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Psico USF ; 28(4): 741-751, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1529176


A Escala RASH (relação, autonomia, separação e heteronomia) foi desenvolvida para investigar padrões de self em estudos transculturais. No presente estudo, foi realizada uma análise fatorial da escala RASH em amostras brasileiras e norte-americanas, com o objetivo de fornecer uma medida de quatro fatores com bons índices de ajuste. Buscou-se confirmar o padrão de self autônomo-relacionado nas duas amostras e também a relação entre o nível de escolaridade dos pais e tipos de valores que desejam para seus filhos. Coletou-se dados de 756 participantes (EUA, n = 519, Brasil, n = 237), pais ou responsáveis por alunos de 7 a 14 anos. Foram realizadas análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória, medidas de invariância e estatísticas básicas como média, desvio padrão e correlação. Os resultados corroboram uma estrutura de quatro fatores do instrumento e os padrões autorrelatados nas duas culturas. O instrumento pode auxiliar em pesquisas transculturais sobre o desenvolvimento de valores e captar diferenças entre culturas.(AU)

The RASH scale (which stands for relation, autonomy, separation, and heteronomy) was developed to investigate patterns of self in cross-cultural studies. In the present study, a factor analysis of the RASH scale was conducted in Brazilian and North American samples, with the aim of providing a four-factor measure with good fit indices. The aim was to confirm the pattern of autonomous-relational self in the two samples and also the relationship among the parents' level of education and the types of values they want for their children. We collected data from 756 participants (n = 519, USA; n = 237, Brazil), parents or guardians of students aged 7 to 14 years. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, invariance measures and basic statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and correlation were performed. The results confirmed the four-factor structure of the instrument and self-reported patterns in the two cultures. The instrument can help in cross-cultural research on the development of values and capture differences between cultures.(AU)

La escala RASH (relación, autonomía, separación y heteronomía) se desarrolló para investigar patrones del self en estudios transculturales. En el presente estudio, se realizó una validación de la escala RASH en muestras brasileñas y norteamericanas, con el objetivo de proporcionar una medida de cuatro factores con buenos índices de ajuste. Se buscó confirmar el patrón de self autónomo-relacionado en ambas muestras, así como la relación entre el nivel educativo de los padres y los tipos de valores que desean para sus hijos. Se recopilaron datos de 756 participantes (n = 519 en EE. UU.; N = 237 en Brasil), padres o tutores de estudiantes de 7 a 14 años. Se llevaron a cabo análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios, seguidos de medidas de invarianza y cálculos de estadísticas básicas como media, desviación estándar y correlación. Los resultados respaldaron la estructura de cuatro factores del instrumento y los patrones autoinformados en ambas culturas. El instrumento puede ser útil para investigaciones interculturales sobre el desarrollo de valores y para capturar las diferencias entre culturas.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Valores Sociales , Comparación Transcultural , Desarrollo Moral , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Interpretación Estadística de Datos , Análisis Factorial , Diversidad Cultural , Autoinforme , Correlación de Datos , Factores Sociodemográficos
Dev Psychol ; 58(9): 1767-1782, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35587410


Our interest is in the development of gratitude as a moral virtue, and its variability across different cultural contexts. Given psychology's overreliance on samples collected from the United Sates, Western Europe, and Australasia, we contrasted patterns of age-related expressions of gratitude among a sample of U.S. 7- to 14-year-old children with those from same-age samples from Brazil, China, Russia, South Korea, and Turkey (N = 2,540, 54.7% female, Mage = 10.61 years). The U.S. sample was diverse (n = 730: Black 26.4%, White 40.4%, Latinx 19.9%, Asian 3.8%, Other 1.6%, Missing 7.0%; 55.7% female, Mage = 10.52 years). The remaining samples were largely homogeneous by ethnicity. Our data were gathered using one quantitative scale to measure variations in the extent of gratitude that children expressed, and one qualitative measure to assess variability in the types of gratitude expressed by children of different ages. Both measures were chosen for their fit with the definition of virtuous gratitude. Hypotheses that the U.S. sample would differ from the others in extent and type of gratitude were largely supported. However, age-related differences in the type of gratitude expressed were similar across societies (e.g., in most samples older children were less likely to express concrete gratitude and more likely to express connective gratitude). Our results reveal the importance of treating gratitude as a virtue that develops during childhood and that is influenced by one's cultural group. Reliance on samples from a limited set of cultures is thus to be avoided. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).

