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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(17): 176702, 2024 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38728708


We formulate a Landau theory for altermagnets, a class of collinear compensated magnets with spin-split bands. Starting from the nonrelativistic limit, this Landau theory goes beyond a conventional analysis by including spin-space symmetries, providing a simple framework for understanding the key features of this family of materials. We find a set of multipolar secondary order parameters connecting existing ideas about the spin symmetries of these systems, their order parameters, and the effect of nonzero spin-orbit coupling. We account for several features of canonical altermagnets such as RuO_{2}, MnTe, and CuF_{2} that go beyond symmetry alone, relating the order parameter to key observables such as magnetization, anomalous Hall conductivity, and magnetoelastic and magneto-optical probes. Finally, we comment on generalizations of our framework to a wider family of exotic magnetic systems derived from the zero spin-orbit coupled limit.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(18): 186702, 2023 Nov 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37977642


Linear spin wave theory (LSWT) is the standard technique to compute the spectra of magnetic excitations in quantum materials. In this Letter, we show that LSWT, even under ordinary circumstances, may fail to implement the symmetries of the underlying ordered magnetic Hamiltonian leading to spurious degeneracies. In common with pseudo-Goldstone modes in cases of quantum order by disorder these degeneracies tend to be lifted by magnon-magnon interactions. We show how, instead, the correct symmetries may be restored at the level of LSWT. In the process we give examples, supported by nonperturbative matrix product based time evolution calculations, where symmetry dictates topological features but where LSWT fails to implement them. We also comment on possible spin split magnons in MnF_{2} and similar rutiles by analogy to recently proposed altermagnets.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(20): 206702, 2023 May 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37267554


Magnetically ordered materials tend to support bands of coherent propagating spin wave, or magnon, excitations. Topologically protected surface states of magnons offer a new path toward coherent spin transport for spintronics applications. In this work we explore the variety of topological magnon band structures and provide insight into how to efficiently identify topological magnon bands in materials. We do this by adapting the topological quantum chemistry approach that has used constraints imposed by time reversal and crystalline symmetries to enumerate a large class of topological electronic bands. We show how to identify physically relevant models of gapped magnon band topology by using so-called decomposable elementary band representations, and in turn discuss how to use symmetry data to infer the presence of exotic symmetry enforced nodal topology.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(6): 066701, 2023 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36827566


Probing two-dimensional single-layer quantum magnets remains a significant challenge. In this Letter, we propose exploiting tunneling spectroscopy in the presence of magnetic impurities to obtain information about the magnon dispersion relations in analogy to quasiparticle interference in nonmagnetic materials. We show that this technique can be used to establish the dispersion relations even for frustrated magnets, where the presence of an impurity generally leads to a nontrivial spin texture. Finally, we consider the problem of establishing Chern magnon bands in 2D magnets showing how tunable impurities allow one to probe the nature of the surface states.

Phys Rev E ; 105(1-1): 014109, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35193274


Eigenstates of local many-body interacting systems that are far from spectral edges are thought to be ergodic and close to being random states. This is consistent with the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and volume-law scaling of entanglement. We point out that systematic departures from complete randomness are generically present in midspectrum eigenstates, and focus on the departure of the entanglement entropy from the random-state prediction. We show that the departure is (partly) due to spatial correlations and due to orthogonality to the eigenstates at the spectral edge, which imposes structure on the midspectrum eigenstates.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(7): 070601, 2019 Feb 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30848639


The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) is one of the cornerstones of contemporary quantum statistical mechanics. The extent to which ETH holds for nonlocal operators is an open question that we partially address in this Letter. We report on the construction of highly nonlocal operators, behemoths, that are building blocks for various kinds of local and nonlocal operators. The behemoths have a singular distribution and width w∼D^{-1} (D being the Hilbert space dimension). From there, one may construct local operators with the ordinary Gaussian distribution and w∼D^{-1/2} in agreement with ETH. Extrapolation to even larger widths predicts sub-ETH behavior of typical nonlocal operators with w∼D^{-δ}, 0<δ<1/2. This operator construction is based on a deep analogy with random matrix theory and shows striking agreement with numerical simulations of nonintegrable many-body systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(23): 237201, 2018 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30576168


In systems with competing interactions, continuous degeneracies can appear which are accidental, in that they are not related to any symmetry of the Hamiltonian. Accordingly, the pseudo-Goldstone modes associated with these degeneracies are also unprotected. Indeed, through a process known as "order-by-quantum disorder," quantum zero-point fluctuations can lift the degeneracy and induce a gap for these modes. We show that this gap can be exactly computed at leading order in 1/S in spin-wave theory from the mean curvature of the classical and quantum zero-point energies-without the need to consider any spin-wave interactions. We confirm this equivalence through direct calculations of the spin-wave spectrum to O(1/S^{2}) in a wide variety of theoretically and experimentally relevant quantum spin models. We prove this equivalence through the use of an exact sum rule that provides the required mixing of different orders of 1/S. Finally, we discuss some implications for several leading order-by-quantum-disorder candidate materials, clarifying the expected pseudo-Goldstone gap sizes in Er_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7} and Ca_{3}Fe_{2}Ge_{3}O_{12}.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(18): 187202, 2011 May 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21635123


Paramagnetic correlations in the magnetic material Yb(2)Ti(2)O(7) have been investigated via neutron scattering, revealing a [111] rod of scattering intensity. Assuming interactions between the Yb(3+) ions composed of all symmetry-allowed nearest neighbor exchange interactions and long-range dipolar interactions, we construct a model Hamiltonian that allows for an excellent description of the neutron scattering data. Our results provide compelling evidence for significant anisotropic exchange interactions in an insulating magnetic pyrochlore oxide. We also compute the real space correlations leading to the [111] rod of scattering.