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Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 48: e39, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38707776


Objective: To create and validate criteria for prioritizing problems related to policies and management of the health workforce. Methods: This methodological study was divided into three stages. First, the criteria were elaborated by means of a systematized literature review. Second, the criteria were evaluated online by a committee of judges comprised of eight specialists. In the third stage, an evaluation was carried out by the target audience in a hybrid workshop. The participants evaluated the material using the Suitability Assessment of Materials instrument, adapted for the research. Results: Three prioritization criteria (relevance, window of opportunity and acceptability) and a scoring scale were developed based on the literature review. In the evaluation by the committee of judges, the approval percentage of the criteria and prioritization method was 84%. Modifications were made based on suggestions in relation to the material presented to the specialists. In the pre-test stage, the approval percentage varied by item, with six of them reaching a maximum approval of 100% (corresponding to approximately 46% of the items), four reaching 92% and three achieving 83% each, indicating positive results. Conclusions: The developed criteria were considered valid for use in the context of policies and management in the area of human resources for health.

Artículo en Inglés | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-59520


[ABSTRACT]. Objective. To create and validate criteria for prioritizing problems related to policies and management of the health workforce. Methods. This methodological study was divided into three stages. First, the criteria were elaborated by means of a systematized literature review. Second, the criteria were evaluated online by a committee of judges comprised of eight specialists. In the third stage, an evaluation was carried out by the target audience in a hybrid workshop. The participants evaluated the material using the Suitability Assessment of Materials instrument, adapted for the research. Results. Three prioritization criteria (relevance, window of opportunity and acceptability) and a scoring scale were developed based on the literature review. In the evaluation by the committee of judges, the approval percentage of the criteria and prioritization method was 84%. Modifications were made based on suggestions in relation to the material presented to the specialists. In the pre-test stage, the approval percentage varied by item, with six of them reaching a maximum approval of 100% (corresponding to approximately 46% of the items), four reaching 92% and three achieving 83% each, indicating positive results. Conclusions. The developed criteria were considered valid for use in the context of policies and management in the area of human resources for health.

[RESUMEN]. Objetivo. Crear y validar criterios para priorizar los problemas relacionados con las políticas y la gestión de los recursos humanos para la salud. Métodos. Este estudio metodológico se dividió en tres etapas. En la primera se elaboraron los criterios mediante una revisión sistematizada de la bibliografía. En la segunda un comité de ocho especialistas evaluó en línea los criterios. Y la tercera consistió en una evaluación por parte del público destinatario en un taller híbrido. Los participantes evaluaron el material utilizando el instrumento de evaluación de la idoneidad de los materiales, que fue adaptado para la investigación. Resultados. Sobre la base de la revisión de la bibliografía, se elaboraron tres criterios para la asignación de prioridades (relevancia, ventana de oportunidad y aceptabilidad) y una escala de puntuación. En la evaluación realizada por el comité de especialistas, el porcentaje de aprobación de los criterios y del método de asignación de prioridades fue del 84%. Se realizaron modificaciones basadas en sugerencias planteadas con respecto al material presentado a los especialistas. En la etapa posterior de prueba preliminar, el porcentaje de aprobación varió en los distintos puntos, de tal manera que en seis puntos (es decir, en aproximadamente el 46% de los puntos) se alcanzó una aprobación máxima del 100%, en cuatro una aprobación del 92% y en tres una aprobación del 83% en cada uno, lo que indica unos resultados positivos. Conclusiones. Se consideró que los criterios elaborados son válidos para su uso en el contexto de las políticas y la gestión en el ámbito de los recursos humanos para la salud.

[RESUMO]. Objetivo. Criar e validar critérios para priorizar problemas relacionados a políticas e gerenciamento da força de trabalho em saúde. Métodos. O presente estudo metodológico foi dividido em três fases. Primeiro, foram elaborados critérios por meio de revisão sistematizada da literatura. A seguir, os critérios foram avaliados on-line por uma comissão de juízes composta por oito especialistas. Na terceira fase, o público-alvo fez uma avaliação dos critérios em uma oficina de formato híbrido. Os participantes avaliaram o material usando o instrumento Suitability Assessment of Materials, adaptado para esta pesquisa. Resultados. Com base na revisão da literatura, foram elaborados três critérios de priorização (relevância, janela de oportunidade e aceitabilidade) e uma escala de pontuação. Na avaliação da comissão de juízes, a porcentagem de aprovação dos critérios e do método de priorização foi de 84%. Foram feitas alterações com base em sugestões relacionadas ao material apresentado aos especialistas. Na fase de pré-teste, a porcentagem de aprovação variou de acordo com o item. Seis deles (aproximadamente 46% dos itens) atingiram aprovação máxima de 100%, quatro atingiram 92% e três atingiram 83%, indicando resultados positivos. Conclusões. Os critérios desenvolvidos foram considerados válidos para uso no contexto de políticas e ger- enciamento na área de recursos humanos em saúde.

