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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39231046


Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has recently shown great promise in pixel-level zero-shot learning tasks. However, existing approaches utilizing CLIP's text and patch embeddings to generate semantic masks often misidentify input pixels from unseen classes, leading to confusion between novel classes and semantically similar ones. In this work, we propose a novel approach, TagCLIP (Trusty-aware guided CLIP), to address this issue. We disentangle the ill-posed optimization problem into two parallel processes: semantic matching performed individually and reliability judgment for improving discrimination ability. Building on the idea of special tokens in language modeling representing sentence-level embeddings, we introduce a trusty token that enables distinguishing novel classes from known ones in prediction. To evaluate our approach, we conduct experiments on two benchmark datasets, PASCAL VOC 2012 and COCO-Stuff 164K. Our results show that TagCLIP improves the Intersection over Union (IoU) of unseen classes by 7.4% and 1.7%, respectively, with negligible overheads.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38861428


The crux of effective out-of-distribution (OOD) detection lies in acquiring a robust in-distribution (ID) representation, distinct from OOD samples. While previous methods predominantly leaned on recognition-based techniques for this purpose, they often resulted in shortcut learning, lacking comprehensive representations. In our study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis, exploring distinct pretraining tasks and employing various OOD score functions. The results highlight that the feature representations pre-trained through reconstruction yield a notable enhancement and narrow the performance gap among various score functions. This suggests that even simple score functions can rival complex ones when leveraging reconstruction-based pretext tasks. Reconstruction-based pretext tasks adapt well to various score functions. As such, it holds promising potential for further expansion. Our OOD detection framework, MOODv2, employs the masked image modeling pretext task. Without bells and whistles, MOODv2 impressively enhances 14.30% AUROC to 95.68% on ImageNet and achieves 99.98% on CIFAR-10.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 46(2): 1273-1289, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37917518


In this work, we revisit the prior mask guidance proposed in "Prior Guided Feature Enrichment Network for Few-Shot Segmentation". The prior mask serves as an indicator that highlights the region of interests of unseen categories, and it is effective in achieving better performance on different frameworks of recent studies. However, the current method directly takes the maximum element-to-element correspondence between the query and support features to indicate the probability of belonging to the target class, thus the broader contextual information is seldom exploited during the prior mask generation. To address this issue, first, we propose the Context-aware Prior Mask (CAPM) that leverages additional nearby semantic cues for better locating the objects in query images. Second, since the maximum correlation value is vulnerable to noisy features, we take one step further by incorporating a lightweight Noise Suppression Module (NSM) to screen out the unnecessary responses, yielding high-quality masks for providing the prior knowledge. Both two contributions are experimentally shown to have substantial practical merit, and the new model named PFENet++ significantly outperforms the baseline PFENet as well as all other competitors on three challenging benchmarks PASCAL-5 i, COCO-20 i and FSS-1000. The new state-of-the-art performance is achieved without compromising the efficiency, manifesting the potential for being a new strong baseline in few-shot semantic segmentation.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 46(5): 3653-3664, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38133981


The objective of Active Learning is to strategically label a subset of the dataset to maximize performance within a predetermined labeling budget. In this study, we harness features acquired through self-supervised learning. We introduce a straightforward yet potent metric, Cluster Distance Difference, to identify diverse data. Subsequently, we introduce a novel framework, Balancing Active Learning (BAL), which constructs adaptive sub-pools to balance diverse and uncertain data. Our approach outperforms all established active learning methods on widely recognized benchmarks by 1.20%. Moreover, we assess the efficacy of our proposed framework under extended settings, encompassing both larger and smaller labeling budgets. Experimental results demonstrate that, when labeling 80% of the samples, the performance of the current SOTA method declines by 0.74%, whereas our proposed BAL achieves performance comparable to the full dataset.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37216259


