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Biodivers Data J ; 12: e113125, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38505125


There is no information on the species associated with the mesophotic reefs of Banderas Bay, located in the central Mexican Pacific. This study analysed the reef fish assemblage from three depths (50, 60 and 70 m) in three sampling sites of the southern submarine canyon of the Bay: Los Arcos, Bajo de Emirio and Majahuitas. Several analyses were performed to test the hypothesis that there are important differences in fish abundance and species composition between sites and depths. Twenty-two species of bony fishes grouped in 14 families were recorded. PERMANOVA results showed that there were no significant differences in fish diversity parameters between sites, indicating a certain uniformity in their distribution. However, nine species were exclusive to one site and depth (five singleton species with only one individual recorded and four unique species recorded only once). On the other hand, there were significant differences between depths, mainly between 50 and 70 m. Diversity decreases with depth and species composition changes. SIMPER, Shade Plot and NMDS analysis show the most representative species at each depth, with at least half of the species (11) recorded only at 50 m and four species at the deeper levels (60 - 70 m). The observed assemblage includes several of the most caught species in the shallow water artisanal fishery, which is the most traditional and common type of fishery in the Bay. In addition, the Pomacanthuszonipectus (Cortés angelfish) is of particular interest, as it has a special protection status in the official Mexican standard (NOM-059-SEMARNAT, 2010) due to its use as an ornamental species in aquaria. We hypothesised that the mesophotic zone may serve as a refuge for these fishes, so we propose that the information obtained is an important basis for new research aimed at the sustainable management of fisheries in the area.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(supl.1): e59016, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559344


Abstract Introduction: The genus Agassizia in Mexico is represented both in the fossil record by the species Agassizia regia† during the Miocene of Chiapas and by the extant species Agassizia excentrica on the Atlantic coast and Agassizia scrobiculata on the Pacific coast. Qualitative diagnosis and descriptions make it hard to distinguish morphological boundaries between species, especially in groups with fossils and recent representatives, increasing the level of complexity by having samples of disparate qualities and quantities. Objective: We propose the use of little explored statistical methods in the comparison of paleontological and biological populations. This methodology allowed us to resolve issues of missing values in a morphometric data set for the genus Agassizia. Methods: Using samples recently collected and specimens already housed in collections, we explore a routine of recovery of missing data MICE and the numerical and graphic analyses PERMANOVA, PCA, and SIMPER to compare morphometric parameters between these species for recognizing diagnostic characters. Results: Our results show a morphological difference in the length of the ambulacrum II and the length and width of the periproct and peristome structures, these being greater in A. scrobiculata, with a consistent pattern in both population samples not previously described. Conclusions: Quantitative morphometric comparisons can be an assertive and complementary tool to determine distinctive differentiation characteristics in species of the same genus. Comparative morphology reviews should be an ongoing exercise to keep taxonomic knowledge on both extinct and extant species up to date. Our research encourage the scientific community studying fossil populations to utilize quantitative and multivariate methods to strengthen their investigations.

Resumen Introducción: El género Agassizia en México está representado tanto en el registro fósil por la especie Agassizia regia† del Mioceno de Chiapas, como por las especies actuales Agassizia excentrica de la costa del Atlántico y Agassizia scrobiculata de la costa del Pacífico. Las descripciones y diagnosis cualitativas dificultan reconocer los limites morfológicos entre especies, especialmente en grupos con representantes fósiles y recientes, e incrementando el nivel de complejidad al tener muestras de cantidad y calidad desiguales. Objetivo: Proponemos el uso de métodos estadísticos poco explorados en la comparación de poblaciones paleontológicas y biológicas. Esta metodología nos permitió resolver problemas de valores faltantes en un conjunto de datos morfométricos para el género Agassizia. Métodos: Usando muestras recolectadas para este fin, así como provenientes de colecciones científicas, exploramos una rutina de recuperación de datos faltantes MICE, y los análisis numéricos y gráficos PERMANOVA, PCA y SIMPER para comparar parámetros morfométricos entre estas especies y reconocer caracteres de diagnóstico. Además, comparamos cuidadosamente los caracteres morfológicos descritos previamente en la literatura taxonómica y la descripción ambiental del hábitat actual de A. scrobiculata. Resultados: Nuestros resultados muestran una diferencia morfológica en la longitud del ambulacrum II y la longitud y anchura de las estructuras del periprocto y peristoma, siendo estas mayores en A. scrobiculata, con un patrón consistente en ambas muestras poblacionales no descrito previamente. El hábitat actual de las muestras de A. scrobiculata en la costa del Pacífico es un sistema costero poco profundo con sedimentos arenosos y temperaturas tropicales. Bahía Chamela comparte varias similitudes con la fauna y las condiciones ambientales previamente descritas en el Mioceno de Chiapas. Conclusiones: Las comparaciones morfométricas cuantitativas pueden ser una herramienta poderosa y complementaria para determinar caracteres distintivos de diferenciación en especies del mismo género. Las revisiones de morfología comparativa deben ser un ejercicio continuo para mantener actualizado el conocimiento taxonómico sobre las especies existentes y extintas. Nuestro trabajo busca incentivar a la comunidad científica que trabaja con poblaciones fósiles a explorar estos y otros métodos cuantitativos y multivariados para fortalecer sus investigaciones.

