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Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535882


A mixed non-neuroendocrine neuroendocrine neoplasm is a mixed neoplasm with a neuroendocrine component combined with a non-neuroendocrine component. It has a low incidence and limited studies, but with evidence of being an aggressive entity associated with poor survival. We present the case of a 58-year-old woman admitted with clinical symptoms of abdominal pain in the left hypochondrium associated with generalized jaundice and feverish spikes with an imaging diagnosis of bile duct dilation secondary to distal choledocholithiasis. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) was performed, finding a significant papilla with a neoplastic appearance, which was biopsied and histopathologically analyzed. The diagnosis of mixed carcinoma with a component of high-grade poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma and a component of mucinous carcinoma was confirmed. Therefore, we decided to schedule a pancreaticoduodenectomy.

La neoplasia neuroendocrina no neuroendocrina mixta es una neoplasia mixta con un componente neuroendocrino combinado con un componente no neuroendocrino. Esta presenta una incidencia baja y estudios limitados, pero con evidencia de ser una entidad agresiva asociada a una pobre supervivencia. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 58 años que ingresó por un cuadro clínico de dolor abdominal en el hipocondrio izquierdo asociado a ictericia generalizada y picos febriles con diagnóstico imagenológico de dilatación de la vía biliar secundaria a coledocolitiasis distal, por lo que se realizó una colangiopancreatografía retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE) en la que se encontró una papila mayor de aspecto neoplásico a la cual se le realizó una biopsia analizada histopatológicamente y se confirmó el diagnóstico de carcinoma mixto con componente de carcinoma neuroendocrino pobremente diferenciado de alto grado y componente de carcinoma mucinoso, por lo cual se decidió programar una pancreatoduodenectomía.

Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 33(3): [239-252], 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531947


Introducción:El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar las características clínicas, patológi-cas e histológicas tumorales y su asociación con la recurrencia, metástasis y pronóstico en términos de supervivencia global y libre de enfermedad, de las pacientes que padecen sobre-peso u obesidad al momento del diagnóstico de cáncer de mama.Materiales y métodos:Se condujo un estudio descriptivo,longitudinal,retrospectivo, en un centro oncológico de referencia de Medellín. Se recolectó información de pacientes mayores de 18 años, con cáncer de mama infiltrante temprano y avanzado, entre los años 2012 ­2017, quienes presentaran IMC ≥ 25 kg/m2 al momento del diagnóstico. Las medianas de supervi-vencia se calcularon a través de curvas de Kaplan Meier y las diferencias mediante Log Rank Test.Resultados:Se analizó información de 1.349 pacientes. La mortalidad por todas las causas fue de 13.6% y aumentó proporcionalmente con el IMC (HR = 1.03, IC 1.0-1.05). Se identifica-ron 12.6% de recurrencias y el riesgo con el aumento de IMC no fue estadísticamente signifi-cativo (HR =1.02, IC 0.99 -1.05). Características como mala diferenciación tumoral, invasión linfovascular y estadio tumoral se asociaron de forma univariada con mayor mortalidad.Conclusión:Se demostró una asociación positiva e independiente entre el IMC elevado, la mortalidad y el riesgo de recurrencia en pacientes con cáncer de mama. Así como una aso-ciación con fenotipos tumorales agresivos y características de peor pronóstico. Se sugiere considerar modificaciones en el estilo de vida y un manejo multidisciplinario, como estrate-gias que posiblemente impacten en estos desenlaces

Introduction:The objective of the present study was to evaluate the clinical, pathological, and histological characteristics of tumors and their associations with recurrence, metastasis,and prognosis in terms of overall and disease-free survival inoverweight or obese patients at the time of diagnosis.Materials and methods: A descriptive, longitudinal, retrospective study was conducted at a reference cancer center in Medellin. Information was collected from patients older than 18 years of age with early or advanced infiltrating breast cancer between 2012 and 2017 who had a BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 at the time of diagnosis. Median survival rates were calculated using Kaplan­Meier curves, and differences were determined using the log-rank test.Results: Information from 1,349 patients was analyzed. All-cause mortality was 13.6% and increased proportionally with BMI (HR = 1.03, CI 1.0-1.05). A total of 12.6% of the recurrences were identified,and the risk with increasing BMI was not significantly different(HR =1.02, CI 0.99 -1.05). Patient characteristicssuch as poor tumor differentiation, lymphovascular inva-sion, and tumor stage were univariately associated with increasedmortality.Conclusion: Positiveand independent associations weredemonstrated between high BMI and mortality and between high BMI and the risk of recurrence in patients with breast cancer. In addition, there wasan association betweenaggressive tumor phenotypes and worse prog-nostic characteristics. Lifestylemodifications and multidisciplinary management should be considered strategies for impactingthese outcomes

