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Virus Res ; 241: 203-212, 2017 09 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28549856


Southeastern states namely Georgia, Florida, and Alabama produce two-thirds of the peanuts in the United States. Thrips-transmitted Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), which causes spotted wilt disease, has been a major impediment to peanut production for the past three decades. The cultivars grown in the 1980s were extremely susceptible to TSWV. Early yield losses extended to tens of millions of dollars each year (up to 100% loss in many fields). This situation led to the creation of an interdisciplinary team known as "SWAT: Spotted Wilt Action Team". Initial efforts focused on risk mitigation using a combination of chemical and cultural management practices along with a strong investment in breeding programs. Beginning in the mid 1990s, cultivars with field resistance were developed and integrated with cultural and chemical management options. A Risk Mitigation Index (Peanut Rx) was made available to growers to assess risks, and provide options for mitigating risks such as planting field resistant cultivars with in-furrow insecticides, planting after peak thrips incidence, planting in twin rows, and increasing seeding rates. These efforts helped curtail losses due to spotted wilt. The Peanut Rx continues to be refined every year based on new research findings. Breeding efforts, predominantly in Georgia and Florida, continue to develop cultivars with incremental field resistance. The present-day cultivars (third-generation TSWV-resistant cultivars released after 2010) possess substantially greater field resistance than second-generation (cultivars released from 2000 to 2010) and first-generation (cultivars released from 1994 to 2000) TSWV resistant cultivars. Despite increased field resistance, these cultivars are not immune to TSWV and succumb under high thrips and TSWV pressure. Therefore, field resistant cultivars cannot serve as a 'stand-alone' option and have to be integrated with other management options. The mechanism of resistance is also unknown in field resistant cultivars. Recent research in our laboratory evaluated field resistant cultivars against thrips and TSWV. Results revealed that some resistant cultivars suppressed thrips feeding and development, and they accumulated fewer viral copies than susceptible cultivars. Transcriptomes developed with the aid of Next Generation Sequencing revealed differential gene expression patterns following TSWV infection in susceptible than field resistant cultivars. Results revealed that the upregulation of transcripts pertaining to constitutive and induced plant defense proteins in TSWV resistant cultivars was more robust over susceptible cultivars. On the flipside, the long-term effects of using such resistant cultivars on TSWV were assessed by virus population genetics studies. Initial results suggest lack of positive selection pressure on TSWV, and that the sustainable use of resistant cultivars is not threatened. Follow up research is being conducted. Improvements in TSWV management have enhanced sustainability and contributed to increased yields from <2800kg/ha before 1995 to ∼5000kg/ha in 2015.

Arachis/genética , Arachis/virología , Resistencia a la Enfermedad/genética , Insectos Vectores/virología , Enfermedades de las Plantas/economía , Thysanoptera/virología , Tospovirus/crecimiento & desarrollo , Animales , Enfermedades de las Plantas/virología , Riesgo
Plant Dis ; 99(6): 836-841, 2015 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30699534


The best method to quantitatively determine populations of Rhizoctonia in soil from soybean fields undergoing rice and soybean rotations was determined for use in a large-scale spatial study to be done over multiple fields and years. The methods evaluated were the toothpick-baiting method, the multiple-pellet soil sampler, and the pour-plate method using elutriated organic matter from soil or surface residue. The toothpick-baiting method was calibrated using the multiple-pellet soil sampler and determined to assay an approximate soil volume of 15.43 cm3. The radius of isolation with the toothpick-baiting technique was approximately 1 cm. In 2009 and 2010, the toothpick method was determined to be the most reliable method for assaying soils, with the most isolates across space and greater recovery of Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA, R. solani AG11, and R. oryzae, the major Rhizoctonia spp. in these fields, when quantified as propagules per volume of soil or organic matter. In 2011, the recovery of these three groups of Rhizoctonia did not differ statistically when the toothpick-baiting method was compared with the multiple-pellet soil sampler after the volume of soil assayed by the pellet sampler was increased to be similar to that of the toothpick method. However, the labor involved in assaying a similar volume of soil with the multiple-pellet soil sampler was limiting for a large-scale spatial study. The toothpick-baiting method was preferred over the other methods because it was determined to be thorough, inexpensive, nondestructive, and rapid. Additionally, the use of the toothpick-baiting method allows for the determination of the depth of inoculum of isolated fungi for intact soil cores. The mean depth of activity of R. solani AG1-IA, R. solani AG11, and R. oryzae was 1.15, 1.55, and 1.47 cm respectively.