In this paper, we propose the Generalized Parametric Contrastive Learning (GPaCo/PaCo) which works well on both imbalanced and balanced data. Based on theoretical analysis, we observe supervised contrastive loss tends to bias on high-frequency classes and thus increases the difficulty of imbalanced learning. We introduce a set of parametric class-wise learnable centers to rebalance from an optimization perspective. Further, we analyze our GPaCo/PaCo loss under a balanced setting. Our analysis demonstrates that GPaCo/PaCo can adaptively enhance the intensity of pushing samples of the same class close as more samples are pulled together with their corresponding centers and benefit hard example learning. Experiments on long-tailed benchmarks manifest the new state-of-the-art for long-tailed recognition. On full ImageNet, models from CNNs to vision transformers trained with GPaCo loss show better generalization performance and stronger robustness compared with MAE models. Moreover, GPaCo can be applied to semantic segmentation task and obvious improvements are observed on 4 most popular benchmarks. Our code is available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(7): 8743-8756, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37015515


We introduce a new image segmentation task, called Entity Segmentation (ES), which aims to segment all visual entities (objects and stuffs) in an image without predicting their semantic labels. By removing the need of class label prediction, the models trained for such task can focus more on improving segmentation quality. It has many practical applications such as image manipulation and editing where the quality of segmentation masks is crucial but class labels are less important. We conduct the first-ever study to investigate the feasibility of convolutional center-based representation to segment things and stuffs in a unified manner, and show that such representation fits exceptionally well in the context of ES. More specifically, we propose a CondInst-like fully-convolutional architecture with two novel modules specifically designed to exploit the class-agnostic and non-overlapping requirements of ES. Experiments show that the models designed and trained for ES significantly outperforms popular class-specific panoptic segmentation models in terms of segmentation quality. Moreover, an ES model can be easily trained on a combination of multiple datasets without the need to resolve label conflicts in dataset merging, and the model trained for ES on one or more datasets can generalize very well to other test datasets of unseen domains. The code has been released at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(11): 13011-13023, 2023 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37015534


The architecture of transformers, which recently witness booming applications in vision tasks, has pivoted against the widespread convolutional paradigm. Relying on the tokenization process that splits inputs into multiple tokens, transformers are capable of extracting their pairwise relationships using self-attention. While being the stemming building block of transformers, what makes for a good tokenizer has not been well understood in computer vision. In this work, we investigate this uncharted problem from an information trade-off perspective. In addition to unifying and understanding existing structural modifications, our derivation leads to better design strategies for vision tokenizers. The proposed Modulation across Tokens (MoTo) incorporates inter-token modeling capability through normalization. Furthermore, a regularization objective TokenProp is embraced in the standard training regime. Through extensive experiments on various transformer architectures, we observe both improved performance and intriguing properties of these two plug-and-play designs with negligible computational overhead. These observations further indicate the importance of the commonly-omitted designs of tokenizers in vision transformer.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(3): 3695-3706, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35560104


Deep learning algorithms face great challenges with long-tailed data distribution which, however, is quite a common case in real-world scenarios. Previous methods tackle the problem from either the aspect of input space (re-sampling classes with different frequencies) or loss space (re-weighting classes with different weights), suffering from heavy over-fitting to tail classes or hard optimization during training. To alleviate these issues, we propose a more fundamental perspective for long-tailed recognition, i.e., from the aspect of parameter space, and aims to preserve specific capacity for classes with low frequencies. From this perspective, the trivial solution utilizes different branches for the head, medium, tail classes respectively, and then sums their outputs as the final results is not feasible. Instead, we design the effective residual fusion mechanism - with one main branch optimized to recognize images from all classes, another two residual branches are gradually fused and optimized to enhance images from medium+tail classes and tail classes respectively. Then the branches are aggregated into final results by additive shortcuts. We test our method on several benchmarks, i.e., long-tailed version of CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Places, ImageNet, and iNaturalist 2018. Experimental results manifest the effectiveness of our method. Our code is available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(2): 2367-2383, 2023 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35412974


