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Anat Cell Biol ; 54(4): 489-500, 2021 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34657839


Dissection and human specimens study remain the gold standard method for teaching anatomy. Due to the increasing health science courses in Brazil, the traditional way of obtaining bodies for scientific purposes, the unclaimed ones, became insufficient. In addition, this source is no longer ethically appropriate according to anatomists. In order to maintain the teaching quality, the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) in Brazil, inspired by successful initiatives around the world, created a body donation program; Sempre Vivo. Besides the bureaucratic difficulty faced during its regulation, the implementation of a body donation program requires special attention regarding the religiosity, culture and uniqueness of the city's inhabitants. Informing people can demystify the process, avoid prejudice and increase the number of donors. In this way, an outreach project was designed to publicize Sempre Vivo and raise public awareness. In the first six years, Sempre Vivo reached the mark of 64 registered donors and seven bodies received. The donor's profile corresponds to female (70.3%), 57 years of age, retired (50.8%), spiritist (53.1%) and with 12 years or more of formal education (90.6%). Considering that the UFJF has not received unclaimed bodies for ten years, the program was considered satisfactory up to this level and, in the future, it may be the exclusive source of anatomical specimens. The description of the creation and the publicizing of Sempre Vivo, the overcome challenges, as well as the donors' profile, may encourage and facilitate the foundation of similar programs in Brazil and abroad.

Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1179869


Anatomia e Radiologia são disciplinas amplamente presentes nas grades curriculares de cursos da área da saúde. A interseção entre a Anatomia Radiológica e as tecnologias recentes, como plataformas de ensino interativo, caracteriza-se como uma tendência a ser seguida na esfera educacional, sendo as implicações desse processo ainda não muito debatidas. O Departamento de Anatomia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora iniciou o desenvolvimento de um atlas de anatomia vascular radiológica, o qual apresenta versões impressa e interativa. Possui imagens de angiotomografias computadorizadas feitas em aparelhos multislice de 16 a 128 canais, sendo as imagens de arquivo pessoal dos organizadores. O atlas promove a identificação das estruturas vasculares em questão e propicia a integração do conhecimento adquirido em salas de aula com a visualização de exames de imagem complementares rotineiros. A indiscutível presença de exames de imagem adicionais na rotina dos profissionais da saúde atuais faz com que seja válida a estratégia de integração entre o método tradicional de ensino e as práticas ativas de aprendizagem, as quais vêm ganhando destaque recentemente, devido a sua efetividade na fixação de conhecimentos.

Anatomy and Radiology are subjects widely present in health courses at universities. The intersection between Radiological Anatomy and recent technologies, such as interactive teaching platforms, is characterized as a tendency to be followed in the educational sphere, and the implications of this process are not much debated. The Department of Anatomy of Juiz de Fora Federal University has begun the development of an atlas of radiological vascular anatomy, which features printed and interactived versions. It presents computed tomography images taken on multislice devices from 16 to 128 channels, and the images are from the personal authors' archives. The Radiologic Vascular Atlas provides the identification of vascular structures in study and makes easier the integration of knowledge acquired in classrooms with the visualization of routine complementary imaging exams. The indisputable presence of complementary imaging examinations in the routine of current health professionals makes valid the strategy of integration between the traditional teaching method and active learning practices, which have recently gained prominence, due to its effectiveness in setting knowledge.

Radiología , Anatomía , Tecnología Radiológica , Educación Médica