J Nematol ; 46(4): 309-20, 2014 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25580023


Variability in edaphic factors such as clay content, organic matter, and nutrient availability within individual fields is a major obstacle confronting cotton producers. Adaptation of geospatial technologies such global positioning systems (GPS), yield monitors, autosteering, and the automated on-and-off technology required for site-specific nematicide application has provided growers with additional tools for managing nematodes. Multiple trials in several states were conducted to evaluate this technology in cotton. In a field infested with Meloidogyne spp., both shallow (0 to 0.3 m) and deep (0 to 0.91 m) apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) readings were highly correlated with sand content. Populations of Meloidogyne spp. were present when shallow and deep EC values were less than 30 and 90 mS/m, respectively. Across three years of trials in production fields in which verification strips (adjacent nematicide treated and untreated rows across all soil zones) were established to evaluate crop response to nematicide application, deep EC values from 27.4-m wide transects of verification strips were more predictive of yield response to application of 1,3-dichloropropene than were shallow EC values in one location and both ECa values equally effective at predicting responses at the second location. In 2006, yields from entire verification strips across three soil zones in four production fields showed that nematicide response was greatest in areas with the lowest EC values indicating highest content of sand. In 2008 in Ashley and Mississippi Counties, AR, nematicide treatment by soil zone resulted in 36% and 42% reductions in the amount of nematicide applied relative to whole-field application. In 2007 in Bamberg County, SC, there was a strong positive correlation between increasing population densities of Meloidogyne incognita and increasing sand content. Trials conducted during 2007 and 2009 in South Carolina against Hoplolaimus columbus showed a stepwise response to increasing rates of aldicarb in zone 1 but not in zones 2 and 3. Site-specific application of nematicides has been shown to be a viable option for producers as a potential management tool against several nematode pathogens of cotton.

Plant Dis ; 94(9): 1168, 2010 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30743703


Thielaviopsis basicola (Berk. & Broome) Ferraris (synonym Chalara elegans Nag Raj & Kendrick) is a soilborne plant-pathogenic fungus reported in many parts of the world. In Arkansas, T. basicola is found commonly in cotton fields (4). This fungus colonizes cortical tissue of seedlings under cool wet conditions, causing a dark brown or black discoloration of the roots and hypocotyls, resulting in stunted, slow-developing plants (4). In 2008, large areas of stunted soybean plants with shortened internodes were reported in a field in Phillips County, AR, where cotton had previously been produced. Soybean was planted in this field in early April when cool soil temperatures (~21 to 24°C) prevailed. Soybean plants at the v3 to v5 growth stages were observed to have extensive areas of black cortical root necrosis. Plant samples were collected and roots were excised, washed, and surface disinfested in a 10% NaOCl solution. Root segments were incubated on the carrot-based selective medium TB-CEN (3). T. basicola was isolated from incubated segments after 2 weeks at 21°C in the dark. Chlamydospore chains (44.8 to 56.0 × 8.4 to 11.2 µm) consisting of an average of six spores and endoconidia (8 to 30 × 3 to 5 µm) were observed with a compound microscope. In addition to plant tissue, soil was assayed and confirmed to be positive for T. basicola by the pour plate technique (3) with the medium TB-CEN. Greenhouse trials were conducted to confirm field observations. Soil from the Phillips County field was sterilized and reinfested with 100 CFU of chlaymdospore suspension per gram (dry weight) of soil. Fifty soybean seeds (cv. Schillinger 457) were planted in infested and sterilized soil and grown for 29 days. Results showed that 38% of plants germinated and survived in the T. basicola-infested soil compared with 71% in the sterile soil treatment. Fifteen of the nineteen plants that survived in the infested soil were positive for T. basicola, while all plants in the sterilized soil were negative for the fungus. Soybean has previously been reported to be a host of T. basicola worldwide, but North American reports have been confined to Canada and Michigan, where cool soil temperatures persist for longer periods during the early part of the growing season (1,2). To our knowledge, this is the first report of T. basicola being important in the growth of soybean in warmer latitudes where the pathogen has been observed frequently on cotton and tobacco. In areas where cotton has historically suffered seedling damage from T. basicola, black root rot may become important on soybean as production of the latter crop increases. Since the initial field observation and confirmation in 2008, multiple soybean fields in 10 Arkansas counties have been documented with black root rot, with an estimated 5 to 30% of plants in each field infected. References: (1) T. R. Anderson. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 6:71, 1984. (2) J. L. Lockwood et al. Plant Dis. Rep. 54:849, 1970. (3) L. P. Specht and G. J. Griffin. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 7:438, 1985. (4) N. R. Walker et al. Phytopathology 89:613, 1999.