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Neoplasias de la Mama , Ganglios Linfáticos , Enfermedades Nutricionales y Metabólicas
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 50(3): 225-231, 2021.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34629561


INTRODUCTION: The crisis situation generated by COVID-19 and the measures adopted have generated social changes in the normal dynamics of the general population and especially for health workers, who find themselves caring for patients with suspected or confirmed infection. Recent studies have detected in them depression and anxiety symptoms and burnout syndrome, with personal and social conditions impacting their response capacity during the health emergency. Our aim was to generate recommendations for the promotion and protection of the mental health of health workers and teams in the first line of care in the health emergency due to COVID-19. METHODS: A rapid literature search was carried out in PubMed and Google Scholar, and an iterative expert consensus and through electronic consultation, with 13 participants from the areas of psychology, psychiatry and medicine; the grading of its strength and directionality was carried out according to the international standards of the Joanna Briggs Institute. RESULTS: Thirty-one recommendations were generated on self-care of health workers, community care among health teams, screening for alarm signs in mental health and for health institutions. CONCLUSIONS: The promotion and protection activities in mental health to face the health emergency generated by COVID-19 worldwide can include coordinated actions between workers, health teams and health institutions as part of a comprehensive, community care, co-responsible and sustained over time.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 50(3): 48-62, jul.-set. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351964


RESUMEN Introducción: Los estudiantes de educación superior son una población vulnerable a los trastornos mentales, más aún durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Su salud mental se ha visto afectada por el confinamiento, las dificultades en el desarrollo de las actividades académicas y las exigencias de las nuevas modalidades pedagógicas. Se planteó entonces la pregunta: en las instituciones de educación superior, ¿cuáles acciones en torno a a) promoción y prevención, b) atención a síntomas mentales y c) adaptaciones pedagógicas pueden desarrollarse con el fin de mejorar la salud mental de sus estudiantes? Métodos: Síntesis crítica a partir de la revisión sistemática de la literatura. Se realizó la búsqueda de artículos científicos de alcance descriptivo, analítico, experimental o evaluativo, así como recursos web de organizaciones relacionadas con el tema. Se realizó una síntesis en función de los 3 focos de la pregunta mediante comparación constante, hasta realizar la agrupación de acciones por similitud en los actores que las ejecutarían y recibirían. Se anticipó una baja calidad de la evidencia, por lo que no se realizó evaluación estandarizada. Resultados: Se exploraron 68 artículos y 99 recursos web. Después de la revisión del texto completo se incluyeron 12 artículos científicos y 11 recursos web. Como lineamentos generales, se encontró que la propuesta más frecuente es el diseño de un programa estructurado específico para el tema de salud mental en las instituciones educativas, que sea multidisciplinario, incluyente, dinámico y sensible a la cultura. Las acciones deben ser divulgadas periódicamente para que los estudiantes y demás miembros de la comunidad educativa las tengan claras, e idealmente se propone mantenerlas hasta el periodo pospandémico e incluir a los egresados. Para a) la promoción y prevención, se encontró la psicoeducación por vía electrónica, donde se expliquen estilos de vida saludable, reacciones emocionales en pandemia, estrategias de afrontamiento y signos de alarma. Se propone la participación de los pares como estrategia de apoyo y espacios de interacción social que no se enfoquen únicamente en aspectos académicos. Se reporta la necesidad de cribar síntomas mentales por medio de envío frecuente de formularios en línea o aplicaciones móviles, donde también se indague por la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas y tecnológicas. En cuanto a b) atención de síntomas mentales, una de las acciones que se encontró con mayor frecuencia es disponer de un centro de consultoría que sea capaz de realizar atención en salud mental por vía telefónica, por tecnologías e incluso presencial, con atención permanente las 24 h o equipos de respuesta rápida ante una situación de crisis, como la conducta suicida y la violencia doméstica. Para c) las adaptaciones pedagógicas, se señala como requisito indispensable la comunicación fluida para tener instrucciones claras sobre el desarrollo de las actividades académicas para disminuir la incertidumbre y, por ende, la ansiedad y favorecer la gestión del tiempo por el estudiante. Los profesores y pedagogos de la institución pueden ofrecer asesorías directas (por videollamadas o reuniones de grupos en línea) para proveer apoyo en hábitos de estudios, materias propias de cada carrera y salud mental. Conclusiones: Los recursos incluidos proponen que la institución educativa cree un programa que aborde específicamente la salud mental de los estudiantes. Esta síntesis puede proveer lineamientos que faciliten la toma de decisiones, sin perder de vista que la institución y el estudiante están inmersos en un contexto complejo, con circunstancias y otros actores en varios niveles que también intervienen en la salud mental. Se requieren investigaciones sobre la evolución de la situación de salud mental y el efecto de las acciones que se vayan tomando.