Comparación Transcultural , Etnicidad , Adolescente , Niño , China , Europa (Continente) , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Federación de Rusia , Estados Unidos
Psico USF ; 23(4): 731-740, 2018. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-967630


Em nossa sociedade, os valores materiais têm apresentado grande importância. Estudos apontam que a valorização demasiada dos bens materiais (materialismo) pode influenciar negativamente o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos. Este estudo investiga os níveis de materialismo e sua relação com os níveis de satisfação de vida em adolescentes de escolas públicas e privadas de Porto Alegre. Participaram deste estudo 128 adolescentes, de 11 a 18 anos (M = 13,80; DP = 1,74), sendo 75% do sexo feminino. Utilizaram-se as escalas EVM (Materialismo) e EMSVA (Satisfação de vida adolescência). Os resultados indicam uma correlação inversamente proporcional significativa entre os níveis de materialismo e de satisfação com a família (r = -0,550, p < 0,001) e com a escola (r = -0,436, p < 0,001). De acordo com a literatura, esses adolescentes mostram-se mais suscetíveis ao adoecimento e a prejuízos acadêmicos. Sugere-se que, em futuros estudos, utilizem-se também entrevistas com os participantes. (AU)

In our society, material values have been of great importance. Studies point out that too much appreciation of material goods (materialism) can negatively influence the development of individuals. This study investigates the levels of materialism and its relation with the levels of life satisfaction in adolescents of public and private schools in Porto Alegre. Participants included a total of 128 adolescents, aged 11 to 18 years (M = 13.80, SD = 1.74), 75% female. Two scales were administrated: EVM (Materialism) and EMSVA (Adolescence life satisfaction). The results indicated a significant inverse correlation between levels of materialism and family satisfaction (r = -0.550, p <0.001) and school (r = -0.436, p <0.001). According to the literature, these adolescents are more susceptible to illness and academic losses. We suggest that further studies use interviews with the participants. (AU)

En nuestra sociedad los valores materiales han revelado gran importancia. Estudios señalan que exceso de apreciación de bienes materiales (materialismo) puede influir negativamente en el desarrollo de los individuos. Este estudio investiga los niveles de materialismo y su relación con los niveles de satisfacción con la vida de adolescentes en escuelas públicas y privadas. Participaron del estudio 128 adolescentes, de 11-18 años (M = 13,80; DP = 1,74) siendo el 75% de sexo femenino. Fueran utilizadas las escalas EVM (materialismo) y EMSVA (satisfacción de vida de los adolescentes). Los resultados indican una correlación inversamente proporcional significativa entre los niveles de materialismo y satisfacción con la familia (r = -0,550, p <0,001) y con la escuela (r = -0,436, p <0,001). De acuerdo a la literatura, esos adolescentes se muestran más susceptibles a las enfermedades y a los perjuicios académicos. Se sugiere que, en futuros estudios, se utilicen también entrevistas con los participantes. (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Satisfacción Personal , Valores Sociales
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 48(1): 61-69, 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-955514


O materialismo tem ganhado destaque na sociedade moderna, e estudos indicam que a valorização excessiva dos bens materiais pode influenciar negativamente o desenvolvimento dos indivíduos. Investigaram-se os níveis de materialismo em uma amostra de 128 adolescentes entre 11 e 18 anos, de escolas públicas e privadas de Porto Alegre/RS. Utilizaram-se como instrumentos um Questionário Sociodemográfico e a Escala de Valores Materiais - forma reduzida. Os dados foram coletados nas escolas dos participantes. Os resultados sugerem grande variabilidade. Grupo etário, sexo e tipo de escola não apresentam correlação com os níveis de materialismo, enquanto que uso de internet aponta para correlação positiva significativa. Discutem-se esses resultados à luz da literatura, sugerem-se direções para futuras pesquisas e indica-se a adolescência como um momento propício do desenvolvimento humano para a realização de programas de intervenção que visem fomentar a reflexão dos jovens sobre os valores materiais.

