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Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22282676


BackgroundThe SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics have been greatly modulated by human contact behaviour. To curb the spread of the virus, global efforts focused on implementing both Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) and pharmaceutical interventions such as vaccination. This study was conducted to explore the influence of COVID-19 vaccination status and risk perceptions related to SARS-CoV-2 on the number of social contacts of individuals in 16 European countries. This is important since insights derived from the study could be utilized in guiding the formulation of risk communication strategies. MethodsWe used data from longitudinal surveys conducted in the 16 European countries to measure social contact behaviour in the course of the pandemic. The data consisted of representative panels of participants in terms of gender, age and region of residence in each country. The surveys were conducted in several rounds between December 2020 and September 2021. We employed a multilevel generalized linear mixed effects model to explore the influence of risk perceptions and COVID-19 vaccination status on the number of social contacts of individuals. ResultsThe results indicated that perceived severity played a significant role in social contact behaviour during the pandemic after controlling for other variables. More specifically, participants who perceived COVID-19 to be a serious illness made fewer contacts compared to those who had low or neutral perceptions of the COVID-19 severity. Additionally, vaccinated individuals reported significantly higher number of contacts than the non-vaccinated. Further-more, individual-level factors played a more substantial role in influencing contact behaviour than country-level factors. ConclusionOur multi-country study yields significant insights on the importance of risk perceptions and vaccination in behavioral changes during a pandemic emergency. The apparent increase in social contact behaviour following vaccination would require urgent intervention in the event of emergence of an immune escaping variant. Hence, insights derived from this study could be taken into account when designing, implementing and communicating COVID-19 interventions.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22281248


The COVID-19 pandemic was in 2020 and 2021 for a large part mitigated by reducing contacts in the general population. To monitor how these contacts changed over the course of the pandemic in the Netherlands, a longitudinal survey was conducted where participants reported on their at-risk contacts every two weeks, as part of the European CoMix survey. The survey included 1659 participants from April to August 2020 and 2514 participants from December 2020 to September 2021. We categorized the number of unique contacted persons excluding household members, reported per participant per day into six activity levels, defined as 0, 1, 2, 3-4, 5-9 and 10 or more reported contacts. After correcting for age, vaccination status, risk status for severe outcome of infection, and frequency of participation, activity levels increased over time, coinciding with relaxation of COVID-19 control measures.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22281175


Mathematical modeling studies have shown that repetitive screening can be used to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission in primary schools while keeping schools open. However, not much is known about how transmission progresses within schools and whether there is a risk of importation to households. In this study, we reconstructed outbreaks observed during a prospective study in a primary school and associated households in Liege (Belgium) during the academic year 2020-2021. In addition we performed a simulation study to investigate how the accuracy of estimated weekly positivity rates in a school depends on the proportion of a school that is sampled in a repetitive screening strategy. We found that transmission occurred mainly within the school environment and that observed positivity rates are a good approximation to the true positivity rate, especially in children. This study shows that it is worthwile to implement repetitive testing in school settings, which in addition to reducing infections can lead to a better understanding of the extent of transmission in schools during a pandemic and importation risk at the community level.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22280542


BackgroundContact tracing aims to prevent onward transmission of infectious diseases and data obtained during tracing provide unique information on transmission characteristics. A key performance indicator that has been proposed to evaluate contact tracing is the proportion of cases arising from known contacts. However, few empirical studies have investigated the effectiveness of contact tracing. MethodsUsing data collected between September 2020 and December 2021 in Belgium, we investigated the impact of contact tracing on SARS-CoV-2 transmission. We compared confirmed cases that were previously identified as a close contact to those that were not yet known, in terms of their traced contacts and secondary cases as well as the serial interval. In addition, we established contact and transmission patterns by age. FindingsPreviously traced, hence known, cases comprised 20% of all cases and they were linked to relatively fewer close contacts as well as fewer secondary cases and a lower secondary attack rate compared to cases that were not already known. In addition we observed a shorter serial interval for known cases. There was a relative increase in transmission from children to adults during circulation of the Delta and Omicron variants, without an increase in the extent of contact between these age groups. InterpretationThese results suggest that contact tracing in Belgium has been effective in reducing onward transmission and that individuals aware of their exposure to SARS-CoV-2 seemed more reserved in their social contact behaviour. Data from a reference period or region are needed to measure the impact of contact tracing in terms of the number of cases and deaths averted.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22277998