ABSTRACT Background: College and university students are a population vulnerable to mental disorders, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their mental health has been affected by confinement, difficulties in the development of academic activities, and the demands of new pedagogical modalities. We aimed to respond to the question: what are the actions around a) promotion and prevention, b) mental symptoms care, and c) pedagogical adaptations that can be developed in order to improve the mental health of college and university students? Methods: We conducted a critical synthesis from a systematic review of the literature. A search was made for scientific articles with descriptive, analytical, empirical or evaluative designs, as well as web resources of organizations related to the topic. A synthesis was carried out based on the three aspects of the question by means of a constant comparative method, until the aggregation of actions by similarity in the actors. We anticipated low evidence quality; therefore, a standardized evaluation was not performed. Results: We explored 68 articles and 99 web resources. After reviewing the full text, 12 scientific articles and 11 web resources were included. As general guidelines, we found that the most frequent suggestion is the design of a specific structured mental health program within universities, one that should be multidisciplinary, inclusive, dynamic and culturally sensitive. All actions taken by the university should be reported and published periodically so that students and other members of the university community are clear about them. Ideally, it is suggested to keep them until the post-pandemic period and include alumni. Regarding a) promotion and prevention, digital psychoeducation was recommended, with information about healthy lifestyles, common emotional reactions to epidemics, coping strategies and warning signs. Peer participation is suggested as a support strategy, as well as spaces for social interaction that focus not only on academic aspects but also on leisure. Screening for mental symptoms is suggested through frequent submission of online forms or mobile applications. In addition to mental health, it is important to inquire about the degree of satisfaction of basic and technology-related needs. For b) the care of mental symptoms, one of the actions commonly identified was a consulting centre that can provide mental health care by telephone, by technology, and even in person -if required -, with permanent availability with rapid response teams for crisis situations, such as suicidal behavior and domestic violence. For c) pedagogical adaptations, fluent communication is an indispensable requirement; having clear instructions on academic activities can reduce uncertainty and therefore anxiety. The teaching and pedagogical staff at the institution can offer direct advice (via video calls or online group meetings) to provide support in study habits, degree-specific material and mental health. Conclusions: Included resources suggest the creation of a program that specifically addresses the mental health of students. This synthesis can provide guidelines that facilitate decision-making by the university, without losing sight of the fact that the institution and the student are immersed in a complex context, with circumstances and other actors at various levels that also intervene in mental health. Research is required on the evolution of the mental health situation and the effect of the actions that are being taken.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 50(3): 74-80, jul.-set. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351966


RESUMEN Introducción: La situación de crisis generada por la COVID-19 y las medidas adoptadas han generado cambios sociales en las dinámicas normales de la población general y en especial para los trabajadores de la salud, que se encuentran en atención del paciente con infección sospechada o confirmada. Estudios recientes han detectado en ellos síntomas depresivos y ansiosos y síndrome de burnout, afecciones personales y sociales que alteran su capacidad de respuesta durante la emergencia sanitaria. El objetivo es generar recomendaciones de promoción y protección de la salud mental de los trabajadores y equipos de salud dispuestos como primera línea de atención en la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda rápida de literatura en PubMed y Google Scholar, y un consenso de expertos iterativo y mediante consulta electrónica, con 13 participantes de las áreas de psicología, psiquiatría y medicina; la gradación de su fuerza y direccionalidad se realizó según las normas internacionales del Joanna Briggs Institute. Resultados: Se generaron 31 recomendaciones sobre el autocuidado del trabajador de la salud, el cuidado comunitario entre los equipos de salud, el cribado de signos de alarma en salud mental y para las instituciones sanitarias. Conclusiones: Las actividades de promoción y protección en salud mental para el afrontamiento de la emergencia sanitaria generada por la COVID-19 en todo el mundo pueden abarcar acciones articuladas entre el trabajador, los equipos de salud y las instituciones sanitarias como parte de un cuidado integral, comunitario, corresponsable y sostenidas en el tiempo.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The crisis situation generated by COVID-19 and the measures adopted have generated social changes in the normal dynamics of the general population and especially for health workers, who find themselves caring for patients with suspected or confirmed infection. Recent studies have detected in them depression and anxiety symptoms and burnout syndrome, with personal and social conditions impacting their response capacity during the health emergency. Our aim was to generate recommendations for the promotion and protection of the mental health of health workers and teams in the first line of care in the health emergency due to COVID-19. Methods: A rapid literature search was carried out in PubMed and Google Scholar, and an iterative expert consensus and through electronic consultation, with 13 participants from the areas of psychology, psychiatry and medicine; the grading of its strength and directionality was carried out according to the international standards of the Joanna Briggs Institute. Results:Thirty-one recommendations were generated on self-care of health workers, community care among health teams, screening for alarm signs in mental health and for health institutions. Conclusions: The promotion and protection activities in mental health to face the health emergency generated by COVID-19 worldwide can include coordinated actions between workers, health teams and health institutions as part of a comprehensive, community care, co-responsible and sustained over time.