Fuerza Laboral en Salud , Gestión en Salud , Estudio de Validación , Agenda de Prioridades en Salud , Política de Salud , Fuerza Laboral en Salud , Gestión de la Información en Salud , Estudio de Validación , Agenda de Prioridades en Salud , Política de Salud , Fuerza Laboral en Salud , Gestión de la Información en Salud , Estudio de Validación , Agenda de Prioridades en Salud , Política de Salud
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 48: e39, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560379


ABSTRACT Objective. To create and validate criteria for prioritizing problems related to policies and management of the health workforce. Methods. This methodological study was divided into three stages. First, the criteria were elaborated by means of a systematized literature review. Second, the criteria were evaluated online by a committee of judges comprised of eight specialists. In the third stage, an evaluation was carried out by the target audience in a hybrid workshop. The participants evaluated the material using the Suitability Assessment of Materials instrument, adapted for the research. Results. Three prioritization criteria (relevance, window of opportunity and acceptability) and a scoring scale were developed based on the literature review. In the evaluation by the committee of judges, the approval percentage of the criteria and prioritization method was 84%. Modifications were made based on suggestions in relation to the material presented to the specialists. In the pre-test stage, the approval percentage varied by item, with six of them reaching a maximum approval of 100% (corresponding to approximately 46% of the items), four reaching 92% and three achieving 83% each, indicating positive results. Conclusions. The developed criteria were considered valid for use in the context of policies and management in the area of human resources for health.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Crear y validar criterios para priorizar los problemas relacionados con las políticas y la gestión de los recursos humanos para la salud. Métodos. Este estudio metodológico se dividió en tres etapas. En la primera se elaboraron los criterios mediante una revisión sistematizada de la bibliografía. En la segunda un comité de ocho especialistas evaluó en línea los criterios. Y la tercera consistió en una evaluación por parte del público destinatario en un taller híbrido. Los participantes evaluaron el material utilizando el instrumento de evaluación de la idoneidad de los materiales, que fue adaptado para la investigación. Resultados. Sobre la base de la revisión de la bibliografía, se elaboraron tres criterios para la asignación de prioridades (relevancia, ventana de oportunidad y aceptabilidad) y una escala de puntuación. En la evaluación realizada por el comité de especialistas, el porcentaje de aprobación de los criterios y del método de asignación de prioridades fue del 84%. Se realizaron modificaciones basadas en sugerencias planteadas con respecto al material presentado a los especialistas. En la etapa posterior de prueba preliminar, el porcentaje de aprobación varió en los distintos puntos, de tal manera que en seis puntos (es decir, en aproximadamente el 46% de los puntos) se alcanzó una aprobación máxima del 100%, en cuatro una aprobación del 92% y en tres una aprobación del 83% en cada uno, lo que indica unos resultados positivos. Conclusiones. Se consideró que los criterios elaborados son válidos para su uso en el contexto de las políticas y la gestión en el ámbito de los recursos humanos para la salud.

RESUMO Objetivo. Criar e validar critérios para priorizar problemas relacionados a políticas e gerenciamento da força de trabalho em saúde. Métodos. O presente estudo metodológico foi dividido em três fases. Primeiro, foram elaborados critérios por meio de revisão sistematizada da literatura. A seguir, os critérios foram avaliados on-line por uma comissão de juízes composta por oito especialistas. Na terceira fase, o público-alvo fez uma avaliação dos critérios em uma oficina de formato híbrido. Os participantes avaliaram o material usando o instrumento Suitability Assessment of Materials, adaptado para esta pesquisa. Resultados. Com base na revisão da literatura, foram elaborados três critérios de priorização (relevância, janela de oportunidade e aceitabilidade) e uma escala de pontuação. Na avaliação da comissão de juízes, a porcentagem de aprovação dos critérios e do método de priorização foi de 84%. Foram feitas alterações com base em sugestões relacionadas ao material apresentado aos especialistas. Na fase de pré-teste, a porcentagem de aprovação variou de acordo com o item. Seis deles (aproximadamente 46% dos itens) atingiram aprovação máxima de 100%, quatro atingiram 92% e três atingiram 83%, indicando resultados positivos. Conclusões. Os critérios desenvolvidos foram considerados válidos para uso no contexto de políticas e gerenciamento na área de recursos humanos em saúde.

J Interprof Care ; 37(4): 647-654, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36153735


The objective of this study was to analyze aspects related to interprofessional education in healthcare through the assessment of the syllabi of undergraduate nursing programs in Brazil. An observational, descriptive study was conducted in two phases. The first phase involved identification of programs, and the second phase involved documental analysis of the syllabi through a script created for this purpose. One thousand two hundred and twenty nursing undergraduate programs were identified; 229 were included in the sample for the document analysis. In 2.6% of the programs, the term "interprofessional" was identified in the purpose of the programs. Seventeen percent of the programs valued interprofessional education, and 8% assessed interprofessional learning. Recognizing (9.2%) and respecting (6.6%) the attributes and roles of different professionals were the least identified interprofessional values in the syllabi. Interprofessional education was not institutionalized/stated in the documents, even though the documents indicated use of interprofessional relationships in training scenarios, especially in primary care, and in activities not included in the formal curriculum.

Bachillerato en Enfermería , Educación en Enfermería , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Humanos , Brasil , Relaciones Interprofesionales , Curriculum
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 46: e69, 2022.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35509642


This study presents a reflective analysis of the implementation of interprofessional education in undergraduate nursing courses, considering as an example the curricula of undergraduate nursing careers in Brazil. Despite investments to advance interprofessional education, its practice is not institutionalized in the curricula of undergraduate courses. These findings represent a limitation for the implementation of interprofessional education in nursing courses, and the case of Brazil allows to learn lessons for the education of nursing professionals in other countries of the Region of the Americas. Recommendations are provided for training, management and intersectoral articulation of health and education services, with emphasis on primary health care and the Sustainable Development Goals, aimed at educational institutions wishing to implement interprofessional education.

