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Phys Rev Lett ; 128(5): 050602, 2022 Feb 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35179942


Repeated local measurements of quantum many-body systems can induce a phase transition in their entanglement structure. These measurement-induced phase transitions (MIPTs) have been studied for various types of dynamics, yet most cases yield quantitatively similar critical exponents, making it unclear how many distinct universality classes are present. Here, we probe the properties of the conformal field theories governing these MIPTs using a numerical transfer-matrix method, which allows us to extract the effective central charge, as well as the first few low-lying scaling dimensions of operators at these critical points for (1+1)-dimensional systems. Our results provide convincing evidence that the generic and Clifford MIPTs for qubits lie in different universality classes and that both are distinct from the percolation transition for qudits in the limit of large on-site Hilbert space dimension. For the generic case, we find strong evidence of multifractal scaling of correlation functions at the critical point, reflected in a continuous spectrum of scaling dimensions.

Nature ; 577(7789): 195-198, 2020 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31875849


Nonlocal qubit interactions are a hallmark of advanced quantum information technologies1-5. The ability to transfer quantum states and generate entanglement over distances much larger than qubit length scales greatly increases connectivity and is an important step towards maximal parallelism and the implementation of two-qubit gates on arbitrary pairs of qubits6. Qubit-coupling schemes based on cavity quantum electrodynamics2,7,8 also offer the possibility of using high-quality-factor resonators as quantum memories3,9. Extending qubit interactions beyond the nearest neighbour is particularly beneficial for spin-based quantum computing architectures, which are limited by short-range exchange interactions10. Despite the rapidly maturing device technology for silicon spin qubits11-16, experimental progress towards achieving long-range spin-spin coupling has so far been restricted to interactions between individual spins and microwave photons17-20. Here we demonstrate resonant microwave-mediated coupling between two electron spins that are physically separated by more than four millimetres. An enhanced vacuum Rabi splitting is observed when both spins are tuned into resonance with the cavity, indicating a coherent interaction between the two spins and a cavity photon. Our results imply that microwave-frequency photons may be used to generate long-range two-qubit gates between spatially separated spins.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 1063, 2019 03 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30837460


Significant advances have been made towards fault-tolerant operation of silicon spin qubits, with single qubit fidelities exceeding 99.9%, several demonstrations of two-qubit gates based on exchange coupling, and the achievement of coherent single spin-photon coupling. Coupling arbitrary pairs of spatially separated qubits in a quantum register poses a significant challenge as most qubit systems are constrained to two dimensions with nearest neighbor connectivity. For spins in silicon, new methods for quantum state transfer should be developed to achieve connectivity beyond nearest-neighbor exchange. Here we demonstrate shuttling of a single electron across a linear array of nine series-coupled silicon quantum dots in ~50 ns via a series of pairwise interdot charge transfers. By constructing more complex pulse sequences we perform parallel shuttling of two and three electrons at a time through the array. These experiments demonstrate a scalable approach to physically transporting single electrons across large silicon quantum dot arrays.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(17): 179901, 2018 10 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30411913


This corrects the article DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.097701.

Phys Rev Lett ; 120(9): 097701, 2018 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29547336


Quantum confinement leads to the formation of discrete electronic states in quantum dots. Here we probe electron-phonon interactions in a suspended InAs nanowire double quantum dot (DQD) that is electric-dipole coupled to a microwave cavity. We apply a finite bias across the wire to drive a steady state population in the DQD excited state, enabling a direct measurement of the electron-phonon coupling strength at the DQD transition energy. The amplitude and phase response of the cavity field exhibit oscillations that are periodic in the DQD energy level detuning due to the phonon modes of the nanowire. The observed cavity phase shift is consistent with theory that predicts a renormalization of the cavity center frequency by coupling to phonons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(23): 233601, 2017 Dec 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29286689


We demonstrate the emergence of universal Efimov physics for interacting photons in cold gases of Rydberg atoms. We consider the behavior of three photons injected into the gas in their propagating frame, where a paraxial approximation allows us to consider them as massive particles. In contrast to atoms and nuclei, the photons have a large anisotropy between their longitudinal mass, arising from dispersion, and their transverse mass, arising from diffraction. Nevertheless, we show that, in suitably rescaled coordinates, the effective interactions become dominated by s-wave scattering near threshold and, as a result, give rise to an Efimov effect near unitarity. We show that the three-body loss of these Efimov trimers can be strongly suppressed and determine conditions under which these states are observable in current experiments. These effects can be naturally extended to probe few-body universality beyond three bodies, as well as the role of Efimov physics in the nonequilibrium, many-body regime.