Most countries have enacted some restrictions to reduce social contacts to slow down disease transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic. For nearly two years, individuals likely also adopted new behaviours to avoid pathogen exposure based on personal circumstances. We aimed to understand the way in which different factors affect social contacts - a critical step to improving future pandemic responses. The analysis was based on repeated cross-sectional contact survey data collected in 21 European countries between March 2020 and March 2022. We calculated the mean daily contacts reported using a clustered bootstrap by country and by settings (at home, at work, or in other settings). Where data were available, contact rates during the study period were compared with rates recorded prior to the pandemic. We fitted censored individual-level generalized additive mixed models to examine the effects of various factors on the number of social contacts. The survey recorded 463,336 observations from 96,456 participants. In all countries where comparison data were available, contact rates over the previous two years were substantially lower than those seen prior to the pandemic (approximately from over 10 to <5), predominantly due to fewer contacts outside the home. Government restrictions imposed immediate effect on contacts, and these effects lingered after the restrictions were lifted. Across countries, the relationships between national policy, individual perceptions, or personal circumstances determining contacts varied. Our study, coordinated at the regional level, provides important insights into the understanding of the factors associated with social contacts to support future infectious disease outbreak responses.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22275775


BackgroundEvidence and advice for pregnant women evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic. We studied social contact behaviour and vaccine uptake in pregnant women between March 2020 and September 2021 in 19 European countries. MethodsIn each country, repeated online survey data were collected from a panel of nationally-representative participants. We calculated the mean adjusted contacts reported with an individual-level generalized additive mixed model, modelled using the negative binomial distribution and a log link function. Mean proportion of people in isolation or quarantine, and vaccination coverage by pregnancy status and gender were calculated using a clustered bootstrap. FindingsWe recorded 4,129 observations from 1,041 pregnant women, and 115,359 observations from 29,860 non-pregnant individuals aged 18-49. Pregnant women made slightly fewer contacts (3.6, 95%CI=3.5-3.7) than non-pregnant women (4.0, 95%CI=3.9-4.0), driven by fewer work contacts but marginally more contacts in non-essential social settings. Approximately 15-20% pregnant and 5% of non-pregnant individuals reported to be in isolation and quarantine for large parts of the study period. COVID-19 vaccine coverage was higher in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women between January and April 2021. Since May 2021, vaccination in non-pregnant women began to increase and surpassed that in pregnant women. InterpretationSocial contacts and vaccine uptake protect pregnant women and their newborn babies. Recognition of maternal social support need, and efforts to promote the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy are high priorities in this vulnerable group.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22271824