Neste estudo, foi realizada uma análise reflexiva sobre a implementação da educação interprofissional em cursos de graduação em enfermagem, considerando como exemplo os currículos dos cursos de graduação em enfermagem no Brasil. Apesar dos investimentos para avançar a educação interprofissional, sua prática não está institucionalizada nos currículos de graduação. Esses achados representam uma limitação para a implementação da educação interprofissional em cursos de enfermagem, e o caso do Brasil fornece lições para a formação de profissionais de enfermagem em outros países da Região das Américas. Medidas de treinamento, gestão e articulação intersetorial de serviços de saúde e educação, com ênfase nos cuidados primários de saúde e nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, são recomendadas para instituições educacionais que desejam implementar a educação interprofissional.

Artículo en Español | PAHO-IRIS | ID: phr-55942


[RESUMEN]. En este estudio se realiza un análisis reflexivo sobre la implantación de la educación interprofesional en cursos de pregrado de enfermería, considerando como ejemplo los planes de estudio de las carreras de pregrado en enfermería de Brasil. A pesar de las inversiones para avanzar en la educación interprofesional, su práctica no está institucionalizada en los planes de estudio de las carreras de pregrado. Estos hallazgos representan una limitación para la implementación de la educación interprofesional en los cursos de enfermería, y el caso de Brasil permite extraer enseñanzas de cara a la formación de profesionales de enfermería en otros países de la Región de las Américas. Se recomiendan medidas para la formación, la gestión y la articulación intersectorial de los servicios de salud y educación, con énfasis en la atención primaria de salud y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, a las instituciones educativas que deseen implementar la educación interprofesional.

[ABSTRACT]. This study presents a reflective analysis of the implementation of interprofessional education in undergraduate nursing courses, considering as an example the curricula of undergraduate nursing careers in Brazil. Despite investments to advance interprofessional education, its practice is not institutionalized in the curricula of undergraduate courses. These findings represent a limitation for the implementation of interprofessional education in nursing courses, and the case of Brazil allows to learn lessons for the education of nursing professionals in other countries of the Region of the Americas. Recommendations are provided for training, management and intersectoral articulation of health and education services, with emphasis on primary health care and the Sustainable Development Goals, aimed at educational institutions wishing to implement interprofessional education.

[RESUMO]. Neste estudo, foi realizada uma análise reflexiva sobre a implementação da educação interprofissional em cursos de graduação em enfermagem, considerando como exemplo os currículos dos cursos de graduação em enfermagem no Brasil. Apesar dos investimentos para avançar a educação interprofissional, sua prática não está institucionalizada nos currículos de graduação. Esses achados representam uma limitação para a implementação da educação interprofissional em cursos de enfermagem, e o caso do Brasil fornece lições para a formação de profissionais de enfermagem em outros países da Região das Américas. Medidas de treinamento, gestão e articulação intersetorial de serviços de saúde e educação, com ênfase nos cuidados primários de saúde e nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, são recomendadas para instituições educacionais que desejam implementar a educação interprofissional.

Enfermería , Fuerza Laboral en Salud , Personal de Enfermería , Prácticas Interdisciplinarias , Capacitación de Recursos Humanos en Salud , Américas , Enfermería , Fuerza Laboral en Salud , Personal de Enfermería , Prácticas Interdisciplinarias , Capacitación de Recursos Humanos en Salud , Américas , Enfermería , Fuerza Laboral en Salud , Personal de Enfermería , Prácticas Interdisciplinarias , Capacitación de Recursos Humanos en Salud , Américas
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432010


RESUMEN En este estudio se realiza un análisis reflexivo sobre la implantación de la educación interprofesional en cursos de pregrado de enfermería, considerando como ejemplo los planes de estudio de las carreras de pregrado en enfermería de Brasil. A pesar de las inversiones para avanzar en la educación interprofesional, su práctica no está institucionalizada en los planes de estudio de las carreras de pregrado. Estos hallazgos representan una limitación para la implementación de la educación interprofesional en los cursos de enfermería, y el caso de Brasil permite extraer enseñanzas de cara a la formación de profesionales de enfermería en otros países de la Región de las Américas. Se recomiendan medidas para la formación, la gestión y la articulación intersectorial de los servicios de salud y educación, con énfasis en la atención primaria de salud y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, a las instituciones educativas que deseen implementar la educación interprofesional.

ABSTRACT This study presents a reflective analysis of the implementation of interprofessional education in undergraduate nursing courses, considering as an example the curricula of undergraduate nursing careers in Brazil. Despite investments to advance interprofessional education, its practice is not institutionalized in the curricula of undergraduate courses. These findings represent a limitation for the implementation of interprofessional education in nursing courses, and the case of Brazil allows to learn lessons for the education of nursing professionals in other countries of the Region of the Americas. Recommendations are provided for training, management and intersectoral articulation of health and education services, with emphasis on primary health care and the Sustainable Development Goals, aimed at educational institutions wishing to implement interprofessional education.

