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Cir Cir ; 91(6): 798-803, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38096861


BACKGROUND: Food craving is an intense-compulsive response to eating highly appetizing foods. The Food Cravings Questionnaire-State (FCQ-S) is the most used instrument for its diagnosis. It is a multidimensional instrument, sensitive and adaptable to contextual and cultural changes. OBJECTIVE: To standardize the FCQ-S in the adult population of Mexico City. METHOD: Non-experimental, cross-sectional, at convenience design, with 1059 adults of both sexes, aged 18-84 years. It is highlighted that 71.9% of the participants were women. RESULTS: A reliability coefficient of 0.95 was obtained, the correlations between the items were from r = 0.598 to r = 0.793. With the exploratory factorial analysis, an MKO of sampling adequacy of 0.943 was obtained, and with the Bartlett sphericity test a p = 0.000. The factors explain 78.61% of the total variation of the data. The RMSEA was 0.068, which indicates an acceptable fit. The CFI was 0.974, considered good, and NNFI was 0.969, good fit. The correlations ranged from p < 0.05 to p < 0.01, showing a connection between the different dimensions. CONCLUSIONS: The FCQ-S is valid and adaptable in the Mexican population.

ANTECEDENTES: El food craving es un deseo intenso y compulsivo de comer alimentos altamente apetecibles. El Food Cravings Questionnaire-State (FCQ-S) es el instrumento más utilizado para su diagnóstico. Es un instrumento multidimensional, sensible y adaptable a cambios contextuales y culturales. OBJETIVO: estandarizar el FCQ-S en población adulta de la Ciudad de México. MÉTODO: Diseño no experimental, transversal y a conveniencia por método de bola de nieve, con 1059 adultos ambos sexos y de 18-84 años. Se destaca que el 71.9% de los participantes fueron mujeres. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvo un coeficiente de fiabilidad de 0.95 y las correlaciones entre los ítems fueron de r = 0.598 a r = 0.793. Con el análisis factorial exploratorio se obtuvo una MKO de adecuación de muestreo de 0.943, y con la prueba de esfericidad de Bartlett una p = 0.000. Los factores explican el 78.61% de la variación total de los datos. La RMSEA fue 0.068, lo cual indica ajuste aceptable. El CFI fue 0.974, considerado bueno, y el NNFI fue 0.969 (buen ajuste). Las correlaciones fueron de p < 0.05 a p < 0.01, lo que muestra una conexión entre las diferentes dimensiones. CONCLUSIONES: El FCQ-S es válido y adaptable en población mexicana.

Ansia , Adulto , Masculino , Humanos , Femenino , Ansia/fisiología , México , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Estándares de Referencia
Sensors (Basel) ; 22(21)2022 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36366095


The rise of digitalization, sensory devices, cloud computing and internet of things (IoT) technologies enables the design of novel digital product lifecycle management (DPLM) applications for use cases such as manufacturing and delivery of digital products. The verification of the accomplishment/violations of agreements defined in digital contracts is a key task in digital business transactions. However, this verification represents a challenge when validating both the integrity of digital product content and the transactions performed during multiple stages of the DPLM. This paper presents a traceability method for DPLM based on the integration of online and offline verification mechanisms based on blockchain and fingerprinting, respectively. A blockchain lifecycle registration model is used for organizations to register the exchange of digital products in the cloud with partners and/or consumers throughout the DPLM stages as well as to verify the accomplishment of agreements at each DPLM stage. The fingerprinting scheme is used for offline verification of digital product integrity and to register the DPLM logs within digital products, which is useful in either dispute or violation of agreements scenarios. We built a DPLM service prototype based on this method, which was implemented as a cloud computing service. A case study based on the DPLM of audios was conducted to evaluate this prototype. The experimental evaluation revealed the ability of this method to be applied to DPLM in real scenarios in an efficient manner.

Cadena de Bloques , Internet de las Cosas , Seguridad Computacional , Nube Computacional , Tecnología
Foods ; 11(21)2022 Oct 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36359932


Phoradendron brachystachyum is an American mistletoe distributed in México and used ethnobotanically in infusions to treat hypertriglyceridemia and lower cholesterol levels. This study aimed to evaluate the bioaccessibility of the phenolic acids from mistletoe infusions and the effect of simulated digestion on its antioxidant and lipase inhibitory properties. The in vitro digestion process decreased the antioxidant capacity activity by the TEAC and ORAC assays in infusions from leaves, stems, and whole plant samples. Moreover, the individual phenolic content of mistletoe infusions was also affected by the in vitro digestion process; the most abundant individual phenolic constituents at the end of the digestion process were ferulic and quinic acids. These compounds showed low bioaccessibility values ranging from 7.48% to 22.60%. In addition, the in vitro digestion diminished the pancreatic lipase inhibition percentage of leaves and whole plant infusions but increased it in the stem samples. This research showed that given the phenolic content and pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity of mistletoe infusions, it could be used as a potential source for the development of functional foods and nutraceuticals; nonetheless, its phenolic content is affected by gastrointestinal digestion; thus, encapsulation strategies are encouraged to protect these metabolites from the gastrointestinal environment while preserving their antioxidant and hypolipidemic potentials.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 12(2): 16-28, may.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429554


