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Curr Health Sci J ; 45(2): 185-189, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31624646


Renal cell clear cell carcinomas (ccRCC) represent 75% of the malignant renal neoplasias. A critical molecular characteristic in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is the loss of E-cadherin expression, as well as the epithelial-mesenchymal transcription factors, one of the most important of which is Snail. In the current study, we analyzed the immunoexpression of the two markers in 46 cases of clear cell renal cell carcinomas, with reference to the most important prognosis histopathological factors. Our results indicated significant associations between the overexpression of Snail, under expression of E-cadherin and high Fuhrman grade. E-cadherin immunoexpression was high in incipient tumoral stages, and Snail was overexpressed in advanced tumoral stages of ccRCC. Our study supports the importance of this antibody panel in the prognosis of ccRCC.

Curr Health Sci J ; 45(2): 204-209, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31624649


Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a fundamental process which governs invasiveness. E-cadherin plays a major role in development, organogenesis and tissue formation, but also in tumor progression. Snail is a transcription factor described as a direct repressor of E-cadherin during development and in carcinogenesis. In this study we analyzed E-cadherin and Snail immunoexpression in 47 cases of colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRC) in comparison with some histopathological prognostic factors. The majority of cases were G2 tumors in stages II and III, with vascular and perineural invasion. All cases showed positive cytoplasmic signal for E-cadherin and Snail. E-cadherin reactions were intense with the highest composite score (CS) values in CRC G1. CS values of E-cadherin decreased with the advancement in tumor stage and the association with vascular and perineural invasion was statistically significant. Snail immunoreaction was intense with the highest values of CS in CRC G3, being more evident with the increase of tumor staging, aspect which was statistically significant. CS and Snail association demonstrated a statistically significant aspect related to vascular invasion. We found a negative linear correlation of E-cadherin and Snail expression. The obtained results indicate the implication of Snail and E-cadherin in EMT of CRC, aspect which is useful in the evaluation and stratification of patients with CRC for the targeted specific therapy.

Curr Health Sci J ; 45(1): 42-46, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31297261


Low grade ovarian serous carcinomas (LGSC) are rare tumors, representing only a small part of all ovarian carcinomas. The study included six LGSC cases for which we followed the clinical-epidemiological and morphological parameters depending on the tumoral stages. The tumors corresponded to stage I in four cases, in one case to stage II and in another case to stage III. The majority of the analyzed histopathological parameters were present in all tumoral stages. The accuracy of the diagnostic and the correct staging of the LGSC affected patients is very important, because the grade and stage of the serous ovarian tumors impose the therapy and the prognosis.

Curr Health Sci J ; 45(1): 73-78, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31297266


Histopathological changes associated with dilated cardiomyopathy (CMD) are frequently nonspecific and often only present in the terminal stage of the disease. The study followed the histopathological and morphometric quantification of fibrosis and nuclear pleomorphism in CMD. We analyzed left ventricle myocardial fragments harvested during autopsy, from 35 cases with clinical diagnosis of CMD and 5 cases of normal myocardium. Fibrosis was present in all CMD cases, with higher values compared with control cases. Nuclear pleomorphism was identified in 18 cases (45%), two of the analyzed parameters, respectively the ratio of nuclear diameters and roundness of nucleus, revealing significant differences in CMD compared to the control cases. Myocardial fibrosis present in all cases of CMD represents a major feature of the disease. The nuclear pleomorphism due to the nuclei change in diameters and size was more pronounced in the vicinity of fibrosis areas, possibly related to this alteration.

