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Phys Rev Lett ; 125(15): 155001, 2020 Oct 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33095602


Power exhaust from the bulk plasma is significantly altered by symmetry breaking magnetic perturbation fields, because these create direct connections (perturbed field lines) from the confined high temperature plasma to solid surfaces. The same amount of power is distributed among those new exhaust channels as for a symmetric magnetic configuration, which reduces the local upstream heat flux flowing down the perturbed field lines, thereby making access to detachment easier (i.e., at lower upstream density) for the divertor plasma near the location corresponding to the symmetric magnetic separatrix. However, the divertor plasma regions with connection to the bulk plasma are extended nonaxisymmetrically further outside, where significant heat loads occur, unlike in the symmetric configuration. The temperature remains high at those locations, which reduces the divertor plasma dissipation capacity, making the mitigation of heat loads more difficult to achieve.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(13): 135001, 2014 Sep 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25302895


A path to a new high performance regime has been discovered in tokamaks that could improve the attractiveness of a fusion reactor. Experiments on DIII-D using a quiescent H-mode edge have navigated a valley of improved edge peeling-ballooning stability that opens up with strong plasma shaping at high density, leading to a doubling of the edge pressure over the standard H mode with edge localized modes at these parameters. The thermal energy confinement time increases as a result of both the increased pedestal height and improvements in the core transport and reduced low-k turbulence. Calculations of the pedestal height and width as a function of density using constraints imposed by peeling-ballooning and kinetic-ballooning theory are in quantitative agreement with the measurements.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(24): 245001, 2013 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25165932


High repetition rate injection of deuterium pellets from the low-field side (LFS) of the DIII-D tokamak is shown to trigger high-frequency edge-localized modes (ELMs) at up to 12× the low natural ELM frequency in H-mode deuterium plasmas designed to match the ITER baseline configuration in shape, normalized beta, and input power just above the H-mode threshold. The pellet size, velocity, and injection location were chosen to limit penetration to the outer 10% of the plasma. The resulting perturbations to the plasma density and energy confinement time are thus minimal (<10%). The triggered ELMs occur at much lower normalized pedestal pressure than the natural ELMs, suggesting that the pellet injection excites a localized high-n instability. Triggered ELMs produce up to 12× lower energy and particle fluxes to the divertor, and result in a strong decrease in plasma core impurity density. These results show for the first time that shallow, LFS pellet injection can dramatically accelerate the ELM cycle and reduce ELM energy fluxes on plasma facing components, and is a viable technique for real-time control of ELMs in ITER.