Resumen Antecedentes. La inteligencia artificial (IA) simula los procesos cognitivos transducidos a sistemas informáticos; posibilita tomar decisiones con alto nivel de eficacia, ello permite hacer diagnósticos y predicciones clínicas con base en el análisis con algoritmos precisos. Una de las consecuencias de la pandemia por Covid-19 es el daño en salud mental en la población, la IA y la atención a distancia permite el diagnóstico e intervención de un número importante de personas que buscan apps y espacios virtuales de atención psicológica. Objetivo. Identificar los niveles de ansiedad, autoestima, depresión, fuerza personal, ideación suicida, duelo e inteligencia emocional empleando una app de bienestar durante la pandemia por Covid-19. Material y Método. Se trató de un diseño no probabilístico, no experimental, transversal, descriptivo, cuantitativo y comparativo. Se trató de una n= 30,466 mexicanos de todos los estados del país, usuarios de la aplicación de bienestar psicológico y salud mental Jenny Mindful, que respondieron los instrumentos ex profesos para esta investigación por convocatoria en la app. Procedimiento: mediante la app se envió invitación abierta para participar en la investigación de salud mental durante la pandemia por Covid-19, que incluía los instrumentos a contestar, objetivos, y las indicaciones, del 6 de febrero de 2020 al 3 de mayo de 2021. La app sólo arroja los resultados de los instrumentos contestados, identificando al usuario, el género, la edad; y en caso de los adultos, el rango de salario, la actividad laboral, la empresa de trabajo y el área. Resultados. Del total de los usuarios de la app que participaron, el 83.6% fueron mujeres; el 23% fueron adolescentes, el 45% adultos emergentes, el 31% adultos, y el 1% > 49 años de edad. Se encontraron niveles altos en la población con ansiedad, depresión, estrés e ideación suicida y duelo, con diferencias significativas mayores en mujeres, adolescentes y adultos emergentes; la autoestima con puntuaciones más altas en el grupo de mayores a 49 años. Fuerza personal e inteligencia emocional, factores ambos protectores, tuvieron significancia estadística a favor de adultos, mayores a 49 años, y puntuaciones bajas en el grupo de adolescentes. Conclusiones. Mediante la aplicación de instrumentos de salud mental con una app de bienestar psicológico, se pudo seleccionar a una n elevada de participantes de diferentes grupos etarios, identificando puntuaciones altas de ansiedad, depresión, e ideación suicida en niveles de riesgo, y con diferencias significativas en adolescentes, adultos emergentes, y mujeres. Los adultos mayores de 49 años tuvieron puntuaciones positivas en Fuerza personal e Inteligencia emocional.

Abstract Background. Artificial intelligence (AI) simulates cognitive processes transduced to computer systems. It allows making decisions with a high level of effectiveness, this permit making diagnoses and clinical predictions based on the algorithms. One of the consequences of Covid-19 disease is the damage to mental health in the population. AI and remote care allow the diagnosis and intervention of a significant number of people who are looking for apps and virtual spaces for psychological care. Objective. To identify the levels of anxiety, self-esteem, depression, personal strength, suicidal ideation, grief and emotional intelligence by means of a well-being app during the Covid-19 pandemic. Material and Methods. It was a non-probabilistic, non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative and comparative design. Procedure. Through the app, an open invitation was sent to participate in mental health research during the Covid-19 pandemic, which included the instruments to be answered, objectives, and indications, from February six of 2020 to May Three of 2021. The app returns the results of the answered instruments, identifying the user, gender, age, and in the case of adults, the salary range, the work activity, the work company and the work area. Results. Of the total app users who participated, 83.6% were women; 23% were adolescents, 45% emerging adults, 31% adults, and 1% > 49 years of age. High levels of anxiety, depression, stress and suicidal ideation and grief were found in the population, with significant differences greater in women, adolescents, and emerging adults; self-esteem with higher scores in the group older than 49 years. Personal strength and emotional intelligence, both protective factors, had statistical significance in favor of adults, older than 49 years, and low scores in the group of adolescents. Conclusions. With the application of mental health instruments with a psychological well-being app, it was possible to select a high n of participants from different age groups, identifying high scores for anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation at risk levels, and with significant differences in adolescents, emerging adults, and women. Those over 49 years of age had positive scores on Personal Strength and Emotional Intelligence.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 12(1): 61-70, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560185


Abstract There is a growing interest to understand the neural functions and substrates of complex cognitive processes related to Obesity (OB). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being applied, specifically the perceptron model of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in non-communicable chronic diseases, to identify with greater certainty the connective factors (synaptic networks) between the input variables and the output variables associated. Objective Identify the synaptic weights of the ANN whose input variables are the executive functions (EF) and healthy lifestyles as predictors of Body Fat Percentage (BFP) in a group of adult subjects with different levels of BFP. Methods It was an exploratory, quantitative, cross-sectional, comparative, convenience, and explanatory research. The Neuropsychological Battery (BANFE-2) and the Overeating Questionnaire (OQ) were administered to 40 participants aged between 18-38 years. BFP was measured using a RENPHO ES-24M Smart Body Composition Scale. The perceptron ANN model with ten trials was applied with a multilayer-perceptron. Results The ANN showed that the sensory variables with greater synaptic weight for BFP were Stroop A and B Errors and Successes of BANFE-2, and OQ scales Rationalizations and Healthy Habits. Conclusions ANN proved to be important in the simultaneous analysis of neuropsychological and healthy lifestyle data for the analysis of OB prevention and treatment by identifying the variables that are closely related. These findings open the door for the use of non-linear analysis models, which allow the identification of relationships of different weights, between input and output variables, to more effectively direct interventions to modify obesity habits.