J Nematol ; 40(3): 161-6, 2008 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19440255


Rotylenchulus reniformis was first detected in a single grid (100 m(2)) in May 2001 in a cotton field in Ashley County, AR, that was being utilized to evaluate the utility of grid-sampling for detection of Meloidogyne incognita. A total of 512 grids were sampled in the 6-ha field in the spring and fall for four years (2001 - 2004), nematode populations were determined for each grid, and nematode population density maps were constructed utilizing Global Positioning Systems and Geographic Information Systems. In May 2001, R. reniformis population density in the single grid where it was detected was 6,364 juveniles and adult reniform nematodes/500 cm(3) soil. By the end of the first year (October 2001), the nematode was found in 17 of the 512 plots with population densities ranging from 682 to 10,909 nematodes/500 cm(3) soil. Over the course of the 4-yr period, reniform nematode incidence increased to 107 of 512 plots, with population density ranging from 227 to 32,727 nematodes/500 cm(3) soil. Reniform nematode spread could be explained by the direction of tillage and water flow in the low end of the field. Highest population densities were observed in the areas of the field with soil types ranging from 54% to 60% silt fraction. In addition to R. reniformis, Meloidogyne incognita was commonly detected in many of the grids, and Tylenchorhynchus spp., Helicotylenchus spp., Paratrichodorus minor and Hoplolaimus magnistylus were detected occasionally.

J Nematol ; 39(1): 1-8, 2007 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19259468


The effect of various edaphic factors on Meloidogyne incognita population densities and cotton yield were evaluated from 2001 to 2003 in a commercial cotton field in southeastern Arkansas. The 6.07-ha field was subdivided into 512 plots (30.5 m x 3.9 m), and each plot was sampled for M. incognita prior to fumigation (Ppre), at planting (Pi), at peak bloom (Pm) and at harvest (Pf) each year. Soil texture (percent sand fraction) and the pre-plant soil fertility levels each year were determined from each plot. To ensure that a range of nematode population densities was available for study, 1,3-dichloropropene was applied in strips (3.9-m wide) at rates of 14.1, 29.2 and 42.2 liter/ha (128 plots each) each year 2 wk prior to planting. Data were evaluated using both stepwise and multiple regression analyses to determine relationships among edaphic factors, nematode population densities and yield. Although Pi and the percent sand fraction of the soil were the most important factors in explaining the variation in cotton yield, regression models only accounted for <26% of the variation in yield. When the same data were evaluated on a more homogeneous large-scale platform based on similar geographic locations, soil types and nematicide treatments, regression models that included both Pi and sand content explained 65%, 86% and 83% of the variability in yield for 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively. Prediction profiles of the combined effects also demonstrated that damage potential for M. incognita on cotton in this study varied by soil texture.

