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Transbound Emerg Dis ; 69(4): e322-e335, 2022 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34435463


Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly infectious transboundary disease that is endemic and affects the livelihood of smallholder farmers in Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR). Knowledge about livestock movement patterns is important for preventing the spread of FMD between villages. This study describes the livestock movement patterns in Champasak, Savannakhet and Xiangkhouang provinces of Lao PDR. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with randomly selected villagers (n = 195) and traders (n = 169) in 115 villages between February and March 2019. Livestock owners commonly purchased (mainly breeding) animals from other smallholders (81%) and sold (mainly slaughter) animals to traders (76%) or other smallholders (16%), typically within the same district and province. The median inter-village trade distance was 20-30 km, with an average frequency of 4 trades per village per month. Traders purchased animals from smallholders (71%) and middlemen (25%) located within their district. It was common for many traders (74%) to retain animals at their property before selling, typically a median of 4 beef cattle per trader. Local trades within the district were far more common (72%) than distant trades. The movements of grazing/fattening large ruminants between villages were reported in 30% of the villages in all three provinces and occurred mostly within the same district or province in short distance (6 km). Social Network Analysis has identified animal movement hubs in the three provinces which could be targeted for FMD control and surveillance. Movements of animals for further use (fattening/ reproduction), long-distance movements and frequent local movements described in this area have important implications for FMD circulation. The findings from the study will inform FMD spread simulation models for Lao PDR. The knowledge gained from these data will also help the Lao PDR authorities understand the patterns of animal movements associated with disease spread.

Enfermedades de los Bovinos , Enfermedades Transmisibles , Fiebre Aftosa , Animales , Bovinos , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/epidemiología , Enfermedades de los Bovinos/prevención & control , Enfermedades Transmisibles/veterinaria , Agricultores , Fiebre Aftosa/epidemiología , Fiebre Aftosa/prevención & control , Humanos , Laos/epidemiología , Ganado
RSC Adv ; 9(53): 30823-30834, 2019 Sep 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35529391


Poly(vinylbenzyl chloride-co-divinyl benzene)-based polyHIPE monoliths of different porosities were prepared using high-internal-phase emulsions (HIPEs) containing a fixed amount of vinylbenzyl chloride (VBC, 6.0 g, 0.0393 mol) and divinyl benzene (DVB 4.0 g, 0.0308 mol) as the oil phase and different volume ratios of aqueous calcium chloride as the internal phase. Span-80 (2.0 g (4.67 mmol))-stabilized HIPEs were polymerized at 60 °C using potassium persulfate (0.4 g, 1.48 mmol) as the initiator. Upon varying the volume ratio of aqueous calcium chloride from 80 to 90%, the prepared polyHIPE monoliths have shown significant variations in their surface morphology, specific surface area (SA), and pore volumes (V p) as confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and a gas adsorption (BET) method. The prepared polyHIPE monoliths were anchored with o-hydroxynaphthaldehyde propylenediamine Schiff base ligand (HNPn) and then loaded with copper(ii) ions (HNPn-Cu) to act as a catalyst. The structural information of unsupported HNPn-Cu complexes was obtained by recording its FT-IR and UV-visible spectra. The amount of copper(ii) ions loaded onto HNPn ligand-anchored polyHIPE monoliths was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopic analysis. In comparison to unsupported HNPn-Cu catalyst, the polyHIPE monolith-supported HNPn-Cu catalyst has shown high catalytic activity (66.8%), product selectivity for epoxycyclohexane (ECH) (94.8%), high turn over number (0.028 mol mol-1 h-1) and low energy of activation (22.4 kJ mol-1) in the epoxidation of cyclohexene in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as an oxidant at 40 °C. The polyHIPE-supported HNPn-Cu catalyst also shows high reuse applications. Studies show that there is sufficient scope to develop polyHIPE monoliths with various properties for specific applications.

Rev Sci Tech ; 38(3): 681-694, 2019 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32286576


Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral infection affecting cloven-hoofed animals including cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats and pigs. The disease is endemic in several parts of Asia, as well as most of Africa and the Middle East. In 1997, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) established the South-East Asia Foot and Mouth Disease Campaign with the aim of increasing livestock sector productivity and economic output through the control and eradication of FMD in South-East Asia. Large-scale vaccination of livestock against FMD has in the past led to the successful eradication (or control) of the disease, for example in the Philippines. However, despite the benefit associated with large-scale vaccination, biosecurity risks can be created by vaccination teams moving between locations. It is therefore recommended that biosecurity measures are used by vaccination teams to prevent inadvertent disease spread. The majority of existing guidelines are focused on high-risk situations such as exotic animal disease outbreaks in developed countries, or agents posing a risk to human health. This paper describes the development of novel biosecurity guidelines for vaccination teams in South-East Asia. To achieve this, available literature was scanned followed by in-country workshops and field-testing of draft materials. Entry and exit procedures are laid out within the context of five core rules that follow the biosecurity principles of situational awareness, segregation, cleaning and disinfection. Guidelines and accompanying fact sheets were translated into local languages and included in a comprehensive vaccination training programme for all vaccination teams undertaking cattle FMD vaccination programmes in the New Zealand OIE FMD control project target countries (Myanmar and Laos). The material developed has wide practical relevance to veterinarians, traditional healers and village or community animal health workers, who all pose a heightened risk of spreading infectious agents.