Superspreading events play an important role in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and several other pathogens. Hence, while the basic reproduction number of the original Wuhan SARS-CoV-2 is estimated to be about 3 for Belgium, there is substantial inter-individual variation in the number of secondary cases each infected individual causes. Multiple factors contribute to the occurrence of superspreading events: heterogeneity in infectiousness and susceptibility, variations in contact behavior, and the environment in which transmission takes place. While superspreading has been included in several infectious disease transmission models, our understanding of the effect that these different forms of superspreading have on the spread of pathogens and the effectiveness of control measures remains limited. To disentangle the effects of infectiousness-related heterogeneity on the one hand and contact-related heterogeneity on the other, we implemented both forms of superspreading in an individual-based model describing the transmission and spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the Belgian population. We considered its impact on viral spread as well as on the effectiveness of social distancing. We found that the effects of superspreading driven by heterogeneity in infectiousness are very different from the effects of superspreading driven by heterogeneity in contact behavior. On the one hand, a higher level of infectiousness-related heterogeneity results in less outbreaks occurring following the introduction of one infected individual. Outbreaks were also slower, with a lower peak which occurred at a later point in time, and a lower herd immunity threshold. Finally, the risk of resurgence of an outbreak following a period of lockdown decreased. On the other hand, when contact-related heterogeneity was high, this also led to smaller final sizes, but caused outbreaks to be more explosive in regard to other aspects (such as higher peaks which occurred earlier, and a higher herd immunity threshold). Finally, the risk of resurgence of an outbreak following a period of lockdown increased. Determining the contribution of both source of heterogeneity is therefore important but left to be explored further. Author summaryTo investigate the effect of different sources of superspreading on disease dynamics, we implemented superspreading driven by heterogeneity in infectiousness and heterogeneity in contact behavior into an individual-based model for the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the Belgian population. We compared the impact of both forms of superspreading in a scenario without interventions as well as in a scenario in which a period of strict social distancing (i.e. a lockdown) is followed by a period of partial release. We found that both forms of superspreading have very different effects. On the one hand, increasing the level of infectiousness-related heterogeneity led to less outbreaks being observed following the introduction of one infected individual in the population. Furthermore, final outbreak sizes decreased, and outbreaks became slower, with lower and later peaks, and a lower herd immunity threshold. Finally, the risk for resurgence of an outbreak following a period of lockdown also decreased. On the other hand, when contact-related heterogeneity was high, this also led to smaller final sizes, but caused outbreaks to be more explosive regarding other aspects (such as higher peaks that occurred earlier). The herd immunity threshold also increased, as did the risk of resurgence of outbreaks.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-22269756


The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 variant is rapidly spreading worldwide, possibly outcompeting the Delta strain. We investigated the empirical serial interval for both variants using contact tracing data. Overall, we observed a shorter serial interval for Omicron compared to Delta, suggesting faster transmission. Furthermore, results indicate a relation between the empirical serial interval and the vaccination status for both the Omicron and the Delta variant. Consequently, with the progression of the vaccination campaign, the reasons for and extent of dominance of Omicron over Delta may need further assessment.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21266187


SARS-CoV-2 remains a worldwide emergency. While vaccines have been approved and are widely administered, these are only available to adults and adolescents in Europe. Therefore, in order to mitigate the spread of more transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants among children, the use of non-pharmaceutical interventions is still warranted. We investigate the impact of different testing strategies on the SARS-CoV-2 infection dynamics in a primary school environment, using an individual-based modelling approach. Specifically, we consider three testing strategies: 1) symptomatic isolation, where we test symptomatic individuals and isolate them when they test positive, 2) reactive screening, where a class is screened once one symptomatic individual was identified, and 3) repetitive screening, where the school in its entirety is screened on regular time intervals. Through this analysis, we demonstrate that repetitive testing strategies can significantly reduce the attack rate in schools, contrary to a reactive screening approach. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of these testing strategies on the average number of school days lost per child.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21264753


Several important aspects related to SARS-CoV-2 transmission are not well known due to a lack of appropriate data. However, mathematical and computational tools can be used to extract part of this information from the available data, like some hidden age-related characteristics. In this paper, we present a method to investigate age-specific differences in transmission parameters related to susceptibility to and infectiousness upon contracting SARS-CoV-2 infection. More specifically, we use panel-based social contact data from diary-based surveys conducted in Belgium combined with the next generation principle to infer the relative incidence and we compare this to real-life incidence data. Comparing these two allows for the estimation of age-specific transmission parameters. Our analysis implies the susceptibility in children to be around half of the susceptibility in adults, and even lower for very young children (preschooler). However, the probability of adults and the elderly to contract the infection is decreasing throughout the vaccination campaign, thereby modifying the picture over time.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21264632