Animales , Erizos de Mar/anatomía & histología , Antropometría , México
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(supl.1): e58787, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559339


Resumen Introducción: En el Pacífico central mexicano son escasos los trabajos sobre ecología de asteroideos. Estas especies generalmente se distribuyen de forma aleatoria, aunque en algunas ocasiones pueden encontrarse en grupos o agregaciones. En Los Arcos, al sur de Puerto Vallarta, en Bahía de Banderas, México, se observó Luidia bellonae por primera vez en una agregación masiva en 2021. Objetivo: Reportar por primera vez el registro de esta especie en esta región del Pacífico mexicano, así como el evento de agregación masiva. Métodos: Se realizaron transectos y recorridos para cuantificar la densidad y medir los ejemplares de la estrella en Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas, durante 2021, 2022 y 2023. Resultados: Se encontraron densidades promedio de 2.65 ind/m2 y hasta 7 ind/m2. En total en el área aproximada de 900 m2 se registraron 630 individuos. Los ejemplares midieron (R) entre 2 y 12 cm, y en su mayoría midieron entre 4 y 8 cm. Conclusiones: L. bellonae estaba reportada en distintos sitios en algunos estados del Pacífico mexicano, sin embargo no estaba registrada para Bahía de Banderas ni Los Arcos, ni tampoco en la cantidad que se reporta aquí, por lo que este es el primer registro para la especie con una presencia masiva para el Pacífico mexicano. La aparición de la gran cantidad de ejemplares de L. bellonae en Los Arcos en 2021 pudo haber sido resultado de una combinación de factores, entre ellos la baja temperatura del agua, con valores hasta de 15 ºC y la alta cantidad de nutrientes. Este hallazgo demuestra la necesidad de más estudios sobre los equinodermos y especies marinas para entender la influencia que tienen las condiciones ambientales en su ciclo de vida.

Abstract Introduction: In the central Mexican Pacific, there are few studies on asteroid ecology. These species are generally distributed randomly, although in some cases groups or aggregations can be found. In Los Arcos, south of Puerto Vallarta, in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico, Luidia bellonae was observed for the first time in a massive aggregation in 2021. Objective: To report the new record of this species in this region of the Mexican Pacific and its massive aggregation event. Methods: Transects and surveys were carried out to quantify the density and measure the sea star individuals in Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas during 2021, 2022, and 2023. Results: Average densities of 2.65 ind/m2 and up to 7 ind/m2 were found. In total, in the approximate area of 900 m2, 630 individuals were registered. The specimens measured (R) between 2 and 12 cm, and most measured between 4 and 8 cm. Conclusions: L. bellonae has been reported in different places in some states of the Mexican Pacific; however, it was not registered for Bahía de Banderas nor Los Arcos, nor in the amount reported here, therefore this is the first record for the species with a massive presence for the Mexican Pacific. The appearance of the large number of L. bellonae specimens in Los Arcos in 2021 could have been the result of a combination of factors, including the low water temperature, with values up to 15 ºC, and the high amount of nutrients. This finding demonstrates the need for more studies on echinoderms and marine species to understand the influence of environmental conditions on their life cycle.

Animales , Estrellas de Mar/crecimiento & desarrollo , Estrellas de Mar/clasificación , México
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(supl.1): e58618, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559332