J Nematol ; 38(2): 245-9, 2006 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19259454


The efficacy of abamectin as a seed treatment for control of Meloidogyne incognita on cotton was evaluated in greenhouse, microplot, and field trials in 2002 and 2003. Treatments ranging from 0 to 100 g abamectin/100 kg seed were evaluated. In greenhouse tests 35 d after planting (DAP), plants from seed treated with abamectin were taller than plants from nontreated seed, and root galling severity and nematode reproduction were lower where treated seed were used. The number of second stage juveniles that had entered the roots of plants from seed treated with 100 g abamectin/kg seed was lower during the first 14 DAP than with nontreated seed. In microplots tests, seed treatment with abamectin and soil application of aldicarb at 840 g/kg of soil reduced the number of juveniles penetrating seedling roots during the first 14 DAP compared to the nontreated seedlings. In field plots, population densities of M. incognita were lower 14 DAP in plots that received seed treated with abamectin at 100 g/kg seed than where aldicarb (5.6 kg/ha) was applied at planting. Population densities were comparable for all treatments, including the nontreated controls, at both 21 DAP and harvest. Root galling severity did not differ among treatments at harvest.

Plant Dis ; 90(4): 519-522, 2006 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30786604


Controlled studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of soil temperatures typical of field conditions during the first 6 weeks of the growing season in Arkansas and different population densities of Meloidogyne incognita on damage to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seedlings associated with the interaction between M. incognita and Thielaviopsis basicola. Treatments consisted of varying nocturnal temperatures that approximated the temperatures that occurred during the 2001, 2002, and 2003 growing seasons in southeastern Arkansas. Nocturnal temperatures in the study were as follows: high, the first week at 15°C, followed by 3 weeks at 17°C, 1 week at 21°C, and 1 week at 17°C (approximating the 2002 season); medium, 3 weeks at 15°C and 3 weeks at 19°C (approximating the 2003 season); and low, 1 week at 15°C, 1 week at 13°C, 2 weeks at 17°C, 1 week at 15°C, and 1 week at 17°C (approximating the 2001 season). Pathogen population densities were either 0 or 100 chlamydospores of T. basicola per gram of soil and 0, 2,000, 4,000, or 8,000 eggs of M. incognita per 500 cm3of soil. Plant height and fresh top weight increased with an increase in nocturnal temperature across treatments. There were significant reductions in plant growth and development with T. basicola, but not with M. incognita, at these nocturnal temperatures, but decreased plant height and weight were seen where both pathogens were present in comparison with either pathogen alone. Trends of increased disease associated with T. basicola were observed with increasing inoculum rates of M. incognita, indicating that the interaction between T. basicola and M. incognita occurs even at soil temperatures below the minimum temperature reported as necessary for damage from M. incognita.

Plant Dis ; 88(8): 858-864, 2004 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30812514


Field experiments were conducted in 2000 and 2001 on Georgia Green, Florida MDR-98, and C-99R peanut (Arachis hypogaea) cultivars in Tifton, GA, to determine the effects of tillage practices on early leaf spot (Cercospora arachidicola) epidemics under standard fungicide regimes and fungicide regimes with fewer applications. Leaf spot epidemics were suppressed in reduced tillage (strip-till) plots compared with conventional tillage plots and were suppressed in MDR-98 and C-99R cultivars compared with the standard runner-type cultivar, Georgia Green. Within tillage and cultivar combinations, leaf spot intensity typically was lower in plots treated with fungicides at standard intervals (seven total applications) than in those treated at extended intervals (four total applications). However, in most cases, leaf spot control in extended interval treatments in the strip-till system was comparable to that in the standard interval treatments in conventional tillage. Based on these results, the number of fungicide applications could be reduced without compromising control of leaf spot when reduced tillage is used, especially if combined with moderately resistant cultivars. Suppression of leaf spot epidemics in the strip-till plots did not coincide with higher yields in either year. In 2001, yields were lower in strip-till plots than in conventional tillage plots. Yields were typically higher in the cultivar C-99R than in Georgia Green, regardless of the tillage treatment.