Data augmentation is a critical technique in object detection, especially the augmentations targeting at scale invariance training (scale-aware augmentation). However, there has been little systematic investigation of how to design scale-aware data augmentation for object detection. We propose Scale-aware AutoAug to learn data augmentation policies for object detection. We define a new scale-aware search space, where both image- and instance-level augmentations are designed for maintaining scale robust feature learning. Upon this search space, we propose a new search metric, termed Pareto Scale Balance, to facilitate efficient augmentation policy search. In experiments, Scale-aware AutoAug yields significant and consistent improvement on various object detectors (e.g., RetinaNet, Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, and FCOS), even compared with strong multi-scale training baselines. Our searched augmentation policies are generalized well to other datasets and instance-level tasks beyond object detection, e.g., instance segmentation. The search cost is much less than previous automated augmentation approaches for object detection, i.e., 8 GPUs across 2.5 days versus. 800 TPU-days. In addition, meaningful patterns can be summarized from our searched policies, which intuitively provide valuable knowledge for hand-crafted data augmentation design. Based on the searched scale-aware augmentation policies, we further introduce a dynamic training paradigm to adaptively determine specific augmentation policy usage during training. The dynamic paradigm consists of an heuristic manner for image-level augmentations and a differentiable copy-paste-based method for instance-level augmentations. The dynamic paradigm achieves further performance improvements to Scale-aware AutoAug without any additional burden on the long tailed LVIS benchmarks. We also demonstrate its ability to prevent over-fitting for large models, e.g., the Swin Transformer large model. Code and models are available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(2): 1372-1387, 2023 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35294341


Strong semantic segmentation models require large backbones to achieve promising performance, making it hard to adapt to real applications where effective real-time algorithms are needed. Knowledge distillation tackles this issue by letting the smaller model (student) produce similar pixel-wise predictions to that of a larger model (teacher). However, the classifier, which can be deemed as the perspective by which models perceive the encoded features for yielding observations (i.e., predictions), is shared by all training samples, fitting a universal feature distribution. Since good generalization to the entire distribution may bring the inferior specification to individual samples with a certain capacity, the shared universal perspective often overlooks details existing in each sample, causing degradation of knowledge distillation. In this paper, we propose Adaptive Perspective Distillation (APD) that creates an adaptive local perspective for each individual training sample. It extracts detailed contextual information from each training sample specifically, mining more details from the teacher and thus achieving better knowledge distillation results on the student. APD has no structural constraints to both teacher and student models, thus generalizing well to different semantic segmentation models. Extensive experiments on Cityscapes, ADE20K, and PASCAL-Context manifest the effectiveness of our proposed APD. Besides, APD can yield favorable performance gain to the models in both object detection and instance segmentation without bells and whistles.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(4): 4552-4568, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35994543


In this paper, we present a conceptually simple, strong, and efficient framework for fully- and weakly-supervised panoptic segmentation, called Panoptic FCN. Our approach aims to represent and predict foreground things and background stuff in a unified fully convolutional pipeline, which can be optimized with point-based fully or weak supervision. In particular, Panoptic FCN encodes each object instance or stuff category with the proposed kernel generator and produces the prediction by convolving the high-resolution feature directly. With this approach, instance-aware and semantically consistent properties for things and stuff can be respectively satisfied in a simple generate-kernel-then-segment workflow. Without extra boxes for localization or instance separation, the proposed approach outperforms the previous box-based and -free models with high efficiency. Furthermore, we propose a new form of point-based annotation for weakly-supervised panoptic segmentation. It only needs several random points for both things and stuff, which dramatically reduces the annotation cost of human. The proposed Panoptic FCN is also proved to have much superior performance in this weakly-supervised setting, which achieves 82% of the fully-supervised performance with only 20 randomly annotated points per instance. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of Panoptic FCN on COCO, VOC 2012, Cityscapes, and Mapillary Vistas datasets. And it sets up a new leading benchmark for both fully- and weakly-supervised panoptic segmentation.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 45(4): 4416-4429, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35939470


Camera-based 3D object detectors are welcome due to their wider deployment and lower price than LiDAR sensors. We first revisit the prior stereo detector DSGN for its stereo volume construction ways for representing both 3D geometry and semantics. We polish the stereo modeling and propose the advanced version, DSGN++, aiming to enhance effective information flow throughout the 2D-to-3D pipeline in three main aspects. First, to effectively lift the 2D information to stereo volume, we propose depth-wise plane sweeping (DPS) that allows denser connections and extracts depth-guided features. Second, for grasping differently spaced features, we present a novel stereo volume - Dual-view Stereo Volume (DSV) that integrates front-view and top-view features and reconstructs sub-voxel depth in the camera frustum. Third, as the foreground region becomes less dominant in 3D space, we propose a multi-modal data editing strategy - Stereo-LiDAR Copy-Paste, which ensures cross-modal alignment and improves data efficiency. Without bells and whistles, extensive experiments in various modality setups on the popular KITTI benchmark show that our method consistently outperforms other camera-based 3D detectors for all categories. Code is available at