Resumen Introducción: Las colecciones biológicas representan los cimientos para el conocimiento y manejo de la biodiversidad de una región. No obstante, en México, y en particular en el Pacífico central mexicano (PCM), las colecciones regionales enfocadas en equinodermos, son escasas. La colección biológica del Laboratorio de Ecología Molecular, Microbiología y Taxonomía (LEMITAX) pertenece al Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México y sirve como referencia de la biodiversidad marina de la región. Objetivo: Dar a conocer la riqueza de equinodermos resguardada en la colección del LEMITAX. Métodos: Los organismos depositados en LEMITAX se han recolectado mediante buceo libre, SCUBA, y arrastres de fondo con dragas biológicas en diversas áreas del Pacífico mexicano. Los especímenes están preservados en húmedo (alcohol al 70 %; Asteroidea, Echinoidea, Holothuroidea y Ophiuroidea) o en seco (Asteroidea y Echinoidea). Resultados: Los especímenes provienen de los estados de Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco y Colima, incluyendo dos áreas naturales protegidas, el Parque Nacional Isla Isabel y el Santuario de las islas e islotes de Bahía de Chamela. La colección dispone de 20 761 ejemplares de equinodermos distribuidos en 75 especies (10 asteroideos, 17 ofiuroideos, 17 equinoideos y 31 holoturoideos). El estado mejor representado es Jalisco (64 especies) seguido de Nayarit (31), Colima (20) y Sinaloa (11). Bahía de Chamela es la mejor representada (60), seguido de Isla Isabel (22). Se aportan 34 registros nuevos, la mayor contribución es para Bahía de Chamela con 14 registros nuevos, seguido del estado de Jalisco (siete), Nayarit (cuatro), Colima (tres) e Isla Isabel (tres). Para el PCM, se reporta por primera vez la presencia de Astropecten ornatissimus, Luidia phragma, Cucumaria crax y Holothuria (Cystipus) casoae, lo que actualiza su riqueza de equinodermos a 197 especies. Se amplía el intervalo de distribución batimétrica de Ophiactis simplex, Ophiocomella alexandri y Holothuria (Cystipus) casoae, así como el intervalo de distribución geográfica de Cucumaria crax. Conclusiones: Las colecciones biológicas de las universidades contribuyen de manera sustancial al conocimiento de la biodiversidad, como se refleja en la colección LEMITAX, cuya revisión resultó en la actualización de la riqueza de equinodermos de la región.

Abstract Introduction: The biological collections represent the foundation for the knowledge and management of the biodiversity of a region. However, regional collections focused on echinoderms are scarce in Mexico, particularly in the Central Mexican Pacific (CMP). The biological collection of the Laboratorio de Ecología Molecular, Microbiología y Taxonomía (LEMITAX) belongs to the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias of the Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and it aims to serve as a reference for the region's marine biodiversity. Objective: To state the richness of echinoderms in the LEMITAX collection. Methods: The organisms deposited at the LEMITAX have been collected by SCUBA, free-diving, and bottom trawls with biological dredges in different areas of the Mexican Pacific. The specimens are wet-preserved (70 % ethanol; Asteroidea, Echinoidea, Holothuroidea, and Ophiuroidea) or dried (Asteroidea and Echinoidea). Results: The specimens are from the states of Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, and Colima, including two natural protected areas (NPAs), the Isabel Island National Park and the sanctuary of the Islands and Islets of Bahía de Chamela. The collection has 20 761 specimens of echinoderms distributed in 75 species (10 asteroids, 17 ophiuroids, 17 echinoids, and 31 holothuroids). The best-represented state is Jalisco (64 species), followed by Nayarit (31), Colima (20), and Sinaloa (11). Concerning the NPAs, Chamela is the best represented (60), followed by Isabel Island (22). Thirty-four new records are added; the largest contribution is for Chamela, with 14 new records, followed by the state of Jalisco (seven), Nayarit (four), Colima (three), and Isabel Island (three). For the CMP, the presence of Astropecten ornatissimus, Luidia phragma, Cucumaria crax, and Holothuria (Cystipus) casoae, is reported for the first time, updating the echinoderm richness to 197 species. The bathymetric distribution range of Ophiactis simplex, Ophiocomella alexandri, and Holothuria (Cystipus) casoae is extended, as well as the geographic range of Cucumaria crax. Conclusions: The biological collections deposited in the universities contribute substantially to the knowledge of biodiversity, as reflected in the LEMITAX collection, whose revision resulted in the updating of the echinoderm richness in the region.