La fièvre aphteuse est une maladie virale extrêmement contagieuse affectant les artiodactyles (dont les bovins, les buffles, les ovins, les caprins et les porcins). La maladie est présente à l'état endémique dans plusieurs régions d'Asie, dans presque toute l'Afrique et au Moyen-Orient. En 1997, l'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) a lancé la Campagne de lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse en Asie du Sud-Est afin d'améliorer la productivité et la rentabilité économique du secteur de l'élevage à travers la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse voire son éradication de la sous-région. Grâce à la vaccination à grande échelle du bétail, certains pays ont pu éradiquer (ou du moins contrôler) la fièvre aphteuse dans le passé, par exemple les Philippines. Si la vaccination à grande échelle est en soi bénéfique, elle comporte certains risques de biosécurité, liés aux déplacements des équipes de vaccination d'un site à l'autre. Il est donc recommandé que ces équipes appliquent des mesures de biosécurité visant à prévenir toute propagation accidentelle de la maladie. La plupart des lignes directrices existantes sont axées sur les situations présentant un niveau de risque élevé, par exemple la survenue de foyers de maladies animales exotiques dans les pays développés, ou d'agents pathogènes qui constituent un risque pour la santé publique. Dans cet article, les auteurs décrivent la méthodologie suivie pour élaborer des lignes directrices innovantes de biosécurité en Asie du Sud-Est, destinées aux équipes de vaccination. Ces lignes directrices ont été rédigées en passant en revue la littérature sur le sujet lors d'ateliers nationaux et en testant sur le terrain les projets de documents. Les procédures d'entrée et de sortie ont été établies en suivant cinq règles fondamentales fondées sur les grands principes de la biosécurité, à savoir la connaissance de la situation, la ségrégation, le nettoyage et la désinfection. Les lignes directrices et les fiches explicatives qui les accompagnent ont été traduites en langues locales et utilisées dans le cadre d'un programme complet de formation à la vaccination destiné à l'ensemble des équipes de vaccination participant aux programmes de vaccination du cheptel bovin contre la fièvre aphteuse dans les pays couverts par le projet Nouvelle-Zélande­OIE de lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse (Myanmar et Laos). Les matériels proposés présentent une utilité concrète pour les vétérinaires, les guérisseurs traditionnels et les auxiliaires communautaires ou villageois de santé animale, qui sont tous particulièrement exposés au risque de propager involontairement des agents de maladies infectieuses.

La fiebre aftosa es una infección vírica muy contagiosa que afecta a animales biungulados como el ganado vacuno, el búfalo, la oveja, la cabra o el cerdo. La enfermedad es endémica en varias zonas de Asia y en la mayor parte de África y Oriente Medio. En 1997, la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) instituyó la «Campaña de lucha contra la fiebre aftosa en el Sudeste asiático¼ con el objetivo de que el control y la erradicación de la enfermedad en la región se tradujeran en un aumento de la productividad y la rentabilidad económica del sector ganadero. En ocasiones anteriores la vacunación a gran escala del ganado ya ha resultado eficaz para erradicar (o controlar) la fiebre aftosa, por ejemplo en Filipinas. Sin embargo, pese a los beneficios que depara la vacunación a gran escala, los equipos que la llevan a cabo, al desplazarse de una a otra localidad, también pueden vehicular nuevos riesgos biológicos. Por ello se recomienda que esos equipos apliquen medidas de seguridad biológica destinadas a impedir la propagación accidental de la enfermedad. La mayoría de las directrices existentes al respecto están centradas en situaciones de gran riesgo, como brotes de enfermedades animales exóticas en países desarrollados o presencia de agentes infecciosos que entrañan peligro para la salud pública. Los autores describen la elaboración de nuevas directrices de seguridad biológica dirigidas a los equipos de vacunación que operan en el Sudeste asiático. Para empezar se hizo un repaso de la bibliografía existente, tras lo cual se celebraron talleres nacionales y se ensayaron sobre el terreno las medidas preconizadas en un primer borrador. Como parte de las directrices se instauran procedimientos de entrada y salida encuadrados en cinco reglas básicas que se ajustan a los grandes principios de seguridad biológica: conocimiento de la situación, segregación, limpieza y desinfección. Las directrices y las fichas descriptivas que las acompañan, una vez traducidas a los idiomas locales, fueron incluidas en un programa integral de formación en vacunaciones dirigido a todos los equipos que se disponían a intervenir en programas de vacunación antiaftosa del ganado en Myanmar y Laos, países beneficiarios del proyecto Nueva Zelanda­OIE de lucha contra la fiebre aftosa. El material elaborado reviste gran utilidad práctica para los veterinarios, curanderos tradicionales y trabajadores zoosanitarios de aldeas y comunidades, todos ellos portadores de un riesgo especialmente importante de propagar agentes infecciosos.

Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles/métodos , Fiebre Aftosa/prevención & control , Vacunación/veterinaria , Animales , Asia Sudoriental , Brotes de Enfermedades
J Med Phys ; 40(4): 220-5, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26865758


A national survey was conducted to obtain information about the use of image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) techniques and IGRT dose measurement methods being followed at Indian radiotherapy centers. A questionnaire containing parameters relevant to use of IGRT was prepared to collect the information pertaining to (i) availability and type of IGRT delivery system, (ii) frequency of image acquisition protocol and utilization of these images for different purpose, and (iii) imaging dose measurement. The questionnaire was circulated to 75 hospitals in the country having IGRT facility, and responses of 51 centers were received. Survey results showed that among surveyed hospitals, 86% centers have IGRT facility, 78% centers have kilo voltage three-dimensional volumetric imaging. 75% of hospitals in our study do not perform computed tomography dose index measurements and 89% of centers do not perform patient dose measurements. Moreover, only 29% physicists believe IGRT dose is additional radiation burden to patient. This study has brought into focus the need to design a national protocol for IGRT dose measurement and development of indigenous tools to perform IGRT dose measurements.
