug-related bereavement has been sparsely investigated. A systematic literature search for qualitative and quantitative studies was conducted. Studies on bereaved DRD family members and systems influencing bereavement were eligible for inclusion. Eight studies were included. Three themes emerged from the thematic analysis (Emotional Roller Coaster, Lack of Understanding by the Social World, and Meaning Making) describing an emotional and existential overload, stigmatization and lack of understanding and help from support systems. The results also shed light on life after the loss. Directions for further research were subsequently outlined.

Aflicción , Preparaciones Farmacéuticas , Familia , Pesar , Humanos , Apoyo Social
Front Psychiatry ; 11: 545368, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33192660


Introduction: The loss of a loved one in a terror incident is associated with elevated risk for mental health disorders such as prolonged grief disorder (PGD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but the long- term adaptation after such losses are not well understood. This study aims to explore the trajectories of PGD among parents and siblings (n = 129) after the 2011 terror attack on Utøya Island, Norway. Methods: The 19-item Inventory of Complicated grief (ICG) was used to measure PGD at 18, 28, and 40 months post-loss. Latent class growth analysis (LCGA) was used to identify trajectories of grief and a multinomial regression analysis was conducted to examine predictors of class membership. Results: The analysis identified three grief trajectories; moderate/decreasing class (23%), high/slow decreasing class (64%), and a high/chronic class (13%). Predictors of high/slow recovery or chronic grief was female gender, previous depressive symptoms, and intrusion and avoidance symptoms. Conclusion: The findings highlights the difficult grief process and slow recovery that characterizes the majority of close family members bereaved by a terror-incident. Community mental health programs should strive for both early outreach and long-term follow-up after such incidents.

Omega (Westport) ; 82(1): 141-164, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32389093


Knowledge about how bereaved persons grieve can enhance quality in providing the support and potential services that they need. We aimed to identify ways in which drug-death-bereaved Norwegian parents go on with their lives and what inhibits or promotes adaptation during their grieving. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyze 14 semistructured in-depth interviews. We generated three themes: (I) processing grief emotions, (II) proactive coping, and (III) giving and receiving support and assistance. Processing guilt rumination, reflections on blame and a burden of grief emotions characterized grieving early on. Using cognitive strategies and functional-support-giving were found to be the most frequently used strategies. Oscillation between processing stressors and reorientation to the world promoted adjustment to ongoing life. We discuss characteristics of parents who struggle to reorient and outline important implications for policy and practice.

Adaptación Psicológica , Aflicción , Sobredosis de Droga/psicología , Padres , Suicidio Completo/psicología , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Femenino , Humanos , Entrevistas como Asunto , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Noruega , Adulto Joven
Death Stud ; 44(4): 201-209, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30556790


People rarely specify what "early intervention" following bereavement means, so we explored the views of experienced professionals working primarily with bereaved children. In an anonymous online survey, 84 mental health professionals answered questions about the content and timeframe of early intervention. The types of interventions varied, but conversation and support were most frequent. Most considered early intervention to mean before or during the first month following the loss. Although meta-analyses show little benefit of early intervention, professionals disagree and see the need to tailor interventions to the type of death, the situation of the family, and the intensity of reactions.

Actitud del Personal de Salud , Aflicción , Adaptación Psicológica , Niño , Familia/psicología , Personal de Salud/psicología , Humanos , Apoyo Social , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
J Clin Nurs ; 28(15-16): 3021-3032, 2019 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30941831


OBJECTIVE: To examine the characteristics of the social networks of families living with parental cancer and the kind of social support they provide compared with what the families report having received. BACKGROUND: Parental cancers are highly distressing for both parents and children. Among other concerns, families report a severe lack of social support. However, we know little about these families' private social networks, nor support provided and received as reported by network members and the family. METHODS: Using a descriptive cross-sectional design, 16 families living with parental cancer and 130 of their network members participated. Healthy parents and network members filled out The Assistance Questionnaire-Receivers of support (AQR)/The Assistance Questionnaire-Providers of Support (AQP). RESULTS: Network members were mainly resourceful friends (44%) and family members (42%). Only 1/3 became supporters at diagnosis, and nearly 50% had to be asked. Supporters provided a variety of types of help, especially emotional support. A match between the perception of the healthy parent and that of the network members was found for provided (p = 0.211) and received (p = 0.741) support. Supporters were satisfied with their provided support, experiencing it as rewarding and associated with few negative aspects. The STROBE checklist for observational studies was followed in reporting the results. CONCLUSIONS: The social networks, being mainly family and friends, were able to provide different types of help, especially emotional support. A useful suggestion may be to involve supporters at an earlier stage, providing more practical support. RELEVANCE FOR CLINICAL PRACTICE: Nurses are in a unique position to promote social support for families living with parental cancer by embracing a network focus, by emphasising the importance and potential of social support, by helping families to map their network and by teaching them how to be explicit in their requests for support.

Familia/psicología , Neoplasias/psicología , Red Social , Apoyo Social , Adulto , Niño , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Neoplasias/enfermería , Encuestas y Cuestionarios