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Nanotechnology ; 35(14)2024 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37797589


The growing demand for self-powered systems and the slow progress in energy storage devices have led to the emergence of piezoelectric materials as a promising solution for energy harvesting. This study aims to investigate the effects of chirality, length, and strain rate on the piezoelectric potential of boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) through molecular dynamics simulation. Accurate data and guidance are provided to explain the piezoelectricity of chiral nanotubes, as the piezoelectric potentials of these nanotubes have previously remained unclear. The present study focuses on calculating the effect of these parameters based on the atomic model. The observed results stem from the frequencies and internal deformations, as the axial frequencies and deformations exhibit more substantial modifications compared to transverse directions. The piezoelectricity was found to depend on chirality, with the order of BNNT piezoelectricity sufficiency being in the sequence of zigzag > chirality > armchair configurations. The length of the BNNTs was also found to influence piezoelectricity, while the strain rate had no effect. The results also indicate that BNNTs can generate power in the milliwatts range, which is adequate for low-power electronic devices and Internet of Things applications. This research provides valuable insights into the piezoelectricity of chiral nanotubes and offers guidance for designing efficient energy harvesting devices.

Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci ; 381(2250): 20220248, 2023 Jul 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37211030


We explore the mechanical and electronic response of sp2-based two-dimensional materials under in-plane compression employing first principles density functional theory-based calculations. Taking two carbon-based graphynes (α-graphyne and γ-graphyne) as example systems, we show that the structures of both two-dimensional materials are susceptible to out-of-plane buckling, which emerges for modest in-plane biaxial compression (1.5-2%). Out-of-plane buckling is found to be more energetically stable than in-plane scaling/distortion and significantly lowers the in-plane stiffness of both graphenes. The buckling also gives rise to in-plane auxetic behaviour in both two-dimensional materials. Under compression, the induced in-plane distortions and out-of-plane buckling also lead to modulations of the electronic band gap. Our work highlights the possibility of using in-plane compression to induce out-of-plane buckling in, otherwise planar, sp2-based two-dimensional materials (e.g. graphynes, graphdiynes). We suggest that controllable compression-induced buckling in planar two-dimensional materials (as opposed to two-dimensional materials, which are buckled due to sp3 hybridization) could provide a route to a new 'buckletronics' approach for tuning the mechanical and electronic properties of sp2-based systems. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Supercomputing simulations of advanced materials'.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(20): 14400-14405, 2023 May 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37184029


The use of environmental vibrations as an energy source for stimulating small-scale energy harvesting (EH) devices has received significant attention in recent years. The conversion of alternating currents (AC) to direct currents (DC) is essential to powering electronic devices effectively. This study proposes a method where hexagonal boron nitride nanoribbons and nanotubes harvest energy and rectify the output voltage simultaneously with no need for an external rectifying circuit. This is a step to eliminate the necessity of batteries for EH devices, which require a constant power supply to generate electrical energy while maintaining their nanoscale dimensions. A molecular dynamics approach was used to simulate the response of boron nitride structures to mechanical vibrations. The polarization and voltage generated under tensile and compressing strain fields were calculated, and it was demonstrated that the buckling of the nano-mechanical structures could be engineered to rectify the generated voltage. This paves the way for the design of more efficient and scalable energy harvesting devices.

J Chem Phys ; 157(21): 214704, 2022 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36511546


Graphynes can be structurally envisioned as 2D extensions to graphene, whereby linearly bonded carbon linkages increase the distance between trigonal carbon nodes. Many graphynes have been predicted to exhibit a Dirac-like semimetallic (SEM) graphenic electronic structure, which could potentially make them competitive with graphene for applications. Currently, most graphynes remain as attractive synthetic targets, and their properties are still unconfirmed. Here, we demonstrate that the electronic structure of hexagonal α-graphyne is analogous to that of biaxially strained graphene. By comparison with accurate quantum Monte Carlo results on strained graphene, we show that the relative energetic stability of electronic states in this correlated 2D system can be captured by density functional theory (DFT) calculations using carefully tailored hybrid functionals. Our tuned hybrid DFT approach confirms that α-graphyne has a low energy correlated Mott-like antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) state, which competes with the SEM state. Our work shows that the AFI-SEM crossover in α-graphyne could be tunable by in-plane biaxial strain. Applying our approach to other graphynes shows that they should also exhibit correlated AFI states, which could be dominant even at zero strain. Calculations using an onsite Coulombic repulsive term (i.e., DFT + U) also confirm the predictions of our hybrid DFT calculations. Overall, our work strongly suggests that graphynes are not as graphenic (i.e., Dirac-like) as often previously predicted by DFT calculations using standard generalized gradient approximation functionals. However, due to the greater electronic versatility (e.g., tunable semiconducting bandgaps and accessible spin polarized states) implied by our study, graphynes could have novel device applications that are complementary to those of graphene.