Resumen Existe un interés creciente por comprender las funciones neuronales y sustratos cognitivos complejos relacionados con la obesidad. Se está aplicando Inteligencia Artificial, en concreto el modelo perceptrón de Redes Neuronales Artificiales en enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, para identificar con mayor certeza los factores de conexión (redes sinápticas) entre las variables de entrada y las variables de salida. Objetivo Identificar pesos sinápticos de la RNA cuyas variables de entrada fueron las funciones ejecutivas y los estilos de vida saludable, como predictores del Porcentaje de Grasa Corporal en un grupo de sujetos adultos con diferentes niveles del Porcentaje de Grasa. Métodos se trató de una investigación exploratoria, cuantitativa, transversal, comparativa, de conveniencia y explicativa. Se administró la Batería Neuropsicológica (BANFE-2) y el Cuestionario de Sobreingesta (OQ), a 40 participantes con edades comprendidas entre los 18-38 años. El porcentaje de grasa se midió con una báscula de composición corporal (RENPHO ES-24M). El modelo redes neuronales de perceptrón, se ejecutó con diez ensayos. Resultados El modelo de Red Neuronal mostró que las variables sensoriales con mayor peso sináptico para el porcentaje de grasa, fueron Errores Stroop A y B y Aciertos de BANFE-2, y Racionalizaciones de las escalas OQ y Hábitos Saludables. Conclusiones las redes neuronales artificiales demostró ser importante en el análisis simultáneo de datos neuropsicológicos y de estilo de vida saludable para el análisis de prevención y tratamiento de la obesidad, al identificar las variables que están estrechamente relacionadas. Estos hallazgos abren la puerta al uso de modelos de análisis no lineales, que permiten identificar relaciones de diferente peso, entre variables de entrada y salida, más eficientes que los modelos lineales.

J Chem Phys ; 156(9): 094701, 2022 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35259891


Using a combination of experimental techniques and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the influence of lithium insertion on the electronic and electrochemical properties of fluorine-doped SnO2 (FTO) is assessed. For this purpose, we investigate the electrochromic behavior of a commercial FTO electrode embedded in a solution of lithium perclorate (LiClO4). The electrochromic properties are evaluated by UV-vis spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and chronoamperometry. These tests show that FTO exhibits electrochromism with a respectable coloration efficiency (η = 47.9 cm2/C at 637 nm). DFT study indicates that lithium remains ionized in the lattice, raising the Fermi level about 0.7 eV deep into the conduction band. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is used to study chemical bonding and oxidation states. XPS analysis of the Sn 3d core levels reveals that lithium insertion in FTO induces a shift of 350 meV in the Sn 3d states, suggesting that lithium is incorporated into the SnO2 lattice.

Entropy (Basel) ; 23(9)2021 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34573841


One of the main problems in graph analysis is the correct identification of relevant nodes for spreading processes. Spreaders are crucial for accelerating/hindering information diffusion, increasing product exposure, controlling diseases, rumors, and more. Correct identification of spreaders in graph analysis is a relevant task to optimally use the network structure and ensure a more efficient flow of information. Additionally, network topology has proven to play a relevant role in the spreading processes. In this sense, more of the existing methods based on local, global, or hybrid centrality measures only select relevant nodes based on their ranking values, but they do not intentionally focus on their distribution on the graph. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method that takes advantage of the underlying graph topology to guarantee that the selected nodes are not only relevant but also well-scattered. Our proposal also suggests how to define the number of spreaders to select. The approach is composed of two phases: first, graph partitioning; and second, identification and distribution of relevant nodes. We have tested our approach by applying the SIR spreading model over nine real complex networks. The experimental results showed more influential and scattered values for the set of relevant nodes identified by our approach than several reference algorithms, including degree, closeness, Betweenness, VoteRank, HybridRank, and IKS. The results further showed an improvement in the propagation influence value when combining our distribution strategy with classical metrics, such as degree, outperforming computationally more complex strategies. Moreover, our proposal shows a good computational complexity and can be applied to large-scale networks.

