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Phys Rev Lett ; 115(4): 043201, 2015 Jul 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26252682


We study collisional heating in a cold ^{7}Li-^{87}Rb mixture near a broad Feshbach resonance at 661 G. At the high field slope of the resonance, we find an enhanced three-body recombination rate that we interpret as a heteronuclear Efimov resonance. With improved Feshbach spectroscopy of two further resonances, a model for the molecular potentials has been developed that now consistently explains all known Feshbach resonances of the various Li-Rb isotope mixtures. The model is used to determine the scattering length of the observed Efimov state. Its value of -1870a_{0} Bohr radii supports the currently discussed assumption of universality of the three-body parameter also in heteronuclear mixtures.

J Chem Phys ; 138(9): 094303, 2013 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23485290


The A(1)Σu(+) - X(1)Σg(+) UV spectrum of Mg2 has been investigated with high resolution Fourier-transform spectroscopy. Mg2 vapor was created in a heat pipe. Various spectroscopic methods have been employed, such as conventional absorption spectroscopy with light from a broad band lamp and laser-induced fluorescence. The high resolution of the Fourier-transform spectrometer, together with computer aided evaluation methods of the spectra, yields precise transition frequencies. The new data and data available from earlier investigations are applied in direct potential fits of lower and upper electronic states. Various representations of potential energy curves for the ground state X(1)Σg(+) have been employed and their benefits in terms of smallest number of parameters are discussed. Scattering lengths are derived for the homonuclear isotopologues and compared with previous results.

J Chem Phys ; 131(5): 054304, 2009 Aug 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19673559


We present an accurate potential energy curve of the B (1)Pi state in the LiCs molecule for which vibrational levels between v(') = 0 and v(') = 35 (bound by 11.4 GHz) were measured by photoassociation spectroscopy in an ultracold ensemble of (7)Li and (133)Cs atoms. By the combination of conventional spectroscopic data of the B-X system and the new photoassociation measurements a very precise value of the dissociation energy of the ground state X (1)Sigma(+) of LiCs was determined to be D(0) = 5783.495(5) cm(-1).

J Chem Phys ; 128(24): 244316, 2008 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18601341


We present here the first analysis of laser induced fluorescence (LIF) of the KCs molecule obtaining highly accurate data and perform a direct potential construction for the X (1)Sigma(+) ground state in a wide range of internuclear distances. KCs molecules were produced by heating a mixture of K and Cs metals in a heat pipe at a temperature of about 270 degrees C. KCs fluorescence was induced by different laser sources: the 454.5, 457.9, 465.8, and 472.7 nm lines of an Ar(+) laser, a dye laser with Rhodamine 6G dye (excitation at around 16 870 cm(-1)), and 850 and 980 nm diode lasers (11 500-11 900 and 10 200-10 450 cm(-1) tuning ranges, respectively). The LIF to the ground state was recorded by a Bruker IFS-125HR Fourier transform spectrometer with a spectral resolution of 0.03 cm(-1). Particularly, by applying the 850 nm laser diode we were able to observe LIF progressions to very high vibrational levels of the ground state close to the dissociation limit. The present data field contains 7226 term values for the ground state X (1)Sigma(+) and covers a range from v(")=0 to 97 with J(") varying from 12 to 209. More than 10 000 fluorescence lines were used to fit the ground state potential energy curve via the inverted perturbation approach procedure. The present empirical potential extends up to approximately 12.6 A and covers more than 99% of the potential well depth, it describes most of the spectral lines with an accuracy of about 0.003 cm(-1) and yields a dissociation energy of 4069.3+/-1.5 cm(-1) for the ground state X (1)Sigma(+). First observations of the triplet ground state a (3)Sigma(+) of KCs are presented, and preliminary values of few main molecular constants could be derived.

J Chem Phys ; 127(22): 224302, 2007 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18081391


The lowest (1)Pi state of the NaCs molecule, the B(1)(1)Pi state, was studied using a dye laser for inducing fluorescence that was resolved by a high resolution Fourier-transform spectrometer. The presence of argon buffer gas yielded rich rotational relaxation spectra allowing to enlarge the data set for the B(1)(1)Pi state, to obtain Lambda-splittings and to reveal numerous local perturbations. 543 weakly perturbed energy levels for rotational quantum numbers from J(')=5 to 168 and vibrational quantum numbers from v(')=0 to 25, which cover about 87% of the potential well depth, were used for a direct pointwise fit of the potential energy curve applying the inverted perturbation approach method. The resulting potential reproduces the term values for v(')=0-7 with an experimental accuracy of about 0.01-0.02 cm(-1), whereas for v(')=8-25 the deviations increase due to the perturbations, going to the order of 1 cm(-1); an extrapolation is made to the dissociation asymptote.

J Chem Phys ; 127(4): 044301, 2007 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17672684


The lowest electronically excited states of Na2 are of interest as intermediaries in the excitation of higher states and in the development of methods for producing cold molecules. We have compiled previously obtained spectroscopic data on the A 1Sigmau+ and b 3Piu states of Na2 from about 20 sources, both published and unpublished, together with new sub-Doppler linewidth measurements of about 15,000 A<--X transitions using polarization spectroscopy. We also present new ab initio results for the diagonal and off-diagonal spin-orbit functions. The discrete variable representation is used in conjunction with Hund's case a potentials plus spin-orbit effects to model data extending from v=0 to very close to the 3 2S+3 2P12 limit. Empirical estimates of the spin-orbit functions agree well with the ab initio functions for the accessible values of R. The potential function for the A state includes an exchange potential for S+P atoms, with a fitted coefficient somewhat larger than the predicted value. Observed and calculated term values are presented in an auxiliary (EPAPS) file as a database for future studies on Na2.