BackgroundSince the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries, including Canada, have adopted unprecedented physical distancing measures such as closure of schools and non-essential businesses, and restrictions on gatherings and household visits. We described time trends in social contacts for the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods in Quebec, Canada. MethodsCONNECT is a population-based study of social contacts conducted shortly before (2018/2019) and during the COVID-19 pandemic (April 2020 - February 2021), using the same methodology for both periods. We recruited participants by random-digit-dialing and collected data by self-administered web-based questionnaires. Questionnaires documented socio-demographic characteristics and social contacts for two assigned days. A contact was defined as a two-way conversation at a distance [≤]2 meters or as a physical contact, irrespective of masking. We used weighted generalized linear models with a Poisson distribution and robust variance (taking possible overdispersion into account) to compare the mean number of social contacts over time by characteristics. ResultsA total of 1291 and 5516 Quebecers completed the study before and during the pandemic, respectively. Contacts significantly decreased from a mean of 8 contacts/day prior to the pandemic to 3 contacts/day during the spring 2020 lockdown. Contacts remained lower than the pre-COVID period thereafter (lowest=3 contacts/day during the Christmas 2020/2021 holidays, highest=5 in September 2020). Contacts at work, during leisure activities/other locations, and at home with visitors showed the greatest decreases since the beginning of the pandemic. All sociodemographic subgroups showed significant decreases of contacts since the beginning of the pandemic. The mixing matrices illustrated the impact of public health measures (e.g. school closure, gathering restrictions) with fewer contacts between children/teenagers and fewer contacts outside of the three main diagonals of contacts between same-age partners/siblings and between children and their parents. ConclusionPhysical distancing measures in Quebec significantly decreased social contacts, which most likely mitigated the spread of COVID-19.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21260679


IntroductionWe assessed the usefulness of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR cycle thresholds (Ct) values trends produced by the LHUB-ULB (a consolidated microbiology laboratory located in Brussels, Belgium) for monitoring the epidemics dynamics at local and national levels and for improving forecasting models. MethodsSARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Ct values produced from April 1, 2020, to May 15, 2021, were compared with national COVID-19 confirmed cases notifications according to their geographical and time distribution. These Ct values were evaluated against both a phase diagram predicting the number of COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care and an age-structured model estimating COVID-19 prevalence in Belgium. ResultsOver 155,811 RT-PCR performed, 12,799 were positive and 7,910 Ct values were available for analysis. The 14-day median Ct values were negatively correlated with the 14-day mean daily positive tests with a lag of 17 days. In addition, the 14-day mean daily positive tests in LHUB-ULB were strongly correlated with the 14-day mean confirmed cases in the Brussels-Capital and in Belgium with coinciding start, peak and end of the different waves of the epidemic. Ct values decreased concurrently with the forecasted phase-shifts of the diagram. Similarly, the evolution of 14-day median Ct values was negatively correlated with daily estimated prevalence for all age-classes. ConclusionWe provide preliminary evidence that trends of Ct values can help to both follow and predict the epidemics trajectory at local and national levels, underlining that consolidated microbiology laboratories can act as epidemic sensors as they gather data that are representative of the geographical area they serve.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21256942


SO_SCPLOWUMMARYC_SCPLOWThe Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has increased mortality in countries worldwide. To evaluate the impact of the pandemic on mortality, excess mortality has been suggested rather than reported COVID-19 deaths. Excess mortality, however, requires estimation of mortality under non-pandemic conditions. Although many methods exist to forecast mortality, they are either complex to apply, require many sources of information, ignore serial correlation, and/or are influenced by historical excess mortality. We propose a linear mixed model that is easy to apply, requires only historical mortality data, allows for serial correlation, and down-weighs the influence of historical excess mortality. Appropriateness of the linear mixed model is evaluated with fit statistics and forecasting accuracy measures for Belgium and the Netherlands. Unlike the commonly used 5-year weekly average, the linear mixed model is forecasting the subject-specific mortality, and as a result improves the estimation of excess mortality for Belgium and the Netherlands.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20248450


Using publicly available data on the number of new hospitalisations we use a newly developed phase portrait to monitor the epidemic allowing for assessing whether or not intervention measures are needed to keep hospital capacity under control. Using this phase portrait, we show that intervention measures were effective in mitigating a Summer resurgence but that too little too late was done to prevent a large autumn wave in Belgium.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20239657