Animales , Equinodermos/clasificación , Especificidad de la Especie , México
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(1)2021.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507817


Introduction: The Panamic Cushion Star Pentaceraster cumingi is widely distributed along the Tropical Eastern Pacific. This species strictly produces only five arms, but sometimes, this number varies or show another kind of abnormality. Objective: We aimed to evaluate the population size structure and abnormalities occurrence in the radial pattern of P. cumingi in Bahía Chamela, Jalisco, Mexico. Methods: The population was monitored along four years (2016-2019), in two seasonal periods (warm and cold). During fieldwork, a random sample of individuals was collected. Every starfish was measured, weighted, and evaluated to identify any abnormality on its radial pattern. Results: The highest density of P. cumingi was found in October 2019 (2.03 ± 0.05 ind/m-2), the lower in March 2017 (0.66 ± 0.13 ind/m-2). A total of 849 individuals were collected. For 5-armed starfishes, the average length was 123.8 ± 15.2 mm and the average weight of 326.0 ± 62.4 g. The most frequent length classes ranged from 110 to 120 mm. Of the total of individuals sampled 0.82 % had four arms, 1.06 % six, and 1.41 % had one bifurcated arm. Conclusions: There were differences in the population density and size structure of P. cumingi between seasons. The main causes of abnormalities in the starfish could be due to the changes that occur during larval metamorphosis or by an abnormal regeneration of the arms after a predation attempt.

Introducción: La Estrella Cojín Pentaceraster cumingi está ampliamente distribuida a lo largo del Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Esta especie produce estrictamente cinco brazos, pero en algunas ocasiones el número puede ser menor o mayor de cinco, o mostrar otro tipo de anormalidad. Objetivo: Evaluar la estructura de tallas poblacional y la presencia de anormalidades en el patrón radial de P. cumingi en la Bahía Chamela, Jalisco, México. Métodos: La población fue monitoreada a lo largo de cuatro años (2016-2019), durante dos periodos estacionales (cálido y templado). Durante el trabajo de campo se recolectó una muestra aleatoria de individuos. Cada estrella de mar fue medida, pesada y revisada para identificar alguna anormalidad en el patrón radial. Resultados: La mayor densidad de individuos se encontró en octubre de 2019 (2.03 ± 0.05 ind/m-2), la menor en marzo de 2017 (0.66 ± 0.13 ind/m-2). Un total de 849 individuos fueron recolectados. Para las estrellas de mar con 5 brazos, la longitud promedio fue de 123.8 ± 15.2 mm y el peso promedio de 326.0 ± 62.4 g. La clase de talla más frecuente varió entre 110 y 120 mm. Del total de individuos muestreados el 0.82 % tuvieron cuatro brazos, el 1.06 % con seis, y el 1.41 % tuvieron un brazo bifurcado. Conclusiones: Se encontraron diferencias en la densidad poblacional y en la estructura de tallas de P. cumingi entre estaciones. Las principales causas de anormalidades en la estrella de mar pueden ser debidas a los cambios que ocurren durante la metamorfosis de las larvas o por una regeneración anormal de los brazos a causa de la depredación.

Animales , Estrellas de Mar/crecimiento & desarrollo , Ecosistema , Equinodermos/anatomía & histología , México
Biodivers Data J ; 8: e59191, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33354144


For more than 10 years (2007-2018), the benthic macroinvertebrates of Bahía de Chamela (Mexican Pacific) were sampled at 31 sites (0-25 m depth). A total of 308 species of the five main classes of benthic molluscs were obtained (106 bivalves, 185 gastropods, 13 polyplacophorans, two scaphopods and two cephalopods). This is a significant increase in the number of species (246 new records) compared to the 62 species previously recorded more than 10 years ago. The distribution in the 31 localities of the bay is given for the first time for most of the species, together with information on its ecological rarity (incidence in the samples). Two families of bivalves (Veneridae and Mytilidae) and three families of gastropods (Calyptraeidae, Muricidae and Collumbellidae) comprised ~ 30% of all species. Ecological rarity was evident with 45 families (45.0%) with only one species and 178 species (57.8%) collected in one site and 67 (21.8%) in two sites. The molluscs of Bahía de Chamela represent 12.2% of all species recorded in the Mexican Pacific. Their biogeographic affinities are mostly related to the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) including the oceanic islands and a few are restricted to the Tropical Mexican Pacific (TMP). Some have broader distributions to adjacent northern and southern temperate regions of the American Pacific, one to the western Atlantic, two pantropical (PAN) and two cosmopolitans (COS). The range distribution of each species was reviewed and updated, thus finding that seven species have extended their ranges of geographic distribution.