RESUMO Neste estudo, foi realizada uma análise reflexiva sobre a implementação da educação interprofissional em cursos de graduação em enfermagem, considerando como exemplo os currículos dos cursos de graduação em enfermagem no Brasil. Apesar dos investimentos para avançar a educação interprofissional, sua prática não está institucionalizada nos currículos de graduação. Esses achados representam uma limitação para a implementação da educação interprofissional em cursos de enfermagem, e o caso do Brasil fornece lições para a formação de profissionais de enfermagem em outros países da Região das Américas. Medidas de treinamento, gestão e articulação intersetorial de serviços de saúde e educação, com ênfase nos cuidados primários de saúde e nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, são recomendadas para instituições educacionais que desejam implementar a educação interprofissional.

Artículo en Inglés, Español, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34730765


OBJECTIVE: to assess the demand for Intensive Care Unit beds as well as the classification of the patients for admission, according to the priority system. METHOD: a retrospective and cross-sectional study, developed from January2014 to December2018 in two Intensive Care Units for adults of a university hospital. The sample consisted of the requests for vacancies according to the priority system(scale from 1 to 4, where 1 is the highest priority and 4 is no priority), registered in the institution's electronic system. RESULTS: a total of 8,483 vacancies were requested, of which 4,389(51.7%) were from unitB. The highest percentage in unitA was of Priority2 patients(32.6%); and Priority1 was prevalent in unitB(45.4%). The median lead time between request and admission to unitA presented a lower value for priority1 patients(2h57) and a higher value for priority4 patients(11h24); in unitB, priority4 patients presented shorter time(5h54) and priority3 had longer time(11h54). 40.5% of the requests made to unitA and 48.5% of those made to unitB were fulfilled, with 50.7% and 48.5% of these patients being discharged from the units, respectively. CONCLUSION: it is concluded that the demand for intensive care beds was greater than their availability. Most of the patients assisted were priorities1 and2, although a considerable percentage of those classified as priorities3 and4 is observed.

Cuidados Críticos , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Adulto , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Alta del Paciente , Estudios Retrospectivos
Rev Esc Enferm USP ; 55: e20210104, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34605536


OBJECTIVE: to identify whether nursing professionals carry out hand hygiene, how they do it, and what resources are available for this practice during home visits. METHOD: cross-sectional study conducted in a public Home Care service. The World Health Organization instrument was used to observe the hand hygiene technique, the time of performance, and the product used. RESULTS: a total of 940 hand hygiene opportunities taking place in 231 home visits were observed. Overall adherence was 14.4%, with the practice of hand hygiene being higher after contact with the patient (53.7%). Before aseptic procedures, after risk/exposure to body fluids, after contact with the patient's environment, and before contact with the patient, adherence was 0.4%. Regarding the quality of the technique, in none of the 135 practices the recommended steps were followed. As for the structure available in the households, 35 (15.2%) had accessible sinks and none had liquid soap and alcohol-based formulation. CONCLUSION: adherence to hand hygiene by nursing professionals in home care was low, the technique was not performed, and households did not have resources for the practice.

Infección Hospitalaria , Higiene de las Manos , Servicios de Atención de Salud a Domicilio , Estudios Transversales , Adhesión a Directriz , Desinfección de las Manos , Humanos
Enferm. glob ; 20(64)oct. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-219121


Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de las intervenciones educativas en el conocimiento y la aplicabilidad de la electrocirugía del equipo de enfermería. Material y método: Cuasiexperimento, con evaluaciones antes y después en un solo grupo, llevado a cabo en el centro quirúrgico de un hospital universitario terciario brasileño. Se realizó en siete etapas, se aplicó un cuestionario semiestructurado para evaluar los conocimientos de los participantes. Los participantes fueron expuestos a dos intervenciones educativas (clase expositiva, dialogada y video clase) y después de cada intervención se evaluó la retención de conocimientos. También se evaluaron indicadores de la aplicación de la unidad de electrocirugía durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos. Resultados: Participaron del estudio 4 enfermeros y 28 técnicos en enfermería. Los enfermeros tenían conocimientos previos sobre el tema de la mayor parte de los tópicos. Los técnicos en enfermería, mejoraron en los ítems verificación del equipamiento y colocación de la placa. Conclusiones: Los profesionales presentaron un buen desempeño teórico pero el mismo no se refleja en la práctica porque los profesionales son reacios a realizar prácticas que no coincidan con la teoría. La realización de este tipo de investigaciones es conveniente porque les permite a los gestores la posibilidad de proponer proyectos para una mejora continua de la asistencia perioperatoria. (AU)

Humanos , Electrocirugia , Grupo de Enfermería , Centros Quirúrgicos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Brasil , Refuerzo Biomédico
J Nurs Manag ; 29(6): 1778-1784, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33772914


AIM: To estimate the nursing service costs using a top-down micro-costing approach and to compare it with a bottom-up micro-costing approach. BACKGROUND: Accurate data of nursing cost can contribute to reliable resource management. METHOD: We employed a retrospective cohort design in an adult intensive care unit in São Paulo. A total of 286 patient records were included. Micro-costing analysis was conducted in two stages: a top-down approach, whereby nursing costs were allocated to patients through apportionment, and a bottom-up approach, considering actual nursing care hours estimated by the Nursing Activities Score (NAS). RESULTS: The total mean cost by the top-down approach was US$1,640.4 ± 1,484.2/patient. The bottom-up approach based on a total mean NAS of 833 ± 776 points (equivalent to 200 ± 86 hr of nursing care) yielded a mean cost of US$1,487.2 ± 1,385.7/patient. In the 268 patients for whom the top-down approach estimated higher costs than the bottom-up approach, the total cost discrepancy was US$4,427.3, while for those costed higher based on NAS, the total discrepancy was US$436.9. The top-down methodology overestimated costs for patients requiring lower intensity of care, while it underestimated costs for patients requiring higher intensity of care (NAS >100). CONCLUSIONS: The top-down approach may yield higher estimated ICU costs compared with a NAS-based bottom-up approach. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: These findings can contribute to an evidence-based approach to budgeting through reliable costing methods based on actual nursing workload, and to efficient resource allocation and cost management.