Materialism is currently a major factor in modern society, and studies indicate that the excessive value placed on material possessions can negatively influence individuals' development. We investigated levels of materialism in a sample of 128 adolescents aged from 11 to 18, from public and private schools in Porto Alegre/RS. We used a socio-demographic questionnaire and the Scale of Material Values - Short Form. The data were collected in the participants' schools. The results suggest a great deal of variability. Age group, gender and school type were not related to the level of materialism, although it was significantly correlated with internet use. We discuss these findings in light of previous literature, suggest future research directions, and note that adolescence is a propitious period in human development to implement intervention programs designed to encourage youths' reflection about materialistic values.

El materialismo ha ganado importancia en la sociedad moderna. Los estudios muestran que este comportamiento puede influir negativamente en el desarrollo de los individuos. Hemos investigado los niveles de materialismo en una muestra de 128 adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años de escuelas públicas y privadas de la ciudad de Porto Alegre/RS. Se utilizó una Encuesta Sociodemográfica y Escala de Valores Materiales - forma reducida. Los datos fueron recolectados en las escuelas. Los resultados sugieren una gran variabilidad. Grupo de edad, sexo y tipo de escuela no son relacionados con los niveles de materialismo. El uso de internet señala correlación positiva significativa. Los resultados plantean preguntas. El impacto del materialismo extremo en nuestra sociedad lleva las personas a deficiencias sociales, intelectuales e incluso a la enfermedad. Depende de nosotros trabajar hacia un profundo conocimiento de este problema social e invertir en un futuro mejor para la comunidad.

Conducta del Adolescente , Valores Sociales , Adolescente
Psico USF ; 21(1): 13-24, Jan.-Apr. 2016. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-778425


Investigam-se relações entre o desenvolvimento da gratidão e tipos de valores. Trezentos e noventa e seis jovens de 7 a 14 anos responderam a Wishes and Gratitude Survey. Previu-se que, com o aumento da idade, haveria (a) uma diminuição de valores hedonistas; (b) uma diminuição de gratidão concreta e um aumento de gratidão conectiva. A terceira hipótese foi a de que seria mais provável que jovens com valores hedonistas expressassem gratidão concreta e aqueles com valores relacionados ao bem-estar de outros (BEO) expressassem gratidão conectiva. Para testar essas hipóteses, utilizou-se análise de regressão (estimativa de curva e regressão logística). Com o aumento da idade, os valores hedonistas e a gratidão concreta diminuíram; não se verificou aumento de gratidão conectiva. Valores hedonistas relacionaram-se positivamente à gratidão concreta. Todavia, valores BEO não se associaram à gratidão conectiva.

We studied the relations between the development of gratitude and types of values. A total of 396 7- to 14-year-old youth group responded to the Wishes and Gratitude Survey. We expected that, with the increase in age, there would be (a) a decrease of hedonistic values and (b) a decrease of concrete gratitude and an increase in connective gratitude. Our third hypothesis was that it would be more likely for the young with hedonistic values express concrete gratitude and those with values related to the well-being of others (WBO) to express connective gratitude. To test these hypotheses we used regression analysis (curve estimation and logistic regression). With an increase in age, hedonistic values and concrete gratitude declined; there was no increase in connective gratitude. Hedonistic values were related positively to concrete gratitude. However WBO values were not related to connective gratitude.