Rev Colomb Psiquiatr ; 50(3): 199-213, 2021.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34158170


BACKGROUND: College and university students are a population vulnerable to mental disorders, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their mental health has been affected by confinement, difficulties in the development of academic activities, and the demands of new pedagogical modalities. We aimed to respond to the question: what are the actions around a) promotion and prevention, b) mental symptoms care, and c) pedagogical adaptations that can be developed in order to improve the mental health of college and university students? METHODS: We conducted a critical synthesis from a systematic review of the literature. A search was made for scientific articles with descriptive, analytical, empirical or evaluative designs, as well as web resources of organisations related to the topic. A synthesis was carried out based on the three aspects of the question by means of a constant comparative method, until the aggregation of actions by similarity in the actors. We anticipated low evidence quality; therefore, a standardised evaluation was not performed. RESULTS: We explored 68 articles and 99 web resources. After reviewing the full text, 12 scientific articles and 11 web resources were included. As general guidelines, we found that the most frequent suggestion is the design of a specific structured mental health programme within universities, one that should be multidisciplinary, inclusive, dynamic and culturally sensitive. All actions taken by the university should be reported and published periodically so that students and other members of the university community are clear about them. Ideally, it is suggested to keep them until the post-pandemic period and include alumni. Regarding a) promotion and prevention, digital psychoeducation was recommended, with information about healthy lifestyles, common emotional reactions to epidemics, coping strategies and warning signs. Peer participation is suggested as a support strategy, as well as spaces for social interaction that focus not only on academic aspects but also on leisure. Screening for mental symptoms is suggested through frequent submission of online forms or mobile applications. In addition to mental health, it is important to inquire about the degree of satisfaction of basic and technology-related needs. For b) the care of mental symptoms, one of the actions commonly identified was a consulting centre that can provide mental health care by telephone, by technology, and even in person --if required --, with permanent availability with rapid response teams for crisis situations, such as suicidal behaviour and domestic violence. For c) pedagogical adaptations, fluent communication is an indispensable requirement; having clear instructions on academic activities can reduce uncertainty and therefore anxiety. The teaching and pedagogical staff at the institution can offer direct advice (via video calls or online group meetings) to provide support in study habits, degree-specific material and mental health. CONCLUSIONS: Included resources suggest the creation of a programme that specifically addresses the mental health of students. This synthesis can provide guidelines that facilitate decision-making by the university, without losing sight of the fact that the institution and the student are immersed in a complex context, with circumstances and other actors at various levels that also intervene in mental health. Research is required on the evolution of the mental health situation and the effect of the actions that are being taken.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 7(6)2021 May 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34073125


The aim of the study was to describe the microbiology and susceptibility profile of candidemia and to identify the risk factors associated with mortality in Colombia. A cohort of patients was followed for 30 days during 2008 to 2010. Microbiological identification and susceptibility assessments were performed in a reference centre. Demographic, clinical and treatment variables were evaluated for their associations with mortality. A parametric survival regression analysis was used to identify the risk factors associated with mortality. A total of 109 patients with candidemia in four hospitals in Colombia were identified, with a median age of 30 years old. C. parapsilosis was the most frequently identified microorganism (38.5%); the susceptibility of all isolates was high to fluconazole and anidulafungin, except for C. glabrata isolates. The overall mortality was 35.7%, and the risk factors associated with mortality included lack of antifungal treatment (HR 5.5, 95% CI 3.6-11.4), cancer (HR 3.9, 95% CI 2.3-8.0), diabetes (HR 2.5, 95% CI 1.03-6.4), and age (HR 1.13 per every 10 years, 95% CI 1.02-1.24). Catheter removal was associated with a low mortality rate (HR 0.06, 95% CI 0.00-0.49). Prompt antifungal treatment, better glycemic control and catheter removal should be prioritized in the management of candidemia.