Enfermería de Cuidados Críticos , Adulto , Brasil , Costos y Análisis de Costo , Humanos , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Estudios Retrospectivos
Antimicrob Resist Infect Control ; 10(1): 6, 2021 01 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33407882


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: After wearing powdered gloves, healthcare workers (HCW) are supposed to wash their hands instead of using alcohol-based hand-rub (ABHR). Washing hands takes longer than using ABHR, and the use of powdered gloves may be an obstacle to hand-hygiene compliance. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of replacing powdered gloves with powder-free gloves on hand-hygiene compliance among HCW of an intensive care unit (ICU). METHODS: A quasi-experimental study was conducted in a general ICU of a tertiary care university hospital in Brazil. From June 1st to July 15th, 2017, all HCW were provided with powdered latex gloves only for all clinical procedures. From July 15th to August 31st, 2017, HCW were provided with nitrile powder-free gloves only. Hand-hygiene compliance was assessed through direct observation, and evaluated according to the World Health Organization Hand Hygiene guidelines. We calculated that a sample size of 544 hand hygiene opportunities needed to be observed per period. Data analysis were performed using the STATA SE® version 14, and we compared the individual's percentage of compliance using the t test for paired data before and after the intervention. RESULTS: Overall, 40 HCW were assessed before and after the introduction of nitrile powder-free gloves, with 1114 and 1139 observations of hand hygiene opportunities, respectively. The proportion of compliance with hand hygiene was 55% (95% confidence interval [CI] 51-59%) using powdered latex gloves and 60% (95% CI 57-63%) using powder-free gloves. The difference in proportions between the two types of gloves was 5.1% (95% CI 2.5-7.6%, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that replacing powdered gloves with powder-free gloves positively influenced hand-hygiene compliance by HCW in an ICU setting.

Guantes Protectores , Adhesión a Directriz/estadística & datos numéricos , Higiene de las Manos/normas , Brasil , Guantes Protectores/clasificación , Personal de Salud , Hospitales Universitarios , Humanos , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Polvos , Centros de Atención Terciaria
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1347621


Objective: to assess the demand for Intensive Care Unit beds as well as the classification of the patients for admission, according to the priority system. Method: a retrospective and cross-sectional study, developed from January2014 to December2018 in two Intensive Care Units for adults of a university hospital. The sample consisted of the requests for vacancies according to the priority system(scale from 1 to 4, where 1 is the highest priority and 4 is no priority), registered in the institution's electronic system. Results: a total of 8,483 vacancies were requested, of which 4,389(51.7%) were from unitB. The highest percentage in unitA was of Priority2 patients(32.6%); and Priority1 was prevalent in unitB(45.4%). The median lead time between request and admission to unitA presented a lower value for priority1 patients(2h57) and a higher value for priority4 patients(11h24); in unitB, priority4 patients presented shorter time(5h54) and priority3 had longer time(11h54). 40.5% of the requests made to unitA and 48.5% of those made to unitB were fulfilled, with 50.7% and 48.5% of these patients being discharged from the units, respectively. Conclusion: it is concluded that the demand for intensive care beds was greater than their availability. Most of the patients assisted were priorities1 and2, although a considerable percentage of those classified as priorities3 and4 is observed.

Objetivo: evaluar la demanda de camas de la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva, así como también la clasificación de los pacientes para su ingreso, según el sistema de prioridades. Método: estudio retrospectivo, transversal, realizado en dos Unidades de Terapia Intensiva de adultos de un hospital universitario, de enero de 2014 a diciembre de 2018. La muestra estuvo conformada por solicitudes de vacantes según el sistema de prioridades (escala de 1 a 4, donde 1 es alta prioridad y 4 sin prioridad), registrados en el sistema electrónico de la institución. Resultados: se solicitaron 8.483 plazas, de las cuales 4.389 (51,7%) pertenecían a la unidad B. El mayor porcentaje en la unidad A era de pacientes de Prioridad 2 (32,6%); y de Prioridad 1 en la unidad B (45,4%). La mediana del tiempo de espera entre la solicitud y el ingreso a la unidad A fue menor para los pacientes con prioridad 1 (2h57) y mayor para los pacientes de prioridad 4 (11h24); en la unidad B, los pacientes de prioridad 4 tuvieron un tiempo más corto (5h54) y los de prioridad 3 uno más largo (11h54). El 40,5% de las solicitudes realizadas a la unidad A y el 48,5% a la unidad B fueron autorizadas, mientras que el 50,7% y el 48,5% de estos pacientes, respectivamente, fueron dados de alta de las unidades. Conclusión: se concluye que la demanda de camas de terapia intensiva fue mayor que su disponibilidad. La mayoría de los pacientes atendidos fueron de prioridad 1 y 2, aunque se observó que un porcentaje considerable de ellos fue clasificado como de prioridad 3 y 4.

