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Breed Sci ; 70(2): 200-211, 2020 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32523402


Citrus species are some of the most valuable and widely consumed fruits globally. The genome sequences of representative citrus (e.g., Citrus clementina, C. sinensis, C. grandis) species have been released but the research base for mandarin molecular breeding is still poor. We assembled the genomes of Citrus unshiu and Poncirus trifoliata, two important species for citrus industry in Japan, using hybrid de novo assembly of Illumina and PacBio sequence data, and developed the Mikan Genome Database (MiGD). The assembled genome sizes of C. unshiu and P. trifoliata are 346 and 292 Mb, respectively, similar to those of citrus species in public databases; they are predicted to possess 41,489 and 34,333 protein-coding genes in their draft genome sequences, with 9,642 and 8,377 specific genes when compared to C. clementina, respectively. MiGD is an integrated database of genome annotation, genetic diversity, and Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS) marker information, with these contents being mutually linked by genes. MiGD facilitates access to genome sequences of interest from previously reported linkage maps through CAPS markers and obtains polymorphism information through the multiple genome browser TASUKE. The genomic resources in MiGD ( could provide valuable information for mandarin molecular breeding in Japan.
