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Appl Radiat Isot ; 154: 108834, 2019 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31536910


In the summer of 2017, the Système International de Référence Transfer Instrument (SIRTI) of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) was hosted by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) in Ottawa, Canada. This SIRTI visit was unique in many aspects. It was the first visit of the SIRTI to Canada. NRC was the first National Metrological Institute (NMI) to perform comparisons of four isotopes (99mTc, 18F, 64Cu and 11C) during a single two-week period. Finally, this was the first official measurement of 11C in the SIRTI. The NRC had performed a primary standardization of 11C in February of 2017 and calibrated its Secondary Standard Ionizing Radiation Chamber System (SSIRCS) in preparation for the SIRTI comparison. Two primary Liquid Scintillation methods (CIEMAT/NIST and TDCR) were employed and the results agreed. The stock material was received from a local cyclotron in the form of a 11C-labelled sodium acetate (NaC2H3O2). Three ampoules were prepared for the purposes of comparison; one concentrated from the bulk material and two derived from a single dilution. Some inconsistency was evident due to a weighing problem for one of the ampoules containing the diluted solution, whose measurements were excluded from the analysis. The other two ampoules' results were consistent within their respective uncertainties. The SIRTI was very stable and the final BIPM report will detail the stability checks, performance and behaviour of the SIRTI during its measurement campaign in Canada. There is still no Key Comparison Reference Value (KCRV) for 11C as NRC is the first participant. However, during a test of the SIRTI at NPL in 2014, an equivalent SIRTI activity was measured as 9.87(5) kBq which was consistent with MonteCarlo predictions for 11C in the SIRTI of 9.867(15) kBq. The NRC SIRTI equivalent activity for 11C agrees within uncertainty with these results. This offers encouragement to other NMIs to request a 11C comparison given the consistency of experimental results from NRC and test results from the National Physical Laboratory, UK (NPL) and the BIPM. Finally a half-life measurement was determined from the NRC measurement of multiple half-lives of a 11C ampoule and was found to be 20.332(40)min. From the SIRTI measurements at NRC, the half-life was derived as 20.328(13) min. This is smaller but consistent with the DDEP recommended value of 20.361(23)min.

Med Phys ; 39(7Part4): 4645, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28516646


By measuring the dose to water directly a metrology standard, independent of air kerma, can be developed to make the basis of HDR brachytherapy dosimetry consistent with current dosimetry methods for external radiation beams. The Fricke dosimeter system, a liquid chemical dosimeter, provides a means of measuring the absorbed dose rate to water directly by measuring the radiation-induced change in absorption of the Fricke solution. In an attempt to measure the absorbed dose to water directly for a 192 Ir HDR brachytherapy source a ring shaped Fricke holder was constructed from PMMA, essentially following the work of Austerlitz et al. (Med. Phys. 2008). Benchmark measurements conducted in a 60 Co beam yielded a standard uncertainty in the absorption reading of 0.16 %, comparable with previous results in the literature. Measurements of the standard uncertainty of the control (unirradiated) solution using the holder yielded 0.2 %, indicating good process control and minimal contamination from the holder itself. However, it was found that the holder sealing method (to allow measurements in a water phantom) significantly contaminated the Fricke solution, resulting in an excessive background reading. Irradiations were therefore conducted in air to determine the feasibility of the procedure. Irradiations with a 17 GBq source gave a standard uncertainty of approximately 0.5 %, indicating that the target uncertainty of 1.5% for the measurement of absorbed dose to water using a Fricke-based primary standard is achievable. This would be comparable with calorimeter-based systems currently being developed.

Med Phys ; 39(7Part4): 4643, 2012 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28516657


The valid application of the standard correction for air density (PTP in the TG-51 protocol) requires that for a vented ion chamber (basically all reference-class ion chambers) the air cavity does indeed communicate directly with the external environment. However, this assumption is not tested by users, and not universally verified by calibration laboratories. A system has therefore been developed at the National Research Council to test air communication of cylindrical and parallel-plate ion chambers. The systems is based on measurements in a vacuum vessel with a Sr-90 check source; the procedure is simple and quick and can measure ionization currents over the pressure range 0 kPa (atmospheric) to -20kPa (0.8 atm) with an uncertainty better than 0.2%. Investigation of a wide range of chamber types shows that for a coarse check on chamber performance (i.e., that the chamber is vented to atmosphere) measurement at a single polarity is sufficient (total test time less than 15 minutes) but for accurate characterization of the chamber performance, data at both polarities must be acquired. The accuracy of the system means that it can potentially be used to investigate: i) the validity of the pressure correction, and ii) the source of the polarity correction in cylindrical and parallel-plate chambers. The air communication test will be implemented as part of the standard calibration services provided by NRC for external beam radiotherapy.
