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J Family Med Prim Care ; 9(4): 2067-2070, 2020 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32670967


AIM: The aim of the present study was to evaluate clinically, radiographically, and functionally the outcomes of immediately loaded basal implants when placed in patients with compromised bone/alveolar ridges. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 18 systemically healthy (9 male and 9 female) subjects with compromised bone with poor quantity or quality were included in the study. A total number of 57 implants was placed, out of which 26 implants were placed in maxilla and 31 implants in mandible. There were 6 patients in which single implants were placed and in rest of the 12 patients, multiple implants were placed, out of which full mouth rehabilitation was done in one patient. In 10 patients, implants were placed immediately in fresh extraction socket and in 7 patients, implants were placed in healed edentulous site. In all the patients, loading was done immediately within 72 h of implant placement. All patients were evaluated for primary and secondary stability, pain, periimplant bone levels using IOPA with grid and CBCT, bleeding, suppuration, sulcular bleeding index, prosthetic complications, and patient satisfaction at specified time intervals. RESULT: All the values obtained during the study were expressed in the form of mean, standard deviation, and standard error of the mean. The parameters were compared between groups using Paired t-test for intragroup comparison at a similar time, i.e., baseline, 1 month, and 3 months. The data collected was comprehensively analyzed using SPSS software. All implants were successful, with no incidence of infection, nil mobility at the end of the study period of 6 months. CONCLUSION: Thus, it can be concluded from the present study, that Basal implants can play a vital role in the rehabilitation of patients, where compromised quality and/or quantity of bone is present and additional augmentation procedures would be required for the placement of conventional root form implants.