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Am J Bot ; 110(3): 1-14, 2023 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36571456


PREMISE: Changes to flowering time caused by climate change could affects plant fecundity, but studies that compare the individual-level responses of phenologically distinct, co-occurring species are lacking. We assessed how variation in floral phenology affects the fecundity of individuals from three montane species with different seasonal flowering times, including in snowmelt acceleration treatments to increase variability in phenology. METHODS: We collected floral phenology and seed set data for individuals of three montane plant species (Mertensia fusiformis, Delphinium nuttallianum, Potentilla pulcherrima). To examine the drivers of seed set, we measured conspecific floral density and conducted pollen limitation experiments to isolate pollination function. We advanced the phenology of plant communities in a controlled large-scale snowmelt acceleration experiment. RESULTS: Differences in individual phenology relative to the rest of the population affected fecundity in our focal species, but effects were species-specific. For our early-season species, individuals that bloomed later than the population peak bloom had increased fecundity, while for our midseason species, simply blooming before or after the population peak increased individual fecundity. For our late-season species, blooming earlier than the population peak increased fecundity. The early and midseason species were pollen-limited, and conspecific density affected seed set only for our early-season species. CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows that variation in individual phenology affects fecundity in three phenologically distinct montane species, and that pollen limitation may be more influential than conspecific density. Our results suggest that individual-level changes in phenology are important to consider for understanding plant reproductive success.

Flores , Polinización , Flores/fisiología , Polinización/fisiología , Reproducción/fisiología , Polen , Semillas/fisiología , Estaciones del Año
Ecology ; 103(4): e3631, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35050504


Pollination is a key ecological function of most terrestrial ecosystems. Decades of research on single-trophic-level communities, particularly plant communities, have helped to build the foundation of diversity-function theory. Yet as it stands, this theory appears to be less useful for intertrophic-level functions such as pollination, as evidenced by empirical findings that are often inconsistent with theoretical expectations. In this review, we evaluate how canonical diversity-function theory has been applied to pollination function, focusing on empirical studies of the mechanisms that drive pollinator diversity-function relationships. We first identified key features of pollination function that have hampered reconciliation with current theory. We then examined terminology for mechanisms used to discuss the findings from pollinator diversity-function studies that are sometimes inconsistent with established ecological concepts. We propose a revised diversity-function framework and describe two non-canonical diversity-function mechanisms that are particularly applicable to pollination. The first, "interactive functional complementarity," was identified previously but remains overlooked. The second, a new diversity-function mechanism, "functional enhancement," occurs when pollinator diversity increases within-niche activity. Finally, we discuss experimental approaches necessary to detect diversity-function effects in pollination.

Ecosistema , Polinización , Plantas
Conserv Biol ; 36(3): e13872, 2022 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34856018


International demand for wood and other forest products continues to grow rapidly, and uncertainties remain about how animal communities will respond to intensifying resource extraction associated with woody bioenergy production. We examined changes in alpha and beta diversity of bats, bees, birds, and reptiles across wood production landscapes in the southeastern United States, a biodiversity hotspot that is one of the principal sources of woody biomass globally. We sampled across a spatial gradient of paired forest land-uses (representing pre and postharvest) that allowed us to evaluate biological community changes resulting from several types of biomass harvest. Short-rotation practices and residue removal following clearcuts were associated with reduced alpha diversity (-14.1 and -13.9 species, respectively) and lower beta diversity (i.e., Jaccard dissimilarity) between land-use pairs (0.46 and 0.50, respectively), whereas midrotation thinning increased alpha (+3.5 species) and beta diversity (0.59). Over the course of a stand rotation in a single location, biomass harvesting generally led to less biodiversity. Cross-taxa responses to resource extraction were poorly predicted by alpha diversity: correlations in responses between taxonomic groups were highly variable (-0.2 to 0.4) with large uncertainties. In contrast, beta diversity patterns were highly consistent and predictable across taxa, where correlations in responses between taxonomic groups were all positive (0.05-0.4) with more narrow uncertainties. Beta diversity may, therefore, be a more reliable and information-rich indicator than alpha diversity in understanding animal community response to landscape change. Patterns in beta diversity were primarily driven by turnover instead of species loss or gain, indicating that wood extraction generates habitats that support different biological communities.

Conservación de la Diversidad Alfa y Beta en Paisajes de Producción Maderera Resumen La demanda internacional de madera y otros productos forestales sigue creciendo rápidamente mientras permanecen las incertidumbres sobre cómo responderán las comunidades animales a la intensificación de la extracción de recursos asociada con la producción de bioenergía leñosa. Examinamos los cambios en la diversidad alfa y beta de murciélagos, abejas, aves y reptiles en los paisajes de producción maderera en el sureste de los Estados Unidos, un punto caliente de biodiversidad y una de las fuentes principales de biomasa leñosa a nivel mundial. Muestreamos a lo largo de un gradiente espacial de usos de suelo forestales emparejados (representando la pre- y postcosecha) que nos permitió evaluar los cambios en las comunidades biológicas resultantes de varios tipos de recolección de biomasa. Las prácticas de corta rotación y de eliminación de residuos después de la tala estuvieron asociadas con la reducción de la diversidad alfa (−14.1 y −13.9 especies, respectivamente) y una diversidad beta más baja (es decir, diferencia de Jaccard) entre los pares de uso de suelo (0.46 y 0.50, respectivamente), mientras que el raleo de rotación media incrementó la diversidad alfa (+3.5 especies) y beta (0.59). Durante la duración de una rotación permanente en una sola ubicación, la cosecha de biomasa generalmente derivó en menos biodiversidad. La respuesta de los taxones a la extracción de recursos estuvo muy mal pronosticada por la diversidad alfa: la correlación de las respuestas entre los grupos taxonómicos fue altamente variable (−0.2 a 0.4) con muchas incertidumbres. Como contraste, los patrones de diversidad beta fueron fuertemente coherentes y predecibles en todos los taxones, mientras que la correlación de las respuestas entre los grupos taxonómicos siempre fue positiva (0.05 a 0.4) con incertidumbres más limitadas. Por lo tanto, la diversidad beta puede ser un indicador más confiable y rico en información que la diversidad alfa para entender las respuestas de la comunidad animal a los cambios en el paisaje. Los patrones de la diversidad beta estuvieron impulsados principalmente por la rotación en lugar de la pérdida o ganancia de especies, lo que indica que la extracción de madera genera hábitats que mantienen a diferentes comunidades biológicas.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Madera , Animales , Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Bosques
Oecologia ; 197(3): 577-588, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34546496