The number of secondary cases is an important parameter for the control of infectious diseases. When individual variation in disease transmission is present, like for COVID-19, the number of secondary cases is often modelled using a negative binomial distribution. However, this may not be the best distribution to describe the underlying transmission process. We propose the use of three other offspring distributions to quantify heterogeneity in transmission, and we assess the possible bias in estimates of the offspring mean and its overdispersion when the data generating distribution is different from the one used for inference. We find that overdispersion estimates may be biased when there is a substantial amount of heterogeneity, and that the use of other distributions besides the negative binomial should be considered. We revisit three previously analysed COVID-19 datasets and quantify the proportion of cases responsible for 80% of transmission, p80%, while acknowledging the variation arising from the assumed offspring distribution. We find that the number of secondary cases for these datasets is better described by a Poisson-lognormal distribution.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20205765


Current outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 are threatening the health care systems of several countries around the world. The control of SARS-CoV-2 epidemics currently relies on non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as social distancing, teleworking, mouth masks and contact tracing. However, as pre-symptomatic transmission remains an important driver of the epidemic, contact tracing efforts struggle to fully control SARS-CoV-2 epidemics. Therefore, in this work, we investigate to what extent the use of universal testing, i.e., an approach in which we screen the entire population, can be utilized to mitigate this epidemic. To this end, we rely on PCR test pooling of individuals that belong to the same households, to allow for a universal testing procedure that is feasible with the current testing capacity. We evaluate two isolation strategies: on the one hand pool isolation, where we isolate all individuals that belong to a positive PCR test pool, and on the other hand individual isolation, where we determine which of the individuals that belong to the positive PCR pool are positive, through an additional testing step. We evaluate this universal testing approach in the STRIDE individual-based epidemiological model in the context of the Belgian COVID-19 epidemic. As the organisation of universal testing will be challenging, we discuss the different aspects related to sample extraction and PCR testing, to demonstrate the feasibility of universal testing when a decentralized testing approach is used. We show through simulation, that weekly universal testing is able to control the epidemic, even when many of the contact reductions are relieved. Finally, our model shows that the use of universal testing in combination with stringent contact reductions could be considered as a strategy to eradicate the virus.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20157933


BackgroundIn response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, several countries adopted measures of social distancing to a different degree. For many countries, after successfully curbing the initial wave, lockdown measures were gradually lifted. In Belgium, such relief started on May 4th with phase 1, followed by several subsequent phases over the next few weeks. MethodsWe analysed the expected impact of relaxing stringent lockdown measures taken according to the phased Belgian exit strategy. We developed a stochastic, data-informed, meta-population model that accounts for mixing and mobility of the age-structured population of Belgium. The model is calibrated to daily hospitalization data and serological data and is able to reproduce the outbreak at the national level. We consider different scenarios for relieving the lockdown, quantified in terms of relative reductions in pre-pandemic social mixing and mobility. We validate our assumptions by making comparisons with social contact data collected during and after the lockdown. ResultsOur model is able to successfully describe the initial wave of COVID-19 in Belgium and identifies interactions during leisure/other activities as pivotal in the exit strategy. Indeed, we find a smaller impact of school re-openings as compared to restarting leisure activities and re-openings of work places. We also assess the impact of case isolation of new (suspected) infections, and find that it allows re-establishing relatively more social interactions while still ensuring epidemic control. Scenarios predicting a second wave of hospitalizations were not observed, suggesting that the per-contact probability of infection has changed with respect to the pre-lockdown period. ConclusionsCommunity contacts are found to be most influential, followed by professional contacts and school contacts, respectively, for an impending second wave of COVID-19. Regular re-assessment is crucial to adjust to evolving behavioral changes that can affect epidemic diffusion. In addition to social distancing, sufficient capacity for extensive testing and contact tracing is essential for successful mitigation.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20156307


