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Rev. venez. endocrinol. metab ; 4(2): 3-13, jun. 2006.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-631319


Objetivo: Reportar el caso clínico de un recién nacido con Síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann, patología poco frecuente asociada a hipoglicemia, cuya incidencia es de 1 en 14.000 nacimientos. Caso clínico: Recién nacido masculino de termino, con peso de 3000 grs y talla de 47,5 cm, adecuados para su edad gestacional, quien ingresó a la unidad de cuidados intermedios neonatales por depresión neonatal moderada, onfalocele, riesgo de infección neonatal por ruptura prematura de membranas ovulares de 56 horas de evolución e infección urinaria materna activa. Se realizó corrección de onfalocele el mismo día del nacimiento y ante el hallazgo clínico concomitante de macroglosia se plantea el diagnóstico de Síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann. Al quinto día de vida presentó hipoglicemias severas, menores de 25 mg/dL, gases arteriales y electrolitos séricos normales, niveles variables de insulina, hematología completa y otros criterios compatibles con sepsis neonatal. Perfil tiroideo y cortisol sérico normales. Ultrasonido abdominal reportó hepatomegalia a expensas de lóbulo izquierdo. Se inició tratamiento con aporte EV de dextrosa entre 6,4 a 8 mg/kg/min, persistiendo con hipoglicemias, por lo cual se adicionó hidrocortisona a una dosis de 7,5 mg/ kg/día, mejorando el control glicémico. A los 26 días aparece hernia inguinoescrotal izquierda, corrigiéndose quir˙rgicamente. Al lograr estabilización en niveles de glicemia se decide alta con hidrocortisona vía oral a 3,5 mg/kg/día. Es valorado por genética quienes confirman el diagnóstico. Actualmente tiene 6 meses de edad, se ha mantenido euglicémico, entre 70 y 90 mg/dL, y resto de la paraclínica normal. Se indicó esquema de retirada de glucocorticoides con control diario de glicemia capilar, para vigilar episodios de hipoglicemias. Conclusiónes: El Síndrome de Beckwith-Wiedemann suele identificarse al nacer por la presencia de macrosomía, macroglosia y defectos de la pared abdominal. Cerca del 50% de los niños pueden presentar hipoglicemia hiperinsulinémica, moderada y transitoria, así como desarrollar procesos neoplásicos a mediano y largo plazo. El tratamiento eficaz de la hipoglicemia previene el retraso psicomotor.

Objective: to report a clinical case of a new born with the Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome, which is a rare pathology (1 out of 14,000 births) associated with hypoglycemia. Clinical case: A male newborn of full term, with a birth weight of 3000 gr and a size of 47.5 cm, appropriate for his gestational stage, who was admitted to the neonatal care unit with moderate neonatal depression, onfalocele and at risk of infection due to premature rupture of the ovular membranes of 56 hour of evolution and an active urinary track infection of the mother. The correction of the onfalocele was made the same day of his birth, and according with the clinical finding of macroglosia, the Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome was established. At the fifth day of life he presented severe hypoglycemia, with levels of glycemia below of 25 mg/dL, variable levels of insulin, complete hematology and other parameters compatible with neonatal sepsis; arterial gases, plasmatic electrolytes, thyroid hormones and plasmatic cortisol levels were normal. Abdominal ultrasound showed hepatomegaly mostly on the left lobe. Treatment was started with an IV solution of dextrose between 6.4 to 8 mg/kg/min, with persistent hypoglycemia; at this point hydrocortisone was added at a dose of 7.5mg/kg/day, improving the glycemia levels. After 26 days of his birth, an inguinoescrotal hernia to the left was found which was removed surgically. After achieving normal glycemia levels we decided the patient should be released with treatment with hydrocortisone at a dose of 3.5 mg/kg/day. He was evaluated by genetics who confirmed the original diagnostic. At present, he is six months old, has maintained normal glycemia with levels between 70 and 90 mg/dL, and the rest of the clinical and laboratory parameters are normal. We indicated the progressive suspension of the glucocorticoids with daily control of capillary glycemia, to check possible episodes of hypoglycemia. Conclusions: Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome is usually identified at birth due to the presence of macrosomia, macroglosia and defects of the abdominal linings. Close to 50% of the infants can present transitory and moderate hypoglycemia with hyperinsulinism, and also can develop neoplastic tumors in middle and long terms. The adequate treatment of hypoglycemia can prevent definitive damage of the psychomotor system.