Curr Health Sci J ; 45(4): 383-389, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32110440


Urothelial papillary lesions of urinary bladder are frequent lesions in medical practice and sometimes difficult to be histopathologically classified. In this study were included 179 urothelial papillary lesions, represented by low grade non-invasive urothelial carcinomas (LGNIUC), papillary urothelial neoplasms of low malignant potential (PUNLMP) and urothelial papillomas (UP), for which the architectural and cytological histopathological parameters were analyzed in order to determine their usefulness for the classification of lesions. For each parameter, an aggressivity score was set, the sum representing the composite histological score (CHS) for each case. The increase of urothelial thickness, the papillae fusion, the loss of cellular polarity, loss of basal cell palisading and absence of umbelliform cells were commonly associated with diffuse pattern in LGNIUC, were focal/absent in PUNLMP and absent in UP. The nuclear hypertrophy and hyperchromasia, the nucleoli presence and mitotic activity were specific for LGNIUC, rarely associated with PUNLMP and absent/low in UP. CHS values for the three categories of analyzed lesions were superior statistically significant in LGNIUC compared to PUNLMP and UP. The mitotic index and the thickness of cytological atypical epithelial layers support the parameters utility as reproducible criteria for the differentiation of papillary urothelial tumors.

Curr Health Sci J ; 44(4): 356-361, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31123612


Ovarian serous carcinomas have a very large spectrum of growth patterns that contrast with the most primitive ovarian carcinomas, in which the morphology varies very much less. Serous carcinomas growth patterns include papillary and glandular aspects, but also cribriform, solid, microcystic and trabecular, some being common to the both high- and low-grade types of ovarian serous carcinomas, others being distinct. The study included 45 cases of ovarian serous carcinomas out of which five cases with low grade and 40 cases with high grade. High grade serous carcinomas were associated with mixed growth patterns, with large complex papillae, glands with irregular shape lined by stratified epithelia, often with areas of extended necrosis. In the case of low grade ovarian carcinomas we observed the association with more uniform growth patterns, micropapillary or glandular, the presence of optically empty slit-like spaces, psammoma bodies, the absence of necrosis and the association with a borderline or benign component. The recognition of the common histopathological aspects, allows a more accurate diagnosis of the ovarian serous carcinoma types and subtypes, which has a great importance in the actual era of personalized therapy.

Curr Health Sci J ; 44(2): 166-171, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30746165


Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) are malignant tumors with particular biological prognosis and behavior, and the biomolecular investigation of these lesions can provide important therapeutic targets for epithelial neoplasia. In this study we analyzed the immunoexpression of transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGFß3) and its receptor type III (TGFßRIII) for 53 cases of BCC in relation to the main histopathological prognostic parameters. The results indicated statistically significant differences of TGFß3 and TGFßRIII expression related to histological type and lesion stage, the both proteins being higher expressed in adenoid and morpheaform advanced stage tumors. In this study, TGFß3 and TGFßRIII immunoexpression analysis indicated their utility for identifying aggressive BCCs with potential for tumor progression.

Curr Health Sci J ; 44(2): 147-150, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30746162


The majority of colorectal carcinomas are adenocarcinomas derived from the colic mucosae cell, more frequently moderately differentiated. The purpose of this study was to determine de incidence of CRC and the relationship between histopathological risk factors in patients with colic adenocarcinomas. The study included 144 cases of CRC diagnosed within the Pathology Laboratory of the Clinical County Hospital of Craiova in the year 2017.The biological material consisted in samples from colectomies and hemicolectomies provided from patients admitted within the surgical clinics of the same hospital, then fixed with 10% buffered formalin and afterwards processed using the classic histopathological technique of paraffin inclusion and staining with hematoxylin and eosin. We observed certain histopathological parameters such as: pattern, grading, stage, vascular invasion and neural invasion. The mean age of diagnostic was 68.6 ± 11.2, and it was predominantly male patients (64.6%). Most cases presented with mucinous pattern (31.9%) and cribriform comedocarcinoma type (29.9%). The majority were classified as stage III B (34%), being moderately differentiated (64.6%) and associated with vascular invasion (47.2%) and perineural invasion (25.7%). Statistical analysis indicated significant relationships between tumor stage and differentiation grade (p<0.01, χ²test), as well as between tumor stage and vascular invasion (p<0.05, χ²test), without including perineural invasion (p<0.05, χ²test).