Gac Med Mex ; 156(1): 27-33, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32026878


INTRODUCTION: Food craving is a motivational and physiological response for eating specific foods, mainly with high caloric content. To assess food craving, self-reports, inventories and questionnaires are used. The Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait is multi-dimensionally structured and has been validated in several countries, since it is sensitive and adaptable to contextual-cultural changes. OBJECTIVES: To validate and standardize the Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait in adults of Mexico City. METHOD: Non-experimental, cross-sectional, randomized study of 1059 subjects of both genders, between 18 and 84 years of age; 71.86 % of the female gender. Psychometric properties were examined with exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. RESULTS: The domains of the questionnaire were reduced and the items were reorganized differently from the original version. The confirmatory factor analysis showed an adequate fit and acceptable standardization of factors. High internal consistency was found for the global questionnaire (a = 0.973 and rho = 0.975) for each one of the domains. CONCLUSION: This study determines the viability of the Food Cravings Questionnaire for the population of Mexico City.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El food craving o "ansia por comer" es una respuesta motivacional y fisiológica por comer alimentos específicos, principalmente con alto contenido calórico. Para evaluarlo se usa, entre otros, el Food Craving Questionnaire Trait, estructurado multidimensionalmente y validado en diversos países, el cual ha mostrado ser sensible y adaptable a los cambios contextuales-culturales. OBJETIVOS: Validar y estandarizar el Food Craving Questionnaire-Trait en adultos de la Ciudad de México. MÉTODO: Estudio no experimental, transversal y aleatorizado de 1059 sujetos de uno y otro sexo, entre 18 y 84 años; 71.86 % del sexo femenino. Se examinaron propiedades psicométricas con análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios. RESULTADOS: Se redujeron los factores del cuestionario y los ítems se reorganizaron de forma diferente al original. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró ajuste adecuado y estandarización aceptable de los factores. Se encontró alta consistencia interna para el cuestionario global (a = 0.973 y rho = 0.975) para cada uno de los factores. CONCLUSIÓN: Este estudio determina la viabilidad del Food Craving Questionnaire para población de la Ciudad de México.

Apetito/fisiología , Ansia/fisiología , Alimentos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios/normas , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Anticipación Psicológica , Estudios Transversales , Emociones , Conducta Alimentaria , Femenino , Culpa , Humanos , Conducta Impulsiva/fisiología , Masculino , México , Persona de Mediana Edad , Psicometría , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Adulto Joven
Gac. méd. Méx ; 156(1): 27-33, ene.-feb. 2020. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249866


Resumen Introducción: El food craving o “ansia por comer” es una respuesta motivacional y fisiológica por comer alimentos específicos, principalmente con alto contenido calórico. Para evaluarlo se usa, entre otros, el Food Craving Questionnaire Trait, estructurado multidimensionalmente y validado en diversos países, el cual ha mostrado ser sensible y adaptable a los cambios contextuales-culturales. Objetivos: Validar y estandarizar el Food Craving Questionnaire-Trait en adultos de la Ciudad de México. Método: Estudio no experimental, transversal y aleatorizado de 1059 sujetos de uno y otro sexo, entre 18 y 84 años; 71.86 % del sexo femenino. Se examinaron propiedades psicométricas con análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios. Resultados: Se redujeron los factores del cuestionario y los ítems se reorganizaron de forma diferente al original. El análisis factorial confirmatorio mostró ajuste adecuado y estandarización aceptable de los factores. Se encontró alta consistencia interna para el cuestionario global (a = 0.973 y rho = 0.975) para cada uno de los factores. Conclusión: Este estudio determina la viabilidad del Food Craving Questionnaire para población de la Ciudad de México.

Abstract Introduction: Food craving is a motivational and physiological response for eating specific foods, mainly with high caloric content. To assess food craving, self-reports, inventories and questionnaires are used. The Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait is multi-dimensionally structured and has been validated in several countries, since it is sensitive and adaptable to contextual-cultural changes. Objectives: To validate and standardize the Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait in adults of Mexico City. Method: Non-experimental, cross-sectional, randomized study of 1059 subjects of both genders, between 18 and 84 years of age; 71.86 % of the female gender. Psychometric properties were examined with exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results: The domains of the questionnaire were reduced and the items were reorganized differently from the original version. The confirmatory factor analysis showed an adequate fit and acceptable standardization of factors. High internal consistency was found for the global questionnaire (a = 0.973 and rho = 0.975) for each one of the domains. Conclusion: This study determines the viability of the Food Cravings Questionnaire for the population of Mexico City.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Adulto Joven , Apetito/fisiología , Encuestas y Cuestionarios/normas , Ansia/fisiología , Alimentos , Psicometría , Estudios Transversales , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Emociones , Conducta Alimentaria , Anticipación Psicológica , Culpa , Conducta Impulsiva/fisiología , México
Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 10(1): 49-56, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149042


Abstract The obesity is a global health problem, also it is increasing in adults and pediatric population, reducing life quality. Treatment must be interdisciplinary with elements of behavior modification on self-control, habit modifications, support networks and highlighting to adherence. Cognitive behavioral therapy, specifically on problem solving model, is efficient in treatment of anthropometric control, metabolic and behavioral indicators. Methods: Quasi-experimental, comparative, clinical and randomized study, n=100 adults of both sexes with an exogenous obesity diagnostic. The intervention was performed with an interdisciplinary treatment of cognitive behavioral therapy on problem solving model and 3mg. (0-0-1) of melatonin (50 subjects), comparing it with a group that only received the treatment by melatonin 3mg. (0-0-1) (50 subjects) per 8 months; the anthropometry and blood biochemical values (glucose, triglycerides, HDL and LDL) was evaluated after and before; dropout rate and adherence to the drug was evaluated every month. A bioimpedance machine was used. Results: The analysis demonstrated in eight months that the problem solving model with melatonin group got an adherence average of 80% (p= .05); in comparison with melatonin group that showed an average of 48% (p= .05). Relating to anthropometry and blood biochemical values, problem solving model and melatonin group got better effectiveness (p= .05). Conclusions Cognitive behavioral therapy combined with melatonin, was more effective in anthropometric indicators, blood chemistry and mainly in adherence, confirming the importance of the incursion of effective psychological techniques that contribute to the management of obesity.