Biodivers Data J ; 8: e57572, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33013175


BACKGROUND: The islands and islets of Bahía de Chamela, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, were declared as the first marine sanctuary in Mexico and has been protected since 2002. Their marine biodiversity has been documented in a series of papers in the last decade, but only three species of polychaete worms have been reported. NEW INFORMATION: Sixteen species of sedentary polychaete worms belonging to the families Maldanidae, Oweniidae, Sabellariidae, Sabellidae and Serpulidae are reported to the Bahía de Chamela Islands Sanctuary, 15 of these species constituting the first records in the area. Isocirrus tropicus (Monro, 1928) (Monro 1928) and Notaulax californica (Treadwell, 1906) (Treadwell 1906) constitute new records to Mexico; Idanthyrsus mexicanus Kirtley, 1904 (Kirtley 1994) is first recorded since its description and one species of bamboo worm (Maldanidae) is described as new to science. The new species belongs to the genus Clymenura Verril, 1900 (Verrill 1900) and its characterised by the presence of a glandular shield on chaetiger 8; a cephalic plaque oval with smooth margins and a rounded palpode; nuchal organs straight, parallel, almost full length of plaque; manubriavicular uncini present from chaetiger 1 with 3-4 teeth above the main fang without hairs or bristles; two pre-anal achaetous segments with tori; an anal funnel with alternating triangular cirri, being the longest that are located mid-ventrally.

Zookeys ; (554): 139-57, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26877683


An annotated checklist of marine fishes of the Sanctuary of Islands and Islets of Bahía Chamela in the central Mexican Pacific is presented. Records of fish species were obtained by different methods including visual census, sampling with anesthetics, fisherman-nets, and trawling with a biological dredge. Additional records were obtained from natural history collections and publications. The list comprises 196 species in 64 families and 141 genera. The Carangidae is the most speciose family with 11 species, followed by the Labridae with 10 and the Pomacentridae with nine. Fourteen species are endemic in Mexican Pacific waters, but none is restricted to Bahía Chamela. The most dominant species recorded during underwater surveys were Epinephelus labriformis, Stegastes flavilatus, and Halichoeres dispilus. Most species are of tropical affinities distributed throughout the tropical eastern Pacific (123), eastern Pacific (23), and Mexican Pacific (14). Other species are known from the eastern and Indo-Pacific regions (18), eastern Pacific and western Atlantic oceans (2), and some are circumtropical (9). A new record of the Gulf Brotula Ogilbia ventralis is provided for the Bahía Chamela and its geographical distribution is extended to Mexican central Pacific.

Zookeys ; (399): 43-69, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24843252


We describe the composition and distribution of bivalve molluscs from the sandy and rocky intertidal and the shallow subtidal environments of Bahía de Mazatlán, México. The bivalve fauna of the bay is represented by 89 living species in 28 families, including 37 new records and four range extensions: Lithophaga hastasia, Adula soleniformis, Mactrellona subalata, and Strigilla ervilia. The number of species increases from the upper (44) and lower intertidal (53) to the shallow subtidal (76), but only 11 (17%) have a wide distribution in the bay (i.e., found in all sampling sites and environments). The bivalve assemblages are composed of four main life forms: 27 epifaunal species, 26 infaunal, 16 semi-infaunal, and 20 endolithic. A taxonomic distinctness analysis identified the sampling sites and environments that contribute the most to the taxonomic diversity (species to suborder categories) of the bay. The present work increased significantly (31%) to 132 species previous inventories of bivalves of Bahía de Mazatlán. These species represent 34% of the bivalve diversity of the southern Golfo de California and approximately 15% of the Eastern Tropical Pacific region.

Environ Manage ; 52(2): 335-47, 2013 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23661221


The popularity of ecotourism in the marine protected areas of Mexico has increased over the last 10 years; in particular there is a large development of a SCUBA diving industry in the Mexican Pacific including Isabel Island. Given the risks associated with human activity in the marine environments around this island, we propose two ecotourism management strategies: (1) the creation and use of underwater trails, and (2) the estimation of the specific tourism carrying capacity (TCC) for each trail. Six underwater trails were selected in sites that presented elements of biological, geological, and scenic interest, using information obtained during field observations. The methodology used to estimate the TCC was based upon the physical and biological conditions of each site, the infrastructure and equipment available, and the characteristics of the service providers and the administrators of the park. Correction factors of the TCC included elements of the quality of the visit and the threat and vulnerability of the marine environment of each trail (e.g., divers' expertise, size and distance between groups of divers, accessibility, wind, coral coverage). The TCC values ranged between 1,252 and 1,642 dives/year/trail, with a total of 8,597 dives/year for all six trails. Although these numbers are higher than the actual number of recreational visitors to the island (~1,000 dives per year), there is a need for adequate preventive management if the diving sites are to maintain their esthetic appeal and biological characteristics. Such management might be initially directed toward using only the sites and the TCC proposed here.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Buceo , Animales , Antozoos , Biodiversidad , Equinodermos , Peces , Gastrópodos , Humanos , Islas , México , Agua de Mar