Investig. segur. soc. salud ; 20(2): 21-30, 2018. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1052276


Objetivo: describir la incidencia de trastornos hipertensivos de las gestantes en 3 instituciones en Bogotá durante el periodo 2014-2016. Método: estudio observacional prospectivo, realizado entre 2014 y 2016 en 3 centros hospitalarios de la ciudad de Bogotá, D. C., Colombia. Fueron incluidas 252 gestantes, a quienes se les hizo seguimiento ecográfico trimestral, toma de variables clínicas y demográficas e indagación de resultados materno- perinatales en el momento del parto. Los datos fueron analizados a través del cálculo de medidas de tendencia central y dispersión para las variables cuantitativas, frecuencias y porcentajes para las variables cualitativas. Resultados: se encontró una incidencia de trastornos hipertensivos del 11,8 % en las gestantes incluidas en el estudio; de estos, el 62,1 % fueron preeclampsia, y el 37,9 %, hipertensión gestacional. La preeclampsia se presentó en el 7,4 % del total de la población estudiada; de dichas pacientes, el 50 % presentó preeclampsia severa. La incidencia de preeclampsia temprana fue del 17,2 %. Conclusión: la incidencia de los trastornos hipertensivos en gestantes en la población estudiada es mayor que en países desarrollados, y similar a lo descrito en la población colombiana

Objective: To describe the incidence of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy in three health institutions in Bogotá-Colombia during 2014-2016. Methods: This observational and prospective study were done in three institutions from 2014 to 2016 in Bogotá (Colombia). 252 patients were included. Fetal and maternal ultrasonography evaluations were done in each trimester of pregnancy, multiples demographic and clinical factors were evaluated, and maternal and perinatal outcomes were done at the delivery time. The data were analyzed using measures of central tendency and dispersion for the quantitative variables, and frequencies and percentages for qualitative variables. Results: The incidence of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy was 11.8 %, of these, pre-eclampsia was 62.1 % and 37.9 % of gestational hypertension. In relation to preeclampsia group, 7.4 % was presented when it was compared with the total of the study population, and form this 50 % of pregnant women were severe preeclampsia. The incidence of early pre-eclampsia was 17.2 %. Conclusion: The incidence of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy at the study population is higher than the prevalence reported in developed countries and similar than reported in Colombia

Objetivo: Descrever a incidência de hipertensivos de deficiências orgânicas do criando em três instituições em Bogotá durante o período 2014 -2016. Método: Eu estudo de observação prospectivo, levou a cabo entre 2014 e 2016 entre três hospital centra da cidade de Bogotá - a Colômbia. 252 eram criando incluídos a quem foi levado trimestralmente fora ecográfico de perseguição, enquanto levando de variáveis clínicas e demográficas e investigação perinatal materna de resultados no momento do parto. Os dados foram analisados pelo cálculo de medidas de tendência central e dispersão para as variáveis quantitativas, freqüências e porcentagens para as variáveis qualitativas. Resultados: Ele/ela era uma incidência de hipertensivos de deficiências orgânicas de 11,8% no criando incluído no estudo, destes, 62,1% preeclampsia e 37,9% gestacional de hipertensão. O preeclampsia mostraram para cima dentro um 7.4% do total da população instruída, destes pacientes, 50% apresentaram preeclampsia severo. A incidência de preeclampsia cedo era de 17,2%. Conclusão: A incidência do hipertensivos de deficiências orgânicas criando na população instruída é maior que em países desenvolvidos e semelhante a isso descrito na população colombiana

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Incidencia , Hipertensión , Preeclampsia , Ultrasonografía , Cuidados Posteriores , Observación , Mujeres Embarazadas , Hipertensión Inducida en el Embarazo
Univ. sci ; 18(3): 331-344, Sept.-Dec. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-700596


One of the factors limiting the production of heliconias in Colombia is fungal disease, which is influenced by climatic conditions that determine the development of the disease cycle. In order to define a possible relationship between climatic factors and the incidence or severity of the most limiting fungal, we developed a linear correlation analysis of 10 heliconia cultivars in two municipalities, in the departments of Risaralda and Valle del Cauca. We found a direct relationship between the weekly average temperature and the incidence index of Colletotrichum spp., and the severity index of Helminthosporium spp.; areas with weekly average temperatures over 25°C will likely have incidence and severity of these limiting disease exceeding 50 % and 25 % respectively. Based on these results, we propose the development and validation of a predictive model of incidence and severity of limiting diseases, using a climate forecasting system.

Uno de los factores limitantes de la producción de heliconias en Colombia son las enfermedades de origen fungoso. La determinación del desarrollo del ciclo de estas enfermedades, se encuentran influenciadas por condiciones climáticas. Con el propósito de definir posible relación entre los elementos climáticos y la incidencia y severidad de las enfermedades de origen fungoso limitantes; se desarrolló análisis de correlación lineal sobre diez cultivares del género Heliconia en el departamento de Risaralda y Valle del Cauca. Se encontró relación directa entre la temperatura media semanal frente al índice incidencia de Colletotrichum spp. y el índice de severidad de Helminthosporium spp. Se concluye que la probabilidad del índice de incidencia y de severidad de este tipo de enfermedades limitantes, donde la temperatura media semanal supera los 25°C, sobrepase el 50 y 25 % respectivamente. Basados en estos resultados se propone el desarrollo y validación de un modelo predictivo de incidencia y severidad de enfermedades limitantes, bajo un sistema de pronóstico climático.

