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Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(9)2023 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37655988


The Ma_MISS miniaturized spectrometer is integrated within the Drilling System of the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin Rover for Mars exploration. Here we focus on the on ground calibration campaign to obtain radiometric and linearity calibrations of the Ma_MISS instrument, while the first paper dealt with the spectral calibration [De Angelis et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93, 123704 (2022)]. The experimental setup used to carry out radiometric calibration is described, as are the methods used for data processing and key parameter retrieval. In particular, the Spectrometer Transfer Function (Responsivity), Signal-to-Noise Ratio, and detector linearity are determined. In a third paper [De Sanctis et al., Planet. Sci. J. 3, 142 (2022)], validation of the Ma_MISS calibration results through spectral measurements performed on rock and synthetic targets during the radiometric calibration campaign is described.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(12): 123704, 2022 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36586927


The Ma_MISS spectrometer is integrated within the drilling system of the Rosalind Franklin ExoMars rover. This paper reports the on-ground calibration campaign performed on the spectrometer. Here, we focus on the spectral calibration of the instrument. The experimental setup used to carry out calibration is described, and the methods used for data processing and key parameters retrieval are explained. In particular, the spectral parameters such as (i) pixel central wavelengths, (ii) spectral response function, (iii) spectral resolution, (iv) sampling, and (v) range are determined. In a follow-up paper, the linearity and radiometric calibrations are described, while in De Sanctis et al. [Planet. Sci. J. 3, 142 (2022)], the validation of spectral measurements performed on synthetic and natural rock targets is presented.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(9): 094503, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28964217


The Visible and near Infrared Hyperspectral Imager (VIHI) is the VIS-IR spectrometer with imaging capabilities aboard the ESA BepiColombo mission to Mercury. In this second paper, we report the instrument spectral characterization derived by the calibration campaign carried out before spacecraft integration. Complementary measurements concerning radiometric and linearity responses, as well as geometric performances, are described in Paper I [G. Filacchione et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 88, 094502 (2017)]. We have verified the VIHI spectral range, spectral dispersion, spectral response function, and spectral uniformity along the whole slit. Instrumental defects and optical aberrations due to smiling and keystone effects have been evaluated, and they are lower than the design requirement (<1/3 pixel). The instrumental response is uniform along the whole slit, while spectral dispersion is well represented by a second order curve, rather than to be constant along the spectral dimension.

Nature ; 536(7614): 54-7, 2016 08 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27362221


The typically dark surface of the dwarf planet Ceres is punctuated by areas of much higher albedo, most prominently in the Occator crater. These small bright areas have been tentatively interpreted as containing a large amount of hydrated magnesium sulfate, in contrast to the average surface, which is a mixture of low-albedo materials and magnesium phyllosilicates, ammoniated phyllosilicates and carbonates. Here we report high spatial and spectral resolution near-infrared observations of the bright areas in the Occator crater on Ceres. Spectra of these bright areas are consistent with a large amount of sodium carbonate, constituting the most concentrated known extraterrestrial occurrence of carbonate on kilometre-wide scales in the Solar System. The carbonates are mixed with a dark component and small amounts of phyllosilicates, as well as ammonium carbonate or ammonium chloride. Some of these compounds have also been detected in the plume of Saturn's sixth-largest moon Enceladus. The compounds are endogenous and we propose that they are the solid residue of crystallization of brines and entrained altered solids that reached the surface from below. The heat source may have been transient (triggered by impact heating). Alternatively, internal temperatures may be above the eutectic temperature of subsurface brines, in which case fluids may exist at depth on Ceres today.