BackgroundThere are different patterns in the COVID-19 outbreak in the general population and amongst nursing home patients. Different age-groups are also impacted differently. However, it remains unclear whether the time from symptom onset to diagnosis and hospitalization or the length of stay in the hospital is different for different age groups, gender, residence place or whether it is time dependent. MethodsSciensano, the Belgian Scientific Institute of Public Health, collected information on hospitalized patients with COVID-19 hospital admissions from 114 participating hospitals in Belgium. Between March 14, 2020 and June 12, 2020, a total of 14,618 COVID-19 patients were registered. The time of symptom onset, time of COVID-19 diagnosis, time of hospitalization, time of recovery or death, and length of stay in intensive care are recorded. The distributions of these different event times for different age groups are estimated accounting for interval censoring and right truncation in the observed data. ResultsThe truncated and interval-censored Weibull regression model is the best model for the time between symptom onset and diagnosis/hospitalization best, whereas the length of stay in hospital is best described by a truncated and interval-censored lognormal regression model. ConclusionsThe time between symptom onset and hospitalization and between symptom onset and diagnosis are very similar, with median length between symptom onset and hospitalization ranging between 3 and 10.4 days, depending on the age of the patient and whether or not the patient lives in a nursing home. Patients coming from a nursing home facility have a slightly prolonged time between symptom onset and hospitalization (i.e., 2 days). The longest delay time is observed in the age group 20-60 years old. The time from symptom onset to diagnosis follows the same trend, but on average is one day longer as compared to the time to hospitalization. The median length of stay in hospital varies between 3 and 10.4 days, with the length of stay increasing with age. However, a difference is observed between patients that recover and patients that die. While the hospital length of stay for patients that recover increases with age, we observe the longest time between hospitalization and death in the age group 20-60. And, while the hospital length of stay for patients that recover is shorter for patients living in a nursing home, the time from hospitalization to death is longer for these patients. But, over the course of the first wave, the length of stay has decreased, with a decrease in median length of stay of around 2 days.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20144444


BackgroundThe rising COVID-19 pandemic caused many governments to impose policies restricting social interactions. These policies have slowed down the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to the extent that restrictions can be gradually lifted. Models can be useful to assess the consequences of deconfinement strategies with respect to business, school and leisure activities. MethodsWe adapted the individual-based model "STRIDE" to simulate interactions between the 11 million inhabitants of Belgium at the levels of households, workplaces, schools and communities. We calibrated our model to observed hospital incidence and seroprevalence data. STRIDE can explore contact tracing options and account for repetitive leisure contacts in extended household settings (so called "household bubbles") with varying levels of connectivity. FindingsHousehold bubbles have the potential to reduce the number of COVID-19 hospital admissions by up to 90%. The effectiveness of contact tracing depends on its timing, as it becomes futile more than 4 days after the index case developed symptoms. Assuming that children have a lower level of susceptibility and lower probability to experience symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, (partial) school closure options have relatively little impact on COVID-19 burden. InterpretationNot only the absolute number and intensity of physical contacts drive the transmission dynamics and COVID-19 burden, also their repetitiveness is influential. Contact tracing seems essential for a controlled and persistent release of lockdown measures, but requires timely compliance to testing, reporting and self-isolation. Rapid tracing and testing, and communication ensuring continued involvement of the population are therefore essential.

Preprint en Inglés | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-20142851


Following the onset of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world, a large fraction of the global population is or has been under strict measures of physical distancing and quarantine, with many countries being in partial or full lockdown. These measures are imposed in order to reduce the spread of the disease and to lift the pressure on healthcare systems. Estimating the impact of such interventions as well as monitoring the gradual relaxing of these stringent measures is quintessential to understand how resurgence of the COVID-19 epidemic can be controlled for in the future. In this paper we use a stochastic age-structured discrete time compartmental model to describe the transmission of COVID-19 in Belgium. Our model explicitly accounts for age-structure by integrating data on social contacts to (i) assess the impact of the lockdown as implemented on March 13, 2020 on the number of new hospitalizations in Belgium; (ii) conduct a scenario analysis estimating the impact of possible exit strategies on potential future COVID-19 waves. More specifically, the aforementioned model is fitted to hospital admission data, data on the daily number of COVID-19 deaths and serial serological survey data informing the (sero)prevalence of the disease in the population while relying on a Bayesian MCMC approach. Our age-structured stochastic model describes the observed outbreak data well, both in terms of hospitalizations as well as COVID-19 related deaths in the Belgian population. Despite an extensive exploration of various projections for the future course of the epidemic, based on the impact of adherence to measures of physical distancing and a potential increase in contacts as a result of the relaxation of the stringent lockdown measures, a lot of uncertainty remains about the evolution of the epidemic in the next months.
