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Front Plant Sci ; 12: 647043, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33927738


Angular leaf spot (ALS) is a disease that causes major yield losses in the common bean crop. Studies based on different isolates and populations have already been carried out to elucidate the genetic mechanisms of resistance to ALS. However, understanding of the interaction of this resistance with the reproductive stages of common bean is lacking. The aim of the present study was to identify ALS resistance loci at different plant growth stages (PGS) by association and linkage mapping approaches. An BC2F3 inter-gene pool cross population (AND 277 × IAC-Milênio - AM population) profiled with 1,091 SNPs from genotyping by sequencing (GBS) was used for linkage mapping, and a carioca diversity panel (CDP) genotyped by 5,398 SNPs from BeadChip assay technology was used for association mapping. Both populations were evaluated for ALS resistance at the V2 and V3 PGSs (controlled conditions) and R8 PGS (field conditions). Different QTL (quantitative trait loci) were detected for the three PGSs and both populations, showing a different quantitative profile of the disease at different plant growth stages. For the three PGS, multiple interval mapping (MIM) identified seven significant QTL, and the Genome-wide association study (GWAS) identified fourteen associate SNPs. Several loci validated regions of previous studies, and Phg-1, Phg-2, Phg-4, and Phg-5, among the 5 loci of greatest effects reported in the literature, were detected in the CDP. The AND 277 cultivar contained both the Phg-1 and the Phg-5 QTL, which is reported for the first time in the descendant cultivar CAL143 as ALS10.1UC. The novel QTL named ALS11.1AM was located at the beginning of chromosome Pv11. Gene annotation revealed several putative resistance genes involved in the ALS response at the three PGSs, and with the markers and loci identified, new specific molecular markers can be developed, representing a powerful tool for common bean crop improvement and for gain in ALS resistance.

Genet. mol. biol ; 40(4): 813-823, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-892451


Abstract The common bean is characterized by high sensitivity to drought and low productivity. Breeding for drought resistance in this species involves genes of different genetic groups. In this work, we used a SEA 5 x AND 277 cross to map quantitative trait loci associated with drought tolerance in order to assess the factors that determine the magnitude of drought response in common beans. A total of 438 polymorphic markers were used to genotype the F8 mapping population. Phenotyping was done in two greenhouses, one used to simulate drought and the other to simulate irrigated conditions. Fourteen traits associated with drought tolerance were measured to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The map was constructed with 331 markers that covered all 11 chromosomes and had a total length of 1515 cM. Twenty-two QTLs were discovered for chlorophyll, leaf and stem fresh biomass, leaf biomass dry weight, leaf temperature, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, seed weight, days to flowering, dry pod weight and total yield under well-watered and drought (stress) conditions. All the QTLs detected under drought conditions showed positive effects of the SEA 5 allele. This study provides a better understanding of the genetic inheritance of drought tolerance in common bean.

Genet Mol Biol ; 40(4): 813-823, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29064511


The common bean is characterized by high sensitivity to drought and low productivity. Breeding for drought resistance in this species involves genes of different genetic groups. In this work, we used a SEA 5 x AND 277 cross to map quantitative trait loci associated with drought tolerance in order to assess the factors that determine the magnitude of drought response in common beans. A total of 438 polymorphic markers were used to genotype the F8 mapping population. Phenotyping was done in two greenhouses, one used to simulate drought and the other to simulate irrigated conditions. Fourteen traits associated with drought tolerance were measured to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The map was constructed with 331 markers that covered all 11 chromosomes and had a total length of 1515 cM. Twenty-two QTLs were discovered for chlorophyll, leaf and stem fresh biomass, leaf biomass dry weight, leaf temperature, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, seed weight, days to flowering, dry pod weight and total yield under well-watered and drought (stress) conditions. All the QTLs detected under drought conditions showed positive effects of the SEA 5 allele. This study provides a better understanding of the genetic inheritance of drought tolerance in common bean.

Ciênc. rural ; 40(10): 2067-2073, Oct. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-564147


Os objetivos do trabalho foram avaliar e indicar parâmetros de seleção para classificação de grãos de feijão que atendam as exigências do mercado consumidor. Foram instalados experimentos contendo 19 genótipos de feijoeiro em nove ambientes, no Estado de São Paulo. A produção de grãos foi estratificada em peneiras de classificação 10 (10/64" pol.) a 15 (15/64" pol.) e avaliada a produção relativa de grãos em peneiras 13 e 14, rendimento de peneira, massa de 1.000 grãos, tamanho de grãos e para os índices J=perfil e H=forma do grão. A produção relativa de grãos, rendimento de peneira, forma e perfil foram as características que apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas, indicando presença de variabilidade genética. Por meio da comparação dos resultados com testemunhas de feijoeiro já recomendadas para o setor produtivo, conclui-se que uma cultivar de feijoeiro deve apresentar alta massa de 1.000 grãos (251 a 300g), produção relativa de grãos em peneiras 13 e 14 com valores acima de sete, rendimento de peneira acima de 70,0 por cento e também sementes elípticas e perfil semiachatado.