Curr Health Sci J ; 44(3): 201-205, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30647938


Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC) are the most frequent type of renal cell carcinoma. Fuhrman grade and tumor stage are prognostic factors with great importance in survival rate. This study was performed on 75 cases of CCRCC diagnosed by the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of the County Clinical Emergency Hospital of Craiova between 2014 and 2017. The biological material was represented by pieces of nephrectomy. The cases were analyzed on two criteria: epidemiology (age, sex) and histopathology (Fuhrman grade, tumor stage, architectural pattern, sarcomatoid transformation, and necrosis). Statistical analysis was done using Chi Square tests in IBM SPSS software. Average diagnosis age of CCRCC was 58.8±10.2 years, predominantly in male patients (66.7%). Tumor sizes were between 2 and 14cm, with an average of 6.7±2.9cm. Most cases were determined to be tumor stage III (60%) and Fuhrman grade 2 (56%), followed, in order of frequency, by tumor stages I and II (28% and 10.7%) and Fuhrman grades 3 and 1 (21.3% and 20%). High Fuhrman grade CCRCC were significantly associated with advanced tumor stage (p<0.05, χ2 test). Most cases presented a mixed pattern, significantly associated with advanced tumor stages (p<0.05, χ2 test). Even though the presence of sarcomatoid transformation was more frequent in advanced tumor stages, it wasn't significantly linked to them (p<0.05, χ2 test). Conclusions: Analyzed histopathological parameters are useful for determining CCRCC aggressiveness. CCRCC in advanced tumor stages is associated with high Fuhrman grade and mixed architectural pattern.

Curr Health Sci J ; 44(3): 211-224, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30647940


Tongue squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most commonly diagnosed intraoral squamous cell carcinomas (25-40%), being considered an aggressive form of squamous cell carcinoma, as it is most commonly associated with lymph node metastases and the survival rate at five years is below 50%. In according with these data, we have proposed in this study to individualize an epidemiological and histopathological profile of the patients with such oral cancers, diagnosed and treated in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic and in the Otolaryngology Surgery Clinic of the Emergency Clinical County Hospital Craiova, between 2015-2017. The cases were histopathologically reassessed according to the latest WHO classification of head and neck tumors, the variables of interest being the age of the patients, the gender, the lesion topography, the histological subtype, the degree of tumor differentiation, the pTNM stage, the resection margin status and the Brandwein-Gensler prognostic score. Thus, we recorded an average age of 55.81±14.98 tongue cancer development, 65% of the casuistry being diagnosed during the 7th and 6th decades, with a slight prevalence in men, with development in two thirds of cases in the mobile portion of the tongue. Histopathologically, conventional forms of squamous cell carcinoma prevailed (53.7%), followed by varieties: acantholytic (26%), basaloid (13%), sarcomatoid (5.45%) and verrucous (1.85%). Moderate differentiated forms prevailed (44.44%), half of the cases falling within the moderate degree of Brandwein-Gensler's histological risk score and two thirds were diagnosed in pTNM stage II and III of the disease, and a quarter of the cases having the margins invaded.

Curr Health Sci J ; 44(1): 55-60, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30622756


Basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) represent one of the most common human neoplasias. The excellent prognosis of the diagnosed early lesions and the low metastasis rate are particularities that required the investigation of the mechanisms of carcinogenesis on these lesions. In this study we analyzed the proliferation rate for 53 cases of BCC in relation to the clinicopathological parameters of the lesions using Ki67, considered a true indicator of cellular proliferation. The results indicated statistically significant differences in Ki67 immunoexpression related to histological type and lesion stage. The highest Ki67 values were observed in the adenoid and morpheaform subtypes, and in advanced tumor stages. This aspects may be useful for stratification of lesions in terms of tumor aggressiveness.

Curr Health Sci J ; 43(3): 226-230, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30595880


Actinic keratosis is a precancerous lesion of the skin with variable rates of transformation into non-melanocytic carcinomas. The present study aims to analyze p21 expression in actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous carcinomas. P21 expression analysis revealed a positive reaction in 63 (71.4%) of the investigated cases. The immunostaining analysis revealed positivity in 82.1% of the studied actinic keratosis cases and in 43.9% of the investigated carcinomas. High scores of immunoreactions were identified only for the well-differentiated and for the carcinomas in initial stages. Association of p21 expression with pre-invasive or well-differentiated invasive lesions in early stages of tumor progression suggests that p21 may be an early event in squamous carcinogenesis.