Resumen La obesidad es un problema de salud que aumenta en la población, reduciendo la calidad de vida. El tratamiento debe de ser interdisciplinario, que incluya autocontrol de ingesta alimentaria, modificación de hábitos, redes de apoyo y manejo de adherencia. La terapia cognitiva conductual específicamente el modelo en solución de problemas es eficaz en el manejo de antropometría, indicadores metabólicos y conductuales, sin embargo no hay evidencia de su impacto en adherencia farmacológica. Método: estudio cuasiexperimental, comparativo, aleatorio simple y clínico. Participaron 100 adultos de ambos sexos con diagnóstico de obesidad exógena. Se aplicó intervención basada en el modelo en solución de problemas combinado con 3 mg. (0-0-1) de melatonina (50 sujetos), comparándola con un grupo que solo recibió melatonina 3 mg. (0-0-1) (50 sujetos) durante 8 meses; se evaluó antropometría (IMC y porcentaje de grasa), química sanguínea (glucosa, triglicéridos, HDL y LDL), tasa de abandono y adherencia al fármaco mensualmente. Se utilizó báscula de bioimpedancia. Resultados. El grupo de terapia y melatonina obtuvo un promedio de adherencia del 80% (p = .05); en comparación con el grupo de melatonina que mostró un promedio de 48% (p = .05). En la antropometría y química sanguínea, este grupo mostró mayor eficacia (p = .05). Conclusiones. La terapia cognitivo conductual combinada con melatonina, fue más efectiva en indicadores antropométricos, de química sanguínea y principalmente en adherencia, lo que confirma la importancia de la incursión de técnicas psicológicas efectivas que coadyuven en el manejo de obesidad.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 18(1): 17-29, ene.-feb. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1004119


Introducción: Las técnicas microquirúrgicas son hoy enormemente aplicadas en el mundo en diferentes especialidades quirúrgicas. El centro, desde la década del 90, comenzó a impartir los entrenamientos de microcirugía vascular y nerviosa a especialistas y residentes nacionales y extranjeros respectivamente. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados del entrenamiento de microcirugía que se imparte en el Centro de Cirugía Experimental de la Facultad de Medicina Victoria de Girón. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo para evaluar el programa que se oferta. El entrenamiento está dividido en tres partes fundamentales: Parte teórica; prácticas en un simulador de látex; sutura termino-terminal de intestino delgado sobre la rata y, por último, el desarrollo de las técnicas básicas microquirúrgicas para un total de 90 horas. La matricula total en el período fue de 203 cursistas a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta al finalizar el entrenamiento; se midió además el tiempo de realización de la anastomosis y la permeabilidad vascular para calificarlos de Mal, Bien y Excelente al concluir. Resultados: En general fueron satisfactorios en 90 por ciento de los estudiantes sobre todo aquellos que poseen o estudian una especialidad quirúrgica, quienes presentaron mejores habilidades en un corto período que aquellos que no practicaban la cirugía reduciendo el tiempo de realización de las anastomosis y obteniendo una buena permeabilidad vascular. Conclusiones: El entrenamiento básico de microcirugía implementado constituye una útil herramienta para que los educandos desarrollen las habilidades necesarias para poder acometer con éxito las prácticas microquirúrgicas en la clínica quirúrgica(AU)

Introduction: Microsurgical techniques are currently applied in different surgical specialties worldwide. During the 90´s, our center began to implement vascular and nerve microsurgery trainings to specialists and national and foreign residents, respectively. Objective: To evaluate the results of microsurgery training that it is taught in the Center for Experimental Surgery at Victoria de Girón Institute of Basic and Pre-Clinical Sciences. Material and methods: A retrospective longitudinal study was carried out to evaluate the microsurgery training program. The training was divided into three main parts: theoretical lessons; practices upon the latex simulator; end-to-end anastomosis of small intestine on the rat; and finally, the development of basic microsurgical techniques on different vascular structures (abdominal aorta and vein) and the sciatic nerve of the rat, for a total of 90 hours of training. The total enrollment during the mentioned period was 203 students to whom a survey was applied at the end of the training; also, the time of realization of anastomosis and the vascular permeability were measured and evaluated as Bad, Good, and Excellent. Results: The results were satisfactory in general, but 90 percent of students that were carrying out their studies of a surgical specialty showed better skills in a shorter period than those that didn't practice surgery, demonstrating a less time-consuming exercise in the realization of vessel anastomosis and obtaining a good vascular permeability in this group. Conclusions: This teaching method constitutes a useful tool so that the students develop the necessary skills to carry out microsurgical practices in clinical surgery successfully(AU)