Sci Adv ; 7(27)2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34193427


Second sound is known as the thermal transport regime where heat is carried by temperature waves. Its experimental observation was previously restricted to a small number of materials, usually in rather narrow temperature windows. We show that it is possible to overcome these limitations by driving the system with a rapidly varying temperature field. High-frequency second sound is demonstrated in bulk natural Ge between 7 K and room temperature by studying the phase lag of the thermal response under a harmonic high-frequency external thermal excitation and addressing the relaxation time and the propagation velocity of the heat waves. These results provide a route to investigate the potential of wave-like heat transport in almost any material, opening opportunities to control heat through its oscillatory nature.

ACS Nano ; 14(6): 6845-6856, 2020 Jun 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32392038


Recent advances in nanowire synthesis have enabled the realization of crystal phases that in bulk are attainable only under extreme conditions, i.e., high temperature and/or high pressure. For group IV semiconductors this means access to hexagonal-phase SixGe1-x nanostructures (with a 2H type of symmetry), which are predicted to have a direct band gap for x up to 0.5-0.6 and would allow the realization of easily processable optoelectronic devices. Exploiting the quasi-perfect lattice matching between GaAs and Ge, we synthesized hexagonal-phase GaAs-Ge and GaAs-SixGe1-x core-shell nanowires with x up to 0.59. By combining position-, polarization-, and excitation wavelength-dependent µ-Raman spectroscopy studies with first-principles calculations, we explore the full lattice dynamics of these materials. In particular, by obtaining frequency-composition calibration curves for the phonon modes, investigating the dependence of the phononic modes on the position along the nanowire, and exploiting resonant Raman conditions to unveil the coupling between lattice vibrations and electronic transitions, we lay the grounds for a deep understanding of the phononic properties of 2H-SixGe1-x nanostructured alloys and of their relationship with crystal quality, chemical composition, and electronic band structure.

Nanoscale ; 11(34): 16007-16016, 2019 Aug 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31424472


We combine state-of-the-art Green's-function methods and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics calculations to study phonon transport across the unconventional interfaces that make up crystal-phase and twinning superlattices in nanowires. We focus on two of their most paradigmatic building blocks: cubic (diamond/zinc blende) and hexagonal (lonsdaleite/wurtzite) polytypes of the same group-IV or III-V material. Specifically, we consider InP, GaP and Si, and both the twin boundaries between rotated cubic segments and the crystal-phase boundaries between different phases. We reveal the atomic-scale mechanisms that give rise to phonon scattering in these interfaces, quantify their thermal boundary resistance and illustrate the failure of common phenomenological models in predicting those features. In particular, we show that twin boundaries have a small but finite interface thermal resistance that can only be understood in terms of a fully atomistic picture.

Sci Rep ; 6: 34039, 2016 Sep 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27669898


The erasure of a classical bit of information is a dissipative process. The minimum heat produced during this operation has been theorized by Rolf Landauer in 1961 to be equal to kBT ln2 and takes the name of Landauer limit, Landauer reset or Landauer principle. Despite its fundamental importance, the Landauer limit remained untested experimentally for more than fifty years until recently when it has been tested using colloidal particles and magnetic dots. Experimental measurements on different devices, like micro-mechanical systems or nano-electronic devices are still missing. Here we show the results obtained in performing the Landauer reset operation in a micro-mechanical system, operated at an effective temperature. The measured heat exchange is in accordance with the theory reaching values close to the expected limit. The data obtained for the heat production is then correlated to the probability of error in accomplishing the reset operation.

Nanotechnology ; 25(17): 175401, 2014 May 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24722065


We study the dynamics of h-BN monolayers by first performing ab-initio calculations of the deformation potential energy and then solving numerically a Langevine-type equation to explore their use in nonlinear vibration energy harvesting devices. An applied compressive strain is used to drive the system into a nonlinear bistable regime, where quasi-harmonic vibrations are combined with low-frequency swings between the minima of a double-well potential. Due to its intrinsic piezoelectric response, the nonlinear mechanical harvester naturally provides an electrical power that is readily available or can be stored by simply contacting the monolayer at its ends. Engineering the induced nonlinearity, a 20 nm2 device is predicted to harvest an electrical power of up to 0.18 pW for a noisy vibration of 5 pN.