Curr Health Sci J ; 43(3): 241-245, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30595883


CD44 seems to confer the needed conditions for malignant neoplasms to grow and progress. The present study aims to investigate the role of CD44 expression in pre-invasive and invasive squamous lesions of the skin. We investigated 89 cases of preinvasive and invasive cutaneous lesions, of which 28 corresponded to actinic keratosis (KIN- keratinocyte intraepithelial neoplasia) with varying degrees of severity and 61 cases of squamous cell carcinoma with variable degrees of differentiation. The statistical analysis of CD44 immunoexpression indicated significantly higher values for KIN I and II compared to KIN III, as well as for KIN lesions in comparison with squamous cell carcinomas. Similar results were observed in well differentiated carcinomas compared to moderate and poorly differentiated lesions. These observations suggest that CD44 expression plays a role in the progression of cutaneous squamous neoplasia.

Curr Health Sci J ; 43(4): 325-329, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30595897


p53 is a marker described in the premalignant lesions with a high risk of malignant transformation for laryngeal cancer. It is a tumor suppressor gene that during the cancer gains also oncogenic activity. We aimed to study the p53 immunoexpression in 38 cases of laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas and the relation with the clinicopathological aspects. We obtained variable p53 expression regarding the differentiation degree and tumor stage. The higher p53 immunotaining values were observed in high grade and advanced stages lesions. P53 may be useful in identifying aggresive laryngeal squamous carcinomas, a useful aspect for better stratification of patients for therapy.

Curr Health Sci J ; 43(4): 340-344, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30595900


Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a tyrosine kinase molecule associated to the initial stages of neoplastic transformation. High expression of EGFR is connected to aggressive tumor behavior and high risk of metastasis and treatment failure. The aim of our study was to analyze the immunohistochemical expression of EGFR in 38 cases of laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas depending on clinicopathological parameters related to prognosis. The EGFR immunoreactions have statistical significant higher values in high grade carcinomas. Although the EGFR values were superior in advanced stages lesions, the aspect was not significant EGFR may be useful in identifying the aggressive laryngeal squamous carcinomas.

Curr Health Sci J ; 42(2): 139-144, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30568824


The purpose of our study was to determine the incidence and the relationship between prognostic factors (age at diagnosis, pTNM stage, histological grade, lymph vascular and myometrium invasion) in patients with endometrial carcinoma. We evaluated in terms of diagnosis 50 cases of endometrial carcinomas that were hospitalized during 2011-2014 in the Obstetrics, Gynecology and Surgery clinics of the Emergency County Hospital Craiova. The procedure consisted in fixation in 10% buffered formalin, followed by processing with usual technique of paraffin embedding and finally staining in hematoxylin and eosin. The histological analysis of the 50 endometrial carcinomas revealed well-differentiated carcinomas (G1) in 24 cases (48%), moderately differentiated carcinomas (G2) in 17 cases (34%) and poorly differentiated carcinomas (G3) in further 9 cases (18%).The myometrium invasion was present in the internal half of the myometrium in 12 internal cases (24%) and in the external half of myometrium in further 36 cases (72%). In 2 cases (4%) the myometrium invasion was absent. We achieved significant association between histological grade and invasion of myometrium, also between histological grade and lymphovascular invasion, as well as tumor stage and myometrium invasion. We are also able to report significant association between lymphovascular invasion and tumor stage or tumor stage and presence of lymph nodes. The results of this study emphasize the importance of pathological parameters as prognostic factors in endometrial carcinoma.

Curr Health Sci J ; 42(2): 145-150, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30568825


Dental caries represent a chronic disease of high prevalence for the human body and is produced by the interaction of a number of predisposing factors throughout the time. Specialized studies in recent years have made some progress with regard of complex interacting factors in the process of developing dental caries in children, but due to the plurifactorial nature of the disease it seems that there is still much to be studied regarding the start, progress and prevention of tooth decay.The aim of the study was to determine the risk of tooth decay in children aged 4 to 6 years in Craiova and the relationship of the main etiopathogenic cariogenic factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included a total of 101 children of both sexes, aged 4-6 years, from two kindergartens in Craiova. They filled out questionnaires about food and oral hygiene habits and after that the study protocol included visual clinical examination in according to WHO methodology; determination of dmft index with the analysis of dt, mt and ft component The results were recorded in personal files and were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: The results of our study were consistent with data from the literature of recent years. So, the highest value of the dmft index (2.52) was at the age group of 6. CONCLUSIONS: The most significant contribution to the values of carious experience is the number of teeth affected by caries at the expense of obturated ones.

