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Breast Cancer ; 5(4): 411-416, 1998 Oct 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11091684


An unusual case of synchronous bilateral breast cancer occurring during combination chemotherapy and radiation to the outside of the breast for malignant lymphoma is reported. Two histologically rare carcinomas, spindle cell carcinoma and apocrine carcinoma, were observed in this case. A 77-year-old woman, who had been treated for stage IIIA non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, developed bilateral breast tumors. Aspiration biopsy cytology findings of the tumor in the left breast showed several clusters of adenocarcinoma cells and some large atypical spindle shaped cells, which suggested spindle cell carcinoma. The cytologic findings of the right breast tumor were highly suggestive of scirrhous carcinoma. A modified radical mastectomy was performed on both breasts. Pathological examination disclosed two separate cancer lesions in the left breast. The lesion which had been detected before the operation, was a spindle cell carcinoma. Another lesion, detected for the first time by pathological examination, was an apocrine carcinoma. The lesion in the right breast was a scirrhous carcinoma. Since non-invasive fociwere detected in these three cancer lesions, each lesion was thought to be a primary cancer. All dissected bilateral axillary lymph nodes showed malignant lymphoma. Immuno-histochemistry of the spindle cell carcinoma revealed positive immunoreactivity for cytokeratin, which suggested the epithelial as well as mesenchymal nature of this tumor. Synchronous existence of malignant lymphoma and three independent breast cancers including spindle cell carcinoma and apocrine carcinoma is very rare.

Breast Cancer ; 4(3): 187-191, 1997 Oct 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11091596


We encountered a very rarc case of occult breast cancer associated with paraneoplastic sensory polyneuropathy. A 59-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital complaining of numbness in all extremities, ataxia of left extremities and a tumor in the left axilla. From the neurological findings, a malignant tumor was suspected. The immunohistochemical analysis of the axillar swollen lymph node revealed metastasis from breast cancer and confirmed the primary lesion. On a preoperative diagnosis of suspected occult breast cancer, left mastectomy and resection of left axillar lymph nodes were performed. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining of sural nerves and Western blot analysis of the serum of this patient showed the loss of axons and the presence of antineural antibody in the seurm. Immunological response was considered to be the remote effector system between the breast cancer and sensory polyneuropathy in this disorder.