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(10): 6377-6392, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34061733


In this paper, we explore the mask representation in instance segmentation with Point-of-Interest (PoI) features. Differentiating multiple potential instances within a single PoI feature is challenging, because learning a high-dimensional mask feature for each instance using vanilla convolution demands a heavy computing burden. To address this challenge, we propose an instance-aware convolution. It decomposes this mask representation learning task into two tractable modules as instance-aware weights and instance-agnostic features. The former is to parametrize convolution for producing mask features corresponding to different instances, improving mask learning efficiency by avoiding employing several independent convolutions. Meanwhile, the latter serves as mask templates in a single point. Together, instance-aware mask features are computed by convolving the template with dynamic weights, used for the mask prediction. Along with instance-aware convolution, we propose PointINS, a simple and practical instance segmentation approach, building upon dense one-stage detectors. Through extensive experiments, we evaluated the effectiveness of our framework built upon RetinaNet and FCOS. PointINS in ResNet101 backbone achieves a 38.3 mask mean average precision (mAP) on COCO dataset, outperforming existing point-based methods by a large margin. It gives a comparable performance to the region-based Mask R-CNN K. He, G. Gkioxari, P. Dollár, and R. Girshick, "Mask R-CNN," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis., 2017, pp. 2980-2988 with faster inference.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(10): 6486-6500, 2022 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34061734


Text is a new way to guide human image manipulation. Albeit natural and flexible, text usually suffers from inaccuracy in spatial description, ambiguity in the description of appearance, and incompleteness. We in this paper address these issues. To overcome inaccuracy, we use structured information (e.g., poses) to help identify correct location to manipulate, by disentangling the control of appearance and spatial structure. Moreover, we learn the image-text shared space with derived disentanglement to improve accuracy and quality of manipulation, by separating relevant and irrelevant editing directions for the textual instructions in this space. Our model generates a series of manipulation results by moving source images in this space with different degrees of editing strength. Thus, to reduce the ambiguity in text, our model generates sequential output for manual selection. In addition, we propose an efficient pseudo-label loss to enhance editing performance when the text is incomplete. We evaluate our method on various datasets and show its precision and interactiveness to manipulate human images.

Algoritmos , Diagnóstico por Imagen , Redes Neurales de la Computación , Humanos
IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(2): 1050-1065, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32750843


State-of-the-art semantic segmentation methods require sufficient labeled data to achieve good results and hardly work on unseen classes without fine-tuning. Few-shot segmentation is thus proposed to tackle this problem by learning a model that quickly adapts to new classes with a few labeled support samples. Theses frameworks still face the challenge of generalization ability reduction on unseen classes due to inappropriate use of high-level semantic information of training classes and spatial inconsistency between query and support targets. To alleviate these issues, we propose the Prior Guided Feature Enrichment Network (PFENet). It consists of novel designs of (1) a training-free prior mask generation method that not only retains generalization power but also improves model performance and (2) Feature Enrichment Module (FEM) that overcomes spatial inconsistency by adaptively enriching query features with support features and prior masks. Extensive experiments on PASCAL-5 i and COCO prove that the proposed prior generation method and FEM both improve the baseline method significantly. Our PFENet also outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin without efficiency loss. It is surprising that our model even generalizes to cases without labeled support samples.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(2): 969-984, 2022 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32870785


