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J Parasit Dis ; 41(1): 137-141, 2017 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28316402


A total of 360 faecal samples of goat belonging to Ahir community were collected randomly from eight villages on monthly basis. On same day, collected samples were subjected to qualitative faecal examination and positive samples were categorized into mild, moderate and heavy infected groups. The risk factors considered for study were age, pregnancy, lactation, seasons, wet land grazing and hygiene in housing. Overall 41.11 % animals were found positive for helminth eggs and among them 24.17, 10.56 and 6.39 % of goats were mildly, moderately and heavily infected, respectively. The helminths recorded were strongyles (26.9 %), amphistomes (18.1 %), Trichuris spp. (8.1 %) and Nematoidirus spp. (3.9 %). Similarly, 72 (20 %) animals were found positive for presence of coccidia oocysts in which 13.06, 4.17 and 2.78 % were having mild, moderate and heavy infection. The Chi square test revealed that the housing quality, seasons and body condition scores (BCS) were having significant effects on helminths prevalence. The Chi square values indicated that age, hygiene of houses, seasons and BCS have significantly associated with prevalence of coccidiosis. The helminths prevalence was having significant positive correlation with lactation status and housing quality whereas it was significantly negatively correlated with prevalence of coccidia. Kendall's Correlation coefficients among various risk factors reveals that age and housing quality has significant negative correlations with coccidia infection. The gastro-intestinal (GI) parasites incidence was significantly high during the monsoon than the summer/winter season. The correlation of GI- parasitic prevalence with pregnancy status and age was not found.

Vet World ; 9(6): 595-600, 2016 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27397982


AIM: To estimate individual test day variability in yield and composition of Surti and Mehsani buffaloes milk at day 15 and 60 postpartum (pp). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 13 normally calved Surti and Mehsani buffaloes each maintained at Livestock Research Stations of Navsari and Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural Universities, respectively, were selected for the study. Milk sample was collected from each selected buffalo at day 15 and 60 pp to study milk yield and composition variability between these two breeds. Buffaloes were categorized for the ease of data analysis and comparisons into four groups, viz., S15 (Surti buffaloes 15(th) day pp), S60 (Surti buffaloes 60(th) day pp), M15 (Mehsani buffaloes 15(th) day pp), and M60 (Mehsani buffaloes 60(th) day pp). RESULTS: There were 37.20% and 25.03% significant (p≤0.05) increase in mean test day milk yield (TDMY) of S60 and M60 as compared to S15 and M15 groups, respectively. The mean TDMY of Mehsani buffalo was 99.19% and 81.53% significantly (p≤0.05) higher than Surti buffaloes at day 15 and 60 pp, respectively. The mean fat and protein corrected test day milk yield (FPCTDMY) of all the groups was found to be significantly different (p≤0.05) from each other. There was significant (p≤0.05) increase of 1.94 and 3.45 kg in mean FPCTDMY with the progression of lactation between day 15 and 60 pp in Surti and Mehsani buffaloes, respectively. Similarly, the mean FPCTDMY of Mehsani buffaloes were approximately double with 103.27% and 96.36% higher yield as compared to Surti buffaloes at day 15 and 60 pp, respectively. Among milk composition, significant differences were observed for solid not fat (SNF) and protein%, whereas fat and lactose% were steady among four groups. The only significant (p≤0.05) difference was observed for SNF in M60 group, which was 8.29%, 6.85%, and 10.70% higher as compared to S15, S60, and M15 groups, respectively. The mean protein% in milk of Mehsani buffaloes was 21.01% and 33.05% significantly (p≤0.05) higher than Surti buffaloes milk at day 15 and 60 pp, respectively. However, there was a significant difference in protein% observed with the advancement of lactation in Mehsani buffaloes, but it was not so in the case of Surti buffaloes. CONCLUSION: Major consistent finding of the present study reveals that milk yield and protein% of Mehsani buffalo was significantly higher than Surti buffalo at day 15 and 60 pp.

Vet World ; 8(1): 15-8, 2015 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27046988


AIM: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of sugar beet tubers as a replacer to green fodder on production performance and economics of lactating Surti buffaloes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This trial was conducted at the Livestock Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari. Twenty lactating Surti buffaloes in a changeover experimental design were selected to assess the effects of replacing green fodder with sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) tubers on production performance, economics of feeding sugar beet and blood biochemical profile. Half (50%) of the hybrid Napier was replaced with sliced sugar beet tubers in the ration of experimental animals. RESULTS: Partial replacement of hybrid Napier with that of sugar beet tubers numerically improved dry matter intake, milk yield, 4% fat corrected milk and milk composition parameters such as fat, solid non-fat, protein and lactose, but not significantly. The blood parameters were in normal range and non-significant except that of glucose and triglycerides, which were increased in the sugar beet group. Replacing sugar beet tubers also proved to be cost-effective with improved net profit around Rs. 6.63/day. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that 50% hybrid Napier fodder can be replaced with sugar beet tubers without any adverse effect on animal production performance, milk composition blood biochemical profile and economics of feeding.