Objetivo: avaliar a demanda por leitos de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva bem como a classificação dos pacientes para admissão, segundo o sistema de prioridades. Método: estudo retrospectivo, transversal, desenvolvido em duas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva adulto de hospital universitário, de janeiro de 2014 a dezembro de 2018. A amostra constituiu-se das solicitações de vagas segundo o sistema de prioridades (escala de 1 a 4, sendo 1 maior prioridade e 4 nenhuma prioridade), registradas no sistema eletrônico da instituição. Resultados: foram solicitadas 8.483 vagas, das quais 4.389 (51,7%) eram da unidade B. O maior percentual na unidade A foi de pacientes Prioridade 2 (32,6%); e de Prioridade 1 na unidade B (45,4%). O tempo mediano de espera entre a solicitação e admissão na unidade A apresentou menor valor para pacientes da prioridade 1 (2h57) e maior valor naqueles de prioridade 4 (11h24); na unidade B, pacientes de prioridade 4 apresentaram menor tempo (5h54) e maior na prioridade 3 (11h54). Foram atendidas 40,5% das solicitações feitas à unidade A e 48,5% para a unidade B, sendo que, 50,7% e 48,5% destes pacientes, respectivamente, receberam alta das unidades. Conclusão: conclui-se que a demanda por leitos de terapia intensiva foi maior que sua disponibilidade. A maioria dos pacientes atendidos foram prioridades 1 e 2, embora se observe um percentual considerável daqueles classificados em prioridades 3 e 4.

Humanos , Adulto , Alta del Paciente , Triaje , Enfermería , Gestión en Salud , Necesidades y Demandas de Servicios de Salud , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos
Rev Bras Enferm ; 73(3): e20180748, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32294709


OBJECTIVES: to analyze lawsuits brought by beneficiaries of health insurance operators. METHODS: this was a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out in a large-capacity private health insurance operator using data collected by the company from 2012 to 2015. RESULTS: ninety-six lawsuits were brought by 86 beneficiaries regarding medical procedures (38.5%), treatments (26.1%), examinations (14.6%), medications (9.4%), home care (6.2%), and other types of hospitalization (5.2%). The procedures with the highest number of lawsuits were percutaneous rhizotomy; chemotherapy; treatment-related positron-emission tomography scans; and for medications relative to antineoplastic and Hepatitis C treatment. CONCLUSIONS: the lawsuits were filed because of the operators' refusal to comply with items not established in contracts or not regulated and authorized by the Brazilian National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans, refusals considered unfounded.

Cobertura del Seguro/normas , Seguro de Salud/normas , Responsabilidad Legal , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Seguro de Salud/clasificación , Jurisprudencia , Sector Privado/normas , Sector Privado/tendencias
J Nurs Manag ; 28(8): 1986-1996, 2020 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32173932


AIM: The present study aimed to characterize the omission of nursing care according to the nurses' perception, the professional practice environment and the nursing workload of intensive care units (ICU) in Brazil. Additionally, the influence of the practice environment and nursing workload on such omission was assessed, as well as the type of care omitted regarding priority classification. BACKGROUND: In order to ensure patient safety and quality of care, it is necessary to invest in improvements in nursing care practices. METHOD: The present cross-sectional study was performed in three large ICU in Brazil. The omission of nursing care was identified using the MISSCARE-BRASIL instrument, and the environment and duration of professional nursing practice were analysed using the Practice Environment Scale (PES) and Nursing Activities Score (NAS), respectively. RESULTS: "Ambulation three times a day or as prescribed" was the form of care reported as the most omitted in the three studied units. The reasons for not performing care included the following: inadequate number of staff, inadequate physical blueprint of the unit/sector and the professional having more than one employment relationship. Upon characterizing the work environment in the ICU according to the PES, ICU 1 and 3 were considered "mixed" environments, whereas ICU 2 was considered a "favourable" environment. CONCLUSION: The professional practice environment, as well as the workload, may constitute predictive factors for the omission of care. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: The nursing workload and practice environment influence the omission of care. Moreover, the establishment of criteria for the prioritization of care when faced with adverse work conditions is necessary.

Atención de Enfermería , Personal de Enfermería en Hospital , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , Humanos , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Práctica Profesional , Carga de Trabajo
Rev. bras. enferm ; 73(3): e20180748, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1092571


ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze lawsuits brought by beneficiaries of health insurance operators. Methods: this was a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out in a large-capacity private health insurance operator using data collected by the company from 2012 to 2015. Results: ninety-six lawsuits were brought by 86 beneficiaries regarding medical procedures (38.5%), treatments (26.1%), examinations (14.6%), medications (9.4%), home care (6.2%), and other types of hospitalization (5.2%). The procedures with the highest number of lawsuits were percutaneous rhizotomy; chemotherapy; treatment-related positron-emission tomography scans; and for medications relative to antineoplastic and Hepatitis C treatment. Conclusions: the lawsuits were filed because of the operators' refusal to comply with items not established in contracts or not regulated and authorized by the Brazilian National Regulatory Agency for Private Health Insurance and Plans, refusals considered unfounded.