Se investigan las relaciones entre el desarrollo de gratitud y tipos de valores. Respondieron a la encuesta Wishes and Gratitude Survey 396 jóvenes de edades entre 7 y 14 años. Fue previsto que con el aumento de edad habría, (a) disminución de los valores hedonistas; (b) disminución de gratitud concreta y aumento de gratitud conectiva. La tercera hipótesis fue que sería más probable que jóvenes con valores hedonistas expresaran gratitud concreta y aquellos con valores relacionados al bienestar de otros (BEO) expresaran gratitud conectiva. Para testar estas hipótesis, se utilizó el análisis de regresión (estimación de curva y regresión logística). Con el aumento de edad, los valores hedonistas y la gratitud concreta disminuyen; no se verificó aumento de gratitud conectiva. Valores hedonistas se relacionaron positivamente con gratitud concreta. Aún los valores BEO no se asociaron a gratitud conectiva.

Niño , Adolescente , Desarrollo Moral , Valores Sociales
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz ; 99(2): 167-72, 2004 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15250470


Angiotensin II (AII), a product of rennin-angiotensin system, exerts an important role on the function of immune system cells. In this study, the effect of AII on the phagocytic activity of mouse peritoneal macrophages was assessed. Mice peritoneal macrophages were cultured for 48 h and the influence of different concentrations of AII (10(-14) to 10(-7) M) and/or losartan, 10(-16) to 10(-6) M), an AT1 angiotensin receptor antagonist, on phagocytic activity and superoxide anion production was determined. Dimethylthiazoldiphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction and the nucleic acid content were used to assess the cvtotoxicity of losartan. A stimulatory effect on phagocytic activity (P < 0.05) was observed with 10(-13) M and 10(-12 M) AII concentrations. The addition of losartan (up to10(-14) M) to the cell cultures blocked (P < 0.001) the phagocytosis indicating the involvement of AT1 receptors. In contrast, superoxide anion production was not affected by AII or losartan. The existence of AT1 and AT2 receptors in peritoneal macrophages was demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. These results support the hypothesis that AII receptors can modulate murine macrophage activity and phagocytosis, and suggest that AII may have a therapeutic role as an immunomodulatory agent in modifying the host resistance to infection.

Angiotensina II/farmacología , Antihipertensivos/farmacología , Losartán/farmacología , Macrófagos Peritoneales/efectos de los fármacos , Fagocitosis/efectos de los fármacos , Vasoconstrictores/farmacología , Animales , Macrófagos Peritoneales/inmunología , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos BALB C
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 99(2): 167-172, Mar. 2004. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-360970


Angiotensin II (AII), a product of rennin-angiotensin system, exerts an important role on the function of immune system cells. In this study, the effect of AII on the phagocytic activity of mouse peritoneal macrophages was assessed. Mice peritoneal macrophages were cultured for 48 h and the influence of different concentrations of AII (10-14 to 10-7 M) and/or losartan, 10-16 to 10-6 M), an AT1 angiotensin receptor antagonist, on phagocytic activity and superoxide anion production was determined. Dimethylthiazoldiphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction and the nucleic acid content were used to assess the cytotoxicity of losartan. A stimulatory effect on phagocytic activity (P < 0.05) was observed with 10-13 M and 10-12 M AII concentrations. The addition of losartan (up to10-14 M) to the cell cultures blocked (P < 0.001) the phagocytosis indicating the involvement of AT1 receptors. In contrast, superoxide anion production was not affected by AII or losartan. The existence of AT1 and AT2 receptors in peritoneal macrophages was demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. These results support the hypothesis that AII receptors can modulate murine macrophage activity and phagocytosis, and suggest that AII may have a therapeutic role as an immunomodulatory agent in modifying the host resistance to infection.

Animales , Masculino , Ratones , Angiotensina II , Antihipertensivos , Losartán , Macrófagos Peritoneales , Fagocitosis , Vasoconstrictores , Ratones Endogámicos BALB C