Phys Rev Lett ; 119(9): 097702, 2017 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28949587


We demonstrate a single atom maser consisting of a semiconductor double quantum dot (DQD) that is embedded in a high-quality-factor microwave cavity. A finite bias drives the DQD out of equilibrium, resulting in sequential single electron tunneling and masing. We develop a dynamic tuning protocol that allows us to controllably increase the time-averaged repumping rate of the DQD at a fixed level detuning, and quantitatively study the transition through the masing threshold. We further examine the crossover from incoherent to coherent emission by measuring the photon statistics across the masing transition. The observed threshold behavior is in agreement with an existing single atom maser theory when small corrections from lead emission are taken into account.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(11): 113601, 2016 Sep 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27661685


We develop an effective field theory (EFT) to describe the few- and many-body propagation of one-dimensional Rydberg polaritons. We show that the photonic transmission through the Rydberg medium can be found by mapping the propagation problem to a nonequilibrium quench, where the role of time and space are reversed. We include effective range corrections in the EFT and show that they dominate the dynamics near scattering resonances in the presence of deep bound states. Finally, we show how the long-range nature of the Rydberg-Rydberg interactions induces strong effective N-body interactions between Rydberg polaritons. These results pave the way towards studying nonperturbative effects in quantum field theories using Rydberg polaritons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(5): 056801, 2016 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27517784


We investigate the nonclassical states of light that emerge in a microwave resonator coupled to a periodically driven electron in a nanowire double quantum dot (DQD). Under certain drive configurations, we find that the resonator approaches a thermal state at the temperature of the surrounding substrate with a chemical potential given by a harmonic of the drive frequency. Away from these thermal regions we find regions of gain and loss, where the system can lase, or regions where the DQD acts as a single-photon source. These effects are observable in current devices and have broad utility for quantum optics with microwave photons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(12): 123601, 2015 Sep 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26430994


We show that two photons coupled to Rydberg states via electromagnetically induced transparency can interact via an effective Coulomb potential. This interaction gives rise to a continuum of two-body bound states. Within the continuum, metastable bound states are distinguished in analogy with quasibound states tunneling through a potential barrier. We find multiple branches of metastable bound states whose energy spectrum is governed by the Coulomb potential, thus obtaining a photonic analogue of the hydrogen atom. Under certain conditions, the wave function resembles that of a diatomic molecule in which the two polaritons are separated by a finite "bond length." These states propagate with a negative group velocity in the medium, allowing for a simple preparation and detection scheme, before they slowly decay to pairs of bound Rydberg atoms.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(19): 196802, 2015 May 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26024190


We develop a microscopic model for the recently demonstrated double-quantum-dot maser. In characterizing the gain of this device we find that, in addition to the direct stimulated emission of photons, there is a large contribution from the simultaneous emission of a photon and a phonon, i.e., the phonon sideband. We show that this phonon-assisted gain typically dominates the overall gain, which leads to masing. Recent experimental data are well fit with our model.

Science ; 347(6219): 285-7, 2015 Jan 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25593187


The coherent generation of light, from masers to lasers, relies upon the specific structure of the individual emitters that lead to gain. Devices operating as lasers in the few-emitter limit provide opportunities for understanding quantum coherent phenomena, from terahertz sources to quantum communication. Here we demonstrate a maser that is driven by single-electron tunneling events. Semiconductor double quantum dots (DQDs) serve as a gain medium and are placed inside a high-quality factor microwave cavity. We verify maser action by comparing the statistics of the emitted microwave field above and below the maser threshold.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28127227


We show how to achieve optical, spin-selective transitions from the ground state to excited orbital states of group-V donors (P, As, Sb, Bi) in silicon. We consider two approaches based on either resonant, far-infrared (IR) transitions of the neutral donor or resonant, near-IR excitonic transitions. For far-IR light, we calculate the dipole matrix elements between the valley-orbit and spin-orbit split states for all the goup-V donors using effective mass theory. We then calculate the maximum rate and amount of electron-nuclear spin-polarization achievable through optical pumping with circularly polarized light. We find this approach is most promising for Bi donors due to their large spin-orbit and valley-orbit interactions. Using near-IR light, spin-selective excitation is possible for all the donors by driving a two-photon Λ-transition from the ground state to higher orbitals with even parity. We show that externally applied electric fields or strain allow similar, spin-selective Λ-transition to odd-parity excited states. We anticipate these results will be useful for future spectroscopic investigations of donors, quantum control and state preparation of donor spin qubits, and for developing a coherent interface between donor spin qubits and single photons.

Phys Rev A ; 92(5)2015 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28127226


Emission linewidth is an important figure of merit for masers and lasers. We recently demonstrated a semiconductor double quantum dot (DQD) micromaser where photons are generated through single electron tunneling events. Charge noise directly couples to the DQD energy levels, resulting in a maser linewidth that is more than 100 times larger than the Schawlow-Townes prediction. Here we demonstrate a linewidth narrowing of more than a factor 10 by locking the DQD emission to a coherent tone that is injected to the input port of the cavity. We measure the injection locking range as a function of cavity input power and show that it is in agreement with the Adler equation. The position and amplitude of distortion sidebands that appear outside of the injection locking range are quantitatively examined. Our results show that this unconventional maser, which is impacted by strong charge noise and electron-phonon coupling, is well described by standard laser models.