J Chem Phys ; 125(22): 224303, 2006 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17176137


We report an experimental study of the K(2) A (1)Sigma(u) (+) state. Long-range levels up to the dissociation limit were observed in a two laser spectroscopic experiment using a highly collimated molecular beam. We derive an analytical potential energy curve for the complete A state including long-range dispersion terms. From these, we obtain radiative atomic lifetimes of 26.74(3) ns for the 4p(1/2) state and 26.39(3) ns for the 4p(3/2) state of (39)K. The dissociation energy of the X (1)Sigma(g) (+) ground state with respect to v=0, J=0 is found to be D(0)=4404.808(4) cm(-1).

J Chem Phys ; 124(17): 174310, 2006 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16689574


The (3)(1)Pi state of the NaCs molecule was studied by high resolution Fourier-transform spectroscopy. The (3)(1)Pi-->X (1)Sigma(+) laser induced fluorescence was excited by an Ar(+) ion laser or by a single-mode frequency-doubled cw Nd:YAG laser. The presence of argon buffer gas yielded rich rotational relaxation spectra allowing to enlarge the data set for the (3)(1)Pi state term values, as well as to observe Lambda splittings in a wide range of vibrational (v(')) and rotational (J(')) quantum numbers. The data field includes about 820 energy levels of (3)(1)Pi NaCs in the range from v(')=0 to 37 and from J(')=3 to 190, which corresponds to ca. 95% of the potential well depth. Direct fit of the potential energy curve to the level energies is realized using the inverted perturbation approach method; a set of Dunham coefficients is also presented.

Phys Rev Lett ; 90(11): 110401, 2003 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12688917


We show that, by loading a Bose-Einstein condensate of two different atomic species into an optical lattice, it is possible to achieve a Mott-insulator phase with exactly one atom of each species per lattice site. A subsequent photoassociation leads to the formation of one heteronuclear molecule with a large electric dipole moment, at each lattice site. The melting of such a dipolar Mott insulator creates a dipolar superfluid, and eventually a dipolar molecular condensate.

Opt Lett ; 26(2): 81-3, 2001 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18033513


Resonant spectral structures of four-wave mixing (FWM) in molecular sodium are investigated. For a double- ? configuration with strong-weak-strong-weak fields, split components in FWM spectra induced by the strong pump fields are observed. It is shown that the split components merge into a single peak for a certain ratio of the strong field intensities. A correlation between the level-splitting effects and the saturation behavior of the FWM signal is experimentally demonstrated.

Phys Rev Lett ; 85(11): 2292-5, 2000 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10977994


We present the first measurement of a photoassociative spectrum of an alkaline earth element near the dissociation limit. The observed spectrum of Ca2 formed from cold atoms shows the regular vibrational series with the characteristic spacing of the 1/R3 asymptotic potential. The interpretation is in principle simplified compared to previous measurements on alkali metals by the nondegenerate ground state and the missing hyperfine structure of 40Ca. As an example, we derive the natural decay rate of the excited atomic 4p 1P1 state from the positions of the observed vibrational and rotational resonances with reduced uncertainty compared to previous measurements.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 199(1): 81-86, 2000 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10712873


The hyperfine structure of the (v'-v") = (27-0) band of the b(3)Pi(u0(+)) <-- X(1)Sigma(+)(g) transition has been observed by laser excitation spectroscopy in a highly collimated molecular beam. Hyperfine parameters for magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole interaction are derived from least-squares fitting of the hyperfine pattern and deperturbation between A(1)Sigma(+)(u) and b(3)Pi(u0(+)). Copyright 2000 Academic Press.

J Mol Spectrosc ; 192(1): 69-74, 1998 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9770389


Three newly found vibrational levels at energies Te(v) = 45127.88(3), 51900.40(4), and 52604.95(3) cm-1 allow the first application of resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization for detecting the SO radical in its low-energy singlet states, a1Delta and b1Sigma+. The analysis of the spectra is based on the observation of 10 rotationally resolved bands starting from a1Delta v = 0, 6 ellipsis 11 and b1Sigma+ v = 8, covering a typical range of J = 5 ellipsis 40 or 50. Population of these SO singlet states has been achieved by two-photon dissociation of SO2 in a molecular beam environment, applying wavelengths in the 248 to 291 nm range. This paper presents an analysis of the rotational, vibrational, and electronic properties of the new levels. Reviewing earlier works on the singlet states of SO, a revised term energy scheme is provided which connects the singlet and triplet systems of the molecule. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.

Opt Lett ; 21(15): 1186-8, 1996 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19876294


Efficient continuous resonant frequency mixing omega(4) = omega(1) - omega(2) + omega(3) in Na(2) has been realized. A bichromatic field (lambda(1) = 488 nm, lambda(2) = 525 nm), generated by an Ar(+)-laser-pumped Na(2) Raman laser, and radiation at lambda(3) = 655 nm from a dye laser interact resonantly with corresponding transitions X(1)Sigma(g)(+)(upsilon = 3, J = 43) ? B(1)Pi(u)(6, 43) ? X(1)Sigma(g)(+)(13, 43) ? A(1)Sigma(g)(+)(24, 44) in a test Na(2) heat pipe. For input powers of 200, 25, and 400 mW an output beam of as much as 0.2 mW at lambda(4) = 599 nm has been observed. Measured parameter dependences indicate an influence of interference effects. This is directly related to the discussion of lasing without inversion.
