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Conserv Physiol ; 3(1): cou062, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27293683


Climate change is compounding the threats to the future of biodiversity, already impacted by habitat loss, invasive species and diseases. In the Hawaiian Islands, many of the endemic species have narrow habitat ranges that make them especially vulnerable to climate change. The Hawaiian Drosophila, a remarkably diverse group of species with 11 listed as federally endangered, are thought to be sensitive to temperature changes. To examine the species differences in sensitivity of Hawaiian picture-wing Drosophila to temperature changes, wild populations of Drosophila sproati, a relatively common species, and Drosophila silvestris, a rare species, were collected from two locations on Hawaii Island and bred in common laboratory conditions. Adult flies were exposed to hot and cold temperatures and compared with adult flies at control temperatures. Drosophila silvestris adults were less tolerant to heat stress than D. sproati for both survival and sperm mobility. In contrast, D. silvestris adults were more tolerant to cold stress than D. sproati for adult survival. The expression of 4950 Gene Ontology annotated gene transcripts was also analysed in high-temperature-treated and control males to identify candidate genes related to heat tolerance. There were more than twice as many transcripts differentially expressed after high temperature treatment for D. silvestris (246 transcripts) as for D. sproati (106 transcripts), with 13 Gene Ontology terms enriched between temperatures for D. silvestris and merely three in D. sproati. The combined results are consistent with D. sproati occurring more widely today as well as occurring at lower elevations than D. silvestris and with a genetically based temperature response, which is more severe in D. silvestris at high temperatures than that in D. sproati. These experiments demonstrate the potential for different capacities of species to adapt to future climate change conditions as well as providing an explanation for historical changes in the distribution of species.