Um dos fatores que limitam a produção de helicônias na Colômbia são as doenças fúngicas, as quais são influenciadas pelas condições climáticas que determinam o desenvolvimento do ciclo da doença. A fim de definir uma possível relação entre fatores climáticos e a incidência e gravidade das doenças, foi desenvolvida a análises de correlação linear de 10 cultivares do género Heliconia em municípios de Risaralda e Valle del Cauca. Encontrou-se uma relação direta entre a temperatura média em relação ao índice de incidência semanal de Colletotrichum spp. e índice de gravidade Helminthosporium spp. Conclui-se que a probabilidade do índice de incidência e de severidade deste tipo de doenças limitantes; nas zonas em que a temperatura média semanal exceda 25°C, excede os 50 e 25 % respectivamente. Com base nestes resultados, propomos o desenvolvimento e validação de um modelo preditivo de incidência e/ou gravidade de doenças limitantes, sob um sistema de previsão climática.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 38(3): 268-276, set. 2011. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-608784


A food and nutrition education intervention was implemented in nine public schools in Peñalolen, Chile, with one control school. The objective was to determine the trend in obesity prevalence and in food knowledge and food consumption in preschool and school-age children followed longitudinally in the first year of intervention, compared with the control school. The sample included 1556pre-school, first and second grade (1225 children in experimental schools and 331 in the control school) followed during one school year. Nutrition education activities were performed with teachers and students, and the evaluation of nutritional status was carried out in two points, March-April and October-November 2010. There was also one measurement of snack consumption in pre-school children and a food and nutrition survey in school age children at the beginning and at the end of the year. Results showed that there was no change in overweight and obesity in the intervened school-age children, and a small increase in the control school. However, analyzing nutritional status by school, in seven of the nine experimental schools there was a decrease in obesity. A high percentage ofpreschool children carried soft drinks and juices to school. In school age children there was a significant increase in fruit and dairy consumption during the year. School age children had a good knowledge offruits and dairy food, but not offish and legumes. Despite the short period of food and nutrition intervention, this study shows that interventions implemented in a structured way with an evaluation can have a positive impact on changing eating habits and improving the nutritional status of municipal preschool and school children.

Se plantea una intervención en educación alimentaria y nutricional en nueve escuelas de la comuna de Peñalolén, con una escuela control. El objetivo es evaluar los cambios en el estado nutricional, conocimiento y consumo de alimentos de los niños de prebá-sica y básica durante el primer año de la intervención, comparados con el colegio control. Es un estudio cuasi-experimental, de seguimiento longitudinal en 1556 niños de prekinder, kínder, primero y segundo básico (1225 niños de las escuelas intervenidas y 331 de la escuela control) seguidos durante un año escolar. Se realizaron actividades educativas con profesores y alumnos y la evaluación consistió en una medición de su estado nutricional en marzo-abril y octubre-noviembre del año 2010; una medición de las colaciones en los niños de prekinder y kínder, con una encuesta alimentaria a los de primero y segundo básico. Los resultados mostraron que no hubo cambio en el estado nutricional en el total de los niños intervenidos, aumentando levemente el sobrepeso y obesidad en el colegio control. Sin embargo, al hacer el análisis por colegio, en siete de los nueve colegios intervenidos disminuyó la obesidad. En cuanto a consumo, un alto porcentaje de niños de prebásica llevaban jugos y bebidas en las colaciones y en los niños de básica se produjo un incremento significativo del consumo de frutas y lácteos durante el año. En conocimiento, los niños de primero y segundo básico tuvieron una buena comprensión en frutas y lácteos, no así para el pescado y legumbres. A pesar del corto período de intervención, este estudio permite señalar que cuando las intervenciones en alimentación y nutrición se realizan en forma estructurada y son evaluadas, pueden tener un impacto positivo en el cambio de hábitos alimentarios y en la disminución de la obesidad en preescolares y escolares de escuelas municipales.

