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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 17483, 2023 Oct 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37838770


Rift margins provide insights into the processes governing the rupture of the continental lithosphere and the subsequence formation of sedimentary basins. The Proterozoic basement underlying Somaliland has been affected by multiple rifting; however, the crustal structure of these rifted basins remains unknown. This study utilized teleseismic receiver function analysis, Bayesian inversion, common conversion point imaging and 2D forward gravity modelling to examine the crust and upper mantle of Somaliland. The results indicate 36.8-38.2 km of crust in southern Somaliland, while the central and northern regions feature thinned crust (~ 21 km) with 5-6 km thick sediments. The joint analysis of radial and transverse components of receiver functions and shear wave splitting revealed fast axis directions trending to 50-56° in the upper mantle, indicating that azimuthal anisotropy is oriented in the regional Africa-Arabia plate motion. Such orientation may have resulted from lattice preferred orientation of olivine from the asthenospheric flow. Additionally, the fast polarization of the crust in central Somaliland is oriented at - 15°, indicating fossil deformation in the thinned crust related to the NW-SE trending Late Jurassic rift event. Further, the fast polarization for stations near the Gulf of Aden is oriented at 75-80°, suggesting crustal deformation associated with the Oligocene rift event. The crustal anisotropy at southern Somaliland revealed fast polarization oriented at - 85°, indicating a preserved far-field response of the WNW-ESE trending Late Cretaceous rift event. Overall, the study provides for the first-time insight into the rift-related extensional strain fabric in the crust and upper mantle anisotropy induced by asthenospheric flow in Somaliland.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 2848, 2021 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33531534


Previous investigation of seismic anisotropy indicates the presence of a simple mantle flow regime beneath the Turkish-Anatolian Plateau and Arabian Plate. Numerical modeling suggests that this simple flow is a component of a large-scale global mantle flow associated with the African superplume, which plays a key role in the geodynamic framework of the Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone. However, the extent and impact of the flow pattern farther east beneath the Iranian Plateau and Zagros remains unclear. While the relatively smoothly varying lithospheric thickness beneath the Anatolian Plateau and Arabian Plate allows progress of the simple mantle flow, the variable lithospheric thickness across the Iranian Plateau is expected to impose additional boundary conditions on the mantle flow field. In this study, for the first time, we use an unprecedented data set of seismic waveforms from a network of 245 seismic stations to examine the mantle flow pattern and lithospheric deformation over the entire region of the Iranian Plateau and Zagros by investigation of seismic anisotropy. We also examine the correlation between the pattern of seismic anisotropy, plate motion using GPS velocities and surface strain fields. Our study reveals a complex pattern of seismic anisotropy that implies a similarly complex mantle flow field. The pattern of seismic anisotropy suggests that the regional simple mantle flow beneath the Arabian Platform and eastern Turkey deflects as a circular flow around the thick Zagros lithosphere. This circular flow merges into a toroidal component beneath the NW Zagros that is likely an indicator of a lateral discontinuity in the lithosphere. Our examination also suggests that the main lithospheric deformation in the Zagros occurs as an axial shortening across the belt, whereas in the eastern Alborz and Kopeh-Dagh a belt-parallel horizontal lithospheric deformation plays a major role.