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Front Behav Neurosci ; 17: 1173298, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37214639


Introduction and aim: Although the sense of smell in pigs is widely recognized as being highly developed, surprisingly little is known about their sensory ability. This study aimed to (a) identify which non-social odors pigs were able to detect and distinguish between, (b) investigate the types of behavior expressed when exploring odors and, (c) compare pigs' responses to the different odors to evaluate their interest in the odors. Methods: Growing pigs (N = 192) of crossbred commercial breeds were enrolled in the experiment (32-110 days of age, weighing 64.9 ± 10.1kg). Littermate pairs of opposite sex were tested in test pens with two odor insertion points in the pen wall, 55 cm apart. All pigs were habituated to the test pens and experimenters. Twelve odors were tested (eight essential oils and four synthetic perfumes) in groups of three odors, with each pig pair tested once with one set of three odors (all possible orders of the three odors were tested on 24 pairs in total), always against a non-odor control (demineralized water). In a test, each of the three odors were presented during three trials in a row (a total of 9 trials per test; trial duration: 1 min; inter-trial breaks: 2 min; total test duration: 25 min). Response variables included: duration of sniffing, feeding-related behavior (licking, biting and rooting), agonistic behavior (biting, displacement and pushing) and no approach of the odor or control, recorded throughout each 1-min odor presentation. Results: All pigs sniffed an odor less when repeatedly presented (LMM: all odors P < 0.05), and significantly longer at the subsequent presentation of a new odor [LMM (3rd vs. 1st presentations): P < 0.001]. Specific odor and odor type (essential oil vs. synthetic perfume) had no significant effect on sniffing duration. Overall, feeding-related behavior and agonistic behavior were expressed significantly more when pigs explored the odor compared with the control insertion point (Paired t-tests: P < 0.001), and specific odor only affected the expression of feeding-related behavior. Conclusion: Collectively, pigs express sniffing, agonistic, and feeding-related behavior when exploring odors, which suggests that pigs perceive odors of non-social origin as a resource. Odors may thus constitute relevant enrichment material for pigs.

Front Vet Sci ; 9: 956559, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36157180


As herd-living animals, cattle have opportunities to observe and learn from others. While there is evidence of simpler processes of information transfer in cattle (social facilitation and stimulus enhancement), true social learning mechanisms in cattle remain largely unexplored. This study aimed to investigate if dairy cows possess cognitive abilities to acquire new behavior through social learning in a spatial detour task. Thirty-two dairy cows (ages 2-9 years) participated in the study. A food reward was placed behind a U-shaped formation (4 x 2 m), allowing the cows to see but not reach the reward without first detouring around the obstacle. The U-shape provided two routes (~18 m walking distance) to the reward, of which one was used for demonstration. Two cows were demonstrators and 30 cows were divided into two groups, assigned as either observers of demonstration (n = 15) or controls not observing demonstration (n = 15). Cows had three attempts (trials) to solve the task. Response variables were: success, latency to reach the reward, concordance in choice of route to detour, and time spent facing the test arena before each trial started. The study found no significant differences in success or latency between observers and controls, although observers spent a greater proportion of the time before trials facing the test arena. However, successful observers tended to be faster than successful controls. Individual cows were generally consistent in their choice of route, and cows choosing the demonstrated route were significantly faster than cows that did not. Success in solving the task decreased over trials, likely due to decreasing food motivation. Age had a significant effect on success in 2nd and 3rd trial, with younger cows being more successful. The lacking effect of treatment on success suggests that the age effect may be explained by a higher motivation, rather than social learning. Adding to the sparse knowledge of social learning in farm animals, these results indicate that cows did not utilize social learning mechanisms when solving the detour task. Future research should focus on clarifying whether cattle possess cognitive abilities necessary for social learning, as well as if /when social learning is a primary strategy.
