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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 35-44, jul./dez. 2024. tab; ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554878


O aplicativo móvel CalcVAN foi desenvolvido para auxiliar os profissionais de saúde para otimizar as doses de vancomicina em pacientes hospitalizados. Porém, é imprescindível avaliar a sua usabilidade antes de disponibilizá-lo para prática clínica. Assim, o objetivo do estudo é avaliar a usabilidade do aplicativo móvel na perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de avaliação heurística da usabilidade de um aplicativo móvel. Foram convidados profissionais da área de saúde com expertise no tema de gerenciamento de antimicrobianos e vancomicina. O instrumento validado Smartphone Usability questionnaiRE (SURE) foi utilizado para mensuração da usabilidade por meio de um questionário on-line. Vinte e um especialistas participaram do estudo, com média de idade de 32,6 anos, sendo a maioria de mulheres (n = 14, 66,7%), profissionais farmacêuticos (n = 13, 61,9%), com pós-graduação lato sensu (n = 10, 47,6%), que trabalhavam em hospitais públicos ou privados (n = 15, 71,4%) e com média de experiência em 9,7 anos. Com base na interpretação dos resultados obtidos pelo instrumento SURE, a média de usabilidade geral do CalcVAN foi de 83 pontos, com escore menor de 78 e maior de 90 pontos. O teste de usabilidade foi enquadrado nos dois últimos níveis, 70 e 80, onde os profissionais de saúde passaram a concordar fortemente e totalmente, indicando que o aplicativo móvel apresenta uma usabilidade satisfatória. O CalcVAN atingiu uma usabilidade satisfatória e atende as necessidades e exigências dos profissionais de saúde, mostrando--se eficiente para realizar as funções propostas.

The CalcVAN app was developed to assist healthcare professionals in optimizing vancomycin doses for hospitalized patients. However, the usability test before making it available for clinical practice is essential. Therefore, the study aims to evaluate the usability of the app from the perspective of health professionals. A descriptive study, a heuristic evaluation of the usability of a mobile application was conducted. Healthcare professionals with expertise in antimicrobial management and vancomycin were invited to participate. The validated Smartphone Usability questionnaiRE (SURE) was used to measure usability through an online questionnaire. Twenty-one experts participated in the study, with a mean age of 32.6 years, mostly of them women (n = 14, 66.7%), pharmacists (n = 13, 61.9%), with postgraduate education (n = 10, 47.6%), working in private or public hospitals (n = 15, 71.4%), and a mean experience of 9.7 years. Overall usability score for CalcVAN was 83 points, ranging from a minimum of 78 to a maximum of 90 points. The usability test registered within the last two levels, 70 and 80, with users expressing strongly and fully agreed, indicating that the app demonstrates satisfactory usability. CalcVAN achieved satisfactory usability, fulfilling the needs and requirements of health professionals, proving to be efficient in performing the intended functions.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto
Explor Res Clin Soc Pharm ; 5: 100115, 2022 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35478510


Background: Mobile applications (app) provide many benefits for healthcare professionals, making them a useful support clinical decision system. Objectives: To describe the development of a mobile app, CalcVAN, to calculate vancomycin dosage regimens for adult and pediatric patients. Methods: This study is a technological production research to develop a mobile app through the rapid prototyping type for the Android system in the Brazilian context. The mobile app structure was developed in four steps: 1) conception, including the needs assessment, the target audience, the literature search, and the definition of contents; 2) prototype planning, including the definition of topics and writing of modules, the selection of media, and the layout; 3) production of the mobile app, including the selection of multimedia tools, the navigation structure, and planning of environment configuration; and 4) make the mobile app available. Results: The CalcVAN has six screens, containing the vancomycin dosing calculator for adult and pediatric patients based on weight and estimated creatinine clearance parameters. Moreover, the mobile app is free and can be used without internet connection. Conclusions: A free mobile app was developed to calculate vancomycin dosage regimens for inpatients. This tool assists to optimize the vancomycin dosing, contributing to the antimicrobial stewardship.