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Appl Plant Sci ; 6(4): e1142, 2018 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30131884


PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Few genetic markers provide phylogenetic information in closely related species of Isoëtes (Isoëtaceae). We describe the development of primers for several putative low-copy nuclear markers to resolve the phylogeny of Isoëtes, particularly in the southeastern United States. METHODS AND RESULTS: We identified regions of interest in Isoëtes transcriptomes based on low-copy genes in other plants. Primers were designed for these regions and tested with 16 taxa of Isoëtes and one species of Lycopodium. Parts of the pgiC, gapC, and IBR3 gene regions show phylogenetic signal within the North American and Mediterranean clades of Isoëtes. CONCLUSIONS: Transcriptome data prove useful for identification and primer design of low-copy genes. Three new markers show potential for inferring phylogenies in regional clades of Isoëtes, and possibly across the entire genus.

PhytoKeys ; (74): 97-106, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28127238


Isoetes mississippiensis S.W. Leonard, W.C. Taylor, L.J. Musselman and R.D. Bray (Isoetaceae, Lycopodiophyta) is a new species known from two sites along tributaries of the Pearl River in southern Mississippi. This species is distinguished from other species in the southeastern United States by a combination of character states including a basic diploid (2n=22) chromosome count, laevigate megaspores, and a narrow velum covering less than one-third of the adaxial sporangium wall.

Am J Bot ; 94(9): 1439-49, 2007 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21636511


The morphology of the hypogeous root holoparasite Hydnora triceps is highly reduced, and as with many holoparasites, the vegetative body is difficult to interpret. The vegetative body of H. triceps has been historically considered a "pilot root" studded with lateral appendages known as "haustorial roots." We found the vegetative body of H. triceps to consist of a rhizome with a thickened root-cap-like structure that covered a vegetative shoot apical meristem. From the apical meristem, procambial strands originated and developed into endarch collateral vascular bundles arranged radially around a pith without an interfascicular cambium. Xylem vessels had scalariform pitting and simple perforation plates. A continuous periderm without root hairs was observed. Increase in girth was attributed to cork and fascicular cambia. "Haustorial roots" or bumps on the surface of the vegetative body were exogenous, contained meristems and were the origins of vegetative branching, budding, and haustoria. The haustoria of H. triceps were cylindrical and penetrated the host root stele. Phloem and xylem elements were observed within the endophyte, and direct xylem to host-xylem contacts were observed. The arrangement of vascular tissues and xylem anatomy of H. triceps are likely plesiomorphic features in light of Hydnoraceae's placement in the Piperales.