Humanos , Microcirugia/educación , Microcirugia/métodos , Cursos
Acta Trop ; 176: 228-235, 2017 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28818626


BACKGROUND: For several years, the wild populations of Triatoma infestans, main vector of Trypanosoma cruzi causing Chagas disease, have been considered or suspected of being a source of reinfestation of villages. The number of sites reported for the presence of wild T. infestans, often close to human habitats, has greatly increased, but these data are scattered in several publications, and others obtained by our team in Bolivia have not been published yet. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Herein is compiled the largest number of wild sites explored for the presence of T. infestans collected with two methods The standardized methods aimed to determine the relationship between wild T. infestans and the ecoregion, and the directed method help to confirm the presence/absence of triatomines in the ecoregions. Entomological indices were compared between ecoregions and an environmental niche modelling approach, based on bioclimatic variables, was applied. The active search for wild T. infestans in Bolivia suggests a discontinuous distribution from the Andean valleys to the lowlands (Chaco), while the models used suggest a continuous distribution between the two regions and very large areas where wild populations remain to be discovered. The results compile the description of different habitats where these populations were found, and we demonstrate that the environmental niches of wild and domestic populations, defined by climatic variables, are similar but not equivalent, showing that during domestication, T. infestans has conquered new spaces with wider ranges of temperature and precipitation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The great diversity of wild T. infestans habitats and the comparison of their ecological niches with that of domestic populations confirm the behavioural plasticity of the species that increase the possibility of contact with humans. The result of the geographical distribution model of the wild populations calls for more entomological vigilance in the corresponding areas in the Southern Cone countries and in Bolivia. The current presentation is the most comprehensive inventory of wild T. infestans-positive sites that can be used as a reference for further entomological vigilance in inhabited areas.

Enfermedad de Chagas/transmisión , Ecosistema , Insectos Vectores/crecimiento & desarrollo , Triatoma/crecimiento & desarrollo , Animales , Bolivia/epidemiología , Entomología , Ambiente , Humanos , Trypanosoma cruzi
Free Radic Biol Med ; 101: 20-31, 2016 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27677567


The recent finding that hydropersulfides (RSSH) are biologically prevalent in mammalian systems has prompted further investigation of their chemical properties in order to provide a basis for understanding their potential functions, if any. Hydropersulfides have been touted as hyper-reactive thiol-like species that possess increased nucleophilicity and reducing capabilities compared to their thiol counterparts. Herein, using persulfide generating model systems, the ability of RSSH species to act as one-electron reductants has been examined. Not unexpectedly, RSSH is relatively easily oxidized, compared to thiols, by weak oxidants to generate the perthiyl radical (RSS·). Somewhat surprisingly, however, RSS· was found to be stable in the presence of both O2 and NO and only appears to dimerize. Thus, the RSSH/RSS· redox couple is readily accessible under biological conditions and since dimerization of RSS· may be a rare event due to low concentrations and/or sequestration within a protein, it is speculated that the general lack of reactivity of individual RSS· species may allow this couple to be utilized as a redox component in biological systems.

Antioxidantes/química , Óxidos N-Cíclicos/química , Oxígeno/química , Sulfuros/química , Dimerización , Cinética , Oxidación-Reducción , Transducción de Señal , Soluciones , Marcadores de Spin , Termodinámica
Gac Med Mex ; 152(6): 755-760, 2016.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27861473


OBJECTIVE: To describe the direct cost of primary health care for patients with mild traumatic head injury in a third level medical facility. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study in 219 patients with mild traumatic brain injury (GRD 090 S06.0 ICD-10 including uncomplicated concussion without complication and increased comorbidity). LOCATION: A medical unit of tertiary care in the State of Puebla, Mexico. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Direct costs were taken from ACDO.AS3.HCT.280115 / 7.P.DF Agreement and its annexes in Mexican pesos, the variables analyzed were age, gender, shift attention, laboratory, radiographic and tomographic studies, length of stay, specialist consultations, emergency care, medicines, and treatment materials. Descriptive statistics on SPSS program IBM v22. RESULTS: 53.4% male, 46.6% female; average age 31.9 years; morning shift attention 58.4%, evening 23.3%, and nightly 18.3%. The cost: $ 1,755 laboratory, plain radiographs $ 202,794, tomographic studies $ 26,720, consultation with neurosurgeon $ 279,174, emergency care $ 501,510; curing material: single steri drape $8,326.38, Micropore $1,307.43, infusion equipment $790.59, venipuncture needle $7,408.77; drugs: diclofenac $946.08, Ketorolac $724.89, 1000 ml. intravenous solution $1,561.47, total cost $ 1,032,293.72, average/patient: 4,713.66 Mexican pesos. CONCLUSION: The direct cost of primary health care of patients with mild traumatic head injury is high; sticking to the correct handling decreases the cost of attention.