RESUMEN Objetivos: analizar las acciones judiciales iniciadas por beneficiarios de planes de salud de prepago. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, transversal, desarrollado en importante operadora de planes de salud de prepago, utilizando datos recopilados por la empresa entre 2015 y 2015. Resultados: fueron impulsadas 96 acciones judiciales por parte de 86 beneficiarios, referentes a procedimientos médicos (38,5%), tratamientos (26,1%), estudios (14,6%), medicación (9,4%), Home Care (6,2%) y 5,2% por otros tipos de internación. La mayoría de acciones por procedimientos correspondió a rizotomía percutánea; en tratamientos, a quimioterapia; en estudios, a tomografía por emisión de positrones; en medicamentos, a antineoplásicos y para tratar la hepatitis C. Conclusiones: motivaron las acciones judiciales interpuestas la negativa de la operadora de planes de salud a cubrir prestaciones no incluidas en el alcance del plan contratado por el beneficiario, así como asuntos no reglados y autorizados por la Agencia Nacional de Salud Complementaria, considerándose, en consecuencia, improcedentes.

RESUMO Objetivos: analisar as ações judiciais demandadas por beneficiários de uma operadora de plano de saúde. Métodos: estudo descritivo de corte transversal desenvolvido em uma operadora de plano privado de saúde de grande porte, utilizando dados compilados pela empresa no período de 2012 a 2015. Resultados: foram movidas 96 ações judiciais por 86 beneficiários, referentes a procedimentos médicos (38,5%), tratamentos (26,1%), exames (14,6%), medicamentos (9,4%), Home Care (6,2%) e 5,2% a outros tipos de internações. O maior número de ações dentre os procedimentos foi rizotomia percutânea; para tratamentos, a quimioterapia; exames solicitados de tomografia por emissão de pósitrons; para medicamentos, os antineoplásicos e para tratamento de Hepatite C. Conclusões: a razão para as demandas judiciais impetradas foi a negativa da operadora em atender os itens não pertencentes ao escopo do que foi contratado pelo beneficiário ou itens não regulamentados e autorizados pela Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar, portanto sendo consideradas improcedentes.

Humanos , Responsabilidad Legal , Cobertura del Seguro/normas , Seguro de Salud/normas , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , Sector Privado/normas , Sector Privado/tendencias , Seguro de Salud/clasificación , Jurisprudencia
Rev Esc Enferm USP ; 53: e03498, 2019.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31800801


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the level of satisfaction of inpatients in a teaching hospital regarding the quality of the hospital service by comparing term and non-term times. METHOD: Cross-sectional study carried out in three inpatient units with users from 18 to 80 years old who stayed in the hospital for at least 72 hours. An instrument for sociodemographic characterization and the SERVQUAL scale were applied to measure the level of satisfaction. Data collection occurred in two periods: term and non-term times. RESULTS: Three hundred and five users of the service of both genders, with an average age of 46.2 years, were interviewed. Concerning the dimensions that make up the SERVQUAL scale, empathy was mentioned as the one with which the users attended to during term time expressed the greatest dissatisfaction (p=0.01). Regarding the service dimension, the level of satisfaction of the users was higher during term time (p=0.01). Tangibles, reliability, and assurance did not show differences when comparing the two examined periods. CONCLUSION: The users identified higher empathy and better service during term time, but similar perceptions were not reported for assurance and reliability.

Hospitales de Enseñanza , Satisfacción del Paciente , Estudiantes de Medicina , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Hospitalización , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31285821


Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) ethanol-based handrub (EBHR) formulation contains 1.45% glycerol as an emollient to protect healthcare workers' (HCWs) skin against dryness and dermatitis. However, glycerol seems to negatively affect the antimicrobial efficacy of alcohols. In addition, the minimal concentration of glycerol required to protect hands remain unknown. We aim to evaluate the tolerance of HCWs to the WHO EBHR formulation using different concentrations of glycerol in a tropical climate healthcare setting. Methods: We conducted a cluster-randomized, double-blind, crossover study among 40 HCWs from an intensive care unit of a tertiary-care hospital in Brazil, from June 1st to September 30, 2017. We tested the WHO EBHR original formulation containing 1.45% glycerol against three other concentrations (0, 0.5, and 0.75%). HCWs used one formulation at a time for seven working days during their routine practice and then had their hands evaluated by an external observer using the WHO scale for visual inspection. Participants also used a WHO self-evaluation tool to rate their own skin condition. We used a generalized estimating equations of the logit type to compare differences between the tolerability to different formulations. Results: According to the independent observation, participants had 2.4 times (95%CI: 1.12-5.15) more chance of having a skin condition considered good when they used the 0.5% compared to the 1.45% glycerol formulation. For the self-evaluation scale, participants were likely to have a worst evaluation (OR: 0.23, 95%CI: 0.11-0.49) when they used the preparation without glycerol compared to the WHO standard formulation (1.45%), and there were no differences between the other formulations used. Conclusion: In a tropical climate setting, the WHO-modified EBHR formulation containing 0.5% glycerol led to better ratings of skin tolerance than the original formulation, and, therefore, may offer the best balance between skin tolerance and antimicrobial efficacy.

