It was evaluated the effect of diet rich with cholesterol (0.1%) and different concentration of palmitic acid (16:0) and antioxidants (vitamin C, alpha tocopherol and retinol) upon plasmatic lipids and platelet aggregability in rabbits. The animals were distributed in three groups: I. Standard chow meal (Rp Conejarina) + cholesterol (chol) 0.1%; II. Standard chow meal + chol 0.1% + semipurified palm oil 10% (16:0 = 39.8%, oleic acid 48.7%, linoleic acid 11.4%, retinol 7.3 ug/dL, alpha tocopherol 157.6 ug/dL; III. Standard chow meal + chol 0.1% + crude palm oil 10% (16:0 = 45.3%, oleic acid 46.3%, linoleic acid 7.9%, retinol 96.4 ug/dL, alpha tocopherol 322.8 ug/dL). Monthly determination of plasmatic lipids were done (Enzymatic methods) and at ten months platelet aggregability with ADP, plasmatic vitamin C, retinol and, alpha tocopherol determination were done. Total plasmatic cholesterol (TC) and LDLc increased significantly in the three groups of animals. Significant differences between groups were not found. Platelet aggregability was lower in the animals fed with palmitic acid rich diet (groups II and III) (P = 0.002 and 0.001). Retinol, alpha tocopherol plasmatic concentrations revealed no significant differences. Vitamin C in the groups I was lower than groups II and III (P < 0.05 < 0.02). In this study hypercholesterolemic rabbits fed with rich diets (crude and semipurified) had lower platelet aggregability without changes in plasmatic lipids concentrations.