In this paper, we propose a geometric neural network with edge-aware refinement (GeoNet++) to jointly predict both depth and surface normal maps from a single image. Building on top of two-stream CNNs, GeoNet++ captures the geometric relationships between depth and surface normals with the proposed depth-to-normal and normal-to-depth modules. In particular, the "depth-to-normal" module exploits the least square solution of estimating surface normals from depth to improve their quality, while the "normal-to-depth" module refines the depth map based on the constraints on surface normals through kernel regression. Boundary information is exploited via an edge-aware refinement module. GeoNet++ effectively predicts depth and surface normals with high 3D consistency and sharp boundaries resulting in better reconstructed 3D scenes. Note that GeoNet++ is generic and can be used in other depth/normal prediction frameworks to improve 3D reconstruction quality and pixel-wise accuracy of depth and surface normals. Furthermore, we propose a new 3D geometric metric (3DGM) for evaluating depth prediction in 3D. In contrast to current metrics that focus on evaluating pixel-wise error/accuracy, 3DGM measures whether the predicted depth can reconstruct high quality 3D surface normals. This is a more natural metric for many 3D application domains. Our experiments on NYUD-V2 [1] and KITTI [2] datasets verify that GeoNet++ produces fine boundary details and the predicted depth can be used to reconstruct high quality 3D surfaces.

Algoritmos , Redes Neurales de la Computación , Análisis de los Mínimos Cuadrados
IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 44(5): 2534-2547, 2022 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33156783


Generative adversarial networks have achieved great success in unpaired image-to-image translation. Cycle consistency, a key component for this task, allows modeling the relationship between two distinct domains without paired data. In this paper, we propose an alternative framework, as an extension of latent space interpolation, to consider the intermediate region between two domains during translation. It is based on the assumption that in a flat and smooth latent space, there exist many paths that connect two sample points. Properly selecting paths makes it possible to change only certain image attributes, which is useful for generating intermediate images between the two domains. With this idea, our framework includes an encoder, an interpolator and a decoder. The encoder maps natural images to a convex and smooth latent space where interpolation is applicable. The interpolator controls the interpolation path so that desired intermediate samples can be obtained. Finally, the decoder inverts interpolated features back to pixel space. We also show that by choosing different reference images and interpolation paths, this framework can be applied to multi-domain and multi-modal translation. Extensive experiments manifest that our framework achieves superior results and is flexible for various tasks.

IEEE Trans Image Process ; 26(9): 4154-4167, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28436867


Toward weather condition recognition, we emphasize the importance of regional cues in this paper and address a few important problems regarding appropriate representation, its differentiation among regions, and weather-condition feature construction. Our major contribution is, first, to construct a multi-class benchmark data set containing 65 000 images from six common categories for sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, haze, and thunder weather. This data set also benefits weather classification and attribute recognition. Second, we propose a deep learning framework named region selection and concurrency model (RSCM) to help discover regional properties and concurrency. We evaluate RSCM on our multi-class benchmark data and another public data set for weather recognition.

IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell ; 39(12): 2510-2524, 2017 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28113309


Given a single outdoor image, we propose a collaborative learning approach using novel weather features to label the image as either sunny or cloudy. Though limited, this two-class classification problem is by no means trivial given the great variety of outdoor images captured by different cameras where the images may have been edited after capture. Our overall weather feature combines the data-driven convolutional neural network (CNN) feature and well-chosen weather-specific features. They work collaboratively within a unified optimization framework that is aware of the presence (or absence) of a given weather cue during learning and classification. In this paper we propose a new data augmentation scheme to substantially enrich the training data, which is used to train a latent SVM framework to make our solution insensitive to global intensity transfer. Extensive experiments are performed to verify our method. Compared with our previous work and the sole use of a CNN classifier, this paper improves the accuracy up to 7-8 percent. Our weather image dataset is available together with the executable of our classifier.

IEEE Trans Image Process ; 25(7): 3099-3111, 2016 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26930679


We present a novel image stitching approach, which can produce visually plausible panoramic images with input taken from different viewpoints. Unlike previous methods, our approach allows wide baselines between images and non-planar scene structures. Instead of 3D reconstruction, we design a mesh-based framework to optimize alignment and regularity in 2D. By solving a global objective function consisting of alignment and a set of prior constraints, we construct panoramic images, which are locally as perspective as possible and yet nearly orthogonal in the global view. We improve composition and achieve good performance on misaligned areas. Experimental results on challenging data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.