Etanol/efectos adversos , Glicerol/análisis , Desinfección de las Manos/métodos , Piel/efectos de los fármacos , Adulto , Estudios Cruzados , Método Doble Ciego , Etanol/química , Femenino , Personal de Salud , Humanos , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Masculino , Atención Terciaria de Salud , Clima Tropical , Organización Mundial de la Salud
Intensive Crit Care Nurs ; 54: 39-45, 2019 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31350065


OBJECTIVES: Diverse costing methodologies in critical care have produced discrepant results. We aimed to critically review studies addressing critical care patients' costs, to estimate total costs and cost categories and to delineate methodologies used and relevant limitations. METHODS: Integrative review based on key-word searches of electronic databases targeting primary studies that report estimates of patient cost, in the last 21 years. We assessed the level transparency of reporting and the quality of the studies, by the SIGN tool. RESULTS: Overall, 12 research articles were included, of which eight studies mentioned the specific approach used to identify the elements of cost. Most studies employed a micro-costing and one study a macro-costing approach. With regard to approaches to valuation of cost components, only one study identified the bottom-up approach. The total patient cost ranged from US$ 487 to US$ 39,300 and human resources was identified as the cost category mostly driving total costs. CONCLUSIONS: Although valid methodologies to evaluate critical care patients' costs, such as micro-costing, are employed more frequently, a variety of non-standardized methods are still used. There is a pressing need to develop standardised guidelines for reporting of observational studies of cost in healthcare, with particular considerations for critical care.

Costos de la Atención en Salud/normas , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos/economía , Estándares de Referencia , Proyectos de Investigación , Humanos , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos/organización & administración , Evaluación de Necesidades
Rev. enferm. UFPE on line ; 13(4): 989-996, abr. 2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1017313


Objetivo: identificar potencialidades e limitações da passagem de plantão de Enfermagem na atenção hospitalar. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, utilizando a Técnica do Incidente Crítico, com enfermeiros de unidades de internação de hospital público de ensino. Coletaram-se os dados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, guiada por um roteiro, identificando-se as entrevistas com o número sequencial de realização. Empregou-se a estatística descritiva, que contribuiu para a descrição e a síntese dos dados em tabelas. Utilizou-se, em seguida, a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo para análise dos relatos. Resultados: obtiveram-se 76 situações, com 73,7% de referências negativas, nas categorias comunicação, interrupções na passagem de plantão, aspectos ambientais e aspectos organizacionais; 103 comportamentos, com 63,1% referências negativas, nas categorias comunicar, interromper a passagem de plantão, questionar a estrutura de trabalho e utilizar recursos tecnológicos; 126 consequências, com 65,8% de referências negativas, relativas à comunicação, tempo, organização do trabalho e relações interpessoais. Conclusão: evidencia-se, diante do predomínio de referências negativas, entendidas como limitadoras da passagem de plantão, a necessidade de intervenção da gestão dos serviços para superar as limitações e fortalecer os aspectos positivos.(AU)

Objective: to identify the potentialities and limitations of Nursing shift switching in hospital care. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive study, using the Critical Incident Technique, with nurses from hospitalization units of a public teaching hospital. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview, guided by a script, identifying the interviews with the sequential number of realization. Descriptive statistics were used, which contributed to the description and synthesis of the data in tables. The Content Analysis technique was then used to analyze the reports. Results: There were 76 situations, with 73.7% of negative references, in the categories communication, interruptions in shift, environmental aspects and organizational aspects; 103 behaviors, with 63.1% negative references, in the communication categories, interrupting the shift, questioning the work structure and using technological resources; 126 consequences, with 65.8% of negative references, concerning communication, time, work organization and interpersonal relations. Conclusion: in the face of the predominance of negative references, understood as limiting the shift, the need to intervene in the management of services to overcome the limitations and strengthen the positive aspects.(AU)

Objetivo: identificar potencialidades y limitaciones del cambio de turno de enfermería en la atención hospitalaria. Método: se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, utilizando la Técnica del Incidente Crítico, con enfermeros de unidades de internación de hospital público de enseñanza. Se recogen los datos por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada, dirigida por un guion, identificándose las entrevistas con el número secuencial de realización. Se empleó la estadística descriptiva, que contribuyó para la descripción y la síntesis de los datos en tablas. Se utilizó a continuación la técnica de Análisis de Contenido para el análisis de los relatos. Resultados: se obtuvieron 76 situaciones, con 73,7% de referencias negativas, en las categorías comunicación, interrupciones en el cambio de turno, aspectos ambientales y aspectos organizacionales; 103 comportamientos, con 63,1% referencias negativas, en las categorías comunicar, interrumpir el cambio de turno, cuestionar la estructura de trabajo y utilizar recursos tecnológicos; 126 consecuencias, con un 65,8% de referencias negativas, relativas a la comunicación, tiempo, organización del trabajo y relaciones interpersonales. Conclusión: se evidencia, ante el predominio de referencias negativas, entendidas como limitadoras del cambio de turno, la necesidad de intervención de la gestión de los servicios para superar las limitaciones y fortalecer los aspectos positivos.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Comunicación , Continuidad de la Atención al Paciente , Horario de Trabajo por Turnos , Atención de Enfermería , Servicio de Enfermería en Hospital , Personal de Enfermería en Hospital , Personal de Enfermería en Hospital/organización & administración , Grupo de Enfermería , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Supervisión de Enfermería , Investigación Cualitativa