Conmoción Encefálica/terapia , Costos Directos de Servicios , Atención Primaria de Salud/economía , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Conmoción Encefálica/economía , Costos y Análisis de Costo , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , México , Persona de Mediana Edad , Centros de Atención Terciaria/economía , Adulto Joven
Free Radic Biol Med ; 97: 136-147, 2016 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27242269


The recent discovery of significant hydropersulfide (RSSH) levels in mammalian tissues, fluids and cells has led to numerous questions regarding their possible physiological function. Cysteine hydropersulfides have been found in free cysteine, small molecule peptides as well as in proteins. Based on their chemical properties and likely cellular conditions associated with their biosynthesis, it has been proposed that they can serve a protective function. That is, hydropersulfide formation on critical thiols may protect them from irreversible oxidative or electrophilic inactivation. As a prelude to understanding the possible roles and functions of hydropersulfides in biological systems, this study utilizes primarily chemical experiments to delineate the possible mechanistic chemistry associated with cellular protection. Thus, the ability of hydropersulfides to protect against irreversible electrophilic and oxidative modification was examined. The results herein indicate that hydropersulfides are very reactive towards oxidants and electrophiles and are modified readily. However, reduction of these oxidized/modified species is facile generating the corresponding thiol, consistent with the idea that hydropersulfides can serve a protective function for thiol proteins.

Cisteína/metabolismo , Estrés Oxidativo , Proteínas/metabolismo , Sulfuros/metabolismo , Cisteína/química , Oxidación-Reducción , Proteínas/química , Especies Reactivas de Oxígeno , Transducción de Señal , Compuestos de Sulfhidrilo/química , Sulfuros/química
Reprod Sci ; 23(9): 1250-7, 2016 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27089913


INTRODUCTION: Several epidemiologic studies in humans have shown a relationship between pregestational obesity and congenital malformations in offsprings. However, there are no experimental evidence in animal models of obesity and pregnancy that reproduce the teratogenesis induced by this pathological condition. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of monosodium glutamate-induced obesity on embryonic development. METHODS: Female rats received subcutaneously (4 mg/g body weight) monosodium glutamate (MSG) solution or saline solution 0.9% (vehicle control) at days 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 of life. At 90 days of age, all animals were mated, and on day 11 of pregnancy, the animals were killed. Biochemical variables (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, and insulin) were determined in plasma of dams and embryo homogenates (DNA and protein content, advanced oxidation protein products). Embryos were evaluated for malformations, crown-rump length, and somite number. RESULTS: Obese rats presented higher triglyceride levels as compared to nonobese rats. Increased proportion of malformed embryos, decreased crown-rump length, somite number, DNA, and protein content were observed in offspring of obese rats. CONCLUSION: The model of obesity induced with MSG reproduces the maternal obesity-induced teratogenesis. The hypertriglyceridemia observed in MSG obese pregnant rats could be related to increased birth defect.

Enfermedades Fetales/metabolismo , Obesidad/embriología , Obesidad/metabolismo , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Animales , Glucemia/metabolismo , Colesterol/sangre , Largo Cráneo-Cadera , Modelos Animales de Enfermedad , Femenino , Enfermedades Fetales/etiología , Enfermedades Fetales/patología , Insulina/sangre , Masculino , Obesidad/inducido químicamente , Obesidad/complicaciones , Embarazo , Ratas , Ratas Wistar , Glutamato de Sodio/toxicidad , Somitos/patología , Triglicéridos/sangre
Arch Biochem Biophys ; 588: 15-24, 2015 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26519887


Recent reports indicate the ubiquitous prevalence of hydropersulfides (RSSH) in mammalian systems. The biological utility of these and related species is currently a matter of significant speculation. The function, lifetime and fate of hydropersulfides will be assuredly based on their chemical properties and reactivity. Thus, to serve as the basis for further mechanistic studies regarding hydropersulfide biology, some of the basic chemical properties/reactivity of hydropersulfides was studied. The nucleophilicity, electrophilicity and redox properties of hydropersulfides were examined under biological conditions. These studies indicate that hydropersulfides can be nucleophilic or electrophilic, depending on the pH (i.e. the protonation state) and can act as good one- and two-electron reductants. These diverse chemical properties in a single species make hydropersulfides chemically distinct from other, well-known sulfur containing biological species, giving them unique and potentially important biological function.

Sulfuros/química , Sulfuros/metabolismo , Animales , Cianuros/química , Cianuros/metabolismo , Cistationina gamma-Liasa/metabolismo , Glutatión/análogos & derivados , Glutatión/química , Glutatión/metabolismo , Humanos , Espectroscopía de Resonancia Magnética , Modelos Químicos , Oxidación-Reducción , Fragmentos de Péptidos/metabolismo , Ratas , Proteínas Tirosina Fosfatasas Clase 3 Similares a Receptores/metabolismo , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Transducción de Señal
J Med Syst ; 39(8): 75, 2015 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26077127


The access to medical information (journals, blogs, web-pages, dictionaries, and texts) has been increased due to availability of many digital media. In particular, finding an appropriate structure that represents the information contained in texts is not a trivial task. One of the structures for modeling the knowledge are ontologies. An ontology refers to a conceptualization of a specific domain of knowledge. Ontologies are especially useful because they support the exchange and sharing of information as well as reasoning tasks. The usage of ontologies in medicine is mainly focussed in the representation and organization of medical terminologies. Ontology learning techniques have emerged as a set of techniques to get ontologies from unstructured information. This paper describes a new ontology learning approach that consists of a method for the acquisition of concepts and its corresponding taxonomic relations, where also axioms disjointWith and equivalentClass are learned from text without human intervention. The source of knowledge involves files about medical domain. Our approach is divided into two stages, the first part corresponds to discover hierarchical relations and the second part to the axiom extraction. Our automatic ontology learning approach shows better results compared against previous work, giving rise to more expressive ontologies.