Educación Alimentaria y Nutricional , Ingestión de Alimentos , Niño , Preescolar , Estado Nutricional , Obesidad Infantil/prevención & control , Chile
La Paz; OPS/OMS; agosto 2010. 67 p. tab, graf.
No convencional en Español | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1306039


Fomentar formas y modos de vida saludables con enfoque familiar y comunitario con repercusión individual, con el fin de promocionar principios y valores culturales del buen trato, con respeto, solidaridad y complementariedad para vivir bien

Bolivia , Violencia
Acta Biol Hung ; 59(2): 185-94, 2008 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18637558


Lipid peroxidation is generally thought to be a major mechanism of cell injury in aerobic organisms subjected to oxidative stress. All cellular membranes are especially vulnerable to oxidation due to their high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, birds have special adaptations for preventing membrane damage caused by reactive oxygen species. This study examines fatty acid profiles and susceptibility to lipid peroxidation in liver and heart mitochondria obtained from Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae). The saturated fatty acids in these organelles represent approximately 40-50% of total fatty acids whereas the polyunsaturated fatty acid composition was highly distinctive, characterized by almost equal amounts of 18:2 n-6; 20:4 n-6 and 22:6 n-3 in liver mitochondria, and a higher proportion of 18:2 n-6 compared to 20:4 n-6 and 22:6 n-3 in heart mitochondria. The concentration of total unsaturated fatty acids of liver and heart mitochondria was approximately 50% and 60%, respectively, with a prevalence of oleic acid C18:1 n9. The rate C20:4 n6/C18:2 n6 and the unsaturation index was similar in liver and heart mitochondria; 104.33 +/- 6.73 and 100.09 +/- 3.07, respectively. Light emission originating from these organelles showed no statistically significant differences and the polyunsaturated fatty acid profiles did not change during the lipid peroxidation process.

Peroxidación de Lípido , Mitocondrias Cardíacas/fisiología , Mitocondrias Hepáticas/fisiología , Estrés Oxidativo/fisiología , Animales , Regiones Antárticas , Ácidos Grasos/metabolismo , Cinética , Luminiscencia , Proteínas/metabolismo , Spheniscidae
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17208479


The aim of this study was to examine the fatty acid composition and non-enzymatic lipid peroxidation (LP) of mitochondria and microsomes obtained from liver, heart and brain of Lonchura striata. The percentage of total unsaturated fatty acid was approximately 30-60% in the organelles from all tissues studied. Brain mitochondria and both organelles of liver exhibited the highest percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) (30 and 18%, respectively). The arachidonic acid (AA) content was 7% in mitochondria of liver and brain and 3% in heart mitochondria. The percentage of docosahexanoic acid (DHA) was 8% in brain mitochondria and approximately 2-3% in heart and liver mitochondria. The peroxidizability index (PI) of brain mitochondria and both organelles from liver was higher than that of organelles from heart and brain microsomes. Liver organelles and brain mitochondria were affected by LP, as indicated by the increase in chemiluminescence and a decrease of AA and DHA. These changes were not observed during LP of brain microsomes and both organelles from heart. These results indicate: 1) PI positively correlates with PUFA percentage and LP; 2) The resistance to LP detected in heart organelles would contribute to the cardiac protection against oxidative damage.

Encéfalo/metabolismo , Ácidos Grasos Insaturados/análisis , Peroxidación de Lípido/fisiología , Hígado/metabolismo , Microsomas/metabolismo , Mitocondrias/metabolismo , Miocardio/metabolismo , Passeriformes/metabolismo , Animales , Química Encefálica , Grasas de la Dieta , Hígado/química , Luminiscencia , Masculino , Microsomas/química , Microsomas Hepáticos/metabolismo , Mitocondrias/química , Mitocondrias Cardíacas/metabolismo , Mitocondrias Hepáticas/metabolismo , Miocardio/química
Acta Biol Hung ; 57(3): 295-300, 2006 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17048693


The uropygial gland is an organ typical of birds, over which no agreement regarding its function has been attained yet. Authors attribute to the gland an hydrophobic action. The function of the gland is herein explored in rock pigeon, Columba livia, was used as experimental model for trials. The study was focused on the physiological role of the gland in relation to biochemical parameters. Pigeons were separated in groups of six birds each: a) intact control, b) surgical control, c) ablationed. Comparing control specimens with gland-removed specimens, recorded serum levels after 32 days were the following (mean+/-SD): cholesterol (g/l), 3.7+/-0.6 vs. 4.1+/-0.6; total lipids (g/l), 15.7+/-2.0 vs. 13.7+/-2.7; calcium (mg/l), 100.5 +/- 24.3 vs. 99.1 +/- 9.2. None of the differences were statistically significant. Thus, no alterations of basic biochemical parameters associated with metabolism of lipids were registered. In one group of birds the calcium and cholesterol levels were determined 122 days after surgery; in this case values remained unchanged related to the beginning of the trials. Results suggest that the uropygial gland is not physiologically related to either the homeostasis of total lipids, cholesterol or the regulation of calcium metabolism.

