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Clim Change ; 164(1-2): 1-3, 2021 Jan 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34334847


Ongoing and potential future changes in precipitation will affect water management infrastructure. Urban drainage systems are particularly vulnerable. Design standards for many stormwater practices rely on precipitation intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves based on extreme value analysis. General Circulation Models (GCMs) project increases in future average temperature but are less clear on changes in precipitation. In many areas, climate projections suggest relatively small changes in total precipitation volume, but also suggest increased magnitude of extreme events. Model skill in predicting extreme precipitation events, however, is limited. We develop an approach for estimating future IDF curves that is efficient, uses widely available statistically downscaled GCM output, and is consistent with published IDF curves for the United States that are often incorporated into local stormwater regulations and design guides (and are GCM model agnostic). The method provides a relatively simple way to develop scenarios in a format directly useful to assessing risk to stormwater management infrastructure. Model biases are addressed through equidistant quantile mapping, in which the modeled change in the cumulative distribution of storm events from historical to future conditions is used to adjust the extreme value fit used for IDF curve development. The approach is efficient because it requires only annual maxima and is readily automated, allowing rapid examination of results across projections. We estimate future IDF curves at locations throughout the United States and link IDF-derived design storms to a rainfall-runoff model to evaluate the potential change in storage volume requirements for capture-based stormwater management practices by 2065.

Water Environ Res ; 92(12): 2178-2192, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31995847


Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) help mitigate the adverse effects of urban development on stream hydrology and water quality, and are widely specified in development requirements and watershed management plans. However, design of stormwater BMPs largely relies on experience with historic climate, which may not be a reliable guide to the future. To inform BMP design that is robust to future conditions, it is important to examine how potential changes in precipitation, temperature, and potential evapotranspiration will affect the performance of BMPs. We use continuous simulation modeling to examine BMP performance under current and potential future climatic conditions and determine the changes needed in site configuration to address future impacts. We perform modeling for five development types in five different regions of the United States and explore both conventional ("gray") and green infrastructure (GI) stormwater management approaches. If stormwater designs are adapted to address potential future climate conditions, this study suggests that the most cost-effective approaches may use both gray and green BMPs. If the magnitude of extreme weather events increases dramatically, then gray practices that provide detention storage may have better cost-effectiveness. Incorporating risk of future climate impacts into stormwater design may help communities become more resilient. PRACTITIONER POINTS: There is a risk that projected changes in meteorological forcing will negatively affect stormwater BMP performance. Under projected future climate conditions, this study suggests the most cost-effective approaches may use both gray and green BMPs. If the magnitude of extreme weather events increases dramatically, gray practices that provide detention storage may have better cost-effectiveness. Flexibility is beneficial in adaptation and resilience planning due to uncertainty in projected precipitation volume and intensity changes.

Hidrología , Lluvia , Simulación por Computador , Ríos , Calidad del Agua