The aim of this research was to evaluate and to direct the genetic parameters to classify the grain size of common bean, according to the market demand. Experiments with 19 common bean genotypes were assembled in nine sites in the São Paulo State. The grain yield was stratified following sieve classification 10 (10/64" inch) to 15 (15/64" inch). The following parameters were evaluated: relative yield with 13 and 14 sieves, sieve yield, thousand grain weight, grain size, J and H indexes (J=grain profile; H=grain shape). The relative grain yield, sieve yield, shapes and grain profiles presented significant statistical differences, indicating the presence of genetic variability among the genotypes. Compared to the market recommended and productive checks, the results showed that a common bean cultivar should present high thousand grain weight (251 to 300g); relative grain yield with 13 and 14 sieves should present values above seven; the sieve yield should be above 70.0 percent and it should exhibit elliptic seeds and semi-flat grain.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 34(4): 922-931, July-Aug. 2010. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-556981


Obejtivou-se no presente trabalho avaliar os parâmetros de adaptabilidade e de estabilidade de linhagens e cultivares de feijoeiro, com grãos especiais, por meio do uso do genótipo suplementar (GS) em análise AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction). Foram utilizados dados de produtividade de grãos de 14 genótipos de feijoeiro pertencentes ao ensaio de Valor de Cultivo e Uso (VCU), para o estado de São Paulo, referente às safras de 2005/2006/2007, semeados em 24 ambientes no delineamento de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Pôde-se observar diferenças no comportamento dos genótipos em função do estímulo do ambiente, uma vez que a interação genótipo x ambiente foi significativa. Para tanto os genótipos Gen 99 TGR 34-16 (época das águas), Jalo Precoce e IAC - Centauro (época da seca), Gen 99 TG 28-68 e IAC-Centauro (época de inverno) e IAC-Boreal (conjunto das três épocas) apresentaram-se estáveis, pois seus valores de escores foram próximos de zero. Em relação ao conjunto das três épocas de semeadura não foi detectado nenhum genótipo próximo ao GS, no entanto os genótipos IAPAR-31 e IAC-Centauro (época da seca), Gen 99 TG 28-68 e IAC-Centauro (época de inverno) aproximaram-se desse ponto tendo como característica o fato de interagirem com os ambientes de maneira mais favorável possível. Sendo assim, o método AMMI combinado com o uso do GS auxilia na identificação de genótipos superiores.

The objective of the present study is to evaluate adaptability and stability parameters of lines and cultivars of common bean plants with special grains through the use of supplementary genotypes (GS) and AMMI (Additive Main Effect and Multiplicative Interaction) analysis. Productivity data of 14 lines and cultivars of common beans belonging to the Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU assay) of the State of São Paulo, referent to the harvests of 2005/2006/2007, seeded in twenty-four environments following a randomized blocks design with three repetitions, were used. It is possible to observe performance differences of the genotypes in function of environmental stimulus, since the genotype x environment integration was significant. Genotypes Gen 99 TGR 34-16 (raining period), Jalo Precoce and IAC -Centauro (dry period), Gen 99 TG 28-68 and IAC-Centauro (winter period) and IAC - Boreal (set of all the three periods) were stable, presenting score values close to zero. Regarding the set of the three seeding periods, we did not detect any genotype close to GS; nevertheless, the genotypes IAPAR-31 and IAC-Centauro (dry period), Gen99 TG 2868 and IAC-Centauro (winter period) were close to this point, interacting with environments in the most favorable way as possible. Therefore, the AMMI method combined with GS use helps to identify superior genotypes.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 34(2): 398-406, mar.-abr. 2010. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-546667


Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a estabilidade e a adaptabilidade de genótipos de feijoeiro, cultivados em diferentes ambientes, por meio da análise multivariada da performance genotípica, empregando-se os teores de água, o valor protéico e os parâmetros de qualidade tecnológica dos grãos (porcentagem de absorção de água antes e após o cozimento, tempo de cozimento, porcentagem de grãos inteiros, expansão volumétrica e sólidos solúveis totais no caldo), em conjunto com a produtividade média dos genótipos cultivados em diversos ambientes, visando a identificar as linhagens e/ou cultivares mais estáveis e adaptadas para o conjunto de caracteres de importância para a cadeia produtiva do feijoeiro. Para tanto, foram avaliados 19 genótipos de feijoeiro pertencentes aos ensaios de VCU (Valor de Cultivo e Uso) 2005/2006/2007 de grãos dos grupos comerciais carioca e preto para o estado de São Paulo. Os resultados obtidos pela análise multivarida para a o conjunto das três épocas de semeadura reportaram o genótipo Gen 96A98-15-3-52-1 e a cultivar IAC-Alvorada como estáveis, responsivas à melhoria dos ambientes e tolerantes nos ambientes desfavoráveis. Por meio dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a análise de estabilidade e adaptabilidade multivariada proposta por Carneiro (1998), baseadas em Lin & Binns (1988), mostra-se eficiente e simples para a avaliação do desempenho genotípico das cultivares, além de apresentarem unicidade do parâmetro para estimar a adaptabilidade à ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis, e simplicidade na interpretação dos resultados.

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the stability and adaptability of the genotypes of common beans, cultivated in different environments through multivariate analysis of genotype performance employing up water contents, protein value and technological parameters of quality (percentage of absorption of water before and after cooking, time of cooking, percentage of complete grains, volumetric expansion and soluble solid totals in the broth), together with average productivity of the genotypes. To that end, 19 genotypes of common bean of the carioca and black commercial groups, belonging the testing of VCU (Value of Cultivation and Use) of São Paulo state have been evaluated in the crops of 2005/2006/2007. According to the results obtained by multivariate analysis for the set of the three seasons of culture the genotype Gen 96A98-15-3-52-1 and IAC- Alvorada were classified as stable, responsive to improvement of the environment, and tolerant in unfavorable environments. It can be concluded from these results that the univariate and multivariate adaptability and stability analyses proposed by Carneiro (1998) based on Lin & Binns (1988) is an efficient and simple way to assess the genotype performance of the cultivars, besides presenting parameter uniqueness to estimate adaptability to favorable and unfavorable environments, with a simple interpretation of the results.