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Opt Express ; 27(13): 17708-17717, 2019 Jun 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31252727


We study theoretically the optical forces acting on glass nanoplates introduced into hollow waveguides, and show that, depending on the sign of the laser detuning relative to the nanoplate resonance, optomechanical back-action between nanoplate and hollow waveguide can create both traps and anti-traps at intensity nodes and anti-nodes in the supermode field profile, behaving similarly to those experienced by cold atoms when the laser frequency is red or blue detuned of an atomic resonance. This arises from dramatic distortions to the mode profile in the hollow waveguide when the nanoplate is off-resonant, producing gradient forces that vary strongly with nanoplate position. In a planar system, we show that when the nanoplate is constrained by an imaginary mechanical spring, its position exhibits strong bistability as the base position is varied. We then treat a two-dimensional system consisting of an anti-resonant nanoplate in the hollow core of a photonic crystal fiber, and predict the stable dark trapping of nanoplate at core center against both translational and rotational motion. The results show that spatial and angular position of nano-scale objects in hollow waveguides can be optically controlled by launching beams with appropriately synthesized transverse field profiles.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 813, 2017 10 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28993618


Gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibre is being used to generate ever wider supercontinuum spectra, in particular via dispersive wave emission in the deep and vacuum ultraviolet, with a multitude of applications. Dispersive waves are the result of nonlinear transfer of energy from a self-compressed soliton, a process that relies crucially on phase-matching. It was recently predicted that, in the strong-field regime, the additional transient anomalous dispersion introduced by gas ionization would allow phase-matched dispersive wave generation in the mid-infrared-something that is forbidden in the absence of free electrons. Here we report the experimental observation of such mid-infrared dispersive waves, embedded in a 4.7-octave-wide supercontinuum that uniquely reaches simultaneously to the vacuum ultraviolet, with up to 1.7 W of total average power.Dispersive wave emission in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibres has been possible in the visible and ultraviolet via the optical Kerr effect. Here, Köttig et al. demonstrate dispersive waves generated by an additional transient anomalous dispersion from gas ionization in the mid-infrared.

Opt Lett ; 42(11): 2074-2077, 2017 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28569848


A hollow-core single-ring photonic crystal fiber (SR-PCF) consists of a ring of capillaries arranged around a central hollow core. Spinning the preform during drawing introduces a continuous helical twist, offering a novel means of controlling the modal properties of hollow-core SR-PCF. For example, twisting geometrically increases the effective axial propagation constant of the LP01-like modes of the capillaries, providing a means of optimizing the suppression of HOMs, which occurs when the LP11-like core mode phase-matches to the LP01-like modes of the surrounding capillaries. (In a straight fiber, optimum suppression occurs for a capillary-to-core diameter ratio d/D=0.682.) Twisting also introduces circular birefringence (to be studied in a future Letter) and has a remarkable effect on the transverse intensity profiles of the higher-order core modes, forcing the two-lobed LP11-like mode in the untwisted fiber to become three-fold symmetric in the twisted case. These phenomena are explored by means of extensive numerical modeling, an analytical model, and a series of experiments. Prism-assisted side-coupling is used to measure the losses, refractive indices, and near-field patterns of individual fiber modes in both the straight and twisted cases.