The composition of plant-pollinator interactions-i.e., who interacts with whom in diverse communities-is highly dynamic, and we have a very limited understanding of how interaction identities change in response to perturbations in nature. One prediction from niche and diet theory is that resource niches will broaden to compensate for resource reductions driven by perturbations, yet this has not been empirically tested in plant-pollinator systems in response to real-world perturbations in the field. Here, we use a long-term dataset of floral visitation to Ipomopsis aggregata, a montane perennial herb, to test whether the breadth of its floral visitation niche (i.e., flower visitor richness) changed in response to naturally occurring drought perturbations. Fewer floral resources are available in drought years, which could drive pollinators to expand their foraging niches, thereby expanding plants' floral visitation niches. We compared two drought years to three non-drought years to analyze changes in niche breadth and community composition of floral visitors to I. aggregata, predicting broadened niche breadth and distinct visitor community composition in drought years compared to non-drought years. We found statistically significant increases in niche breadth in drought years as compared to non-drought conditions, but no statistically distinguishable changes in community composition of flower visitors. Our findings suggest that plants' floral visitation niches may exhibit considerable plasticity in response to disturbance. This may have widespread consequences for community-level stability as well as functional consequences if increased niche overlap affects pollination services.

Sequías , Polinización , Flores , Plantas
New Phytol ; 229(3): 1375-1387, 2021 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32638379


Large intraspecific functional trait variation strongly impacts many aspects of communities and ecosystems, and is the medium upon which evolution works. Yet intraspecific trait variation is inconsistent and hard to predict across traits, species and locations. We measured within-species variation in leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), branch wood density (WD), and allocation to stem area vs leaf area in branches (branch Huber value (HV)) across the aridity range of seven Australian eucalypts and a co-occurring Acacia species to explore how traits and their variances change with aridity. Within species, we found consistent increases in LMA, LDMC and WD and HV with increasing aridity, resulting in consistent trait coordination across leaves and branches. However, this coordination only emerged across sites with large climate differences. Unlike trait means, patterns of trait variance with aridity were mixed across populations and species. Only LDMC showed constrained trait variation in more xeric species and drier populations that could indicate limits to plasticity or heritable trait variation. Our results highlight that climate can drive consistent within-species trait patterns, but that patterns might often be obscured by the complex nature of morphological traits, sampling incomplete species ranges or sampling confounded stress gradients.

Ecosistema , Árboles , Australia , Fenotipo , Hojas de la Planta
Tree Physiol ; 38(5): 664-677, 2018 05 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29190366


Functional traits associated with drought resistance can be useful for predicting tree responses to a drying climate. Yet drought resistance is likely achieved through a complex combination of constitutive traits (traits expressed even in benign environments) and plastic traits (traits expressed only in response to drought). Because few studies measure multiple traits for multiple species under both well-watered and drought conditions, we often struggle to identify suites of constitutive and plastic traits indicative of drought resistance strategies. Using a greenhouse experiment, we examined nine drought resistance traits (six morphological/allocation traits plus assimilation, stomatal conductance and water-use efficiency) in well-watered and water-stressed seedlings of four Brachychiton (Malvaceae Juss.) species with ranges spanning a strong aridity gradient in east-central Australia. In benign conditions, constitutive biomass allocation was consistent with expectations, with xeric species investing more heavily in roots and stem tissue and less in leaf tissue than mesic species (P = 0.004). Under drought conditions, xeric species decreased relative biomass allocation below-ground while mesic species increased relative below-ground allocation (treatment × species interaction P = 0.0015). Relative water content of the stems was slightly higher in xeric species (P = 0.055), and remained stable during drought while decreasing in mesic species (treatment × species P = 0.001). Specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC) did not fit with expectations under either benign or water-limited conditions. Moreover, stomatal conductance and carbon assimilation were unexpectedly highest and intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi) lowest in the xeric species in benign conditions. Only under drought did the xeric species manifest higher WUEi than the mesic species (treatment × species P < 0.0001). We found that even closely related species exhibited diverse combinations of drought resistance traits. Notably, traits commonly used as proxies for drought tolerance (e.g., SLA, LDMC, well-watered WUEi) performed more poorly than constitutive allocation traits. This study highlights the need to consider multiple traits and phenotypic plasticity when assessing species' drought resistance for forest management in the face of climate change.

Sequías , Rasgos de la Historia de Vida , Malvaceae/anatomía & histología , Malvaceae/fisiología , Australia , Hojas de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Hojas de la Planta/fisiología , Raíces de Plantas/anatomía & histología , Raíces de Plantas/fisiología , Tallos de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Tallos de la Planta/fisiología , Plantones/anatomía & histología , Plantones/fisiología , Especificidad de la Especie