Curr Health Sci J ; 42(4): 359-364, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30581590


The aim of our study was to test the feasibility of a new developed RFA probe made especially for EUS use and also capable of injecting iron oxide nanoparticles within the targeted liver area. The procedures were performed on domestic pigs, divided in groups: A.liver RFA was performed; B -IONs were injected in the liver followed by EUS-RFA in the same area; C.local EUS-guided liver IONs injection were performed. After EUS measurements for the ablation areas, group A had a mean of 4.9 cm, while group B had a mean of 5.2 cm (Fig.3, 4). IONs exposure was on a median area of 3.1 cm. EUS imaging pointed out a regular oval shape in group A, and a slightly irregular outline on group B, with more echo bubbles around. MRI sections revealed different patterns for each group separately. In group A and B, RFA lesions were easily identified with specific liver parenchyma changes. Group B revealed few deposits of nanoparticles further away from the targeted point. The last group pointed out a large amount of IONs within the injection region and a larger amount of dispersed IONs within the liver than group B.

Curr Health Sci J ; 41(2): 135-144, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30364892


The number of partially and completely edentulous patients requiring removable prosthetic treatment has increased constantly and denture wearers often have an associated oral status pathology. The purpose of this article is to present removable prosthetic treatment options that we chose for the extended partially edentulous and completely edentulous patients who required prosthetic rehabilitation treatment. We conducted this study on 52 extended partially edentulous and completely edentulous patients. We recorded in the examination chart the characteristics of the mucosal membrane covering the denture supporting structure and the peripheral structures and we performed a statistical analysis using Microsoft Excel. The prosthetic treatment phases were individualized according to morphological characteristics of the oral mucosal substrate.

Curr Health Sci J ; 41(2): 126-134, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30364917


Oral squamous cells carcinoma (OSCC) mortality rate ranges between 29-40/100,000 inhabitants. Regional lymph node metastases occur in 30-40% cases and are associated with unfavorable prognosis and decreased survival. Recentely it was suggested that the tumor-associated lymphatic vessels formation plays an active role in metastasis proces of several human malignancies, including OSCC. In the present study we investigated comparatively podoplanin immunoexpression in OSCC in both the tumor cells and lymphatic vessels reported to clinicopathological prognostic parameters. Material and methods The study included a total of 25 cases of OSCC. We investigated clinico-pathological parameters as age, gender, tumor site, and degree of differentiation, size and depth of invasion (pT), lymph node status (pN). Histologic classification was done according to the WHO criteria. For immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis we used podoplanin (Dako, clone D2-40). As visualization system it was used LSAB2 (Dako, Redox, Romania, code K0675) and chromogen DAB (Dako, Redox, Romania, code K3468). Negative controls were obtained by omitting the primary antibodies. IHC quantification was done intensity score and by lymphatic microdensity (LVD), intratumoral and on the advancing edge. For the statistical analysis we used Student's t-tests, ANOVA, chi square and Pearson, using SPSS 10 software. Results Podoplanin immunoexpression in tumor parenchyma presented with an average of 43%, varying intensity. We found a higher intensity in weak and moderately differentiated SCC then in well differentiated ones and no difference intratumoral aand advancing edge. In relation to the degree of tumor differentiation the mean LVD D2-40 was higher in the advancing edge. SCC who presented lymph node metastasis mean values for LVD D2-4 was higher then at advancing edge and higher than those of non-metastatic carcinomas. Conclusions Podoplanin immunoexpresion suggests the involvement both in tumor growth and the acquisition of an lymphangiogenic phenotype invasive by autocrine mechanisms.