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World Allergy Organ J ; 16(6): 100791, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37425343


Background: There is no description of the drivers of prescription for allergen immunotherapy (AIT) for respiratory allergic diseases. Methods: A prospective, multicentre, observational, non-interventional real-life study was performed in France and Spain for 20 months. Data were gathered using 2 different questionnaires, anonymously collected in an online platform. No names of AIT products were recorded. Multivariate analysis and unsupervised cluster analysis were performed. Results: One hundred and three physicians (50.5% from Spain and 49.5% from France) reported 1735 patients (433 in France and 1302 in Spain), 47.9% males, 64.8% adults with a mean age 26.2 years old. They suffered from allergic rhinitis (99%), allergic conjunctivitis (70.4%), allergic asthma (51.8%), atopic dermatitis (13.9%), and food allergy (9.9%). A clustering analysis based on 13 predefined relevant variables for AIT-prescription identified 5 different clusters, each of them including information regarding doctor's profile and patient demographics, baseline disease characteristics, and main AIT indication: 1) Looking at the future: focusing on asthma prevention (n = 355), 2) Efficacy after discontinuation of AIT (n = 293), 3) Fighting severe allergic disease (n = 322), 4) Looking at the present, facing current symptoms (n = 265) and 5) Doctor's own clinical experience (n = 500). Each one of these clusters have specific patients' and doctors' characteristics, representing distinctive AIT prescription drivers. Conclusion: Using data-driven analysis, we identified for the first time some reasons and patterns of AIT prescriptions in real-life clinical settings. There is no uniform indication for prescribing AIT, which varies amongst patients and doctors with multiple but specific drivers, taking into account several relevant parameters.

Rev Alerg Mex ; 69(3): 125-137, 2023 Feb 01.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36869012


Hymenoptera venom immunotherapy (HVI) is a long-term effective treatment to avoid new systemic reactions in patients with Hymenoptera allergy. The sting challenge test is considered the gold standard to confirm the tolerance. However, the use of this technique is not generalized in clinical practice, being the basophil activation test (BAT), which functionally explores allergen response, an alternative that does not entail any of the provocation risks associated with the sting challenge test. This study reviews the publications that used the BAT to follow up and evaluate the success of the HVI. Studies assessing the changes between a baseline BAT before the start and BATs performed between the starting and maintenance phases of the HVI were selected. Ten articles were found, comprising information from 167 patients, of which 29% used the sting challenge test. The studies concluded the importance of evaluating the responses with submaximal allergen concentrations, which reflect basophil sensitivity, to monitor the HVI using the BAT. It was also observed that changes in the maximum response (reactivity) could not reflect the clinical status of tolerance, particularly in the initial phases of HVI.

La inmunoterapia con veneno de himenópteros (IVH) es, a largo plazo, un tratamiento eficaz para evitar nuevas reacciones sistémicas en pacientes con alergia a este tipo de insectos. La prueba de repicadura controlada es el estudio de referencia para confirmar la tolerancia del individuo. Sin embargo, no se ha generalizado su indicación clínica, por lo que la prueba de activación de basófilos (TAB) resulta una buena alternativa, pues valora de manera funcional la respuesta al alérgeno y está exenta de los riesgos asociados con la provocación. En esta revisión se explora la utilidad de la TAB en el seguimiento y valoración del éxito de la IVH. Se seleccionaron estudios que evalúan los cambios entre una TAB basal y en otro momento de la fase de inicio o mantenimiento de la IVH. Se incluyeron 10 estudios con datos de 167 pacientes, de los que el 29% había tenido prueba de repicadura controlada. Para vigilar la eficacia de la IVH debe explorarse la respuesta del basófilo, con la determinación de las concentraciones submáximas del alérgeno, que reflejan la sensibilidad del basófilo. Los cambios en la respuesta máxima (reactividad) no pueden aportar información del estado de tolerancia, especialmente en las fases iniciales de la IVH.

Prueba de Desgranulación de los Basófilos , Desensibilización Inmunológica , Humanos , Estudios de Seguimiento , Basófilos , Tolerancia Inmunológica