Almacenamiento y Recuperación de la Información/métodos , Sistemas de Información/organización & administración , Bases del Conocimiento , Aprendizaje Automático , Algoritmos , Humanos , Internet , Vocabulario Controlado
PLoS One ; 8(11): e80786, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24278320


Triatoma infestans, the major vector of Chagas disease south of the Amazon in South America, has a large distribution of wild populations, contrary to what has previously been stated. These populations have been suspected of being the source of reinfestation of human habitats and could impede the full success of vector control campaigns. This study examined gene flow between intra-peridomestic populations and wild populations collected in the surround areas in three Andean localities in Bolivia. The populations were defined according to temporal, ecological, and spatial criteria. After DNA extraction from the legs of each insect, the samples were analyzed using seven microsatellite markers. First, the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) detected an absence of differentiation between wild and intra-peridomestic populations, although strong structuring was observed between the populations within each environment. Then for some populations, the Bayesian method of assignment to inferred populations showed very similar assignment patterns of the members of wild or intra-peridomestic populations in each locality. Finally, the detection of the first-generation migrants within the different populations provided evidence of insect displacement from the wild to the intra-peridomestic environment. This result indicates that, after control campaigns in the Andes, controlling this new paradigm of vector transmission risk stemming from the invasion of human habitats by wild populations of T. infestans requires long-term maintenance of public monitoring to keep the risk at a minimal level. Since wild populations of T. infestans have also been detected elsewhere in Argentina, Paraguay, and Chile, there is an urgent need to take these populations into account in future monitoring of Chagas disease transmission.

Ecosistema , Triatoma/genética , Animales , Bolivia , Femenino , Sitios Genéticos/genética , Variación Genética , Genotipo , Geografía , Humanos , Masculino , Repeticiones de Microsatélite/genética , Filogenia , Dinámica Poblacional
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 12(2): 176-186, abr.-jun. 2013.
Artículo en Español | CUMED | ID: cum-68562


Introducción: en modelos experimentales se han obtenido resultados prometedores con el empleo de suplementos antioxidantes en la prevención de la embriopatía diabética. Sin embargo, no siempre el beneficio es claro y queda por aclarar el mecanismo que subyace en esos resultados. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la suplementación nutricional con Vitamina E durante la gestación en la descendencia de ratas diabéticas. Materiales y Métodos: se emplearon ratas con diabetes inducida por estreptozotocina y ratas sanas como controles. Durante la gestación, un grupo de ratas diabéticas y uno de controles recibieron 150 mg/kg/día de vitamina E y los otros grupos el vehículo, hasta el día 11,5 en el que se practicó eutanasia. Se realizó el análisis morfológico de la descendencia y la determinación del contenido de ADN, proteínas y marcadores de estrés oxidativo en embriones. Para el análisis estadístico se emplearon pruebas no paramétricas y las diferencias se consideraron significativas con p < 0,05.Resultados: en las ratas diabéticas tratadas con Vitamina E se observó menor número de reabsorciones y los embriones tuvieron mayor talla, así como, menor retraso del desarrollo, severidad de las malformaciones y contenido de marcadores de daño oxidativo a proteínas y lípidos. Conclusiones: la suplementación nutricional con Vitamina E durante la gestación en ratas diabéticas disminuyó las pérdidas del producto de la concepción y favoreció el crecimiento y desarrollo de los embriones con menor daño oxidativo a biomoléculas que pudieran sugerir un efecto antioxidante beneficioso de esta vitamina(AU)

Introduction: experimental models have obtained good results with the supplementation of antioxidants in the prevention of the diabetic embryopathy. However, not always the effect is beneficial and the mechanism of these results is unclear. T Objective: was to evaluate the effect of nutritional supplementation with vitamin E during gestation on offspring of diabetic rats. Materials and Methods: we used wistar rats with diabetes induced by streptozotocin and health rats like controls. During gestation, one group of diabetic rats and one group of controls received vitamin E 150mg/kg/day, and the others group the vehicle. Euthanasia was practiced at 11,5 day of pregnancy and we study the morphology of the products, DNA, proteins and oxidative stress markers in embryos. The statistic analyze was performed with non parametric tests and the significant differences were considered with p< 0, 05. Results: in diabetic rats with vitamin E the embryos were higher and decreased the number of resorptions, the developmental impairment and the content of oxidative damage markers to lipids and proteins in the embryos. Conclusions: nutritional supplementation with vitamin E during gestation in diabetic rats decreased the loss of the conception products, increased the growth and development of the embryos with decreased oxidative damage to biomolecules that will be suggest a beneficial antioxidant effect of the vitamin(AU)