Calcio/sangre , Colesterol/sangre , Glándulas Exocrinas/fisiología , Lípidos/sangre , Animales , Calcio/metabolismo , Columbidae , Glándulas Exocrinas/anatomía & histología , Femenino , Masculino , Modelos Biológicos
La Paz; s.n; feb. 2006. 22 p. tab.
No convencional en Español | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1301448


Incorporar la información del SUMI al SNIS con el propósito de mejorar la administración de la información generada en el sistema de salud y contribuir en procesos evaluativos considerando efectos, impactos y resultados de las intervenciones

Masculino , Femenino , Humanos , Sistemas de Información , Bolivia
Mol Cell Biochem ; 282(1-2): 109-15, 2006 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16317518


Birds -- particularly long-lived species -- have special adaptations for preventing tissue damage caused by reactive oxygen species. The objective of the present study was to analyse the fatty acid composition and non-enzymatic lipid peroxidation of mitochondria and microsomes obtained from liver, heart and brain of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), a short-lived bird. Fatty acids located in total lipids of rat liver, heart and brain mitochondria and microsomes were determined using gas chromatography and lipid peroxidation was evaluated using a chemiluminescence assay. The unsaturated fatty acid content found in mitochondria and microsomes of all tissue examined was approximately 50 and 40%, respectively with a prevalence of C18:1 n9. The C18:2 n6 content in brain mitochondria was significantly lower as compared to liver and heart mitochondria. Whereas the C20:4 n6 content in mitochondria from all tissues examined and brain microsomes was approximately 6%, liver and heart microsomes exhibited lower values. C22:6 n3 was absent in liver mitochondria, very low content in liver microsomes and heart organelles (between 0.5 and 1%) and high content in brain organelles, with mitochondria having the highest value (11%). Whereas liver and heart organelles were not affected when subjected to lipid peroxidation, brain mitochondria were highly affected, as indicated by the increase in chemiluminescence and a considerable decrease of C20:4 n6 and C22:6 n3. These results indicate that a low degree of fatty acid unsaturation in liver and heart organelles of quail, a short-lived bird, may confer advantage by decreasing their sensitivity to lipid peroxidation process.

Coturnix/metabolismo , Ácidos Grasos/metabolismo , Peroxidación de Lípido , Microsomas/metabolismo , Mitocondrias/metabolismo , Animales , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Ácidos Grasos Insaturados/metabolismo , Metabolismo de los Lípidos , Masculino , Microsomas Hepáticos/metabolismo , Mitocondrias Cardíacas/metabolismo , Mitocondrias Hepáticas/metabolismo , Miocardio/metabolismo , Especificidad de Órganos , Ratas
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15792592


The uropygial gland is a holocrine secretory gland of birds. The lipid and the waxy sebum that the gland secretes is coated on the beak and transferred to the plumage in preening. The composition of the gland secretions from birds of different species has been determined, but little is known about the lipids of the secretion of the gland of the rock dove Columba livia. The amount of secretion, the total lipid content and the fatty acids composition of the secretion of C. livia captured in the nonbreeding season was reported. The mean amount of the secretion within the gland was 30 mg; the mean lipid content of the secretion was 0.385 mg/mg of secretion, which was equivalent to approximately 38% of the secretion. The weight of the secretion relative to gland weight was 32%. If we assume that the amount of the gland secretion constitutes a valid parameter to determine the degree of the gland development, our results indicate that the physiological role of the gland does not depend upon gland mass (GW); the rock dove in particular has a small gland, but its secretion represented 32% of the gland's mass. The composition of the lipids extracted from the gland secretion consisted of C14 to C20 fatty acids, most of them were unsaturated. The secretion of the gland contained approximately 59% of unsaturated fatty acids with a prevalence of oleic acid (37%) and a low content of linoleic (6%) and arachidonic acids (7%). The saturated long chain fatty acids were mainly 14:0, 16:0 and 18:0 in a percentage of approximately 34%. No sexual differences were found in any of the evaluated parameters.

Columbidae/metabolismo , Glándulas Exocrinas/metabolismo , Metabolismo de los Lípidos , Lípidos/química , Animales , Ácido Araquidónico/análisis , Ácidos Grasos/análisis , Ácidos Grasos Insaturados/análisis , Femenino , Ácido Linoleico/análisis , Masculino , Ácido Oléico/análisis
Rev. ADM ; 60(6): 225-228, nov.-dic. 2003. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-353416


Se presenta en este artículo una explicación de la patología de la articulación temporomandibular, así como los procesos bioquímicos y destructivos que desencadenan el problema articular, explicándose la terapéutica actual de la misma

Humanos , Sinovitis , Trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular/clasificación , Trastornos de la Articulación Temporomandibular/terapia , Artroscopía , Disco de la Articulación Temporomandibular/fisiopatología , Líquido Sinovial/química , Ferulas Oclusales , Paracentesis , Especialidad de Fisioterapia